Shot at Love: Renegades 8 (The Renegades Hockey Series)

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Shot at Love: Renegades 8 (The Renegades Hockey Series) Page 12

by Melody Heck Gatto

  “Does he have to know?” Quinn asked calmly, as she finished her sandwich.

  “You mean, lie to Kaden?” It was not like that hadn’t crossed her mind, and when she’d dated that lacrosse player in high school, she kept it on the down low.

  “Not lie. He just doesn’t need to know. Especially if you two are just enjoying each other’s company. Do you tell him about all of your friends? Now, if things get a little more comfortable, then you might want to tell him before he finds out from someone else. Or not. Depending on how you want to play it.”

  “There’s nothing to play.” Yet.

  “Then I guess you really don’t have a problem.” Quinn smiled. “Yet.”

  Kassie lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. Her body was tired, but her brain wouldn’t shut off. All she could think about was Luc. Every time she closed her eyes, there he was. His devilish smirk, muscular arms, sexy eyes, and his flirty ways. They were burned into her brain. She couldn’t understand it. She didn’t fall for athletes. But that didn’t stop her heart from racing every time she was around him, or even every time she thought about seeing him.

  When she finally fell asleep, she tossed and turned, waking up a few times every hour. And each time she woke up, she had Luc on her mind.

  This shouldn’t be happening.

  Kaden would kill him if she let her guard down and fell for Luc.

  Rolling onto her back, she again stared at the ceiling. It was too late to worry about Kaden, his rules, or her rules. She liked how Luc had taken charge at the club, and she enjoyed the way he flirted with her at Kaden’s house, even though Kaden was right there. Yeah, that was hot. And lunch, spending the day bowling, and then pizza and beer with him was enjoyable. He was just fun to spend time with.

  Kassie was afraid she had already fallen for him. Admitting that to him was a different story. She liked him and maybe spending time with him wasn’t that bad of an idea. It didn’t have to mean a relationship, just a friendship. A friendship that she wished was more. But for now, she’d settle for being able to spend time with him.



  Luc had done well at morning skate, concentrating on only his game. He was able to keep all thoughts of Kassie at bay. It wasn’t as hard as he thought it would be, since he was looking into Kaden’s mask most of the time. He was in no mood for a beat down, so keeping Kaden’s sister out of his mind was priority.

  Sam skated again today. No more no-contact jersey. Luc still couldn’t purposely hit him; it didn’t feel right. However, Sam wasn’t shy about taking players into the corner and fighting for the puck. It was great to see him getting in there again. Trina may not be so thrilled at all the action her husband was instigating, though.

  Luc even managed to go home for lunch and a nap and kept his mind from roaming. Almost. He did pick up his phone once and considered texting her to invite her to the game. But he figured he’d bugged her enough lately. If he wanted this to work, he had to play it cool.

  Lining up outside the locker room, Sam patted him on his shoulder. “You good, bro?”

  “Yeah. It’ll be good to have you back out there, Morris.”

  Sam nodded. He was finally cleared to play tonight. “I know Coach isn’t going to let me play a lot of minutes my first night back in, but I’m just happy to be getting back into the lineup.”

  “Hey, Marcella!” Pat called from the back of the line. “How many honeys you got in the crowd tonight?”

  The guys laughed.

  “Me? No honeys for me. I ran out of family passes. The bigger question is who you got out there? Gia has got to be tired of your crap by now,” Luc joshed back.

  “Shut up, dude. Don’t you worry. My Gia is out there getting ready to cheer on her man.” Patrick puffed his chest up.

  When the horn sounded and the music blared, preparing for their entrance, the crowd yelled and applauded.

  “Welcome home, Morris!” Luc called as they hopped onto the ice at Rivers Arena.

  “Good to be back, Rock-Star!” Sam called as they circled around the ice.

  Right before Luc locked his stuff up in the changing room, he got a text from Kassie telling him that she and Quinn had gotten last-minute tickets to the game. They would be in the family section. He wished he had been the one who offered her tickets.

  Luc jumped on the bench and watched the first group of players line up for the face-off. Tyler started the game, because he always did.

