don’t think I could have done it alone.
“Why, the body’s still warm,” he said.
“The old guy hasn’t been dead long. Maybe he
AT THE door, I paused to hold out my hand
isn’t dead.”
to Howe.
He was dead. We tried everything to
“Let me have your torch,” I said across
revive him.
my shoulder.
Howe was like a man stunned. He was
The Second Act Is Murder
of little help. Susan Foster was everywhere,
“Then you don’t think Anthony
doing all she could. We carried the body hanged himself? You think he was downstairs and placed it in Anthony’s bed.
Then we went back to the third floor and
I shook my head.
examined the room I had first entered.
“I don’t know,” I admitted. “The body
The girl and I had not been wrong.
is still warm. Certainly he hasn’t been dead
Someone had been cutting into the floor. A
long. He could have hanged himself while you
square of carpet had been removed. A bit and
were going for the deputy. By the way, has
brace and a key-hole saw lay beside the hole.
anyone seen the old watchman?”
Most of the floor had been cut away
No one had. Although we searched the
for about a foot, exposing the joists and the
entire building, routing out all the actors who lath of the ceiling. It would have been a were not already in the halls, we found no simple matter to poke out the plaster from
trace of him.
between the lath.
The deputy stared at the hole with THE rest of the night passed slowly and I round eyes.
thought that the next day would never end. It
“Now what was the idea?”
rained. Not as hard as it had on the preceding
“Someone was trying to get in, to kill
evening, but enough to make it uncomfortable
Miss Foster,” I said, soberly. “Since her door out of doors.
was locked, wouldn’t this be a way?”
Howe went ahead as if nothing had
He grunted. “Never heard of such a
happened. That is, whenever the sheriff would
let him. The sheriff, aided by the deputy and
I hadn’t either. I didn’t know what the
another man whom I did not know, searched
murderer had had in mind. If he could have
the hotel again and again. The sheriff seemed
seen her, he might have meant to shoot the girl obsessed with the idea that there was a secret through the opening he was making. Or room or passage or something.
perhaps he’d have thrown the heavy knife
Finally, at five-thirty, the deputy came
which he had used in trying to pin me to the
into the kitchen where I was doing chores, and wall. I turned and inspected the knife. It had a asked for a cup of coffee. He sat at the long
heavy, triangular blade, the type that is used in table and began to drink it.
a kitchen and called a french knife. . . .
“We’re looking for Jim,” he said. “It’s
“But who was it?” the deputy asked
not like him to go away without a word to
me. “Could it have been the old guy? could he
have hung himself when he realized that he
was trapped and couldn’t escape?”
“Jim Cobb, the old watchman.” He
“Sounds reasonable,” Howe was still
blew into his cup thoughtfully, poured some
examining the hole. “The man was a little
of the liquid into the saucer, and sampled it
crazy. I know he hated Albright and he didn’t
gingerly. Evidently it was still too hot for he like Miss Foster any too well.”
set it back on the table.
I shook my head. “He was crazy, but
“Twenty years Jim stayed here, and I
he wasn’t trapped. There’s a fire escape know for a fact that he never left the property outside the other room and the window without getting someone to watch in his leading to it was open.”
place,” the deputy told me. “Took the job
They all stared at me. Susan was seriously, he did. Couldn’t have looked after puzzled.
things better if the joint had belonged to him.”
Thrilling Detective
I would have liked to talk to him could tell the sheriff later.
longer, but I had to go. Larry Swift was A moment afterward Susan Foster came supposed to be the cook that night, but Howe
through the swinging doors.
was busy, trying to whip him into shape to
“Can you use some help?”
take over Albright’s part.
“Can I? The roast is done. The
I had to hand it to Howe. Nothing
potatoes aren’t. How do you make gravy?”
stopped the little man. Death or no, he meant
“Let mamma,” she said, and proceeded
to go ahead with his plans, opening the Inn
to take charge. In ten minutes she had
Theater on schedule.
everything straightened out. There was no
For myself, I’d almost forgotten about
service. We just stacked the food at the end of my play. What with the excitement of the
one of the long tables in the dining room and
night before and working in the kitchen all
everyone lined up and helped himself.
that day.
