Light Up My Life

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Light Up My Life Page 7

by Winters, Bella

  “Yeah, when I was eighteen until I was twenty-one. I was still trying to decide if I wanted to do that or fight fires professionally. I eventually got tired of the amount of training that went into being prepared to fight professionally. It became a job, and it took some of the passion away from me. With fighting fires that has never been a problem.”

  “That’s great. There has only been one thing in my life I think I’ve ever felt like that about.”

  “What is that?”

  “I’ll let you know if it still holds true for me,” I said. “Take it easy.”

  I walked to my car, opened the door and started up the engine. Before I drove off, I glanced over at Lance who was still watching me with that sweet, beautiful smile on his handsome face. I wanted to rush out of that car and kiss him hard on the mouth. I could feel myself getting a little wet, my body tingling, and my mind being numbed by this mere presence. That was a crazy effect for one person to have on me.

  And I had to get away from it.

  I nodded and drove away. The farther I got from Lance, the calmer I felt, but at the same time there was a feeling of longing there that I hated. I already missed his company. I didn’t know if I could really handle not seeing him again, if it came to that. I did give him my number, but would I answer if he called? Would I text him? Would I go out on an actual date on him?

  “What have I gotten myself into?” I asked.

  I wasn’t sure as far as Lance was concerned, but I had made a decision about my career goals. I’d reawakened something I’d totally forgotten, and now it was time for me to take some steps to make that happen.

  Chapter Seven


  I should have just kissed her. I could tell that she was interested, and we were making such a good connection. The interactions between us just felt so damn natural. That was when I could tell it was time to make that move, but I didn’t. Why? It wasn’t that I was afraid of her rejecting it, or that I thought she might not want it. Maybe I felt like if I kissed her, there would be no going back.

  And did I really want that? I did. In my heart I did, but in my mind, I was worried that it might be taking me the way that I didn’t want to go in life. I had too much other stuff on my plate for the time being. But that girl… I couldn’t stop thinking about her. She was so smart, beautiful, fun, witty, and there was an excitement about her that was like a magnet. It drew me in, and I wanted to learn more about her. I wanted to find out more about what made her tick. She was incredible.

  When I got home, I took off my clothes and slipped into the Jacuzzi. I grabbed the remote and turned on my television as I relaxed and tried to get my mind off things. I wished that Kat was there with me. I’d invited her back to my place. What was the plan? I wasn’t sure I really had one, but a few drinks, some good conversation, maybe some sweet music and dancing. All of this followed by a nice dip into the Jacuzzi and maybe see if things progressed.

  It was not completely off the wall to think that the connection would be strong enough already between us to get really intimate, but then again, I wasn’t sure I wanted to rush things that far, that fast either.

  I sipped a glass of champagne and let myself float in the hot water. I was dreading tomorrow already because I was going to be meeting with my father to discuss some things. I’d received another voicemail from him when I was out for the evening. I listened to it when I was driving home. It bummed me out every time I heard my father’s voice. And the fact that he’d called instead of having my mother or his secretary take care of it meant that he was dead serious about how important this “chat” of ours was going to be.

  I could tell already what it was about, and I had to wonder why he just didn’t ask me outright. If he was that concerned with things and he wanted to sort out some things with me, then why the hell didn’t he just come right out and tell me what he was thinking?

  I wasn’t sure. I didn’t know, really. I felt frustrated by the whole thing. My father was one of those guys who often would not come right out with what he actually meant. He would say one thing, and just assume that everyone knew what in the hell he was talking about.

  I was so glad I wasn’t like him. In fact, I’d done all I could to make sure I didn’t end up like him. It had taken some doing since I had so many of the same natural inclinations. We were both stubborn as hell and could not handle other people taking up our precious time. It just felt like time was always in short supply even if we had nothing busy really going on.

  It had been a nice evening with Kat. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. She’d enjoyed the stadium. How could she not? I’d loved the stadium the first time I went there when I was a kid. When I had stepped onto the field, I felt like I was home. I could have joined few minor league clubs and seen if my abilities ever really took off from there, but I didn’t really like the idea of trying to go that route. I wanted to start right where I felt I belonged, and not where other people thought I should. If I can’t be the best at something, then I don’t want to do it at all.

  I finished up in the Jacuzzi and went to bed. I didn’t have any dreams. Before I knew it, I was wide awake with my alarm going off right beside me. I hurried out of bed, got my workout in, and then headed for work. Today would be a long shift. I was lucky enough to get the last half of it off so that I could have dinner with my father. It was supposed to be a twenty-four hour shift, but I had enough seniority I was able to swing it.

  “How’s it going?” Beth Myers asked me as I walked into the station.

  Beth was one of the new girls. She was a natural leader, great at what she did. The girl had a cool head under pressure, but she was also very flirty, conceited, and was always looking to make trouble with people for her own amusement. Guys tolerated her because she was sexy as hell, and some of the women liked her only because she knew who to kiss up to and she pretended to be their friend. I saw right through her immediately. I figured it was only a matter of time before she ran the gamut at our fire house and all of the women wanted her gone. She would eventually go through all of them and manipulate them into hating each other. Then they would see her for the bitch she really was and tell her to hit the road.

