Trust the Fall (Fallen Hunters Series Book 2)

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Trust the Fall (Fallen Hunters Series Book 2) Page 19

by Melissa Winters

  The girl’s hand lands on my shoulder, and her smile turns sad. “It’s okay,” she says, likely seeing my distress at her story. “I harbored the pain, because I didn’t want my mother to feel it too. She was a good woman. A loving mother.” She sniffles before continuing. “She asked me many times if I was okay in the final days leading up to my suicide, but I shut her out. To this day, I don’t know why I didn’t tell her. She would’ve believed me.” She lowers her head to hide the tears that threaten to fall. “She carries a burden far greater than mine was in my short time on Earth. Survivor’s guilt has ruined her.”

  My heart breaks for the strange girl and her family. More than anything, I see that some reform needs to be done here in Solis. There has to be something that can be done. Some better system has to exist, to ensure that only the truly detestable are taken underground.

  She squeezes my shoulder. “You will be very good for the kingdom.”

  I offer her a tight-lipped smile, and don’t tell her I have no intentions of being anything to the kingdom.

  “Now, let’s put on this dress and get you to the ball, my princess,” she says, shooing the girl with long caramel locks toward an armoire.

  I’m placed in a dress that I would typically not be caught dead in.

  Not that it’s not gorgeous, but it’s not me.

  The embellished sweetheart bodice gives way to a flowing gold tulle skirt.

  “I look like a princess,” I mumble.

  “You look like a queen, principessa,” she smiles at me in the floor-length mirror. “River will be here to escort you. You’ll bewitch every reaper in attendance.”

  The reaper girls share a giggle, rushing from the room without another word to me.

  I take a long look in the mirror and scowl. It seems so ridiculous that I would be playing dress-up instead of getting to know my mother more. I’m not here to meet the kingdom. I’m here to understand where I come from, and to enlist Camille’s help in ridding Hell of Nolda.

  Meeting the subjects of Solis is learning where you come from, my inner voice chides, and I glare at myself through the mirror.

  I’ll go through with the ball, but then I have to get back to business. The longer I’m here, the longer I’m away from Luke. I need to get back to him.

  I’m pacing the floor for what feels like an hour when I finally give up and decide to go find my mother or River.

  I’m wandering down hallways, not having a single clue where they lead to, when I come to the grand foyer. The large ballroom doors close behind a smartly dressed couple, and I rush toward it, wondering if Camille and River could already be at the party.

  Hushed voices in a hidden alcove draw my attention. I would recognize the male’s voice anywhere . . . River.

  “You look beautiful.” His deep, throaty timbre gives away his desire for whomever he’s with.

  “And you, River, are handsome,” a woman says between giggles, sounding like a young girl. But it’s no young reaper. It’s Camille.

  I don’t need to have had more than ten minutes with the woman to know without a doubt it’s her.

  “We shouldn’t be here. Not like this,” she whispers.

  “I’ve hardly had a moment alone with you,” River groans. “You’ve been surrounded by doctors and chancellors since my return. I need this one moment of peace and quiet with you.”

  “This isn’t the time, River. We shouldn’t . . . not with—”

  “I don’t give a fuck what we should and shouldn’t do, Camille. I want you,” River’s voice rises, and Camille shushes him.

  I can only guess she quieted him with her mouth as neither one speaks for several seconds.

  “I’m growing tired of this game,” River growls.

  “And what game is that?” Her teasing lilt, flirtatious and inviting, tells me all I need to know. She isn’t really trying to deter him. If anything, she’s tempting him.

  My word, what have I stumbled across?

  I need to get the hell out of here. I might throw up on the spot if things heat up. This is my mother, after all. The last thing I want is a front-row seat to a very private moment. One that I’m sure would completely traumatize me. For the rest of my life.

  “The one where you play coy and pretend that you don’t want me as much as I want you, Camille. Admit it. You can lie to yourself all you want, but you can’t lie to me. I can smell your arousal.”

