Shot at Love: Renegades 8 (The Renegades Hockey Series)

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Shot at Love: Renegades 8 (The Renegades Hockey Series) Page 30

by Melody Heck Gatto

  Kassie pulled the whole jersey out and held it up. She took a minute to turn it around and look it over. It had his number and name on the back. She smirked at the fact that it was his jersey. Then she saw what was in the box underneath it.

  “Oh!” Her face lit up when she pulled out a light pink-and-gray baseball cap, and a light pink woman’s t-shirt with gray sparkling writing. “For me, really?”

  “Yep.” Luc nodded and basked in her delight. “Hailee and Ali put these things together for the wives and girlfriends. They all have the hat and the shirts. I think they were talking about making jackets this season, too. I’m sure Ali will tell you all about them.”

  The hat and the t-shirt said Marcella’s Girl. The back of the shirt said Renegades Style with Luc’s number, and the back of the hat had the same.

  “The other girls have these? The wives and girlfriends?”


  She thought for a moment, staring at the hat and t-shirt. She had a muted smile on her face, as if she was afraid to get too excited. “So… are you saying that I’m a WAG now?”

  Luc shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. “You’re my girlfriend, so sure you are. That’s not all. We have the team Halloween party coming up this weekend. I hoped you’d be my date?”

  “Um, isn’t that in a few days?” Kassie’s face went from thrilled to pure panic.

  “Yes, it’s on Friday.” He was missing the problem.

  “Like three days from now, Friday?”

  “Um, yeah. Do you not want to go? I mean, if you don’t, that’s okay too… I guess.” He hadn’t even considered that she wouldn’t want to go.

  “No! I mean, yes! Luc, I would love to go with you, but it’s in three days.”

  Luc was still missing the reason for her panic. Then something dawned on him. “Oh, yeah. It is in three days. And if you’re willing to be my date, I’ve already talked with Sam and Trina’s costume girl, or designer, or whatever they call her. She has a few different costumes set aside for us, if you agree to go with me, that is.”

  “They have a costume girl? For Halloween?”

  “Yeah. Some of these guys take their Halloween costumes very seriously. A few of them try to outdo one another each year. Me, I like to hang back and watch it all unfold. So, our costume ideas aren’t as crazy as some of theirs. Unless you want them to be. Tyler is pretty laid back with his, too. Like me, he’d rather blend into the background. But Dom, a few years ago, his makeup alone took three hours! Dude is a nut.” Luc had been dominating the conversation while Kassie clutched her Renegades jersey. He hadn’t even let her say anything. “What do you say?”

  “I say, I think we’d better take a look at those costumes.”

  A breath of relief escaped his lungs. He must’ve been holding it, waiting for her answer. “Thank god.”

  “I’m sorry, did you think I didn’t want to go?”

  “Well, yeah. I thought you didn’t want to go with me.” Which was absolutely stupid, seeing that he knew how she felt about him. That should’ve been proof enough to him of how much he was invested in this girl.

  “Oh, no! C’mere.” Kassie dropped the jersey onto the couch and pulled him close, so her soft lips brushed over his. “I’ve avoided all this for so long; I never imagined I’d be asked to be part of any of it. The team Halloween party. This is big. It’s just that a girl needs time to prepare for something as big as that. But it seems like you already took care of all that.”

  His heart rate went back to normal, and he kissed her lips again. “I did. I’d do anything for you.”

  Kassie sat back so she could look at him, and he couldn’t easily get to her lips again. She tilted her head and batted her eyelashes. “Do you have pictures of the costumes that I can look at?”

  Damn, this girl is cute. “I do.” Luc grabbed his cell phone and pulled up the pictures Trina had sent him. “Whichever one you like is the one we’ll go with. You just need to let Jackie know.”

  “I choose?”

  “Yep. I’ll wear whatever you pick. Do you like any of them?”

  “Yeah. She set aside some really fun ones. She must really want to see you in tights. It’s hard to choose. I like this Suicide Squad couple: The Joker and Harley, Superman and Supergirl, and the Friday the Thirteenth ones.” She tapped her finger on her lip. “You sure I get to choose?”

