Maybe it's Fate

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Maybe it's Fate Page 10

by Weston Parker

  “Us?” He scoffed. “Do you honestly expect me to believe you’re sharing a room with a woman you met while trying to find someplace to stay?”

  “You don’t have to believe it, but it’s true. The hotel was trying to tell her they had a double booking. She would’ve been shit out of luck too. I threatened to fuck my brand new wife right there in the lobby, and lo and behold, they have a room available for us.”

  “You’re unbelievable.”

  “Thank you.” A smirk formed on my lips. “I really appreciate the compliment.”

  “It wasn’t a compliment,” he said, sounding like he was biting back laughter. “Who is she? Is she hot?”

  I groaned. “You have no idea. Her name is Lindsay and she looks like my walking wet dream.”

  “Dark hair, blue eyes, curves for days?” He didn’t have to guess. There wasn’t much we hadn’t shared over the years. He whistled under his breath. “You hook up with her yet?”

  “No. She’s going through some stuff. I definitely wouldn’t object if she was down for it, but I’m not sure where her head’s at.”

  “Jesus, I wasn’t suggesting you ask the girl to marry you. Have a little holiday fun. It’ll be good for you. You don’t have to do anything with her after. Just enjoy your time together.”

  “You’re suggesting a fling?”

  “Why not?” I could almost hear him shrugging. “It’s not like you’d be doing anything wrong. I really think it’d be good for you.”

  “So do I.” I would definitely make it good for her, but I wouldn’t make a move unless I got a clear sign that she wanted me to. She’d been through way too much, and even I wasn’t that much of an asshole.

  Kavan and I talked a few more minutes about the island and his daughter’s arrival in a few weeks. When we hung up, the sun had almost set completely and I was looking forward to getting something to eat from Big Mac.

  Walking into the hotel room, I noticed the bedroom door was closed. I hadn’t moved far away from the bungalow and I hadn’t seen Lindsay leaving to go to dinner yet, so she had to still be changing.

  “I’m proud of you for today, you know?” I called, knowing she could hear me through the door. “Maybe tomorrow we should look into quad biking in the forest. Have you thought about what you feel like for dinner?”

  I rummaged through my bag, searching for a shirt when I heard the bedroom door opening. She didn’t answer my question, so I looked at her, wondering if maybe she hadn’t heard me after all.

  My breath froze in my fucking lungs at the sight that greeted me when I slid my gaze to her. She was standing in the bedroom door wearing nothing but powder-blue lingerie.

  The lace bra plunged between her creamy breasts while the panties were so small I could see she was completely bare. Swollen too.

  All my blood rushed south, leaving me instantly hard as a fucking rock as I straightened up slowly. “Lindsay?”

  She lifted her hands to free her hair from a tie, sending it tumbling down past her shoulders as she shot me a sensual look. “I’ve thought about what I want for dinner. You.”

  I would’ve pinched myself if there weren’t far more pleasurable ways to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Closing the distance between us in two purposeful strides, I cupped her face in my hands and slammed my lips down on hers.

  No. Nope. This is definitely not a dream. It’s really happening.

  Sliding my arms around her without hesitation, I lifted her off her feet and carried her into the bedroom. I kicked the door shut behind me because I suddenly couldn’t even remember if I’d closed the outer door.

  I interrupted our kiss only to whisper with my lips still against hers. “I want you too, baby. Let me show you how much.”

  Chapter 15


  Books often described first kisses as so incredible, so earth shattering and mind blowing that the world ceased to exist around the characters. I’d never experienced a kiss like that so, as I’d done with so many other things, I’d chalked it up to being impossible in real life.

  It turned out to be yet another belief that Jaxon blew out of the water completely. Kissing him was all that and so much more.

  My knees went weak, my brain went blank, and my core turned to liquid heat. And all of that happened in the space of one heartbeat.