  Good. God. Help me move away from this spot.

  My feet are rooted in place like some sort of voyeur, and I hate myself for not walking away before now.

  “We can’t, River.”

  “Like hell. You want me. You want us,” he says, and then it happens.

  The dam breaks and they give into the pull. The sound of their moans and lips smacking together rips at my ears and turns my stomach.

  They’re not even being careful about being caught. The alcove they’re in might have them out of view, but I stumbled across them and uncovered their identities easy enough. Do they have no shame?

  A whimper from Camille finally snaps me into motion and I’m rushing away from the whole torrid act like my ass is on fire.

  Well, at least they’re giving in to whatever temptations they’ve been fighting. It can only mean good things for me. Perhaps now my thick-headed mother will get it through her skull that River is not the man for me.

  This will be easier than I thought. Meet the kingdom, request an audience with my mother, and get back to Luke, where I belong.

  I push through the large ornate doors into the ballroom.

  The opulence of the room has my jaw nearly on the ground. Gold and white cover the surfaces as far as the eye can see. The floors are white marble swirled with gold flecks. White tulle chiffon curtains hang in waves from the ceilings, creating a cloud effect. Twinkling white lights run along the material covering the ceiling and down the walls, creating a blanket of fairy lights that glow in the candlelit room. It’s romantic and picturesque.

  Reapers flit around the room engaging in conversation. Some dance and some eat, but most stand around idly, appearing far too excited for these festivities.

  When my eyes land on Cat’s, hers widen, and she rushes toward me.

  “Victoria, what are you doing here? You were supposed to arrive on River’s arm. That was a direct order from the queen.”

  I snort. “I don’t think the queen is too concerned about what I’m doing,” I say, and Cat’s eyes narrow in confusion laced with a hint of curiosity at my statement.

  “Never mind,” I say, waving it off. I don’t want to air my mother’s private business. “I got tired of waiting around. This dress is heavy, and I want out of it. The sooner we get this show on the road, the sooner I can be out of it.”

  Cat chuckles. “You are definitely going to bring a fresh rule to these lands.”

  I should correct her. I’ve gotten to know her well enough that I don’t want to mislead her, but I don’t get a chance, because trumpets sound, and all the reapers grow quiet.

  She arrives announced by trumpet? “You’ve got to be kidding me,” I say, mostly under my breath.

  “Shh,” Cat chides, but she can’t get the laughter out of her voice.

  “I’m glad I amuse you,” I deadpan. “Where is Leanna?” I whisper.

  “I doubt she was invited. The queen isn’t very happy that she’s here.”

  I guess I’m not surprised. Lee represents Heaven, and based on how things went down for Camille, I’m sure Leanna is a reminder of all the things she lost.

  “There you are,” River says gruffly. “I’ve been looking for you.”

  I shoot him a look of sheer amusement, leaning in so only he’ll hear my words. “Oh? Is that what you were doing with your tongue down my mother’s throat?”

  He stiffens, coughing and choking intermittently. I slap his stomach and he grunts. I whisper, “Don’t worry, reaper, your secret is safe with me. And for the record, I told you to go for it, so kudos for actually growing
a pair of balls.”

  He grumbles something I can’t make out.

  “Man of few words,” I say, not hiding my enjoyment at his expense. “So what am I supposed to expect for tonight?”

  “She’s going to introduce you and explain that you will be visiting for a while, and that future announcements pertaining to you will be made as decisions unravel.”

  I nod. That might be the best news I’ve heard since arriving here. River and I are on the same page and it pleases me to know that I will be included in all decisions. That’s a first in some time.

  “Then, it’s party time. You can dance, eat, or go to your room. Whatever you prefer.”

  “I prefer an audience with my mother at some point. I’ve only managed to speak with her for ten minutes before she went and fainted. We have a lot to discuss.”

  “It can wait, Victoria.”

