Royally Matched

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Royally Matched Page 5

by Jenna Brandt

  “He came today after all,” Lily pointed out. “That has to count for something.”

  “Right, he showed up and stood by quietly as his father handled everything. Sounds like the same old routine,” the second girl scoffed. “It’s clear the prince hasn’t changed.”

  Lily had wondered the same thing. Was Max capable of change? She hoped he was, knowing that to make their marriage work, he would need to. Though she had her own concerns, she needed to do her part to convince the public Max was capable of change as both their futures depended on it.

  “I know it seems that way, but you really should give the prince a chance to prove himself before passing further judgment on him,” Lily requested of the women.

  “What I’m finding interesting is how much you are defending him,” the second girl observed. “You mentioned your father’s connection, but we never got a straight answer from you what your connection is to the royal family, or more pointedly, the prince.”

  “My family is part of the royal court, and therefore I spend time around the royal family,” Lily stated, before adding, “I have to be getting back. I hope all of you will enjoy the rest of the evening.”

  Lily made her way back down the hallway, before she reached the lobby though, she heard laughter nearby. She followed the noise and noticed through the glass windows, Max was outside on the patio playing with several of the children who had been on the stage earlier in the day.

  He was playing his version of “Simon Says,” but instead was using the phrase, “The Prince Says.”

  “The prince says, clap your hands three times,” the children did as he commanded.

  “Crow like a rooster,” he said next.

  Two of the children did it, and Max laughed as he shook his head. “Oh, no, I didn’t say the prince says. That means the both of you are out.”

  All the children erupted in laughter, and Lily realized the kids were loving it. Without thinking, Lily quickly pulled out her phone and secretly started videoing the playtime.

  As she watched Max engage with the kids, she found herself smiling at how sweet he was with them. She hadn’t expected to see this side of him, and a small piece of her heart thawed towards him.

  After several minutes of recording him with the children, Lily quietly slipped away. She didn’t want to ruin their time together and figured it would be better to head back to the reception.

  “Where have you been?” her mother asked with irritation as Lily reentered the lobby.

  “I visited the restroom,” Lily stated defensively. “I know you would like to have me under your thumb all the time, but I am a grown woman.”

  “Then act like it,” her mother hissed. “Keep an eye on your fiancé.”

  Lily knew exactly where Max was, but she also knew her mother would happily interrupt the time for her own agenda. Not wanting to do that to Max, Lily stated, “I’m sure he’ll be back at any moment.”

  The rest of the royal family, along with the nobility in attendance, came together for photos. Max came rushing from down the hallway, tucking in his shirt with a frazzled look on his face.

  As he approached the group, Lily overheard the king whisper to Max, “Please tell me your state of attire doesn’t mean you were doing something you shouldn’t have been.”

  “You would think that,” Max stated with resentment, “but your assumption is wrong.”

  Before Max could explain further, the photographer arranged everyone for the photos.

  After a dozen or so pictures were taken, Lily was finally free to stop smiling for the camera. She never realized her cheeks could hurt so much.

  Her mother was gesturing with her eyes for Lily to join Max. Realizing she could no longer avoid it, Lily resolved to do her mother’s biding.

  “Good afternoon, your Royal Highness,” Lily stated with a hesitant smile.

  “Good afternoon, Lady Liliana,” Max said in return. “I’m surprised to see you here today.”

  “Believe me, it wasn’t my idea,” Lily assured him. “I was summoned to attend by the king and told by my parents to obey.”

  “Sounds about right,” Max stated with a small chuckle. “I was under the same mandate.”

  “It seems it will be the way of things for the foreseeable future.”

  Max nodded. “I suppose we should resign ourselves to it.”

  The photographer who was wandering around the reception taking candid pictures, asked them to turn to face him. Both of them did, and the photographer snapped away.

  “I’m guessing we should get used to that,” Lily stated with distaste.

  “You’re not really used to it, but it’s an everyday occurrence for me,” Max pointed out. “I’ll do my best to make it as painless as possible for you.” Noticing the king was gesturing for Max to come over, he said, “If you will excuse me, Lady Liliana. It seems the king is in need of me.”

  As Lily watched Max walk away, she wondered if she was seeing a new side to Max, one that reminded her of the boy she fell in love with back in high school but had been buried so far down she had thought it had been a mirage. Could it be possible that Max was a good guy pretending to be a bad one?

  Chapter Five

  Lily’s face, along with his own, stared back at Max from the front of the morning Triola Times Newspaper. There was already speculation about their relationship. Whether she was his new flight-of-fancy, if she was replacing Starla, and what this means to the people of Triola.

  The article caused Max to get online and cruise down the rabbit hole of social media. The good news was that the public seemed to respond well to Lily—exactly as his father intended, but the bad news was that the good will towards her had not transferred to him yet. Many people were assuming he was using her and would end up breaking her heart. Little did they all know that’s what happened eight years ago. Only it wasn’t her heart that was broken, but rather his when she ended things between them. It was the main reason he continued to keep her at a distance. He didn’t want to get hurt again.