  I wasn’t buying anything she was selling. I barely looked at her. “Hey.” Then I walked towards the locker room where I sat my stuff down and changed. I could feel the evil look that Beth had sent my way as I passed by her. She wanted me and it was obvious. The girl did not care about getting herself fired or whether she got anyone else canned either. That much was obvious.

  “You aren’t being very friendly today,” Beth said when I passed her on the way to the lounge.

  “Are we friends?” I asked.

  “Oh, I’d like to be,” she purred.

  I chuckled and said, “Well, it appears my friend card is full.”

  I walked away from her and entered the breakroom. I poured some coffee and then sat down at the lounge table. No one was there yet, but I had a few moments before my shift actually started. So, I pulled out my phone and decided that I would send a text to Kat. It couldn’t hurt, right? Just a little something to let her know that I was thinking about her.

  “Hey, hope I didn’t wear you out last night,” I texted. I laughed at the play on words. I wondered if it might be too forward, but by the time I thought of that, I’d already sent the thing.

  I sat back and read a few emails, checked my social media, and enjoyed my coffee.

  Then my phone dinged a second later with an incoming message. I laughed as I opened it up and it was from Kat.

  “Oh, yeah baby. I can barely walk today…”

  I tried to stifle the laughter, but it was too much. Damn, this woman liked to play, didn’t she?

  “I’ll be gentler next time,” I replied.

  A moment later, another reply. “Maybe I won’t…”

  I shook my head. I was getting hot, just through texts. I had to cool it off before I had to go to the bathroom and take care of myself at work. I couldn’t be
walking around my whole shift with a boner. I replied with a hysterically laughing smiley face and then I went to start my shift.

  The entire day I was thinking about the way she was playing with me through text. I wished I could have seen how much fun she was having with it in person, just as I was. I wanted to see Kat again and soon. I wanted to take her out on a proper date. We could have some dinner, dancing maybe, or perhaps just do something wild and fun like a concert or a rodeo. Hell, why not a Reds game or an MMA fight? That would be exciting. I’d never met a woman I was this attracted to and had so much in common with. It was like I could see her soul when I spoke with her and it was a reflection of my own.

  I sighed as I sat down and looked around the fire station. It was going to be a long day. And that night I had to meet with my father to see what was so damn important. It was possible that he didn’t have anything to tell me about, that we wouldn’t be discussing his will or the inheritance. It might have been something goofy and totally stupid, something I didn’t care about in the slightest.

  At this point, I didn’t really care. I was so over it. I’d grown accustomed to a certain lifestyle afforded by my father’s money and deep down it had grown into extreme shame and resentment. I was tired of that. I wanted to be my own man, even if that meant I might have to live off my firefighter’s salary.

  But at the same time, that money was my birthright. There was something noble about being entrusted with a family fortune. Even if I had no desires to run the business, I would still protect and use the family fortune wisely. Maybe one day I would pass it on to someone else deserving of it. I did not see myself ever having children. That was something that just didn’t appeal to me at all.

  But right now, I was focused more on the excitement of the new woman in my life. Was she actually, in my life though? I wasn’t sure. It was too early to tell what was going on with the two of us.

  And I was dying to find out where I stood.

  Chapter Eight


  “For the last time, I did not hook up with Lance,” I said. “Give it a rest.”

  Kayley sighed as she shoved some pancakes into her mouth. “Why the hell not?”

  “Because it wasn’t the right time. We didn’t even kiss.”

  Kayley gave me a strange look. She really couldn’t believe that I didn’t hook up with Lance. But to be honest, I couldn’t believe it either. The man was so handsome, suave, funny, and charming that it had taken all of my will power to keep from giving into my most deranged carnal desires. Those were the types of feelings that Lance brought out in me.

  “Ok, well do you think he is going to call?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. Maybe. We had a great time.”

  “Good. Hopefully this will get you out of your shell. Today is your day off. What are you going to do?”

  I thought about it a moment. “I don’t know. I might not do anything. Maybe take the day and just lay around, chill out. It feels like forever since I did anything like that.”

  “Ok, well I’ve got to go. You’ve got me jealous. And for God’s sake, if that man calls, talk to him.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yes, I will talk to him.”

  It was a few minutes after Kayley left when Lance texted me. It was a sweet little text with a sexy spin on it, it was cute. I was already so intrigued by this man even though we’d hardly knew each other. I wanted to find out more about him.

  But I played it cool and gave him a funny response back. This back and forth was boarder line sexting. Wow, were we there yet? That was funny. I didn’t want it to go that far because then expectations could be implied, and I wasn’t going to let that happen yet. Hell, I wasn’t even sure I was going to see Lance again.

  I finished my breakfast and poured another cup of coffee. Then I sat down on the couch and began to watch some of the shows I had recorded on the DVR. I decided to start with a good comedy. That would put me in a nice, easy going mood this morning. I didn’t want to loaf all day, though. I wanted to prep some things for the class I was going to teach that evening at the kickboxing center. I was so excited about it. I never knew how much fun putting all that together could be.