  I turn to face him, glaring up into his handsome face that’s set in stone at the moment.

  “Just because you can’t keep your hands to yourself where she’s concerned, it doesn’t give you any right to tell me what I can and cannot do, River. I have no intentions of pulling the damn princess card often, but in this moment, I feel I should remind you that I don’t answer to you.”

  He raises his hands, the stone façade giving way until he’s grinning down at me. “You are so much like her, you know.”

  I purse my lips. “Let’s not . . . draw parallels between me and Camille. Not after that,” I say, motioning in the direction of the alcove and pulling a face.

  He chuckles. “Right, yeah. Anyway, all I’m asking is that you give her this one night. She has been waiting for this for a very long time. Just tonight, please.”

  I don’t say anything, because there’s nothing to say. I want to fight him on it, but he’s probably right. What’s one more day going to hurt? If I allow her this night, perhaps she’ll be more inclined to give me what I want tomorrow.

  I nod, acknowledging his request.

  The queen strolls in wearing a dress that matches my own, except hers is ivory, and the tiny crystals that cover her bodice are diamonds that shimmer under the twinkle lights.

  She walks with a grace I will never possess to the front of the room, stepping up onto a raised dais where a large settee sits front and center. She doesn’t sit.

  So we’re doing the introductions immediately. I steel myself for the attention about to rain down on me. I don’t want it, but it can’t be helped. I’ll play the game if it ends in my returning to Luke faster.

  Standing tall, she raises her arms out to her sides as though she plans to give the entirety of the ballroom a giant hug. “Reapers, today marks the start of a historic change for our kingdom.” Her voice booms throughout the ballroom as though she’s wearing a microphone. If she is, it’s hidden well. “My daughter has finally come home.”

  She extends her arm toward me, and all heads turn in my direction.

  Despite having known this would be the outcome, my initial reaction is to slink into the shadows and hide. But I’m not a coward, so I stand tall and look as many of them directly in the eye as I can.

  I can’t have Camille thinking I am weak or someone to be pushed around. Not with all of the requests I’m going to be making tomorrow.

  Questions are fired at the queen about where I came from and where I’ve been.

  “Her story is hers alone and not the reason I brought you all here tonight. I know you have questions, and someday perhaps Victoria will choose to share her story with you, but today I ask that you all welcome her with open arms as the future queen of this magnificent kingdom.”

  Uproarious cheers bounce around the room, and it’s deafening. It strikes me as odd how welcoming they are of me one day being queen. Especially considering there are many unanswered questions surrounding me.

  “They’ve been groomed to know that one day you’d return and take the throne,” River says into my ear.

  I shoot him a glare at having yet again pried. I’ll really need to put him on his ass one of these days to send the message.

  “Quiet now. Quiet,” Camille says. “I have one more announcement to make.” The room goes silent as all reapers stand at rapt attention, awaiting her news.

  “There’s to be another party tomorrow.”

  People clap excitedly around me, the enthusiasm overwhelming. This must not be normal for Solis. You’d think they never have parties the way they’re bouncing around, offering hugs to their fellow reapers. It’s bizarre, as these beings don’t strike me as the affectionate type, yet right now, they almost appear childlike.

  “It’s the champagne. Alcohol affects them differently here.”

  “River, I swear to God, I will cut—”

  “As you know, the terms of my punishment state that I am to reign as queen until my heir returns and takes the throne with her king by her side.”

  Dread claws its way up my spine and over my entire body. Before she’s even had a chance to say the next words, I double over, feeling like I’m going to be sick.

  “Victoria,” River says, bending down to look at my face, “what’s wrong?”

  I shake my head, unable to voice my growing concerns.

  Nobody around us pays any attention, all eyes remaining on Camille.

  “Tomorrow we shall celebrate the wedding between our esteemed guard River Nix and my daughter Victoria.”

