Royally Matched

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Royally Matched Page 7

by Jenna Brandt

  By the end of the morning, Lily was grateful they were leaving and would return to the palace for brunch.

  “What did you think of the service?” Lily asked as they made their way towards the waiting limo.

  Max paused several moments before he answered. “I had gone today with the goal to please you and my parents, but truth be known, the very subjects the reverend spoke about are areas I have been struggling with for weeks now. I have been troubled by my past choices and unable to accept that God would forgive me for them. I realize now, I was letting my guilt cloud the truth.”

  “What do you plan to do about that?”

  “I already did something. When the reverend asked if there was anyone that wanted to pray for God to forgive their past and accept His help for the future, I raised my hand.”

  “You did? I’m so happy,” Lily said with a smile. Before she could help herself, she was throwing her arms around Max and hugging him. “This is the best news.”

  Max’s own arms wrapped around Lily, pulling her close. Around them, she could hear several gasps along with whispering voices. She knew it was in response to her reaction, but at the moment, she didn’t care. All that mattered to her was that Max was finally right with God.

  Chapter Seven

  Lily’s reaction to his decision at the memorial and church service touched Max. As he mulled it over during the next couple of days, he realized that he wanted to do something to show her he cared in return.

  He found her reading in the royal library. It must have been an epic book because her face was buried in the pages. Max used her preoccupation to his advantage, watching her from across the room.

  She looked beautiful. Her curly golden-brown hair was half pulled back, revealing her delicate neck and shoulders. Today, she was casual in her attire, wearing a blue blouse and a pair of cream pants. Even in something so effortless, she was breathtaking.

  Quietly, Max made his way over to her side and sat down next to her.

  Startled, she slammed the book shut as her eyes darted up to meet his. “What are you doing here?”

  “I was looking for you.” Taking the book from her hands and setting it on the nearby table, he added, “I was wondering if you would like to go horseback riding with me. If I remember correctly, you’re an accomplished rider.”

  “I’m surprised that you remember that. I have plans later this afternoon to help Margo with a few last-minute wedding plans,” glancing at her phone, she added, “but I’m free right now.”

  “Does that mean you will go?” Max asked, hoping the answer was yes.

  Lily nodded. “I would love to. I just need to go change. Are there any spare riding habits in the palace?”

  “The king keeps several sets on hand for guests when they visit. I’ll have one of the servants bring a set to your suite.”

  “Thank you,” Lily said with a smile. “I could use the fresh air and exercise.”

  “Is that the only reason you’re agreeing to go?” Max asked with a frown, let down by the reasons she gave.

  “No, I also enjoy spending time with you. It’s just hard to admit sometimes. I’m still afraid you‘ll hurt me again.”

  “What do you mean ‘again’?” Max asked in confusion. “You’re the one who broke my heart.”

  “What are you talking about? I saw you with Georgina after the championship game. It’s why I broke things off the next day. I couldn’t be with you knowing you were still seeing her on the side.”

  “But I wasn’t. When I was with you, I was with only you,” Max protested, reaching out to take her hand.

  “You don’t have to deny it, Max. I saw you kissing her,” Lily said, pulling away from his touch defensively as she scooted away from him. “Lying won’t get you anywhere.”

  “I’m guessing you didn’t wait until the end. If you had, you would have seen me pull away from Georgina. I told her I was in love with you and I didn’t want to be with anyone else.”

  Lily’s face turned white as she whispered, “You did?”

  Max nodded. “When you broke up with me the next day, I tried to get you to tell me why. I had no idea it was because of that. You said it was because I was a player, and would never change; that you couldn’t be with someone like that.”

  “But you can understand why I would think that,” Lily said defensively. “I was in love with you too. It devastated me to see you with Georgina.”

  “It was one-sided; she only wanted to get the spotlight back. Georgina never cared about me, but only the fame she could get by being with me. When you ended things, I decided I would never get hurt again. I kept things casual with women after that. At least until you came back into my life, and all my old feelings resurfaced.”

  “I’m sorry,” Lily said in a sad tone. “My stupidity caused me to waste all these years thinking the worst of you.”

  “We were young. We both made mistakes, but I’m glad it’s all coming out now. I never want you to think I cheated on you. I might have been a lot of things, but a cheater’s not one of them.”

  “I’m glad to finally know the truth,” Lily said, scooting back over to be next to Max. She took his hands in hers and asked, “Will you forgive me for not believing in us?”

  “Of course I will,” he said, squeezing her hands back. “At least now we can move forward together, not dwelling on a past in which we both misunderstood.”

  Lily stood to her feet and smiled. “Let me go get changed. I’m looking forward to spending some time with you now that everything is cleared up between us.”

  As Max watched Lily retreat from the library, he realized he was getting a second chance. He was grateful for it, and he would do whatever it took to keep their relationship from being ruined this time.

  As Lily and Max approached the royal stables, the groomsmen looked at them with surprise. Though Lily was known for her riding skills and had won many competitions in her youth, Max was more of a rugby guy—enjoying team sports rather than solo endeavors. Lily was certain it was the first time they had seen Max at the stables.

