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The First Queen: A Shifter Romance

Page 6

by K. M. Carnoky

  After a few seconds, it seemed that they choose to leave me to my own devices which was not very fruitful. I was going head first into the beautiful wooden structure, desperately trying to find something more reasonable to wear or at least something that didn't have a ten-pound skirt attached to it. But the further I moved, the more frustrated I became because I found nothing that even resembled pants. I was merely astounded by how many different fabrics and styles dresses came in. But I didn't have any time to comment about the lack of functional clothing before Lydia burst back into the bedroom.

  Me and the two other maids turned to look at her the instant we heard the door open. And when I saw her, I stilled. Her fair complexion was even more pale than usual. She had always been the steady, firm one out of the three, but now, her hands were shaking at her sides, and I was nearly certain that she was close to tears. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly like she had sprinted back to the room.

  “Lydia?” I prompted softly. I tried to be as careful as possible, but I still worried that my gentle voice would be too much, and she would teeter over the edge into an emotional mess. I had never seen her like this.

  “King Archer said that if you do not obey his orders, he will punish all of your maids,” she revealed.

  I churned her words in my mind while I watched the other two maids react in terror. The timid small blonde maid began to cry as soon as she heard. Her sobs were soft and restrained, but she could not control it beyond that. Her shoulders shook, and her hands were clasped over her mouth. The other maid merely resembled a ghost. For a split second, I worried she may faint because she didn't even inhale for a long time.

  “Has he ever punished any of you before?” I questioned.

  There was a unanimous shaking of heads. So they had never experienced anything terrible that was ordered by the king, but they were all terrified nonetheless.

  “Very well,” I breathed, lifting the skirt of my dress. I strode to the door and flung it open, my eyes landing on James. “Can you take me to the king?” I asked.

  James walked me to the dining room, staying quiet the whole time. I did whisper a quick ‘thank you’ to him. He gave me a tiny smile, but nothing else was mentioned. I took his note seriously so I didn't gush to him about how good the food was. Not that I didn't want to talk. I actually thought discussing what was going on and what the king had said would've helped calm me down. In addition, I also thought that James would be a good source of information; he would be able to tell me if the king would actually punish my maids for merely relaying information and how severe the punishments would be. But I reminded myself that James had worked for the king far longer than he worked for me, even if he had fed me and tried to obey my every wish. I didn't pay his wages, and I had only been in the castle for a short while. There was no way I could expect him to be loyal to me yet.

  “So you decided to spare your maids. How noble of you,” the king announced when I entered the dining room. He didn't address the guard who walked me in. He disappeared as soon as he could.

  “You wouldn't do anything to my maids and I know that,” I retorted, but I still sat down at the opposing end of the table when a different man pulled out the chair for me. I ignored the gorgeous spread of food before me.

  “Oh, of course not. I have people who would do that for me,” the king mused.

  He lifted a fork full of food to his mouth, but those dark eyes never left me. He looked confident in his well-fitted jacket, and his face held nothing but calmness. He was challenging me and goading me into a fight. And even though I was aware of his games, I was not above them.

  “That is an awful and cruel thing to do,” I snapped.

  “You are here so, clearly, it works well.”

  “You are a garish man!” I shouted, leaping to my feet.

  I leaned over the table, watching him intently as I gripped the linens with both hands. I was not an angry person, but this man knew how to say all the right things to get my blood boiling, and I hated him for it. I hated that he could bring out this ugly side of me and be so casual about it.

  And he only made those feelings more apparent when he slowly stood up and waved his hands, indicating that all guards and butlers should leave. Then with slow precision, he stalked over to my side of the table, his boots hitting the floor with each step. I didn't straighten as he came nearer; I just watched him. Once he was within a couple of feet from me, he reached grabbed my jaw in his hand. I tried to flinch away, but a sudden feeling of pleasure washed over me, and I actually ended up taking a step closer to him. I also noticed that something flashed within his dark brown eyes when we touched, but I wasn’t able to identify it before it vanished.

  “You seem to forget that I am your husband, and I am legally your owner. And even if I were neither, I am still your king. You have to obey me or there will be consequences. And I will choose if you should be punished or have someone else in your place. Frankly, you should be delighted that I won't lay a hand on you for the scene you just created in front of my men. Consider this your last warning, wife,” he whispered sweetly in my ear.

  His tone didn't match the sharp words, but I couldn't even force myself to notice as he placed his lips softly against my cheek. And slowly, ever so slowly, he moved his mouth across my cheek, edging closer to my lips. I let out a sound I had never heard from myself, a mix of frustration and pleasure, when his mouth just brushed the edge of mine. I attempted to turn towards him, to press my mouth against his despite the fury that had coursed through me not a minute ago. But his hands held me still, and he kissed my cheek, his lips barely touching the corner of mine.

  Then he released my jaw and took a calculated step away from me. He bobbed his head in a slight bow then strode away. “I will see you at dinner.”


