Trust the Fall (Fallen Hunters Series Book 2)

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Trust the Fall (Fallen Hunters Series Book 2) Page 15

by Melissa Winters

  Just when I start to soften to the reaper, he goes and reminds me that he isn’t exactly a good guy. The jury is still out on him and right now, I’m leaning toward untrustworthy.

  “Make it your problem,” Lawrence bites, rounding on River. “If I don’t get to the Fae kingdom, the vampires will revolt, and the human population will suffer greatly. I’ve heard that you reapers are gunning for a release from your duties, but at what cost?”

  I gasp. He was serious when he mentioned an extended holiday. The reapers are truly considering banding together for the first time and abandoning Earth? They’ll just allow chaos to reign?

  “Things have changed in that regard. Now that she’s been found.”

  River looks to me, and my lip curls in disgust. I don’t want to play any part in his or his people’s plans.

  “Let’s hope that’s true.” Law’s skepticism is clear, and I don’t blame him.

  The reapers are a fickle bunch, and if my short time here in Hell has taught me anything, it’s that they change their minds on a whim. They’re not to be trusted.

  River drops my hand, stepping into Law so that the two bump chests. They’re nose to nose, and I fear what’s to come.

  “I don’t owe you a damn thing, vampire.”

  “Stop!” I yell a little too loudly, considering we’re trying to fly under the radar for Law’s sake, if nothing else. “We don’t have time for this.”

  River doesn’t move, but he doesn’t say anything, and neither does Law.

  “Good grief. Will you two knock it off?” I say, getting in between the alpha idiots. “Why are you being an asshole all of a sudden, River?”

  “We’re in a bit of a hurry. This wasn’t part of the deal, but Lucifer sprung him on us, making his mission my problem. I don’t like being inconvenienced.”

  “Your existence is an inconvenience to me, but I’m not bitching like a small child.” Lawrence grins at me but I turn from him to glare up at River.

  “Please,” I beg, and he finally relents, stepping away from Law.

  “We’re all running out of time. Here,” River says pulling something from his pocket.

  A gray chunk of what looks like coal rests in the palm of his hand.

  “It’s moonstone. Here in Hell, it acts as a conduit between the rock formations.” He motions around at the towering mountainous stones. “It won’t get you to the Fae kingdom, but it will get you to the portal you need. And fast.”

  Lawrence and I share a glance.

  “How does it work?” Lawrence asks.

  “It allows you to walk right through the boulders from one to another. The boulders here act as doorways to each other. Simply envision which direction you want to go and step through the rock while holding that moonstone. It will transport you to another boulder closer to your destination. You will need to be quick. They’ll be on you any time now.”

  “What do you think?” he asks me.

  “What choice do you have? It sounds like your best bet to get to the Fae.”

  River continues, impatiently. “When you get to the cluster of stalagmites in the distance, veer to your right. You’ll come to the start of Hollow Hills. It’s Elion’s territory, the trickiest of them all. Make your way along the creek until you come to the oak tree. You’ll know the one when you see it. Envision the Fae world or whoever it is you seek. Step through just like you do the rocks, and you should find yourself on the other side.”

  “That’s all?” Law mocks, sounding defeated before he even begins his journey.

  “Well, you’ll need to avoid the banshee and somehow get past the whispering poppies, but yeah . . . that’s all. Hey man, good luck,” River says, extending his hand to Law, who looks at it for several long seconds before grasping it in his and shaking despite their earlier feud.

  These magical men can be such idiots.

  “Thank you,” Law says, sounding sincere. “Good luck to you both as well.”

  River nods, and off Law goes to begin his quest.

  “Do you think he’ll make it?” I ask, hoping he does.

  “It won’t be easy, but he’ll make it.”

  He says it with so much confidence, you’d think he actually knows, without a doubt, Law’s outcome. And maybe he does. The truth is, I know next to nothing about this group of beings.

  “Why did you act like that back there?” I ask, needing to understand him if I’m to follow him into the unknown.