  “Good afternoon, your Royal Highness,” a skinny, young groomsman said, rushing up to their side. Eyeing them both with curiosity, he asked, “What can I do for you?”

  “I was hoping you could saddle up two horses for myself and Lady Liliana.”

  Nodding his head, the groomsmen scurried off towards the equipment room.

  “Are there nice riding trails around here?” Lily asked with interest.

  “You know, if you had asked me that two hours ago, I would have had no idea. As it turns out, I looked into the matter and found out that the royal palace and grounds encompasses fifty acres. My great-great grandfather, King Rutherford, had trails established because his wife, Queen Anna, loved to ride. They’ve been kept up by the groundskeepers ever since as part of a decree he passed before his death. He wanted them to remain as a legacy to honor his wife who died before him.”

  “What a romantic gesture! He must have loved her dearly to make such a bold declaration.”

  Lily wondered if she would ever be loved that way. Max was the only boyfriend she ever had. They were teenagers when they were together; not to mention the relationship was short-lived. As an adult, she pushed men away, claiming she didn’t have time for dating. The truth was, she didn’t want to get hurt again. As a hopeless romantic at heart, Lily wanted the grand gestures, the flowery words, and epic vows of forever, but was unsure she would ever find a man who could do it.

  A few moments later, the groomsman returned with their horses. “Do you need me to ride along with you?”

  Max turned to Lily and asked, “Do you think it’s necessary?”

  Lily shook her head. “No, I’m quite capable of teaching you anything you would need to know. We’ll take it easy for our first time out.”

  Once the groomsman helped them both up onto their horses, Lily went over the basics of riding with Max. “That’s right. Make sure you use the reins to direct your horse where yo
u want to go. If you pull them to the left, he’ll go left. If he goes too fast, pull back on the reins; you can also use your legs to push in at his side which will let him know to slow down.”

  “You’re superb at teaching,” Max complimented.

  “Thanks. It’s probably because I’ve been around children often while working overseas with different foundations and the U.N.” Then giving him a playful wink, she added, “You’re not much different from most of them, so it’s easy to teach you.”

  “Ha ha” Max laughed sarcastically, “I’m more mature than that.”

  “Are you though?” she asked with a quirk of her eyebrow.

  “If I wasn’t, could I do this,” he said, pushing his legs in at the side of his horse and taking off down the nearby trail.

  Lily spurred her own horse to follow Max as she yelled behind him, “I think you’re getting a little too overconfident for your own good. Don’t come crying to me if you end up falling on your royal behind.”

  Almost as if on cue, Max tumbled to the side, but he tried to right himself at the last moment. As he was hanging off the side of his horse, he slowed his horse from a gallop to a trot, and finally a meandering walk, allowing Lily to catch up to him.

  “Your horse got the better of you, didn’t he?” Lily inquired with a laugh. “I told you not to get so cocky.”

  “Hey now, no need to bruise my ego. The horse did that enough for the both of us.” He tried to pull himself up, but the more he struggled, the worse he got tangled up in the stirrups and saddle. “Do you mind helping me out?”

  Lily forced herself to hold back her amusement as she freed Max’s feet, then pushed him up and back into the saddle. Once he was there though, she couldn’t contain herself any longer. What started out as a small giggle, turned into fits of laughter.

  “Seeing you hang off the side of the saddle had to be one of the funniest things I have ever witnessed. You should be really glad there weren’t any paparazzi around to see you like that.”

  “I suppose you’re right. Lucky for me, only my future wife saw my vanity take a beating.”

  “Lucky for you, your future wife kind of found it adorable.”

  Max pulled his horse up close to hers, moving towards Lily as he asked, “Did you now?”

  Lily nodded. “I find it rather charming to see you trying new things without caring how it makes you look.”

  “Maybe I should do it more often.”

  “Maybe you should,” Lily said, loving Max’s closeness, which allowed their legs to brush up against one another’s.

  He reached out his hand, rubbing his hand down the side of her arm. Closing the gap between them, Max leaned over and placed his lips upon hers. A spark ignited between them, causing Lily to stretch out her hand and grip the front of his shirt to steady herself.

  As Max pulled back, Lily smiled. She had known it would feel wonderful to kiss him again, but nothing prepared her for what just happened. It made all their other kisses pale in comparison. Perhaps it was eight years of pent up desire on her part, or perhaps the maturity they both possessed now. Whatever the case, it was a good thing she would marry Max, because she wouldn’t want to kiss anyone else ever again. Lily didn’t know when it happened, but somewhere between their secret engagement to right now, she had fallen in love with the Crown Prince of Triola again.

  Chapter Eight

  The noise in the club was deafening and getting on Max’s nerves. When Richard had begged him to come along for his stag night, Max had done it thinking he would enjoy himself. Little did he know, all that would happen was that he would end up with a pounding headache and foul mood.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Benji Stinson, one of the other groomsmen for Richard, asked with irritation. “I thought Maxwell Beaumont knew how to party. Didn’t know you would end up being the stick-in-the-mud,” he said, slapping Max on the back. “I would have put money on it being Richard but look at him grinding up on that girl on the dance floor.”