  The rest of the day went by quickly, presumably because I didn't want it to. I dreaded going to dinner tonight. I didn't want to see that man again so soon. In fact, if I had it my way, I would never see him again. I would climb onto the back of that beautiful horse he kept locked away in the stables—much like he kept me locked away in my room—and I would ride fast and hard into the night. In the morning, I would find a new city and hope to start a new life, one that did not hold me accountable for each of my actions. But that was just a fantasy. It could not happen yet as my last outing had been halted rather abruptly. Now, the king would be waiting for me to do something of that nature. I had to play it safe for a while and begin to gain his trust, as well as James's. If I wanted my attempt to be successful, I would have to have someone on the inside working with me.

  “I'm sorry,” I proclaimed when my maids informed me that it was time to change for supper. “I had no idea that the king would come after you if I disobeyed him, and it is entirely my fault. I never wanted to put you in that position, and I wouldn't have said a single word if I had known.”

  The small blonde maid smiled at me gratefully, but it was Lydia who spoke up first. “We are thankful you didn't allow him to follow through with his threat.”


  Supper was uneventful. We sat on opposing sides of the very long table, so even if we wished to have a conversation, it would be difficult. And after our conversation this morning, I worried about how another one would end. So I smiled at the guards and butlers who served me and helped me along because I knew my table manners were laughable, and I ate as much food as I could possibly stuff into myself. The meats and vegetables and fruits and sweets seemed to go on and on forever. It almost made me regret missing this last night. But I was so full by the end of the meal that even the smell of food was enough to make me feel a little sick, so I carefully dismissed myself and waddled back to my bedchamber with a guard.

  My maids undressed me and didn't ask any questions as they did so. However, they did seem to be in a much better mood because they all hummed to themselves or had small grins on their faces as they helped me out of that awful corset and into my night gown. I wished them all a ‘go
od night’ and they left quietly. All of the extra food in my stomach weighed me down and made me feel exhausted. Though the morning had been confusing and wretched, the evening had been nothing but pleasant, and I, too, hummed to myself as I doused the fire, slipped out of my suddenly-too-tight night gown and crawled into bed.

  I fell asleep quickly and easily, but I was awakened when I heard my bedroom door open and someone entered.

  Chapter Twelve

  I sat upright in bed, yanking the thick blankets up to my chest. I regretted pulling off my nightgown earlier because, now, there was nothing other than the blankets that shielded me from the intruder.

  “Get out or I'll scream for my guards,” I called out from my bed. I was astonished that my voice came out firm and commanding instead of weak and terrified. God only knows what this strange person wanted from me, but I doubted anyone good or kind would be lurking around this late.

  And here I was, naked and alone in my bed. God, I was a fool for thinking that the next people to see me would be my maids.

  “I have dismissed your guards for the time being,” King Archer replied. “So feel free to yell out, but I don't think it will do you much good.”

  “I don't want you here,” I snarled out. Though I was angry at him for intruding, I was relieved that it was only my husband and no one who wished to cause me harm. I doubted I could even comprehend the amount of people that wanted to hurt me or use me for the power I had come into.

  “We had an agreement, Willow,” he reminded me. “I've let the stipulations pass for many nights, so I'm hardly being unfair or unruly. We need to complete our marriage. It’s your duty and it is the law.”

  I wanted to be scared of him. I wanted to hate everything that was happening, but when thoughts of being with him started circulating in my mind, I felt nothing other than intense excitement. I knew in my head that I should scream at him until he left me alone, but my heart rate had already increased, and all I wanted was his hands on my body. I wanted to feel those soft waves of pleasure that I received when he touched me or the sharper, more debilitating feelings that surrounded me when his lips had grazed my own. And the desire for it consumed me so completely. I felt goose bumps on my arms and legs when I heard the soft shuffle of the king's clothing, knowing that he was taking off his jacket.

  I couldn't see him in the dark. The curtains had been drawn to close out the moonlight, and the fire had been put out some time ago. There was nothing left for sources of heat or light, so I let out a small gasp when I felt him climb onto my bed, kneeling in between my spread legs. It seemed strange, but having him so close to me sent something like a shock through my system. It was like I couldn’t believe it was happening.

  The king was here.

  And he was going to take me.

  I couldn't control my breathing; it was coming out erratic and uneven. But I forced my hands to stay by my sides and tried very desperately not to move my legs. I wanted to at least appear like I had all the self-control in the world, though I felt like I had none at all. As much as I wished to believe otherwise, it was painfully obvious that my body wanted to be at his mercy.

  The king's hands fumbled around the blankets for a few moments before he found my ankles through the layers of thick material. It was such a tiny amount of contact—our skin not even touching—but I still flinched at his grasp, and I swear that I heard him let out a noise over the rustling of the blankets. Then, ever so slowly, he moved his hands upwards. It was unhurried and patient, though I felt like being neither of those things. His hands slid up on my ankles, over my knees, and glided up my thin thighs. My breathing got louder as his hands moved higher, and when he pulled his hands away, I let out a soft whimper of frustration. And then a yelp of surprise left my lips when my warm blankets, my only barrier, were ripped away from me, leaving my naked body exposed to the cold.