  I sagged against him, but he held me up and then went one step further by literally sweeping me off my feet. He tasted like the sweet ice cream we’d had just a little bit earlier, and the scents of ocean, sunscreen, and barely there clean sweat met my nostrils.

  His lips were soft but firm and his body was just as hard as I would’ve expected if I’d planned this at all. It was a dizzying combination that was as intoxicating as it was unbelievable.

  After he’d taken his call and I walked into my bedroom, I noticed the corner of this set of lingerie peeking out from the mesh insert at the top of my suitcase. My gaze had snagged on it, and my mind immediately went back to imagining Jaxon’s reaction if he saw me in it.

  Fighting against the nerves and uncertainty that swirled around inside me like a brewing thunderstorm, I’d decided to throw caution to the wind. We were doing what we wanted today, and I wanted to put on the sexy new underwear and see where we ended up.

  My palms had been clammy and my hands trembled when I’d opened the door, but as soon as I looked into his eyes, my nervousness took a backseat. There had been no mistaking the raw lust in his gaze, and he’d acted on it without question.

  It was the most wanted I’d ever felt, and when he wrapped those muscled arms around me, it was also the most need I’d ever felt. Obviously, I’d been turned on before. Heck, I’d been horny pretty much since I first felt his body against mine in the lobby.

  Yet I’d never felt like I might go up in flames if he didn’t touch me. It’d been mild discomfort and the awareness that I wanted to get off more than the burning need waging war with logical thought that I felt right then.

  My clit was so hard just from his kisses and the feel of his body against mine that I moaned into his mouth when I pressed up against his stomach as he carried me to the bed. Wrapping my legs around him, I hooked my arms around his neck and brought him down with me when he lowered me to the mattress.

  Since he was still in his thin swimming trunks, I could feel every inch of him as his weight settled on top of me—every one of the too many inches hiding beneath the fabric as well.

  Writhing when he ground his bulge against me, I shoved my hands into his hair and wrapped my fingers into the silky strands. Pleasured moans spilled out of me unabated, and my entire body was clenched in anticipation.

  Jaxon slowed our kiss before lifting his head only an inch or so away from mine, propping himself up on his elbows placed on either side of me. He stared into my eyes with a look so intense and filled with desire that my hips arched against his without any input from my brain.

  He hissed out a restrained noise before shaking his head at me. “Just hold up a second.”

  “Why?” Doubt bloomed deep inside me, and I flicked my gaze to the side, unable to look at him when I realized I’d effectively just thrown myself at him. Maybe I’d completely misjudged what was going on between us. It was entirely possible with my track record. “It’s okay if you don’t want this.”

  He let out a dark chuckle and brought his forefinger and thumb up to my chin, pushing my face back up so I was looking into his eyes again. At the same time, he thrust his hips forward and his eyes momentarily rolled back into his head. “Does that feel like I don’t want this? I’m only asking for a second to check in with you.”

  “Why?” I stared up at him, and he must’ve seen something in my gaze that tipped him off to the conflicting feelings inside me. “I practically threw myself at you. Why would you feel the need to check in with me?”

  “You didn’t throw yourself at me. You opened the door. I was the one who came to you.” He tapped my chin before kissing the tip of my nose. “I feel the need to c
heck in with you because I’m not a total prick. The last thing I want to do is take advantage of you if you’re feeling vulnerable. Maybe you just wanted to tease me by coming out in your underwear, or maybe you’d put it on to sleep in and were only coming out to get a glass of water.”

  “Do you really believe that?”

  “Nope.” He smirked before tracing the line of my cheekbone with his thumb. “But I’d rather ask before I do something you’re going to regret.”

  “I won’t regret it, but if you don’t want to…” I closed my eyes, feeling the first stings of rejection when his weight suddenly disappeared from me.

  My body still ached for him, but disappointment washed over me until I heard the tell-tale rip of velcro and the faint rustling of clothes. When my eyes flew open, I nearly moaned at the sight I was greeted with.

