Broken: Taylor

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Broken: Taylor Page 16

by Hildie McQueen

  “Don’t,” he warned. “I mean it.”

  Allison pulled him closer. “Tell me again how you feel about me?”

  “I love you.”

  The kiss turned hungry and deepened until the hot cocoa, the blankets and his every fear was forgotten. Their entwined bodies confirmed by their declaration were without abandon, as they made love once again.

  Chapter 27

  Eric paced and once again wondered if he’d made a mistake asking Mindy over. He should have offered to pick her up. Or better yet take her out to eat somewhere in town. It was stupid to expect a woman to come to his place on the first date.

  Why hadn’t Taylor convinced him to change the game plan?

  Headlights shined through the window as a car neared and he let out a breath. She’d arrived.

  He glanced around the room. The television was on, there was a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and although dim, the lights were on. He didn’t want her to think it was more than what he’d suggested.

  Letting out a breath, he smoothed the front of his shirt and went to the door just as she got out of the car. Mindy wore a thigh length red coat sashed at the waist and a matching small red purse hung from her left shoulder.

  In her right hand, she held a small bakery box, which she held up. “I brought a couple of cupcakes. I like sweets when I watch TV.”

  “Great. Come on in.” He moved back to allow her into the house. Once she did, Mindy stopped and handed him the box.

  Suddenly nervous like a teenage boy, Eric stood like an idiot unsure what to do next.

  “Nice place. It’s much bigger than mine.” Mindy placed her purse on the closest chair and then removed her jacket to reveal a form-fitting outfit.

  And there went his composure. His spit dried up and he fought to swallow.

  “Want to put those down?” Mindy asked, her brows coming together in question. “Are you alright?”

  “Yeah. Yeah. What movie do you want to watch?”

  The couple on the television screen was in the throws of making love when the doorbell rang. It was Tori’s favorite scene in the movie, when the hero and heroine finally got together after the hero returned from the war.

  “Ugh, who could it be at this time of night?” Tori glanced at the time. Ten o’clock at night. Nobody visited that late except maybe Mrs. Clarkson, her nosy neighbor. If that woman’s cat ran away again, she was going to scream.”

  Plastering on a pleasant expression, she peeked out the blinds and immediately scowled.

  What in the living hell was Tobias doing there? In the years since he’d moved back, he’d never once came to her house.

  Opening the door just wide enough to frame her body, but allowing no more space, she peered up at him. “What?”

  The corner of his mouth lifted into a crooked grin. “Hello to you too.”

  Tori wasn’t in the mood for his antics. “It’s ten o’clock at night. What the hell do you want?”

  “Need to tell you something.”

  “You could have called.”

  “You never answer when I do.”

  “Other than the other night when you called by mistake, you never call me.”

  “I did. To check on you when your Mom got sick.”

  “It could have been bad timing and me not recognizing your number. Oh I don’t know, maybe I had a moment of amnesia.” Tori huffed and rolled her eyes. It was damn cold and the air didn’t waste any time penetrating through her socks.

  “Come in. It’s freezing,” she snapped. Once he closed the door behind him, she instantly regretted inviting him in. Tobias had a way of shrinking a room. Without trying, he became the focus of every situation. He was tall, muscular and handsome.

  And... he was also an asshole.

  To keep from shoving him back out the door, Tori crossed her arms. “Is there some kind of emergency or something?”

  “Nah... not really.” Instead of standing by the door, he walked around the room, taking in the surroundings. Her dog that’d remained on the couch lifted its head and growled.

  “Yeah buddy, I love you too.” Tobias ignored the dog’s warning and patted its head.

  He stopped and whistled when spotting the frozen picture on the screen. “Way to go Tori. I’d never take you for a porn watcher. Good to know you got some kind of something going through those frozen veins.”

  “Either tell me what you came to say or get the hell out of my house. It’s late and I’m tired.”

  “Mmmm hmmm,” he said looking back to the screen. “Yeah, so I don’t know why I feel the need to inform you, but I’m going to propose to my girlfriend and would like you to know.”

  Her stomach sank and knees threatened to give out. It was as if he’d punched her in the gut and Tori was as stunned by the news as she was by her reaction.

  “Not sure why you’re telling me this.”

  “Well here’s what I’ve been thinking.” Tobias sat down in the same spot she’d been in and once again her dog growled, but was too lazy to leave its bed to bite or something.

  Tori refused to sit. She remained standing, and cocked her head to the side.

  Tobias had been drinking. Not a lot, but enough to loosen his tongue. He’d always been like that. The reason he rarely touched alcohol was that a person could get anything out of him once he drank more than a couple beers.

  “I think,” he began again. “That since things between us didn’t work out, we have some unresolved issues. That’s why we hate each other. I don't know why the first thing that came into my mind once I decided to propose to Mimi was that I should tell you. So I came to town. Was over there at Shooters and thought I may as well get it over with. Come over and fight with you.”

  “Really, you’re marrying someone named Mimi? Why do you think we’re going to fight?” Tori challenged. “You said your piece, so you can leave now. No fight.”

  “Nah,” Tobias said. “We are going to fight.” He stood and neared.