  Max ignored the breach in protocol, as it was taboo to touch a royal without their permission, and instead said, “I need to get some air.”

  As he stood up from the VIP table and left the roped-off area, Max heard Benji mumble to the other groomsman, Bradley Furlez, “Max isn’t at all what he was billed to be in the press. I must say, what a disappointment.”

  Normally, being slammed like that would have annoyed Max, but considering the source and what it meant, he didn’t care. It was true, the old Max would have loved all of this, but since returning home, he had changed.

  The combination of taking on the responsibilities of the Crown Prince, developing a real relationship with Lily, and rededicating his life to God, left no room for his old ways. He no longer wanted to live a partying lifestyle or be around people who did. Not only was he content to be king one day, but he wanted to be a devoted husband and Christian. None of those things meshed well with drinking, sleeping with random women, and throwing money around.

  Max stepped into the alleyway, noting his bodyguard was close by, and took in a deep gulp of fresh air. He could still hear the noise from the club, but rather than being an overwhelming pounding beat, it was now a muffled, pulsating beat.

  If Max had it his way, he would leave right now, but he knew it would be in bad form if he didn’t at least stay for another hour. Once he made it another sixty minutes, he could make his excuses to Richard and quietly slip out.

  Now that he had a plan, he could focus on that rather than how much he hated being there. A wry smile formed on his lips as he thought about how much his life had changed in only a couple of months. Never would he have thought he would rather be watching Netflix with his fiancée than out partying with friends.

  Just as he pulled the door open to go back inside, he heard the unwelcome voice of Georgina. “There you are, Max. I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”

  “Is that right, Lady Georgina? And why would that be? I thought I made it clear last time we spoke to stay away from me.”

  “Oh, don’t be silly,” she said with a flirtatious smile as she placed her hand on his chest. “Why can’t two old friends catch up? I mean, you sure have been doing a lot of that with Lady Liliana. What’s keeping you from doing the same with me?”

  Ah, it all made sense now. That was definitely Georgina’s mode of operation. She hated being shown up by anyone, especially Lily, so it made sense that she would come after him with a vengeance. She wanted to prove she could get what she wanted, when she wanted it, and take it from anyone she wanted. It actually had nothing to do with him, and everything to do with her desire for social dominance.

  Pulling away from Georgina, Max snapped, “I will not be a pawn for you, Georgina. You need to get it through your head, I want nothing to do with you.”

  Georgina pushed her bottom lip out in a pout. “Is this because of Lily? Are you two back together or something?”

  “Even if we were, I wouldn’t be telling you. It’s none of your business,” he said, pushing past her.

  “That wasn’t a denial,” he heard Georgina shout from behind him. “I guess I’ll just have to go to the press about what I know.”

  Max hesitated for a moment, wondering what he should do. Realizing he didn’t care if the press knew about him and Lily, he called Georgina’s bluff. Turning to face her, he challenged, “Go ahead. You do what you think you have to, but I won’t be blackmailed.”

  A look of shock came over the woman’s face, then one of anger, and finally disappointment. “Whatever, Max, you want to act like you’re so different, but leopards don’t change their spots. You’ll go back to your old ways soon enough, and I’ll be there to say, ‘I told you so.’”

  Max wanted to rebuff her statement, but a small part of him worried she might be right. Rather than standing there and arguing with her any further, Max turned around and took off. He couldn’t be around the irritating woman a second longer.

  Once back at the VIP table, he noticed that both t
he groomsmen were now out on the dance floor with Richard. Well, thank goodness for small favors. At least he didn’t have to listen to Benji and Bradley prattle on about their latest sexual conquests, financial acquisitions, and social triumphs anymore. Max could wait out the rest of the hour in relative quiet—minus the obnoxious electronic pop music blaring through the speakers all around him—and escape back to the palace. Maybe if he was lucky, Lily would be still up, and they could spend some time together.

  The Primrose Tea Room was elegantly decorated for Margo’s bridal shower luncheon. The tables were set with light pink tablecloths with vintage mixed china. In the center of each table was a pink and white flower arrangement with pearls draped through them.

  The vintage eatery was filled with antique knick-knacks that decorated the flowered wallpapered walls. It was an unusual location choice for a royal party, but one that Lily was glad Margo had insisted on. Both of them got tired of pretentious parties at country clubs and mansions, so it made planning the bridal shower a pleasure for Lily.

  Once the final guests arrived—rounding out the number to fifty of Margo’s closest friends—Lily stood to her feet and addressed the group. “Welcome, everyone. I’m so glad you could make it to Margo’s bridal shower. Growing up together, Margo was always looking for her perfect match. Just like me, she was a hopeless romantic, so when she met Richard and they fell in love, it was obvious it had finally happened for her. Today, we are going to shower her with gifts to bless their upcoming union.” Lifting her glass into the air, Lily added, “To Margo and Richard—may their lives together be more than both could ever hope for.”

  All the other ladies in the room lifted their glasses as they agreed to the toast.

  Lily took her seat, and the servers came out with the meals, placing them in front of the ladies. They spent the next hour eating and talking about royal affairs, their families, and the upcoming wedding.


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