  “I meant what I said, Victoria. Things have changed. You’ve changed them. I have to keep you safe at all costs.”

  I cross my arms over my chest. “Why? Because you have some insane idea that we’re to be married?”

  “It’s not about that. I’ll never force you into a marriage that you’ve had no choice in. I’m not that guy, Victoria.”

  My eyes narrow, searching River’s face for signs of inauthenticity, but find none. He seems sincere.

  “I’m not a bad guy, contrary to your beliefs.”

  I prickle at his words. “How do you do that?” I grind out through my teeth.

  “Do what?”

  “Read me so easily? I don’t like it. It’s wholly unsettling.”

  He laughs. The asshole actually throws his head back and laughs. “You wear your emotions for the world to see. How you feel about me was pretty clearly written all over your face back there. You don’t trust me, but you need to, Victoria. If you want to survive and learn about who you are, you have to trust me.”

  A howl in the distance pulls our gazes from each other.

  “Wolves. There are traitors all over Hell, and if they’re Bumalin’s trackers, we don’t have much time. What’s it gonna be?”

  Inhale. Exhale.

  I’m not sure I buy the whole part about being the lost reaper princess, but I’ll never know unless I follow him. Worst case, I am. Best case, I’m not. Either way, I can only hope I’m able to convince the queen not to side with Nolda.

  “Let’s go.”


  “What’s this?” I ask, staring at the side of one of the massive boulders. “Do you have another one of those moon rocks?”

  “Moonstone,” River corrects. “And no. We don’t need one of those.”

  We haven’t moved but twenty yards from where we said goodbye to Law.

  “I’m going to need to hold on to you,” River says, staring down at me.

  “Hold on to me where?” My lips form a thin line. “What exactly does that entail?”

  “Exactly what I just said. I’m going to have to hold you, Victoria. Don’t act like the thought of my touch disgusts you. We both know you think I’m sexy as hell.”

  “Ugh.” I mock gag. “I absolutely do not think you’re . . .”

  “Sexy?” he finishes, with a grin that showcases his dimples and makes my legs just slightly weak.

  Damn him.

  “We can stand here all day pretending you weren’t just thinking about my touch. I saw your legs shake.” He shrugs, leaning back against the boulder like he doesn’t have a care in the world.

  “I hate you.”

  “You don’t.”

  His smoldering eyes gleam with amusement.

  “One of these times, I’m going to punch you in the face when you look at me like that. You know that, right?”

  He chuckles. “That’s fine, but can it wait until later? We’re running out of time. Those demon wolves are seconds from finding us.”

  As if on cue, the steady pounding of paws on rock grows louder. The wolf demons are close.

  “Okay, okay. Whatever you need, but if you cop a feel or do anything I don’t like, I will remove your appendages when we get to wherever it is you’re taking me. Got it?”

  He smirks. “Princess, if I cross the line, I will hand you the dagger to perform the dissection.”

  I chew on my cheek to stop myself from smiling. River’s charm is a dangerous thing, but I’m not falling for it. He’s temptation wrapped in a perfect package and tied u
p with a bow, but he’s not Luke.

  Luke is who I’ll be coming home to after all of this reaper business is put to rest.

  “Time’s up, princess,” River says, scooping me up underneath my legs.

  I yelp at the sudden movement, caught off guard. I don’t have time to ask any questions or say a word before the wolves have officially found us. I don’t need to turn around to know it.

  I can practically feel their breath on my neck. The growls confirm they’re here.

  “See you around,” River calls over his shoulder, stepping us through the rock.

  Every nerve in my body is electrified as a warming sensation blankets over me. My eyes close, basking in the foreign feelings.

  “We’re almost there,” River whispers into my ear, and goose bumps pimple my arms.

  This feeling isn’t about him, I chide myself internally. It’s wherever we are. Whatever mode of transportation we’re currently using to travel between worlds.

  The sensations don’t last long. A free-falling feeling takes over and my stomach bottoms out. My eyes snap open just in time to see we’re standing at the edge of what can only be the reaper castle.

