Broken: Taylor

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Broken: Taylor Page 9

by Hildie McQueen

Taylor Hamilton needed to get away. Whatever his reasoning, if he’d wanted to talk to her, he would have.

  “I’ll wait. I can’t do it now.”

  Chapter 15

  The noise of the talking heads on the television in the hotel room barely drowned out the inhuman sounds that came from the man huddled on the floor. His back to the corner, Taylor let every emotion loose, even after his throat became hoarse from it.

  No one in the cheap, rent by the hour motel would come check to ensure someone wasn’t being killed. In this area of Billings, people kept to themselves. Better to let the owner or the cops find out than be tied to any kind of crime.

  When one needed total privacy, this was the place. He’d paid for a week in advance just to ensure it. Told the manager no maid service and the man hadn’t even blinked at the request.

  He was barefoot and had worn the same t-shirt for three days now. Probably stunk too since he’d not bathed for just as long. The last thing Taylor gave a fuck about right then was hygiene.

  The faces he’d blocked for years appeared over and over again. Each memory of time spent with his son and daughter sliced at him, like a sword across the chest. The pain was so vivid now, he was shocked to have lived through it then.

  Yes he’d grieved along with Janice and the family. He’d been strong for them, especially Janice who’d gone into a silent shock for days.

  While going through the process of repairing their life, he’d lost sight of needing to go through accepting his children and wife’s parents were really gone forever.

  The picture of the three of them, his son, daughter and him at the lake was on the still made bed. The smiling faces a reminder of a life that didn’t even seem his.

  The man in the picture with the broad smile, holding his kids up, was not him. It was someone he’d once been.

  Denial was the only way he’d moved on. It was his weapon of choice, the only way he’d dealt with losing his kids, his wife and finally his career.

  The last few days, the pains in his hip were welcomed. Each throb and ache was punishment for surviving. It was his sentence for not going to get his children that day and Taylor had no wish to relinquish it.

  The cellphone dinged and like the many times before, Taylor ignored it. It was surprising the damn cell phone was still charged with all the dinging and shit. He’d not had the energy to get to it and turn it off. Eventually it would go dead.

  His eyes were swollen and dry. His eyelids felt like sandpaper rubbing across the surface when he opened them.

  Prying his eyes open, Taylor cringed.

  With each hour that passed, the pain from his left hip down the leg became more unbearable until Taylor groaned with each breath. So, this was what he’d been missing by popping the pain pills like Tic-Tacs.

  The visit to a doctor, whenever he decided to go, wasn’t going to bring good news. He didn’t need a PhD to know surgery was on the horizon for him. It would be either number ten or twelve. He’d lost count during the haze of going under over and over in the aftermath of the shooting.

  Recovery had been worse than the actual shooting. Maybe it was because he’d gone into shock and lost consciousness quite a bit. After the surgery, he’d been wide-awake for each and every torturous second. Tears had poured down his face as he’d taken his first pain-filled steps. The physical therapy was a barely tolerable event for many weeks.

  The sunlight that trickled through the faded curtains turned to shadows as the third day ended. His stomach had stopped growling. Hunger now replaced with pangs of hollowness.

  Yet Taylor could not be motivated to move. At this point he’d consider wetting his pants instead of having to deal with the agony of having to stand up.

  Sitting too long did that to an old injury. It turned stiff and painful, which was the reason every morning was not exactly a fun time.

  There was mumbling outside and he stared at the door. The manager was talking to someone. He couldn’t make out the other voice, but it was deep. Probably it was someone wanting to get into the room next door or something. He lowered his head and squeezed his eyes closed. One more day, maybe two and he’d go directly to the pain management place to see the doctor.

  Too bad a hip couldn’t be amputated.

  “Open the door or I’ll kick it down,” a familiar voice said from the other side. “I mean it Taylor. Open the fucking door.” It was either Luke or Tobias on the other side. Probably Luke from the way his deep voice lowered when threatening.