  The floor drops out underneath me and the wind is knocked from my chest. River grabs my elbows to steady me, helping me to stand fully as cheers ring out and well-wishers turn to us.

  My head snaps to his and all I see is anger. He didn’t know this was coming either.

  An infinitesimal portion of my distress releases with that knowledge. If he isn’t in on this, perhaps there’s still a chance that I will have his aid in fighting against it.

  He lowers his mouth to the shell of my ear. “Not now, Victoria, but we will have our say.”

  I nod curtly.

  “River. Victoria. Please join me.” The queen gestures for us to come to the front.

  There was no plan to cause a scene, but she made me a spectacle, and I intend to return the favor. She had no right to speak for me on matters of marriage.

  In this moment, she’s no better than God.

  Gasps ring out around me, and I realize that I said the words out loud.

  The queen looks like I’ve just slapped her across the face.

  Good. She deserves it. She’s trying to pull the same shit on me that was done to her.

  “I’m sorry, Queen Camille, but no one speaks for me,” I say, standing tall. “I’ve been here for a very short time and you haven’t gotten to know me. You haven’t given me a chance to tell you my story, let alone all of these people. While I appreciate the introduction, I’m tired, and I think I’ll retire for the night.”

  It is the best I can do at playing diplomatic.

  Without saying a word to any of them, I turn and walk from the ballroom, my head held high, as I attempt to not wobble on the far-too-high heels on my feet.

  When I’m in the quiet safety of the foyer, I let out a cleansing breath, doubling over once more with the weight of everything pressing down on my back.

  “Tori, there you are.” Leeanna’s harried tone catches me off guard. “Are you all right?” she asks, taking in my current state of distress.

  “Fine,” I lie. “What’s going on?”

  “It’s started.”

  “What’s started?” I ask, annoyed with her half information. I’m not in the mood to play games with Leanna.

  She blows out a harsh breath. “The war in Hell. I’ve been summoned by Michael. Nolda’s forces are much larger than they had anticipated.” She swallows before continuing. “Abdiel and Bumalin have joined forces with Nolda after all.”

  “What?” I screech, recalling the two powerful demons. Luke had said they were on his side, working to uncover Nolda’s plan for him.

  “They’re only doing it to help
defeat Lucifer so that they can battle each other to take the crown from Nolda.”

  It’s so much worse than I feared. Nolda is a bumbling idiot. He’s evil, but he has nothing on those other two. With them at the helm of Hell, chaos will reign supreme.

  “I’m coming with you,” I say.

  Her eyes narrow. “I’m not sure that’s a great idea, Victoria. If you leave, the queen will likely side with Nolda, and that can’t happen.”

  “How long before you go?”

  “Now. I should’ve left already, but I knew you would want to know.”

  I shake my head. “Can you give me a half hour? I need to speak to Camille.”

  She bites her cheek. “Victoria, Lucifer has already called in the reinforcements. It won’t be long before Nolda’s army breaches Lucifer’s castle. I really can’t wait any longer.”

  “A half hour,” I beg. “Please let me talk to Camille. Let me try.”

  She groans but relents. “Thirty minutes, Tori, and then I’m leaving, with or without you.”

  I’ll fall to the queen’s feet and promise anything for her help. And that makes my stomach twist even more.


  I turn to walk back into the ballroom when River comes crashing out of the doors.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks, searching my face.

  This might be the first time he’s prioritizing my feelings over hers. I need to speak with Camille and get out of Solis.

  “The war in Hell has started. Nolda’s forces are marching to Luke’s castle. Leanna just told me,” I say, motioning toward her.

  He chews on his cheek, face scrunched in deliberation.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” I bark.

  “You’re going to Hell.”

  “Obviously. He needs me, River.”

  He’s peering down at me with an expression I can’t place, and I’m about to snap when he continues.

  “I don’t know why you’re so hell-bent on going back there. Don’t you understand what that means, Victoria? Don’t you realize you’d be giving up everything? Your destiny. Your home.”


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