  Luc nodded. “Whichever couple outfit you like, just say the word.”

  Luc took control of the puck and quickly skated along the boards. Without looking, he knew no one was close behind him. He had a clean breakaway to Calgary’s net… until his skate slid out from underneath him. He felt the slight pull of someone’s stick hooked around his ankle, taking him down to the ice. The puck shot out from his stick into the corner behind the net. Looking up, he caught the sight of the Calgary player’s numbers.

  Without much thought, he stuck his own stick out, hooking the calf of that player. He stumbled more than necessary, taking a dive onto the ice. Whistles blew, stopping play, but no penalties were called. Either they didn’t see either of us, or the refs are cancelling out Joffrey’s tripping call on me with the hook I attempted on him. Either way, at least we’re both still at full strength. The stripes hadn’t been calling penalties all game, and this play wasn’t any different. It just so happened to benefit Luc this time.

  After Luc got up and brushed some of the ice shavings off, he looked up and found Kassie in the stands. She was in the third row, section 108. Her light pink ball cap helped her to stand out from the crowd. The desire to win always made him shake it off and get back up, but today the drive was a little stronger. He didn’t only want to win, he wanted to win in front of Kassie.

  Luc lined up for the face-off. Tyler shot the puck to Torin, who took the puck wide, avoiding the Calgary players.

  Luc was open and wanted the puck. He tapped his stick on the ice, calling for the biscuit. Kassie was right there, and he really wanted to make this shot while she was here to see it. It was an ego thing, but it felt like everything at the moment.

  When the puck hit his stick, everything went quiet, to him anyway. He blocked out the yells and the cheers, as well as the boos from Calgary fans. The only thing that mattered was making this goal.

  Concentrating on the goalie and how he was positioned, as well as how he was moving, Luc chose the right corner. Skating towards the net, he faked left, and as soon as the net minder slid left and down to his pads, Luc shot right. The puck slid between the edge of the goalie’s leg pad and the right bottom corner, into the back of the net.


  The noise of the crowd cheering infiltrated his ears. The goal horn and the goal song blared. Pumping his fist in the air, Luc didn’t focus on anyone but Kassie. She was jumping up and down, waving her hat in the air, cheering. The fans screamed and called his name, but the only thing that mattered was the excited look on her face.

  Before skating around the net and to his teammates, he pointed to Kassie, hoping she understood that he had made that goal for her. The fact that she was sitting there in his gear, cheering him on, made him feel like he’d already won, regardless of the score at the end of the game.



  Kassie held tight to Luc’s arm as they made their rounds through the team Halloween party. She swore that she and Luc had had their photo taken twenty times within the last hour. That didn’t include the tons of selfies Luc had taken of them both, or the ones where he shoved his phone at whoever was standing around them and had them take their picture. Maybe it was their sweet Superman and Supergirl costumes, or maybe it was just the fact of them being together in public that folks were over-excited about.

  This was one of the first big team events she had accompanied Luc to. She didn’t expect anyone to care who she was or that she was even there. Except everyone did take notice, and she realized all the photo ops were definitely because of who she was there with, and not what they were dressed like.
  Kassie detoured off their route to take them right by the bar. She downed a shot of whatever the bartender gave her, and grabbed a Jack and Coke to take with her.

  A single guy that she wasn’t familiar with waved at Luc and passed by him, giving a fist bump. He was dressed like a banana. It was creepy and funny all at the same time.

  Before she could ask Luc who that was, Trina approached them with a big smile on her face. She was decked out in a chef’s hat and white t-shirt that had an image of an oven with a bun cooking inside. The shirt read, “bun in the oven.” Clever. Kassie had already seen Sam, decked out in a matching chef’s hat and white t-shirt, with a black apron with the words “bun maker” on it.

  “Trina, do you two ever get tired of being so adorable?” Kassie asked. “You’re like the perfect couple.” Her words were filled with sarcasm, but she wasn’t lying; they were so cute.

  Trina’s face darkened. She grabbed at her belly for a second, then let out a little breath.

  “Tri, you okay?” Kassie asked.