  And to him.

  There was a moment of hesitation now that the blankets had been removed. I didn't dare touch the king, worried about what would happen to my dwindling self-control if I did. But I wanted him to touch me very badly, so intensely it was almost painful to wait as he simply hovered over me, not making a move. Thankfully, I heard him inhale softly and release the air with a nearly silent moan. Then his hands were on me again. My mouth fell open in a muted cry when his fingers came in contact with my upper thighs and inched upwards towards my core. I didn't understand why the delicate folds felt so wet or why I wanted to be touched so badly. I had never felt like this before in my life, and though it was pleasurable, it was also maddening.

  I had never been touched by a man like this. My previous master had never wanted to do such things to me for which I was very thankful for. Also, I had no opportunity for such acts elsewhere. But this . . . being with the king was unlike anything I had expected, anything I could've imagined. Even the slightest touch from him felt heavenly. My eyes would shut and I would repress little sounds of ecstasy with each moment that he let his fingers graze my skin. It was all so wonderful that I didn't even care what he did to me tonight. I just wanted him to touch me, to make me his completely. I was almost disappointed that I hadn't initiated an encounter like this before.

  But the king was not in a hurry like I was. He took every second he could when moving his hands over my bare skin. Then when his hands hit my hips, I couldn't keep myself quiet anymore. I tipped my head back into the pillows and let out a strangled moan, using my legs to lift my hips off the bed in an act of uncontrollable frustration.

  He kept one hand more firmly on my hip. I didn't quite understand why until he lifted his other hand, placing it flat against my pelvis with his thumb gingerly pressed down on my sensitive bud. The contact was so small, so slight, but so intense that my hips bucked upwards on their own accord and a surprised sigh slipped out of my parted lips. But I quickly sucked back in the air when I felt something push at my entrance then slip inside me.

  His single finger slid in and out of me slowly. I placed my hand over my own mouth to keep from crying out when he moved with such patience. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced. My head was swimming in pleasure; I couldn't think straight. I couldn't even consider telling myself that this was the man that had threatened my maids several hours ago. I just wanted him to move his finger faster and to touch that little bud one more time. There was a heavy pressure building within me, and I was certain his touch was meant to release it.

  “My God, Willow, I’ve waited so long for you. I had given up hope for ever finding you. Now, you’re here” King Archer moaned into the dark. His voice was deep and rough, like he was just as tortured as I was. It made me shiver.

  I got my wish quicker than I imagined, and it was far better than I had dreamed it would be.

  I felt something soft and wet flick that little bud, and my hips jolted again. This time, the king was ready, and when I shifted upwards, he grabbed my waist with his free hand and forced me to lie flat on the bed sheets once more. I still jerked, my body thrilled when his tongue moved up and down my slit, brushing against my folds. I didn't even have the capacity to be embarrassed that I was moaning like a wild animal while his mouth was covering my most intimate region. I even opened my legs more, so had it been day time or the fire place still lit, I would've been spread out, everything exposed to this man.

  King Archer didn't seem to mind. I was almost certain that when he felt my legs shift out of his way, he began flicking his tongue harder against me, but he slowly slid his finger out of me. Before I even had a chance to whimper in protest, two fingers entered me, stretching me and filling me with pleasure all at once.

  It was everything I hadn’t known I needed.

  And it was too much to bear. His mouth was sucking and licking the sensitive nub, and his fingers were pumping in and out of me. It all felt so good, impossibly good. I threw my head back into the pile of pillows as the unknown pressure inside me became too much. In an act of desire, I reached down and laced my fingers through the king's short dark ha
ir, not caring that this was the first time I had ever initiated contact.

  And it got me my reward. The king let out a soft moan when my finger curled into his locks, pulling on the strands. The subtle vibration, combined with the licking and friction of the fingers, pushed me over the edge.

  I didn't know what was happening at the time; I had never experienced anything like it before. It was so sudden and so strong; it was almost terrifying. But my eyes rolled back, and a loud groan escaped from me. My body felt incredible, so alive. My muscles clenched and relaxed over and over again, and I gripped the king's hair tightly, pulling him harder against me. I was in such extreme ecstasy that I felt like I was floating.

  And when I came down from the high, I had to lie very still for a while. My hands loosened and fell to my sides while my chest rose and fell quickly. My brain was muddled. My limbs were limp. I could feel my heart beat pounding in my chest and hear the rapid rate in my ears. I was vaguely aware that I was still naked and that the king was covering me with a blanket, but I hardly cared. I just lay there, entirely stunned and completely exhausted.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next day was confusing and overwhelming. My emotions were all over the place, and it was more than enough to make my head spin. I wanted to be with the king. I wanted to know everything about him, touch him, and tell him all the little details about me. I wanted him to kiss me all over until I could scarcely breathe then hold me tight against him. I was already baffled because my sexual experience had caused me to be so drawn to him in such a heartfelt way. But, at the same time, I was angry that I let last night get to me so much.


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