  They were playing Columbus tonight, one of their rivals. The game started off ugly, when instead of playing the puck, Columbus’ enforcer, Miller, went directly after Tyler. Coach tapped Moose on the shoulder, meaning he was to jump onto the ice as soon as someone came off.

  Moose went after Miller, getting the first punch in. Tyler adjusted his jersey and shoulder pads as he skated to the bench. Moose threw punch after punch, three connecting, as they did the dance of the enforcers. By the time they hit the ice and the refs broke it up, Miller had a bloody lip and a gash over his eye. The two players were both sent to the penalty box.

  Luc hopped onto the ice with his line of Pat and Torin. The refs held the face-off right in front of section 108, where the families sat.

  Taking a chance, Luc looked up and immediately locked eyes with the gorgeous, brunette O’Conner. He couldn’t hold back the smirk that crossed his face. He felt like a high school kid showing off for his crush, making the most out of his time on the ice, hitting players and fighting for the puck, really putting on a show.

  After a short shift, Torin was unexpectedly replaced by one of the newer guys, Harrison Dash. Luc only got a quick glance towards the bench, but Torin was headed down the tunnel towards the locker room.

  Pat took the face-off, with Luc and Dash on the wing. Pat shot the puck to Luc, who took it wide, out of the way of any Columbus players.

  “Harrison!” Luc called, and shot the puck in his direction.

  Dash took the puck and hurriedly sped down the ice. He kept his focus on Luc, who was trying to stay open on the other side of the zone.

  Pat got off the ice, as Sam hopped over the boards. He was open and had a clear path to the net. Dash passed the biscuit to him. Sam, on the breakaway towards the net, deked to his backhand, then shot at the five-hole, burying the puck.


  Luc rushed at Sam, giving his friend a bear hug. “Fuck yeah! Morris is back!”

  The team cheered from the bench and gave high fives.

  By the time the second period started, Sam had his swagger back. Coach was still not playing him as much as Sam would’ve liked, and Luc heard about it every chance he got on the bench. But Luc was just happy to be back on the same line as Sam.

  The game was tied at one goal apiece. Columbus wasn’t backing down and almost got two different shots past Kaden tonight. If it hadn’t been for how much Sam was screening the net, they may have scored once.

  In the middle of the second, Sam stayed in front of the Columbus net, calling for the puck and getting in their netminder’s face. Luc was carrying the puck up the boards, when he saw Miller smash an elbow into Sam’s jaw, sending him down to the ice.

  “What the fuck, Miller?” Luc left the puck behind, and instead he made a beeline for Miller. Sam was slow to get up off the ground.

  Luc tackled Miller to the ground, and the two wrestled until the refs broke them up. Then Luc pulled out of the ref’s arms and got another good swing in, connecting with Miller’s face. By now play was stopped, and the trainer was helping Sam off the ice. Luckily, he was leaving under his own power.

  But Luc was the only one sent to the box.

  When play continued, Kris took the puck into the corner behind Columbus’ net. His head was down as he and Miller dug for the puck. Miller shoved Kris hard, face first into the glass. Still in the penalty box, all Luc wanted to do was get out there and crush the jerk. But he wasn’t usually the guy always taking penalties, and it was probably a bad night to do that with Kassie in the c

  With Luc in the box still, Harrison went after Miller. Being new to the team, recently called up from the minors, this was Harrison proving himself and his worth to the front office.

  By the time he took a seat next to Luc in the penalty box, Harrison had already earned Luc’s respect.

  Not long after Luc served out his penalty and was back on the bench, Sam emerged from the locker room. He sat next to Luc.

  “You good, bro?” Luc asked.

  “I’m still in one piece. I’m back and better than ever, in case you were worried,” Sam said with a grin.

  “Me? Worried? Naw. But I’m glad that hit didn’t do any damage.”

  “Me too. And did you see Harrison go after Miller? He’s a beast!”

  “I know. I already told him that I’ve got mad respect for him. I think he’ll fit in just fine here.” As Luc said the words, Coach Walker looked down at him and nodded.