  “Yeah. Oh, yeah, fine.” Trina kept her hand on her stomach, but forced a smile. “I just wanted to ask you how it felt to lock down the team’s most eligible bachelor?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Kass, you’ve been the talk of the party all night. No one ever thought there’d be a girl out there that could get the Rock-Star to finally settle down. Then you came along. I don’t know how you did it, but kudos, girl! You’ve got that boy under your spell.”

  Kassie ruffled her brow. “I hope that’s a good thing?”

  “Absolutely! Just look at him.” Trina pointed to Luc, who was now a few feet away, grabbing them bottled water. “He radiates happiness. He needed someone like you. Sam says all he ever talks about is you. Kass, he is really head over heels, and it’s so sweet!” Trina practically squealed. Then she sucked in a hard gasp of air and grabbed at her belly again.

  “Tri, are you sure you’re okay? Do you need me to find Sam?” Kassie was concerned by how Trina was acting.

  “No.” Trina waved Kassie off. “I’m fine. It’s just gas, or maybe too many chips and dip. But I do have to run to the bathroom again, excuse me. I swear these days my bladder is the size of a pea. Thank goodness this costume is simple and easy to get off!”

  Kassie thought about what Trina had said. That was why there had been so many photos taken of her and Luc together. “Wait! Trina, does that mean—” But Trina was already halfway to the bathroom.

  “Mean what?” Luc looped his arm around her back and pulled her close. He held his phone out in front of him and snapped a selfie. “Say cheese!”

  “Apparently, there have been lots of photos of us taken tonight. Besides you and your selfies,” Kassie said, as Luc messed with his phone.

  “Yeah, I noticed. Hold that thought, and say Supergirl.” Luc snapped another selfie, only this time he planted a kiss on her cheek in the photo. He fiddled with his phone for a second before continuing his thought. “They always take a lot of photos at the Halloween party. It’s kind of a big deal.”

  Dom came up beside them. “Talking about all the pictures?” He was decked out as one of the Suicide Squad characters, while Hailee was the girl with the crazy makeup and funky hair.

  Luc flexed his Superman muscles that were actually his muscles, accented with only a little padding. It was kind of sexy that he didn’t need all the padding that came with the costume. “Yeah. Kass said there have been lots of pictures taken. I was telling her they do that all the time. We’re just used to it, and it’s kind of fun now.”

  “Yeah, I think it’s just the normal team Halloween party pictures for the internet. The ones that go on the team page, and the PR stuff. Mel probably knows,” Dom added.

  “The internet?” Oh crap, she hadn’t considered that. Of course they were going on the internet.

  “You shy, sweets?” Luc asked her. “Don’t need to be. I love showing you off in that Supergirl costume.” His words were dripping with lust. She was surprised he wasn’t drooling. Then Luc shoved his phone in Dom’s direction. “Zanetti, take our picture. Hailee, jump in here, too.”

  “Yeah, we’ll be on the team’s web pages,” Hailee agreed. “They highlight the players’ costumes every year. But this year the team’s most sought-after bachelor has a beautiful lady on his arm. I’m sure the fangirls will eat that up. Sorry Kass, but your name is going to be everywhere by the end of the night,” she said, choosing her words carefully. “It’s really not that bad. You’re a sweet girl, and you’re good for Luc.”

  “Wait, so you’re serious? I’m really going to be on the team’s web pages?” Kassie questioned, while trying to keep her cool.

  “Honey, you’re going to be on the WAGS pages, too,” Paige added. “And you will be retweeted and shared and whatever else they do online. We all will. Every single girl is going to want to see who finally tied down Luc Marcella.”

  “The Puck-Star,” Luc added.

  Kassie shook her head at Luc’s comment, but her bigger concern was the social media. “Yeah, I really doubt that, Paige. No one even knows who I am. And I doubt they even care. I’m just the chick in the Supergirl costume.” This was all too much. She wasn’t a WAG; she was just dating Luc. But that did make her a WAG, didn’t it?

  “They do now.” Paige pointed at the many people taking pictures. “Most of those are going to end up on the internet sometime tonight or tomorrow.”

  “I need a drink.” Kassie turned to look for the bar, but Luc grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into a warm, loving hug. It relaxed her enough for the moment.