  The fucker was intimidating as hell. Most people gave him a wide berth whenever he passed them.

  Unlike most people, Taylor didn’t give a rat’s ass what the guy threatened him with.

  “Fuck you,” Taylor replied. The hoarseness of his voice was just above a whisper. Damn. So much for sounding like “I’m all right.”

  Bang. Bang. Whoosh.

  There were two kicks and daylight streamed in around the huge asshole who stood in the entrance. He wore a worn baseball cap and wraparound sunglasses, which meant he’d ridden his motorcycle. The heavy boots crunched over splinters of wood as he stalked toward him.

  The manager screamed that he’d found the key and telling Luke he’d pay for damages and calling the cops.

  “Go ahead. I’m sure they’ll find more than a dying man on the premises,” Luke said not sounding at all concerned.

  Taylor lowered his head and pressed his forehead onto his forearms that were across his bent right leg. It was impossible to do the same with his throbbing left one.

  “Get the fuck out Luke. I swear if you say one fucking thing, I’m going to kick your ass.”

  His cousin turned around and closed the door. Of course the locks didn’t work and Luke had to lift it a bit to make it close, but it stayed, which was good.

  Boots came into view and Luke lowered to his haunches. He pressed a couple of fingers to the side of Taylor’s neck, and then swiped a big ass palm across his forehead.

  Then without a word, Luke stood and then settled onto the bed. On his back with arms behind his head, he stared up at the ceiling. Apparently his cousin was there for the long run and ensured to be comfortable.

  When Taylor woke up, he was on his side. He was still on the floor but had a blanket thrown over him. The combination of a fresh shot of pain and having to piss woke him with a start. He must have groaned because Luke was at his side immediately.

  “I’ll help you up.”

  Thank fuck Luke was so strong otherwise he wouldn’t have made it up. Luke slipped both hands under his arms and pulled him upright.

  “Augh!” Taylor cried out and would have fallen sideways when he tried to stand on his left foot if it wasn’t for his cousin.

  The mercurial taste of blood filled his mouth when he bit down on his lip to keep from screaming.

  He hissed when attempting to take another step. “Damn it.”

  “I’ll help you to the bathroom, but I’m not holding your dick.”

  Taylor slid him a glance. “And here I was hoping you would.”

  Half dragged to the bathroom, by the time they made it, Taylor was panting. Three days without food and water was not exactly a good combination. Add to that great combo not being able to move and boom, you got a dead man walking.

  “I’ll be back in five,” Luke said after helping Taylor to sit on the bed. “Don’t rush off anywhere.” He jiggled Taylor’s truck keys and slipped them in his pocket.

  Although he rolled his eyes at Luke’s back, he realized how damn lucky he was to have family that gave a shit about him.

  Luke would return with food and drink and then he’d wait until Taylor was good and ready to leave. His cousin was that kind of guy. He’d stay for weeks if needed. He’d not try to do any kind of pep talk, nor would he force Taylor to say a word. Instead his quiet, steady presence would be a reassurance.

  Although Luke had lost soldiers and good friends in war, Taylor didn’t dare try to compare whose loss was worse. He’d venture to bet his was
greater. Either way, they both had some horrible shit to deal with. Although it was a bond of sorts, it was one he’d gladly have passed on.

  At the moment, he couldn’t think of anyone who could be a better person to be there for him.

  Reaching for the picture frame on the bed, once again the wide grins of his kids making his heart wrench and every fiber of his being ache. How he missed those kids.

  He’d give anything to hear his daughter’s sweet giggle or his boy’s smart-ass remarks. Tears slipped down his cheeks unchecked and he let out a long breath and held the picture against his chest.

  Chapter 16

  As the weeks passed, Allison settled into a routine of sorts. A strange numbness of going through the motions took over and she hated every minute of it.

  Even after Eric came to inform her the suspect had been arrested and confessed to the murder, it was hard to sleep some nights.