  It was Sunday night, and most of the guys went directly home after the game. Even though the Renegades won in overtime with a goal from Kris with an assist from Harrison, no one was up for partying tonight. Most had families who were waiting for them. The single guys either ran off with their arm candy, picked up a bunny or two outside the arena, or headed to the bar in the hopes of picking up arm candy. All Luc wanted was the one girl he shouldn’t.

  He got into his Porsche and looked at his phone. Hopes of there being a message from her dashed when he saw there were no new texts. If she left right after the game, she should be home by now. But she was with Quinn. What were the odds they went out for a drink or dancing?

  He liked to play the odds.

  Luc: Kassie. How’d you enjoy the game? You think you’d be up for a drink?

  Kassie: Hey. Game was fun.

  Luc: And?

  Kassie: I’m at Mario’s with Quinn. JJ and Travis just got here.

  Kassie: I wouldn’t hate some company. They’re kind of a trio, I guess.

  He knew all about JJ, Travis and Quinn. He knew more than he wanted to, even if it was hot. They spent their time with the team, and guys talk. So, the fact that Kassie asked, in a roundabout way, for Luc to stop over, meant that she was either really uncomfortable being the fourth wheel in that ménage, or that she wanted to see him. Either way, he’d take it.

  Luc: Be there in five.

  He put the car in gear and drove through the streets of Pittsburgh. It was an amazing city when it was all lit up at night. But right now, he wasn’t sparing the time to take it all in. He was too concerned with getting to see Kassie.

  The bar was only a few blocks away from the arena, so it didn’t take long to get there, and he had a VIP parking pass, since he used to come here a lot.

  Once inside, he spotted Kassie sitting at the bar in her O’Conner jersey. Why do I feel jealous? That was her brother. But Luc wanted his name and number on her back.

  Quinn was nowhere to be seen. He approached Kassie from behind, and sliding his hand from one shoulder to the other, he whispered in her ear, “Hey, sweets.” His arm stayed around her as if he was protecting her—or better yet, telling every guy who was watching that she was off limits.

  When she turned her head to see him, her face lit up, and a small smile grew on her lips. “Hey.” She lifted the mixed drink to her mouth and took a sip.

  “What are you drinking tonight?”


  He winced comically. “Sounds like a girly drink.”

  She twisted her body so she was facing him, and in the process, his hand pulled away from her more than he was happy about. She looked him dead in the eyes. “It’s apple. Are you saying only girls can like apples?”

  “Nope.” Luc shook his head, doing his best to keep a serious face. He grabbed her hand with the drink in it, moved it to his lips and took a sip. He knew she could’ve thrown the drink in his face if she’d wanted to, and he was willing to take that chance. Licking his lips, he smiled. “It’s good. Appley. So, no, not a girly drink.”

  The look on her face was priceless. She was shocked and possibly amused by his actions. Her mouth hung open just enough to make him wish he could kiss those lips. Instead, he gently tipped her chin up with his forefinger, closing her mouth.

  “I can buy you one, if you want,” Kassie nonchalantly commented.

  Luc shook his head. “Nah, I’m good. Driving, remember? Speaking of that, where’s Quinn?”

  Kassie pointed behind him to the dance floor.

  Looking where she pointed, he saw Quinn dancing with JJ and Travis. “Is she supposed to be driving you home?”

  “No.” Kassie shook her head. “We took an Uber down here. But looks like I’m on my own for the ride home. Travis has his truck, and they’ve been making plans to all go together.”

  It bothered Luc that Quinn kept leaving Kassie on her own when they were supposed to be out together. He considered speaking up, but he wasn’t here to criticize; he was here for company. Holding out his hand to her, he asked, “Want to dance?”

  He fully expected her to shrug him off and just get another drink. But her eyes met his, and there was a sparkle there. She finished her drink, then smiled slightly and nodded. “Yeah.”

  Luc led her, hand in hand, to the dance floor. It was a song he wasn’t familiar with, but it had hard beats and heavy bass. Kassie was being very timid in her movements, and her eyes kept roaming to Quinn and the guys. Maybe he wanted to distract her, or maybe he just wanted her all to himself. He turned her around so her back was to Quinn, and he cut the distance between them in half, then in half again, until they were almost touching.