  “Wow,” I say, in complete and utter awe, as River sets me down on my feet. “This is . . .”

  “Incredible? I know, right? Welcome home, princess.”

  I look up at River, but his eyes are trained on the castle ahead. He looks at peace, and I wonder why, if he loves this place so much, he doesn’t live here. Why choose Earth?

  I don’t have time to ask him, as two reaper guards approach.

  “River! Glad you’re back, man. You’ve been gone for too long.”

  A tall, willowy blond-haired boy, who can’t be older than twenty, steps forward, pounding his fist into his chest three times.

  River mimics the act, then pulls the young guard into his chest and claps him on the back.

  “Good to see you, Cyrus. How are things around here?”

  “Quiet. Almost too quiet. Boring, actually.”

  “That’s good. Considering the rest of the world is in a dire state.”

  Cyrus nods. “I guess. The queen has been uncharacteristically restless. She’ll be happy to see you’ve returned.”

  Something about the way Cyrus says this doesn’t sit right. Add to that the lopsided grin, and if I didn’t know better, I’d think he’s insinuating something intimate.

  Interesting . . . and even more so, disturbing.

  River’s to be the lost princess’s husband, and the queen is sleeping or has slept with him? Gross!

  River turns to look at me and I shake my head, not wanting to know.

  “What?” he asks with animatedly wide eyes.

  I clear my throat, shaking my head to rid it of the thoughts of him and a woman being intimate. My cheeks burn and I have no way of hiding it.

  A slow, smoldering grin spreads across River’s too-perfect face, indicating he sees it.

  “Were you just thinking dirty thoughts, princess?”

  “What?” I choke out, eyes flying to Cyrus. “No. W-why would you say that?”

  He pulls his bottom lip through his teeth, shrugging. “Your face is on fire. You either swallowed a ghost pepper whole or you were thinking something pornographic.”

  “Ugh. You ass. A woman turning red doesn’t mean she’s thinking impure thoughts!” I cross my arms indignantly. What is with all you men thinking you know women? You’re an idiot.”

  Cyrus bursts into laughter. “Who is this, River? She’s hysterical.”

  River sighs. “Cyrus, meet Victoria. Victoria, this is our newest guard, Cyrus Little.”

  “Don’t let the name fool you,” he says, puffing out his chest. “I’m fierce.”

  I smother a grin with my fist. “Nice to meet you, fierce Cyrus.” I smile.

  “You’re not a reaper,” he muses. “What’s she doing here, Riv?”

  “All in due time, my friend. For now, just know that she’s my guest.”

  Cyrus nods again, smile never fading.

  “Hello, Cat,” River calls to the second guard as they approach.

  A curvaceous raven-haired beauty stands beside Cyrus, falling only a couple inches shorter. A gust of wind ruffles her hair into her face, shielding her vibrant green eyes. She’s aptly named, considering her features are feline.

  “River,” she practically purrs, and I wonder for a moment if reapers can also be shifters.

  “We’re not,” River laughs, garnering various stares of amusement from the guards.

  From me, he earns himself a jab to the ribs via my elbow.

  “Ouch,” he teases, rubbing his ribs.

  “Next time, I will maim.”

  “I like her,” Cat says to Cyrus, who nods vigorously.

  “All right, you two. Enough of a show for one day?”

  “Never,” Cyrus bemoans. “That means we have to get back to work.”

  “That you do, kid. That you do. We need to see the queen. Cat, can you arrange that?”

  She narrows her eyes. “Since when do you need to announce your arrival to the queen? Just waltz in.”

  His eyes cut to me, and now I really wonder what the dynamic is between River and the queen.

  “I’d prefer she’s given a heads-up this time.”

  Cat pulls her bottom lip in between her teeth as though trying to smother a smile. “Sure thing, Riv.”

  “Cat,” he warns, and now I know something is amiss.

  “What’s happening here?” My head bounces between the three reapers.

  Cyrus snorts, and Cat’s arm shoots out, punching him in the gut.