  In an effort to shake the strange emptiness, she went to spend a week visiting Jaden and his girlfriend in Seattle. The visit although enjoyable, was overshadowed by not knowing what was going on with Taylor.

  The family had been very silent about where he’d gone or what had happened to him. All she heard from Leah was that Taylor had gone to Billings for surgery on his hip and was living there with family while going to physical therapy.

  It helped somewhat to know he and his ex had not reconciled. If anyone knew where Taylor had gone to after Wyoming, they’d not said a word.

  Right after returning to Laurel Creek from Seattle, Allison was swamped with holiday orders and upcoming festivities. She’d joined the town’s decorating committee. Along with Tori and Mindy, they’d oversee the street and city hall decorations as well as manage decorating the town’s Christmas tree.

  Now as she primped in the mirror, her gaze moved to the bed. Each time the picture of making love with Taylor struck her and her heart warmed. The time with him was special and she’d never regret it. However, today she was going on a date. It was time to move on.

  Hope that a relationship with Taylor would blossom had been just that, wishful thinking and nothing more.

  The man had not bothered to call her once in almost six weeks. So yes, she understood he was no doubt going through the painful process of recovery and physical therapy. However, when a person cared at least a little about furthering a romantic connection, some effort was required.

  Her date, a veterinarian named Ben had asked her out after stopping by one day to pick up flowers for his sister.

  Ben was cocky, bold and fun. They’d spoken over the phone a couple of times and he’d made her laugh. It was obvious by the mentions of “having a good time” Ben was after a casual relationship.

  Needing to move on from a long-term situation with David and her tryst with Taylor, something casual was just what she needed. It was best to ease back into the future by dating and being more realistic in what kind of men were out there.

  The ding of the doorbell made her heart jump and Allison giggled at the childish reaction. What the hell was wrong with her?

  She opened the door to find Ben wearing a blue and white plaid shirt, jeans and a sexy smirk.

  Caught checking him out, she shrugged. “I’m ready.” She stepped through the door and ensured it was locked.

  He didn’t take her arm, instead walked ahead and opened the passenger door of his Jeep. “Hope you like steak.”

  A flat gaze met her questioning look. “I do. Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise.” The vehicle came to life and Ben guided it down the center of town and kept going.

  “I assume you do a lot of on-call visits around here.” Allison decided to make conversation since her nerves were beginning to take over.

  “Yeah, it’s hard to get horses to come in for appointments,” Ben replied with a smile. “You have a pet?”

  “No. I like dogs and cats. After my cat died last year, I haven’t gotten another pet. Thinking about it.”

  They continued with small talk until arriving at a ranch. To the side of a large home was a group of people gathered around a large bonfire.

  Allison instantly relaxed. “Whose house is this?”

  “Eric Hamilton’s. We usually get together a couple of weekends a month and hang out before it gets too cold.”

  Her blood froze. If Taylor was there, she was going to die. Then again, what difference did it make? She’d not heard boo from him since he’d gone. It’s not like they’d made some sort of commitment.

  Ben was looking at her as if expecting a reply. It was then she realized he’d asked her something.

  “It’s already freezing,” she said shaking her head. “Good thing they have a bonfire.”

  “Are you okay? Disappointed? I thought this would be a good first date. No pressure.”

  “I’m sorry. I was looking to see who all was here.” She met his gaze. “It’s a perfect first date. Great surprise.”

  She recognized Eric, Ernest who was Eric’s older brother, and Ernest’s partner Henry. There were a couple of women; one of them was Mindy, the café owner. She was surprised to see Mindy out so soon after her brother’s death. Then again, it was good. Grieving took a lot out of a person and being out with people was healthy.

  Allison waited for Ben to get a cooler out of the back of the Jeep and they walked up to the bonfire together. Other than the five people present, there wasn’t anyone else around that she could see.

  After being introduced to the second woman, Felicia, who gave her a quizzical look, everyone settled into chairs. Ben had thoughtfully brought two lawn chairs.