  Tori took a step back. “Not if you leave right now.” She pointed at the door.

  Instead he took another step closer. “We’re either going to fight or we’re going to do what that couple on the screen are doing. Your choice.”

  Her eyes widened.

  Was he really proposing sex right after telling her he was going to ask another woman to marry him?

  “Get the fuck out of my house moron.” Tori gulped when he moved closer and not at all toward the door.

  God help her, she was going to let him kiss her.

  Chapter 28

  Taylor hoped to get to Billings early that Monday morning. The getaway was exactly what he’d needed to help get his head on straight. His plans for the day were made. After one last visit to Felicia’s grave to say goodbye, he had two additional stops. One was to see Captain Morrison.

  Instead he was at the local café sitting across from his cousin. Eric had called telling him to meet him and then had shocked him silent.

  “What do you think?” Eric said.

  Jack Garcia, the current Laurel Creek sheriff sat across from Taylor and studied his expression. “I think you’d make the perfect replacement for me.”

  After discussing a possible move to Billings with Allison, he’d thought the matter of what he’d do with his life was settled for the time being.

  He’d been unaware Sheriff Garcia had received an offer in another city, which was too good to pass up. An interim sheriff was needed until the election was held. Being there was no one interested enough to run, it was a pretty good bet, whoever worked for the six months left in the term would get the job.

  Sheriff. Taylor allowed it to sink into his brain. “I’ll do it.”

  “You can think about it,” Eric said with a grin. “I mean dude, you’ve got to talk to Tobias. He’ll need to find more help out at the ranch.”

  “He’s already hired another guy. I haven’t been much help since my surgery and all.”

  That he’d planned to go back into law enfo
rcement and this offer came up seemed too convenient. It could be fate was finally giving him a break.

  “Sounds like we have a new sheriff in town,” Garcia quipped with a chuckle. “Let’s get together in my office the day after tomorrow. We’ll get everything ironed out. With your credentials, the powers that be will be giddy. Your career runs circles around mine.”

  The man was good-natured and the local police force of about fifteen respected him. Taylor was honored the sheriff preferred to approach him over the more seasoned officers who worked for him.

  “Will there be resentment over this?” He had to ask.

  “Maybe,” the sheriff was honest. “Only from two. But one is a hot head and the other wouldn’t have lasted a month. He likes being out in the streets too much. Being sheriff is sixty percent political and only forty investigative work.”

  With his injury, Taylor did not aspire to street work. But having his hand back into investigations and police work, that was the perfect alternative. He didn’t have to think about it twice. Besides, it worked best with his plans, not having to commute back and forth from Billings.

  Allison read over Taylor’s text again. He’d gone to Billings and wouldn’t be back until late.

  He’d been staying at her place since they’d returned from the resort. In many ways they’d become closer there, and although she didn’t dare hope, she was already considering what it would be like to be his wife.

  Leah strolled in. As usual, the glow of being in a happy relationship emanated from her best friend.

  When Luke entered behind her, Allison gave them a questioning look. “What are you two up to?”

  “Came to town to get lunch and came to ask you to join us.”

  Luke went to the display of truffles and glowered. “Are these soaps or food?”

  It was strange how differently men saw things. A woman would automatically recognize chocolate in her opinion. “They are chocolate truffles. Wanna try one?”

  He shook his head slowly. “I don’t think so.”

  They walked across the street and down another block to a new place, The City Diner. The proprietors, a couple from Oregon, had moved there recently to settle near their married children.

  The ambience was comfortable, like that of a diner in a larger town. The name for it was perfect. After ordering salads and a burger for Luke, Leah began talking about joining the local business chapter. “You should do it with me. They need new blood. We need to bring more businesses to Laurel Creek.”

  “If Taylor moves to Billings, it’s going to be hard to make the time. He’ll be commuting back and forth and so will I on those days I’m closed.”

  Her friend smiled widely. “It may all change.” She gave the silent Luke a pointed look. “Should I tell her?”

  “It’s Taylor’s job to inform her.” Luke seemed relieved when a huge burger was slid in front of him.

  “If something is happening to Taylor? Please tell me.”

  Leah rolled her neck. “Luke’s right, I can’t. It could be good news or things will stay the same. Nothing drastic. Kinda...”

  “I’m going to kill you if you don’t tell me.” Allison wanted to eat, but nerves made her stomach tight. She peered down at her salad. It looked good.

  Her cell phone dinged. It was a text from Taylor.

  I have good news.

  Coming to get you. I’ll be there in an hour.

  Allison narrowed her eyes at Leah. “Can you at least give me a hint?”

  “Nope. Taylor will kill me and I’m more scared of him than of you.”

  The aroma of seasoned chicken that was sliced over the bed of artfully tossed spinach reminded her she’d not had breakfast. “Fine. But next time I have a secret, I’m not telling you.” Allison forked food into her mouth.

  Leah leaned forward. “You better tell me sister. I mean it. If you ever have a secret and don’t tell me, I’ll call your sister and tell her to come visit.”

  “That’s low.”

  Luke stood and stretched. “Gotta run and do something. See you in a bit.”

  Leah smiled and studied Allison. “Let’s talk about what’s been going on with you and Taylor.”