  Jaxon was standing at the foot of the bed naked. His eyes were hooded and almost completely black as he stared at me, lying with my legs still spread on the mattress in front of him.

  He had his palm wrapped around his impressive length as his gaze drank me in from head to toe and back again. I watched him stroke himself slowly, noticing the wetness seeping from his tip and how fucking erotic it was to see my inked-up fake husband doing what he was. My teeth sank into my lower lip but I couldn’t hold back my moan.

  “Does this look like I don’t want to?” he ground out when he brought his eyes back to mine. “I’ve wanted to get inside you since I saw you for the very first time.”

  “When I was bawling my eyes out?” My brows swept up.

  He nodded. “You’re gorgeous, Linds. Fucking hot, even when you’re crying.”

  “It’s official. You have massive issues.” Even so, my core tightened and my clit was begging to be touched.

  Jaxon noticed when my hand twitched toward it, a low growl ripping from his chest. “Nope. I just have a massive hard-on for you. Is it safe to say we’ve settled that we’re both sure about this?”

  “Yes,” I breathed as he released himself and lowered down to his knees before grabbing hold of mine. “What are you doing?”

  “What does it look like I’m doing?” Closing his long fingers around my legs, he gave me a firm tug toward the edge of the bed.

  He cocked an eyebrow when he looked up at me, amusement dancing with the obvious arousal in his eyes. I frowned when he pushed my knees even farther apart and planted himself between them. “Wouldn’t you rather get back on the bed?”

  “Not right now.” He slid his hands up the length of my thighs, curling his hand around the front panel of my panties and swiftly pulling it aside. The next breath he dragged in was a ragged one, and his eyes shut for a second before he sent a penetrating glare at the roof. “Trust me when I tell you there’s nothing I want to do more right now, but you were really tense before. If I’ve got any chance at not exploding the second I get inside you, I need to know you’re a little more relaxed.”

  “Why?” I frowned again but more at myself than at him. Why am I asking so many questions?

  Another chuckle came out of him and the look he gave me could only be described as pure sex. “Because if your pussy is as tight as your muscles were right then, I would’ve been done for.”

  Before I could process the dirty word he’d used, his mouth descended to my most intimate place and I cried out. His tongue lapped at me while his fingers toyed at my entrance, spreading the wetness he found there and moaning when he tasted it.

  My back arched and I felt the most insane need to close my legs. I felt his lips twitch into a grin against my sensitive flesh, but I didn’t bother asking any more questions when he reached up to play with my nipples. The lace bra still covering my breasts somehow managed to make it even more of a sensory experience and I was whimpering long before I should’ve been.

  I wasn’t embarrassed about how fast he’d gotten me there, though. The guy was either that good or I was that attracted to him. Regardless of which one it was, I figured it was something to own up to. Why not?

  He’d made it pretty clear what effect I’d had on him, and it’d been more than I ever could’ve hoped for. In fact, the sight of him stroking himself was imprinted on the backs of my eyelids and something I wanted to see every single fucking time I closed them. It’d been that hot.

  If he could be that unashamed and outright about it, I could be the same. I dug my fingernails into his shoulders as overwhelming pleasure raced through me. Tears wet my eyes as I cried his name over and over again.

  I was pretty sure I broke the skin where my nails scraped against his back, but I didn’t give a damn. He looked like the kind of guy who could take a little pain with his pleasure. I didn’t think I could stop anyway, even if I wanted to. I was that far gone and my body was in complete control, my brain turned to mush as my orgasm sent it flying to another galaxy.

  Panting in the aftermath, I was surprised when he placed light kisses on the insides of my thighs and didn’t remove his fingers from me. He smirked when his eyes met mine, the pad of his thumb gently circling my clit.

  “Well, that was fucking hot. Let’s see if I can make it happen again.” He sounded completely confident in his abilities.

  Me? I didn’t quite know how to break the news to him. “I’m not like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “I, uh, I can’t…” Damn it. After what we’d just done, talking to him shouldn’t be this hard. “I’ve never gotten there twice in one, uh, session.”