Afterwards another squad took over
The deputy’s voice recalled me.
and did the dishes. No one talked much after
“Sheriff thinks that the old actor did
dinner. The company gathered into little
hang himself. He was nuts. He killed Albright
groups in the lobby. I noticed that the younger and was getting ready to kill that Foster girl, Jones girl kept as far away from her sister as when old Jim probably discovered him she could, sitting by herself in a corner, white digging that hole in her ceiling. So that feller faced and tense.
Anthony, he killed the watchman.”
“That kid ought to be away from
“What did he do with the body?” I was
here,” I told Susan in an undertone.
taking the roast out of the oven and didn’t
SHE nodded. “The sheriff won’t let her leave.
“Could have dumped it in the lake.
He won’t let anyone leave. The inquest is
Might have carried it down the fire escape,
tomorrow, although what they hope to find
you know. That would account for the out, I don’t know.”
window being open.”
That reminded me. “Where’s the
It would. I burned my hand on the
sheriff?” I hadn’t seen him for dinner, nor for roaster because I was thinking more about the
that matter the deputy.
problem than about what I was trying to do.
“They went back to town,” she said.
The old watchman had been small. He “The deputy’s coming out again later. But it’s wouldn’t have been heavy. Anthony must just routine. They’ve made up their minds that have been seventy if he was a day. He Anthony killed Albright, tried to cut that hole certainly seemed frail to have been so active.
into my room and hanged himself later.”
All th
is made me think of something
“Do you think so?”
else. If Anthony had carried the watchman
She looked at me squarely for an
down the fire escape, he’d have gotten wet.
instant, then turned and gazed thoughtfully
No one could have gone out into that rain
into the fire.
without becoming pretty well soaked. And the
“I don’t know. It seems—well—
body hadn’t been wet at all. The clothes were
absurd. He was so old.”
perfectly dry when we found his body.
“His clothes weren’t wet,” I said.
I started to tell the deputy this, but the
She looked back, startled.
man had finished his coffee and was already
“What’s that got to do with it?”
on his feet, moving toward the door. Besides,
I explained about the sheriff’s theory
the roast needed my attention. I thought I
that the murderer had gotten rid of the old
The Second Act Is Murder
watchman, by carrying his body down the fire
pulled it open and found the watchman.
He was sitting on the floor, his back
“Anthony’s clothes would have been
against the wall, his legs doubled up in a
wet from the rain if he’d done that,” I strained position. For an instant I thought he explained. “Come to think of it, it wasn’t
was asleep. But he wasn’t. He was dead.
Anthony. This other man’s clothes did feel
He’d been dead a long time. The body
was cold and rigid. I couldn’t have
“Now what are you talking about?”
straightened out his legs had I wanted to.
Her face grew concerned, as if she feared that He hadn’t been in my closet, however.
I also was going crazy.
He couldn’t have been because the sheriff and
“The man in the darkness,” I his men had searched the whole hotel. Or had explained. “He tried to knife me. His clothes
they? Albright’s room had been locked the
were wet and he wasn’t as big as Anthony, for
night before after his body had been removed.
he had to reach up to grasp my throat.”
They hadn’t searched Albright’s room,
thinking that no one could get in there. But
“Probably,” I told her. “Want to take a
what if the murderer had a key? He could have
ride? I’d like to go into town for a little
put the watchman’s body in there. And
Albright’s room opened into the same bath as
“I can’t. We’re rehearsing. If it wasn’t
Anthony, who did it?”
I crossed over and tried the connecting
“I don’t know,” I said. “The watchman
door. It wasn’t bolted. Then I went back and
was smaller than I am. It might have been you.
looked down at the watchman, wondering if I
I assumed it was a man, but a woman could
should move him. I decided not to. He would
have been wearing a man’s coat. You could
be as comfortable there as anywhere else. I got have circled the hall and come in through the
my coat, closed the closet door and went
other room.”