  “Ugh. What the hell, Catarine?”

  She ignores him, seeming to wait for River to answer. Cat is definitely amused.

  “The queen is . . . territorial where new people are concerned.”

  “That’s one way to put it,” Cat grunts mostly to herself. It earns her a glare from River. She shrugs.

  “Let’s just say, River is her favorite.”

  River groans. “You two need to get back to work.”

  “Whatever you say, lover bo—”

  “Go!” he barks, and both guards snap to attention, thoroughly scolded.

  Neither looks terribly frightened, but they take the hint and wave their goodbyes, heading off without another word to us. Their heads are together as they walk away and, in this moment, I wish I knew what they were gossiping about.

  “Those two are terrible gossips.”

  “Sounds like they have plenty to gossip about.” My eyes widen theatrically. “So . . . you and the queen . . .”

  “No.” He says it so quickly, I almost laugh. “It’s not like that at all.”

  “Who are you trying to convince?” I tease.

  “Victoria, I . . .”

  “River,” I say, turning toward him. “You don’t have to explain to me. We’re only acquaintances. I don’t need the gory details about you and my supposed mother.”

  He shakes his head. “It’s really not . . . like that. I’m set to marry.”

  “Me?” I cut off. “Well, you and I both know that’s not happening, so who cares whose bed you warm? Although I must say, it’s a bit odd that you’d choose her, if you’d thought you were going to marry her daughter one day, don’t ya think?”

  Frustration oozes from River. “Listen, there’s no part of me that is under any assumption that just because you’re no longer lost, that you and I are going to be together. I know how you feel about Lucifer, and I won’t be anyone’s second choice.”

  My head jerks back, taken off guard by the hostility in those words. I’ve known this guy for about two seconds, and you’d think that I’d somehow insulted him by loving someone else.

  “You have no right to be offended by my choice of whom to love.”

  He groans. “I’m not offended, so stop screaming at me.” He starts pacing, and I can practically see the steam rolling from his ears. When he stops and turns toward me, I take a step back. Wh
en he sees my reaction, he takes a deep breath and drops the intense scowl he was just wearing. “My offense—as you put it—is only due to my sense of duty. It’s been my honor since birth to be the one intended to wed the princess. Not being able to fulfill that honor is an insult.”

  “But I—”

  His hand raises, cutting me off. “Not one that you’ve imparted on me personally, but one the universe has bestowed nonetheless.” He kicks at the dirt. “Look, this is coming out all wrong. I don’t know you. You don’t know me. We’re not going to be together. That’s something I’m completely fine with on a personal level, but as far as my status goes, it’s a hit to the ego. All of this to say, I know I don’t owe you an explanation, but I can’t stand all the rumors. I’ve never cared to correct anyone, but I want you to know I’ve never touched her.”

  My eyes widen, the conversation taking an unexpected turn.

  “She’s tried for centuries, and I won’t lie and say that there hasn’t been temptation. You’re about to meet her. She’s a beautiful woman, Victoria, but because there was a chance that I might someday be forced to marry her daughter, I didn’t give in. It’s why I chose to live on Earth, instead of here, where I want to be.”

  “Oh.” It’s all I can manage.

  I didn’t expect such honesty from him. He’s right. He doesn’t owe me anything. But he continues on.

  “It was growing harder to stop her advances, so I left. I have feelings for her. I won’t lie about that, but I’ve never acted on them.”

  I stand here dumbfounded and unable to formulate a single word.

  That was a lot of information. And probably one too many details. But I can tell it’s something that he needed to get off his chest.

  River doesn’t strike me as the type to share, let alone overshare. So I appreciate that he trusted me with this.

  “You’re right. You didn’t need to tell me any of that, River. I appreciate that you did. I’m sure it wasn’t easy.”

  He grunts.

  “For the record, you should go for it. If you have feelings for her, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t give in.”

  His brow quirks, but he doesn’t say anything.

  “You’re an adult. She’s an adult. You and I have already established that the most we’re going to be is friends . . .”


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