  “Hey, have you seen my wife? I think I lost her in the crowd somewhere,” Sam asked, scratching under his chef hat.

  “Nice apron, surfer dude,” Luc commented. “Does it come with a surfboard?”

  Why wasn’t Luc worried like she was, about all the attention she was going to get tonight? Maybe because there’s nothing to be worried about. She tried to think back to when Ali started to date Kaden, when the paparazzi did the same thing, taking candid pics of them and putting them online. This time it was team members posting them. But it was really no different.

  “Not now, Rock-Star.” Sam cocked his head, changing his mind. “Okay, maybe for a second. No surfboard, but nice tights, boy wonder.”

  “Hey, as long as my Supergirl likes them, that’s all that matters.”

  “Oh, she likes them.” Trina appeared behind Sam.

  “There you are! You doing okay, babe?” Sam asked.

  “Fine, just fine.” Trina rubbed her belly and took a few quick breaths. “Did you try the buffalo dip? I think you’d like it. I may have already had too much.”

  “There’s buffalo dip? Where?” Sam’s attention shifted to the search for the dip, and he and Trina wandered off.

  “I think something is going on with Trina,” Kassie whispered to Luc.

  “Why do you say that?” Luc ran his fingers down the back of her neck, tickling her and causing chills up and down her arms under her superhero costume.

  “She keeps grabbing at her belly. Isn’t she due like any day now?” Kassie asked.

  “I don’t know, I guess. She does look like she’s ready to pop.” Luc’s attention got pulled away from their conversation and to a commotion in the corner. “What the hell is going on over there?”

  “Oh no.” Kassie moaned once she saw what was happening. It was Quinn and her boy toys.

  Quinn was in the corner with JJ and Travis. She was dressed as a sexy teacher, and they were both dressed as nerds. They were the perfect costume choices, because the guys followed Quinn around like puppy dogs, and that was on a normal day, not just while they were dressed up for Halloween. Party goers were hooting and hollering as Quinn drank from a beer bong that Travis was holding, and JJ was cheering her on.

  “Who’s the girl with Travis and JJ?” Patrick asked, joining the conversation. His wife was at his side. They were dressed as Super Mario and Princess Peach from the
video game.

  “Quinn, their date. She’s also Kassie’s friend,” Luc answered, fighting a smirk.

  “Ugh.” Kassie attempted to hide her embarrassment. “She’s actually a really nice girl,” Kassie said.

  “Yeah, she looks very friendly,” Dom said, before Hailee smacked him. Then he backpedaled. “What’s wrong with that? Hailee, you can’t say she doesn’t seem friendly.”

  Kassie loved Quinn like a sister, and she knew what a wonderful person she was. But right now, Kassie had her own nerves to deal with, being here at the team Halloween party. She didn’t have the mental capacity to deal with Quinn and her boy toys as well. Plus, she trusted that Quinn knew what she was doing and could handle it. She was a grown woman, and this wasn’t her first rodeo.

  “I think the ones you need to worry about are those boys. Quinn just might chew them up and spit them out,” Kassie laughed. “Are any of you going to be there to pick up the pieces after she’s done with them?”

  All the guys shook their heads no.

  “I’m sure someone back on their AHL team will be more than willing to deal with that, if it came to it,” Patrick said, observing the three of them. “But I’ve had limited interaction with them, and it appears they can handle anything she has to offer. They seem to be holding their own so far.”

  “Enough about them.” Paige took a picture of them all and did a few things on her phone. “We need to worry about getting photos out there of you all. The fans love to see what you’re all dressed up as. A lot of them look very forward to this time of year.”

  “Paige, you need to get in there, too. I’ll take the photo,” Kassie offered, but for her own selfish reasons.

  “No way, Kassie. You need to be with your man. People want to see you guys,” Paige countered. “Mel, can you take our photo, please?”

  Melanie, the other public relations person, took over Paige’s phone. “Say Renegades!”

  As soon as Paige got her phone back, the DJ turned up the music, and people started to dance. It was a rap song, and Sam grabbed Trina, dragging her to the dance floor. He had their attention as he danced like a fool, singing to the music like a rap star.


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