  “Need to grab some beer from inside.” Eric motioned Ben over to help and they went inside.

  Ernest began laughing at something Felicia said and both looked to the others.

  “What’s so funny?” Henry asked.

  “Eric’s lame excuse for talking to Ben alone. The beer cooler is right here,” Felicia said looking first to the blue container and then to Allison. “Probably wants to grill him.”

  For some reason, Allison took an immediate dislike to Felicia. It was as if the woman held some sort of secret that involved her and she was relishing in it.

  Mindy smiled at Allison. “I’m glad you’re here. I was wondering if either you or Leah would be here since Luke was here earlier.”

  “I didn’t know about it until just when I arrived. It’s our first date and he thought it would be relaxing to come hang out. Not so formal.

  “What a great idea,” Ernest the social butterfly said, not hiding the fact he had been eavesdropping. “Ben is a great guy.”

  Felicia studied her for a moment. “I thought you were dating Taylor Hamilton.”

  Taken aback, all Allison could do was look to the others. Everyone looked to her with interest, even Mindy. “We umm...hung out after the murder for a couple days. That’s it. We’re just friends. Known each other since high school.”

  At her statement, everyone except Felicia seemed convinced. Who was this woman anyway? “And how do you know everyone?” Allison asked.

  “I worked with Taylor. Same precinct. We were partners. I have family here in town too.”

  The woman got up and went to the cooler. Mindy gave Allison a questioning look and she shrugged in return.

  Ben and Eric came back outside. They carried a tray and a platter piled with meat. Talking, they went to the grill and Felicia went inside.

  “She’s pretty,” Mindy said. “I wonder why she’s here and Taylor isn’t? She is definitely staking her territory by the way she said “partners”, as if it meant more than just co-workers.”

  “Yep, I got that,” Allison replied. “Loud and clear.”

  While the food cooked, Henry set up a small card table where he put paper plates and eating utensils. He then went inside and returned with a salad.

  “Food’s almost ready. Someone go help Taylor,” Eric called out. “He’s probably asleep in front of the television.”

  Allison’s stoma
ch sunk. Taylor was there? She and Mindy exchanged “WTF” looks.

  “Probably need two people,” Ernest said, following Henry inside.

  Moments later, the guys flanked Taylor. He walked on his own with a cane until getting to the top step.

  He grumbled when the guys slipped arms under his and carried him down the steps. “Damn I could’ve done it. I swear this family gets the prize for overbearing assholes of the year.”

  His upper torso swayed to the left and right with each step as he leaned heavily on his cane and walked to the table.

  He wore some sort of brace that kept his left side steady. There was a thick belt around his waist and straps around his thigh all the way down his leg.

  He’d not noticed her, too busy glaring at Henry and Earnest who seemed to enjoy ribbing him.

  “Want a beer?” Felicia walked up beside him so he was forced to remain turned away from where Allison sat.

  “Sure, I’d love that and two shots of whiskey. But can’t take anything with all the damn meds I’m on.”

  When he turned and finally saw her, his eyes widened just for a second.

  She couldn’t tell what he thought as he masked his reaction rather quickly.

  Chapter 17

  Things just kept getting better. Taylor eyed the front door and considered the distance and his ability to get in his truck.

  Eric parked it parallel to the porch to make it easier for him. However, with the way his family hovered, he’d not make it that far before one of them stopped him.

  Earlier when Ernest and Henry had come inside, he thought he’d heard Allison’s name. He’d been half asleep trying to ignore Felicia’s running commentary of the game on the television.

  So, was she Ben’s date?

  When Ben sat down next to her with his plate of food, it was obvious they were definitely there together.

  And he wanted to punch the guy’s lights out.

  “First date,” Earnest mumbled, placing a plate loaded with potato salad, steak and a sausage in front of him and settling down next to him with one just as full. “Why the hell would he take a girl to a group thing on a first date? Not like him. She must be special to him.”


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