She shuddered. “You’re not very
Susan Foster was just disappearing
through the door which led to the theater and I
“I wasn’t trying to be,” I told her. “I’m
called to her. She waited until I reached her
just pointing out possibilities. It might have side and I pressed a small, twenty-five
been Mary Jones. They tried to blame her for
automatic into her hand. It wasn’t much of a
killing Albright, or Larry Swift.”
gun. I’d picked it up in Honolulu more as a
“Or you,” she said. “Maybe there souvenir than anything else, but it would wasn’t a man in there at all. Maybe you just
stuck the knife through your sleeve.”
Her eyes got wide as she realized what
“We heard the sound as we came it was.
upstairs,” I pointed out.
“What’s this for, Mark?”
“There,” she said. “I told you you were
“Stay with the crowd until I get back,”
trying to be funny. I was with you then, so it I said in a low voice. “If you’re alone and
couldn’t have been me.”
anything suspicious happens, shoot first and
I left her and went over to ask Howe if
ask questions afterwards.”
I could borrow the Ford. I don’t believe he
even heard me. He was busy lining up the
cast. I took his nod for assent and went after a CHAPTER V
coat. The door of my wardrobe was closed. I
Thrilling Detective
FROM the telephone exchange I called We were rehearsing. He was standing in the Boyton Fenner, the dramatic critic of the wings. A curtain weight nearly fell on him. It Dispatch. He was an old friend and I asked
just missed.”
him to find out some things for me, telling
him that I’d call back in two hours. Hanging
“Sure?” It was her turn to stare. “Why,
up I went in search of the sheriff, I found him of course.”
at his home. At first he refused to listen. In
“I mean, you’re certain that the weight
fact he showed not the slightest interest in
was meant for Howe, not for someone else?” I
what I had to say until I told him about finding stammered a little.
the old watchman in my closet. That struck
“It must have been Howe,” she told
home. He’d known Jim Cobb for years and I
me. “He was in the wings, by himself. All the
judged from what he said that they’d been
rest of us were on stage. We could see him,
friends of a sort.
but the one of us closest to him was more than I left his place finally, went back to the
twenty feet away.”
telephone office, and called Fenner He had
I turned and walked toward the door of
used his paper’s connections. He hadn’t found
the converted ballroom. The stage was nearly
out much but it had to do. I thanked him and
empty. Howe. Larry Swift and Mary Jones
hung up.
were standing at the far side. I mounted the
It was well after eleven when I turned
four steps and crossed toward the wings. A
the old Ford into the big garage. I’m not
small canvas sack of sand lay on the boards.
particularly timid, but I pulled the thirty-eight one side split a little so that the sand leaked from my pocket and laid it in my lap before
out. Attached to it was a short length of rope.
parking the car in the garage.
I picked this up, examining the end.
Nothing happened and I moved Obviously the fibers had been cut with a sharp quickly toward the hotel. It had stopped knife. But the cut had not parted one strand raining. Here and there a star was trying to
y. Some of the fibers were rough and
fight its way through the overcast. I pushed
irregular as if they had been broken rather
the french doors open and stepped in, knowing
than cut.
as I did so that something had happened in my
I turned. Howe and the others were
absence. Occupants of the room were tense
coming toward me. Larry Swift was white and
with suppressed excitement.
My first thought and fear was for
“You should have been here, De
Susan. Relief flooded through me as I saw her
Cloudt,” Swift said. “That weight came
slim, straight figure before the fire-place. Not crashing down without warning, and from
until that moment had I stopped to realize how where I stood I don’t see how it missed
much this girl had come to mean to me.
Bertrand. I swear it was only by an inch.”
“Mark!” She’d heard me come in.
I glanced at Howe for confirmation,
Turning, she moved quickly toward me. but he shook his head.
“Mark, I’m glad you’re here.”
“I don’t know how close it came. To
I caught her by the shoulders. “What is
tell you the truth, I didn’t see it. I was looking it?”
the other way. It took me a full minute to
“Someone tried to kill Bertrand,” she said.
realize what had happened.”
The Second Act Is Murder by W Page 4