  As I sat there watching television and sipping my coffee, I wondered what Lance was doing. He was most likely working. It was weird that he was a fireman and that he loved it so much when he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. But I loved how he was very proud when it came to what he did, and he didn’t want to take his father’s money.

  It was nice having the apartment to myself this morning. I didn’t often have this luxury. One day a week was really all I had to make it seem like I had an independent life sometimes. It was peaceful and quiet. I didn’t feel pressured to answer any stupid questions or to listen to the often painfully annoying (yet very humorous) anecdotes of my dearest friend. It could wear on your nerves sometimes. And I think part of the reason was because I felt a bit left out of things at times. Kayley right, I didn’t really engage with life that much. That was something I was going to have to change going forward. I figured I would spend the morning relaxing, setting my head straight, and then I would of course start to do some searching for a new job. I knew I desperately had to get out of that salon and away from toxic Jenna.

  It was only a matter of time before I told that bitch where to go and got fired. Then I’d be out of a job.

  And I wanted to leave that place on my own terms.

  * * *

  Lance was there with me. I couldn’t remember exactly how we had got to this place, this level of intimacy, but I knew that our loins were on fire for each other and that this burning inside of us would only grow worse if we allowed it to linger without doing something about it.

  I was wetter than I’d ever been before, aching for him. My body quivered at his very touch and right now his hands were rubbing gently over my body, caressing my breasts. My nipples stood hard and erect, as he drew circles around them. Every time he grazed them with his hand the sensation grew wilder, until I felt my whole body about to cave to the sweet pressure and release a flood of orgasmic responses throughout my being.

  His mouth was between my legs then. His tongue shot out and into my tight pussy, spearing me hard. I loved the sensation. It rolled up and down my body like nothing I’d ever felt before. The tingling feelings came in waves of bliss rising up and down my spine before it rolled out to the edges of the oblivion. I felt like I was edging closer to paradise with each passing lap.

  He moaned softly between my legs. His strong jaws were controlling the muscles of his mouth to work his tongue up inside of me deeply. He went to work, pulling it out and then sliding it right up between my wet, glistening slit until it reached the top, where it consumed my engorged clit and he suckled it softly. I looked down and his eyes met mine. Yes…he loved what he was doing.

  “Fuck…” he moaned before he plunged his tongue back into the tightness of my pussy. My body wrapped around his mouth almost independently of the thought. His tongue lapped back and forth inside of me, loading up on the moisture my body was creating as my juices spewed from my cunt. I couldn’t help my hips. They rocked back and forth, up and down trying new patterns causing my bliss to skyrocket even higher.

  His hands reached up and messaged my large breasts. He loved my chest. The look on his face when he first eyed them was like nothing I’d ever seen. It was the look of pure lust. To be truly desired by a man like him made me feel like the sexiest woman alive.

  I needed his body to enter mine and take me away from it all. The problems I’d been dealing with, the stress, and the strain that was wearing me down—all of it was gone now that he was licking away at me.

  He pulled his tongue out of me slowly, letting it slide out and glide against the inside walls, mingling his saliva with my wickedly sensual juices. He relished the taste, drawing it into his mouth and taking it all the way into his being. Lance closed his eyes and moaned as he savored that flavor. The sound of his timbre sent shivers up
and down my entire body making my toes curl.

  I humped my hips harder into his face as he licked up and down my slit, focusing on the bottom, edging into my pussy, then taking that moisture with him up to the top where he would lick my clit. He sucked it hard into his mouth. Oh, that felt great… I was going to come soon. I knew it. Yeah, it wouldn’t belong now.

  I reached down and held his head, pushing it into me harder, forcing my body to take the abuse. I wrapped my legs around his head and drew him into me farther. His mouth was now pressing hard against my clit, sucking on it to the point that I thought it might die right then and there. The sensations were swirling throughout my body and up into my head. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever experienced.

  I had to have the rest of him. I needed more. And I didn’t want to come yet. No, it was far too early. I pulled back from him and said, “Stand up.”

  He seemed a little confused at first, but then he stood up in front of me. “Take off all of your clothes.”

  I could barely resist the giggle as I gave him that order. Lance did as he was told and he removed every stitch of his clothing, finishing with is boxers last. And now he was standing totally naked in front of me. His long, thick penis waving right in front of my face. I couldn’t resist myself. I grabbed his dick and pulled him closer. Then I opened up and slipped his cock in my mouth.

  He tasted perfect. Clean and smooth with that masculine scent rolling through my head as I inhaled deeply through my nose and started to suck on him. I drew him all the way into my mouth until I was at the base of his hard, long, thickness. The head of his cock was pushing into the back of my throat and I loved the feeling. I opened my throat a little more and let him ease in farther, I didn’t have much gag reflex. It was tough to gag on something so delicious.

  My head was swimming with emotion. I felt almost dizzy with it. It was like some sort of high. He was fast becoming a drug and I liked this addiction.


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