  The techno beats blared through the speakers, and the colored lights that flashed over the dance floor reflected in her eyes. Grabbing her around the waist, Luc gyrated and moved to the music. His dance moves made her laugh. It was not the reaction he wanted, but it would work. She was smiling, and that was all that mattered.

  The laughing soon ceased as their bodies molded together in dance moves, led by the tempo. Soon her eyes were only on him, and her hands were on his body, if only to steady herself. He was in dress slacks, loafers, and a button-down shirt and tie, dancing and sweating, and loving it.

  They danced to song after song, never moving farther apart.

  Quinn caught Luc’s eye, making a motion that she was leaving. He nodded, getting the message. He lowered his lips to Kassie’s ear. “Sweets, your friend is leaving.”

  She just nodded and kept dancing. They danced for probably an hour, body to body, before she nodded towards the door. “I think I’m going to get out of here.”

  Luc nodded. Taking her by the hand, he led her to the exit and out into the chilly air. She shivered as the wind hit them. “C’mon. My suit jacket is in the car, you can put it on.”

  She tugged his arm as he walked. “I’m just going to get an Uber.”

  “No. I insist.” Luc nodded towards the garage. “It’s no problem, really.”

  He quickly pulled her to the white Porsche. He opened the door, grabbed his suit jacket, and draped it over her shoulders before helping her into the car.

  Hurrying into the driver’s seat, he revved the engine. After pulling out onto the roads of the city, they stopped at a red light.

  “Luc. Thanks for driving me home again. And thanks for coming over to the club. It was a lot more fun with you there.”

  “Yeah, I had fun too. I wasn’t going to say anything, but does Quinn do that to you a lot?”

  “Do what?”

  “Go somewhere with you and then leave you there? That doesn’t seem very nice to me.”

  “No, she’s harmless. Really. She likes men. And yeah, every once in a while, she’ll leave with someone and I Uber home, but that’s what Uber is for.”

  “But tonight, you didn’t call for Uber, you texted me.” He wanted to look at her face when she answered, but the light turned green, and his attention had to stay on the road.


  The rest of the ride was s
ilent except for the music on the radio. When they pulled up to her apartment building, she didn’t move from her seat right away.

  “Luc, would you, uh, want to come up? I think I have some leftover pizza, if you’re hungry.” She chewed at her bottom lip while she waited for an answer.

  He wanted to jump at the offer, but he knew what would happen if he did, and it wasn’t snacking on cold pizza. It would be more like devouring her. As much as he wanted to, he still needed to move slowly, or he might scare her off. This was more complicated than just hooking up with a girl; this was so much more.

  He’d be breaking the code, and possibly the friendship and trust of a teammate.

  None of it was something he took lightly. Luc wanted Kassie to be absolutely sure. And a hot night at the club with some steamy dancing was not conducive to good decision making.

  “Honestly, I’d love to, but I’m sure you have to work tomorrow. I just think this isn’t the best idea.”

  “As always, you’re right.” She smiled a kind smile and cupped his cheek in her hand, while she kissed his other cheek. “Thank you for coming to my rescue again.”

  She moved to take off his suit jacket, but he put his hands out to stop her. “No, you wear that inside. I don’t want you catching a chill. I’m sure I’ll see you soon enough.”

  The smile still on her face, she got out of the car, but not before saying, “Thanks. Talk to you soon?”

  “Absolutely, sweets.” As Luc watched her walk into the apartment, making sure she got in okay, all he could think about was what he was missing by turning her down. But he was pretty sure he had gained one thing, her respect.



  “Mr. Wilson, follow me.” Kassie ushered the next patient back to an exam room. She stifled a yawn. “Have a seat in the chair here, and let me check your vitals.” She asked him a few questions while noting the answers. But her mind wandered back to Luc.

  Kassie didn’t want him in her head, but he was. She had dated guys prior to Luc, not that she was dating him. Those other guys never left the impression that Luc had. The others were casual, like Luc, but he left a lasting impression. More like a crush than just a date. That was what worried her.


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