  Warmth filled her and it was hard to keep from grinning. “I love him. It’s so great. I’m always giddy.”

  The conversation went on longer than she expected, Leah didn’t seem to run out of things to discuss and although she hated not returning to the shop, she loved spending time with her best friend. Then again, she’d be leaving with Taylor once he got there to “pick her up”.

  It was turning out to be the strangest of days.

  Was it going to be their ‘thing’, Taylor driving without telling her where?

  Allison sighed. “I can’t be gone too long. I’ve already closed the shop for three days for our getaway.”

  “We’re almost there.” The truck swayed over the uneven terrain of the dirt trail leading up to the local lookout point.

  Allison turned to Taylor. “Seriously? You’re taking me to a make-out place? Taylor, although I do think it would be fun, I have too much to do to be coming out here....” She stopped talking at seeing what was usually an open deserted place where teenagers usually parked.

  In the clearing stood four men dressed in jeans and matching green shirts. Eric, Tobias, Luke and Ernest also wore identical wide smiles. Each one had a square piece of cardboard in their hands.

  “What’s going on?” Allison stared at the guys, who didn’t move. At the sound of tires she turned to find Leah along with Luke’s parents had pulled up next to the truck.

  Taylor took her hand. “The guys have something to ask you.”

  “They do?” Allison frowned at the four men. “What is it?

  Eric turned his cardboard to show the word ‘Will’.

  Tobias’ had the word ‘You’.

  Luke’s said ‘Marry’.

  And Ernest’s word was ‘Him?’.

  Allison giggled, but then gasped when Taylor lowered to one knee. The other women gasped as well. And then it was silent. The only sound was her heart thundering.

  Taylor took her hand. “Allison Brennan, I invited the important people in my life to be here today as a reminder that not everyone has been taken from me. Will you marry me?” Taylor’s voice was gruff with emotion. “I love you with all my heart.”

  Allison gulped back a sob and nodded. “Yes, I will. Of course I will.”

  There were high-fives, squeals and clapping as Taylor slipped a gorgeous diamond ring onto her left index finger.

  Everyone laughed when Luke and Tobias rushed to help Taylor stand up although he didn’t need it.

  With only eyes for each other they kissed ignoring the catcalls and clapping.

  “I love you so much,” Allison said hiding her face in his chest.

  Chapter 29

  “I still can’t believe it.” Allison sat back on the couch at Tori’s place and sipped from the wine glass.

  “So where are you two going to live?” Tori asked, her expression soft, but not exactly open. “He still lives with Tobias right?”

  Allison sighed. “Most of the time he’s at my place. We have a lot to plan. Since he started working as sheriff, he’s working long hours every day. Not that there’s so much crime, but he likes to greet the second shift and be the one to do the daily briefings for both.”

  “I can imagine, plus he’s probably excited to do what he wants.” Tori refilled their glasses. “I’m so happy for you.” She held up her glass and they toasted.

  “We were going to build a house out there on Taylor’s land, but decided with both of us working here in town, it would take too much time to drive that ten miles back and fourth. Especially if he has an emergency.” Allison sighed. “So we’re thinking of buying the old Victorian on Oak Street and remodeling it. Not ourselves, but hire someone.”

  “Good idea,” Tori said. “I love that place.”

  “Where’s your dog?” Allison asked. “No yapping to

  Tori looked down at her lap. “She died in her sleep a couple days ago. I knew she wasn’t well, the vet said she was just old. But I wanted to believe she would live forever.” Tori sniffed. “I miss my little fur ball.”

  “Oh honey,” Allison said blinking away tears. “I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you call me to come be with you?”

  “It’s been a sucky year. Mom being diagnosed with cancer, Tobias being an idiot and now this. I just wanted to stay in bed and have a pity party.”

  Allison honed in on the fact Tori mentioned Tobias. “What did Tobias do?”

  “Nothing,” Tori replied too fast, her eyes sliding to the side. “Just the usual.”

  Although she’d wondered when to tell Tori, it was a possibility her friend already knew. “So you heard he’s getting engaged?”

  “Yep, told me himself.” Tori let out a huff. “Feel sorry for whoever is marrying the dork.”

  Allison chuckled. “I have a feeling you’re lying. Hmmm.” She tapped her chin with one finger. “You’re jealous.”

  “What? No. He’s an idiot.”

  To allow Tobias to marry someone other than Tori was a big mistake. Allison started a plan. She’d speak to Taylor and Leah. Before Tobias got married, they’d figure out a way to get him and Tori alone. There were some things that needed to be worked out between those two.

  Over dinner that night, Allison couldn’t keep her eyes off of Taylor. The top two buttons of his shirt were undone and he was relaxed. The man was sexy without trying.

  “What are you thinking about?” He looked up from cutting his chicken. “You’ve been quiet tonight.”

  In truth, what bothered her was hard to put into words. “I’m worried about Tori. She’s depressed. You know after her mom getting sick and then her little dog died in her sleep the other day. But I’m not sure what I can do for her.”

  “Is she dating anyone?”

  “No. The only relationship she has is with Tobias. They fight all the time.”


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