  “Oh, well.” He still didn’t pull away from me. He also sounded definitely cheerful. “I’ll take that challenge. Thanks for letting me know.”

  He planted a loud smacking kiss between my belly button and my mound before lifting himself onto the bed, still moving his thumb in those tantalizing circles. There was a satisfied smile on his face but his eyes burned with resolute determination.

  “It’s okay,” I said when his face got close to mine. “I’ll return the favor. Please don’t worry about it.”

  “I’m not worried.” He kissed my mouth before trailing his lips along my jaw. “We’ve got all night. I’m pretty sure I can get you out of your head and make you feel good a few more times.”

  I snorted, even though the little bursts of need from his ministrations down below made my nipples pebble again. When one of his hands traveled up my side and cupped my breast, yanking the lace down to free it and eventually removing it altogether before he squeezed it a little harder than I was used to, my breath hitched.

  “See? Leave it to me, baby. You have no idea how many times I’ve thought about all the things I want to do to you.”

  I wanted to argue, but the heat building at the apex of my thighs and my quickening breath told me that my body had different ideas. I wasn’t really the type to lie there just letting him do things for me, and since he was within reach now, I wrapped my fingers around his warm, thick shaft.

  He moaned when I swiped my thumb over the tip, gathering the wetness there and spreading it out before giving him a few soft pumps. His heart raced where his chest was pressed against my arm, and he nipped my earlobe.

  “Harder, baby,” he said huskily. “You’re not going to break me and you’re not going to hurt me.”

  I tightened my grip, and when he moaned again, shivers skated down my spine. In that moment, I knew I would get there again. If only because I felt like he knew what I needed better than even I did.

  With the feel of him hard and ready in my fist and the primal noises he made while we touched each other, I went tumbling over the edge again in no time. I stopped moving my hand as the pleasure started building up in me, but when I tried to start stroking him again once I’d caught my breath, he closed his fingers around my wrist.

  There was a tortured expression on his face when his eyes met mine, betraying how close he was and how much he needed his own release, but that smirk was still on his lips. “Let me grab a condom real quick. I’ll be right back.”

  He pressed an almost playful kiss to
my forehead before sauntering out of the room like he didn’t have a care in the world. When he walked back in, he was already rolling the latex over his length and he wasted no time getting back onto the bed.

  He didn’t crawl over me like I expected him to, passing me instead to sit with his back against the padded headboard. “Come ride me. I want to look at you while you bury my cock inside you.”

  My eyes flared wide open but there was no denying the excited spike in my pulse. “Has anyone ever told you that you really have a mouth on you?”

  He shrugged, studying my expression as I scooted over to him on my knees. “You like it.”

  “I do.” I smiled as I planted my knees on either side of his hips, positioning his broad head before gripping his shoulders. “I don’t know why I expected anything different.”

  I lowered myself slowly, taking him in and trying to adjust to his size while I was at it. I had no idea how I’d managed to fit him in his entirety by the time he was fully inside, but I’d definitely never been as filled up as I was right then.

  It was almost painful, but it turned out it was just on the right side of the pleasure-pain barrier. Jaxon didn’t give me time to get used to having him inside me before his hips started moving. His eyes glazed over as he splayed his fingers over my hips and hung on tight.

  “Fuck, you feel so damn good,” he moaned as he rammed himself up into me. One of his hands came up to my breasts while his mouth descended to my neck.

  I didn’t know how long it took before his other hand slid from my hip to my aching bundle of nerves. He was buried so deeply inside me, touching places I didn’t even know I had while his fingers performed yet another miracle.

  I came again before he lifted me off him and flipped me onto my front, tucking my legs in beneath me before slamming inside again. I was really going to feel it tomorrow, but I didn’t give a damn. I was too drugged up with lust, too lost in the intense sensations he was causing. I’d really thought I was done after that last time, but he was hitting me at a totally different angle now.


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