  Yet, every time he thought about Lily, he desperately wanted to reach out and kiss her, to feel her tremble beneath his touch again. He wanted to know she wanted to be with him as much as he secretly wanted to be with her.

  “I see you were photographed with Lady Liliana at the hospital opening yesterday,” the king said with pride as he entered the dining room for breakfast. “I am glad to see you are finally getting onboard with the situation.”

  “I didn’t plan it, if that’s what you think. We were talking, and a photographer happened to take a couple of pictures.”

  “Even better. It seems more natural that way,” Max’s father said with a grin.

  “Are you two talking about Lady Liliana?” the queen asked as she entered the room. “I am quite pleased with the public’s response to her.” Then eyeing her son with a look of disappointment, she added, “I only wish it was working to fix your image, Maxwell.”

  “Give it time, Lucinda. It’s only been a few days.”

  “Correction, it’s nearing a week,” Max’s mother stated. “I was hoping to be further along than this.”

  “Why? So, you can plan my wedding already?” Max asked sarcastically with a quirk of an eyebrow.

  “And so, what if I do? It’s about time you settled down and gave me grandchildren,” the queen stated with narrowed eyes. “You’ve lived a life of lackadaisicalness for far too long.”

  “Well, you’ve both made it clear those days are over. You’ll get your wish soon enough, Mother,” Max stated with resignation.

  “Are you ready for your next social event?” his mother pressed. “You need to make sure you are seen with Lady Liliana often and exclusively.”

  “It’s a royal engagement party. I can’t turn down all the women who ask me to dance,” Max countered.

  “You can, and you will,” his father stated sternly. “You will only dance with Lady Liliana tonight. It will be the only way to convince the public your engagement is authent

  “But that’s just it, Father, it’s not authentic. Lady Liliana and I barely know each other.”

  “Which is why you should be spending this time getting to know your future wife, rather than sulking around the palace feeling sorry for yourself,” his mother pointed out. “Try to make the best of the situation, my dear.”

  Max realized there was no point in arguing any further. He was in a pickle of his own making, and he had to accept his arranged marriage as inevitable, whether he liked it or not. The problem was, part of him was looking forward to seeing Lily again, and he hated himself for it.

  “I need to go take care of a few things before getting ready for tonight,” Max explained as he stood up from the table, wanting to get away from his parents in hopes it would stop the swirling thoughts in his head.

  “We are leaving precisely at 6 p.m. Do not be late,” his father commanded. “I know you don’t care about other people’s schedules, but I hope your cousin, Richard, proves an exception in your priorities.”

  Max nodded, grateful that at least he would get to spend time with his favorite cousin this evening. “He does indeed, Father. He’s been nothing but good to me over the years.”

  “More than you deserve, I imagine,” his father stated with sarcasm.

  “Make sure to contact Lady Liliana and see what she is wearing so you can match your suit to her dress,” her mother said to Max’s retreating figure.

  Max pulled out his phone and sent a text to Lily, wanting to get the logistics out of the way.

  I wanted to find out what dress you were wearing tonight so we can coordinate our outfits.

  There was a few seconds pause before she responded.

  I plan on wearing a plum-colored dress.

  Instantly, Max thought about the last time he had kissed Lily. She had been wearing a plum-colored sweater that evening. It was his favorite color on her, and she had picked it out specifically for him. Would she still look just as beautiful in it all these years later? He suspected she would be even more gorgeous as time had treated Lily well and her beauty only grew with the years.

  I will make sure to wear a bow tie and pocket square to match, Max texted back. I will see you tonight.

  Without wanting it to happen, excitement filled his heart. He looked forward to the upcoming evening with the woman who was slowly working her way back into his heart.

  Lily took a final look in the mirror, making sure the folds of her plum-colored satin gown were laying correctly as they cascaded down to the ground. The lace details along the neckline and bottom gave the dress a vintage feel, but in all the right ways. She tucked a few stray curls into place and sprayed her hair one more time for good measure.

  She picked up her clutch and shawl before heading out the door and climbing into the limo next to her parents.

  “You look lovely tonight,” her father stated with a warm smile. “The prince will not know what to do with himself.”

  Lily could feel the butterflies fluttering around in her stomach; butterflies she hadn’t expected on making an appearance. She wasn’t sure how it happened, but Lily looked forward to spending the evening with Max.

  “Make sure to get plenty of camera time with Prince Maxwell. Even a couple of selfies wouldn’t hurt,” her mother directed.

  “Max and I aren’t at the selfie stage in our relationship,” Lily stated, realizing she wasn’t sure if they would ever be. Though she was still physically attracted to Max, she couldn’t trust him. And if she couldn’t trust him, there was no way she could let herself love him again.

  A half hour later, they arrived at the exclusive Rivera Club—the poshest country club in all of Triola. It was where Max’s cousin, Lord Richard Beaumont, was having not only his engagement party, but wedding reception in two months. He was marrying one of Lily’s friends from boarding school, Lady Margo Benett, daughter to a Triolan baron.

  Many had speculated why the couple were getting married so quickly after their engagement. The rumors spanned from her losing her citizenship to Margo being secretly pregnant with Richard’s child. The couple insisted they simply wanted to get married quickly because they were so in love they couldn’t wait. They had even offered to forgo all the traditions of a royal Triola wedding to speed along the process, but the king and queen insisted they wouldn’t hear of it.

  The footman opened the door for the earl and his family, allowing them to exit the limo and enter the expensively decorated country club. As they approached the double doors to the grand ballroom, security stopped them and asked to see their invitation. Her parents looked perturbed that they didn’t recognize them but complied with the request. A few moments later, they entered the club.

  The room was filled with dozens of tables, elegantly set with white linens and gold-trimmed china. Giant, pink and white flower centerpieces graced each table. There were also candles sprinkled throughout the room, enhancing the warmth of the crystal chandeliers that were dimly glowing above.

  “You look lovely tonight,” she heard her father’s words echo from Max.

  She turned to face him, surprised he had been waiting for her arrival. “Thank you,” she whispered back with a smile. Taking in his appearance, she added, “You clean up well. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a tuxedo.”

  He shrugged. “I hate them, quite honestly. I always feel like a penguin on parade, but, when in Rome, and all that…” he let the words trail off.

  If she didn’t know any better, she would swear he was flustered by her compliment. But that made little sense; Max wasn’t the type. Not to mention the fact he got paid compliments all the time. Why would it matter now suddenly?

  Giving her a charming lopsided grin, he asked, “You ready to make the rounds together?”

  Lily nodded, allowing Max to take her hand and place it on his arm. Being so close to Max was more disconcerting than Lily had expected. As she walked beside him, the butterflies that had been mildly stirring had turned into a swarming hive inside her.

  “Are you all right?” Max asked with concern.

  “Why do you ask?” Lily inquired, worried her reaction to him had been obvious.

  “You seem distracted. Usually, you are very focused.”

  Distracted was one word for it, though it felt more akin to being unbalanced. She wasn’t sure how to calm herself, but if Max was noticing it, she needed to figure it out quickly. There was no way she wanted him to know the reaction he was causing in her.

  “Do you mind grabbing me a glass of punch?” Lily asked, hoping a break from him would help her get herself under control.

  “Sure, I can do that, but you don’t just want to come with me?” Max asked, raising his eyebrows in confusion. “The king and queen made it very clear we are to stay by each other’s sides for the entire evening.”

  “Since when were you one to follow rules?” Lily challenged, not caring how she sounded, but simply wanting to get away before she ended up leaning up and kissing him.

  “Since my parents threatened to implode my life if I didn’t,” Max answered. Pulling slightly away from her, he asked, “What is going on, Lily? You’re acting really odd.” Glancing around the room, a look of worry crossed his face. “You’re not meeting that Rogers fellow here, are you?”

  “What?” Lily sputtered out. “You think I’m running off to meet someone secretly?”

  “I know you told me you were just friends, but if that’s not the truth, now is the time to tell me,” he said, crossing his arms. “Don’t make an idiot of me.”

  “I’m not. If anyone is going to be made to look ridiculous in this situation, it will be me,” Lily stated, the words coming out in a more defensive tone than she had planned.

  “Then you shouldn’t care if I stay by your side,” Max challenged, a look of “don’t try me," gleaming in his eyes. “It will keep us both on the straight and narrow path together.”

  “Fine, suit yourself,” Lily said, grateful to at least be free from his physical to

  They spent the next half an hour making their way around the room, talking to members of the Triola nobility, local celebrities, and friends from boarding school. It was like walking down memory lane of their childhoods.

  Towards the end of the appetizer time, Margo found Lily and squealed with delight as she approached her. “I can’t believe you’re here, Lily. I mean, I had hoped you would be because I knew you were back in Triola.”

  “I’m glad to be here too,” Lily said, giving her oldest friend a smile.

  Richard joined his fiancée, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “It’s good to see you, cousin,” he said, nodding towards Max. Glancing at Lily, he added, “I have to admit, I’m surprised to see the two of you here together.”

  “Not as much as we are, but things change,” Max stated, his vague answer not really shedding any light on the situation.

  “Well, since you are both here, it makes one decision much easier. We hoped that the two of you would agree to be our Best Man and Maid of Honor,” Margo stated, reaching out and taking Lily’s hands in hers. “It would make the wedding perfect if you would agree.”

  “I’d be honored to be your Maid of Honor,” Lily said, grateful for one positive outcome from her return home.

  “How about you, cousin? Are you willing to stand up for me?” Richard asked with a hopeful grin.

  “Of course I would be willing to,” Max said, “as long as the king and queen approve.”

  “I’m surprised you care about anyone’s approval,” Richard mused.

  “It’s a recent development, born out of necessity. My parents have made it clear I need to fall in line, or else.”

  “Or else? What?”

  “I kiss my royal rear goodbye,” Max stated dramatically.

  The group of friends burst out into laughter. A few moments later, the announcement for dinner was made. Lily and Max made their way over to the table where they were seated with the future bride and groom.

  The meal passed by pleasantly, though it was long with seven courses, and the tedious, continuous prattle of the Triolan social elite. She wished the meal would end, but they were barely to the final meat course.


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