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Cowboy's Orders (Brides of Juniper Junction Book 2)

Page 11

by Celeste Jones

  "You said there were two letters for Mr. Foreman. What happened when you saw the first one?"

  "Well," she drew in a ragged breath, still talking to the corner, "I was a bit surprised but figured it was business. Maybe a salesman's secretary had addressed the envelope. It didn't smell like roses, but she sure had pretty handwriting. And fancy stationery."

  His hand landed on her backside and she startled at the impact. "You think I'd be swayed by fancy stationery? Really?"

  Posey groaned. He was right. "I-I d-didn't know what to think and then Myrtle and Aggie came in and —"

  "Wait a minute. Myrtle and Aggie?"

  Darn. She wished she hadn't mentioned them.

  "Y-yes," she whispered. "They came in to get the Windy River mail and noticed the letter and that's when they said that your shirt needed mending and I was a bad wife and ... " She remembered how that evening had gone. That would be a cake walk compared to what she anticipated for tonight.

  "How many times do we have to have this talk about those two, Posey? If my hand spankings aren't getting the point across, maybe I need to get my strop."

  A quiver ran through her. "No, please, Jake. Not that. I-I am so sorry. So very sorry about everything. I don't know what's wrong with me." She managed to continue this conversation with her nose pressed to the corner.

  He took hold of her shoulder and turned her to look at him. He'd changed out of his Sunday clothes and stood before her in just his pants and boots. His bare chest a marvel of strength. His bulging biceps, which had been a comfort when wrapped around her, now made her nervous considering the pain he could inflict on her — if he chose to.

  But more than anything, she knew Jake wouldn’t cause her harm. Pain to her backend, of course. But, he’d never take advantage of his superior size and strength.

  She looked into his eyes, then looked away. The hurt in his gaze tore at her. She'd caused that.

  "I contrived a scheme to cause a scandal to force your uncle to let you marry me. Then I punched that uncle in the nose and nearly got myself arrested, defending your reputation." He shook his head from side to side. "I don't know how else to prove to you that I love you. Only you. Always you. Do you remember on our wedding night when you promised to never doubt my love for you again? Was that an empty promise?"

  The expression on his face, a mixture of disappointment and hurt, nearly destroyed her. She'd done that. To the only man who she'd ever loved and who had done so much for her. "I-I am ashamed of myself, Jake. Honest, I am. I do-don't know why I let those doubts creep into my mind."

  "Well," he said, a grim expression on his face, "by the time the sun rises, you'll be in no doubt about how much I love you. Starting with some serious discipline."

  "Y-yes, Jake. Anything you say."

  "We'll see if you feel that way in a few minutes."

  Chapter 14

  The sun was starting to set, sending an orange glow through the upstairs bedroom of the house Posey shared with Jake. Their home. The home and husband she'd dreamed about, particularly during the lonely times when she lived with Uncle Fritz. And she'd nearly ruined all of it. How could she ever prove to Jake how sorry she was? How much she loved him?

  She stood before him, positioned between his knees. She glanced at his powerful thighs and huge hands and her stomach quivered. Usually he was a gentle giant, but she'd hurt him deeply and wouldn't blame him one bit if he was mad at her. Disgusted, even.

  She stared at the floor, feeling like the lowest form of dirt caught in the cracks between the wooden planks. How could she have ever doubted Jake? He was the truest, most loyal man she'd ever met.

  She wanted to blame Aggie and Myrtle, but the truth was, she'd let them undermine her confidence. That was her fault.

  "Look at me, Posey." Jake's voice was a deep rumble and she glanced up at him. His eyes still carried the hurt she'd seen before. How long would it be until that hurt disappeared? Would it ever?

  "I'm so sorry," she whispered. "Please forgive me."

  "I will always forgive you when you ask, Posey. The question is, have you forgiven yourself?"

  She gaped at him. "No, how could I ever forgive myself? I did a horrible, awful thing and hurt you very badly. You, the one person I love more than anyone else." Tears streamed down her face. "I'm a horrible person."

  "Hey," Jake said, giving her bottom a swat, "no one talks about my girl that way. Remember?"

  "B-but, it's true."

  "You did a bad and foolish thing. But that doesn't make you a bad person. Would I love a bad person?"

  She sniffled. "No."

  "But, I am going to punish you so that you don't forget this lesson for several days. Understand?"

  Her legs quivered and the flesh of her backside prickled. "Y-yes, I understand. I-I need to be punished."

  Jake chuckled softly. "Oh, you'll get no argument from me on that."

  He patted his knees and she got into position over them. She took hold of his calf to steady herself and braced for the first impact.

  But instead of Jake's work-roughened palm smacking down on her backside, he opened her cheeks instead. She gasped with surprise and wrenched her neck around to see what he was doing. "Jake! Stop that. It's embarrassing."

  He gave her an indolent look. "A minute ago you said 'Anything you say.' Now, you seem to be going back on your word."

  "I-I didn't know you were going to ... you know... that you'd look th-there." Her face heated with embarrassment.

  "Oh, I'm going to do more than look." He held up a small wooden spindle, like a miniature darning egg, for her to see.

  "Wh-what are you going to do with that?" It was beyond even her imagination to consider what he planned to do, but when he opened a jar of salve and worked a dab into the opening of her shameful bottom hole, she got a pretty good idea. Fast.

  "No. No, Jake."

  "Oh, yes, Posey. You're going to take this little plug in your bottom while I punish you. And then you're going to wear it part of every day for the next week to remind you who you belong to."

  "What? I can't w-wear tha-tha-that thing!"

  As she made her argument, Jake worked the end of the spindle into her little hole. Posey gasped and froze in place as the smooth wooden object slid past the tight opening and settled into her bottom.

  "Ah. Ah. Oh." She didn't know what to say. She'd never had anything in that hole. Who ever did? This was insane.

  But then Jake gave the little spindle a tap and a turn and pleasure sensations jolted through her. "Oh," she said again, but this time it was from pleasure, not shock.

  "This is a butt plug, Posey. You're going to hold it in place until I say you can take it out. And each morning for the next week, I'm going to insert it again as part of your punishment."

  Her face flamed. What if people found out? What if it fell out? But she kept those protests to herself. She was in enough trouble as it was.

  "That sure is a pretty sight, your sweet little bottom hole filled with the plug."

  "Jake! Don't talk that way. It's shameful."

  "Let that be a warning to you, then. Maybe this will make you think before you jump to conclusions."

  She mewled and buried her face against his thigh.

  "Let's get started." Jake shifted his thighs so she was tipped up high for his discipline. As he did so, her thighs fell open and her pussy was exposed to his view as well.

  She moaned in shame and clutched his leg.

  Good as his word, Jake got started and once he started he punished her in earnest. His palm slapped down on both sides of her backside. The impacts were firm and stinging.

  "Ouch, ouch." Posey dug her fingers into the fabric of his pant leg and moved her hips from side to side, anything to avoid the swats from his big hand. With each impact she tightened the muscles of her back hole, intensifying the sensations from the wooden plug inserted there.

  "Are you going to doubt my love for you again?" He punctuated his question with a swat to her upper thi

  "No," she wailed. "Never."

  He continued smacking her thighs.

  "What about Myrtle and Aggie, or anyone else. Are you going to let them undermine your faith in me? Or your confidence in anything?"

  "Ouch. Oh, Jake, that hurts." Tears streamed down her face as the punishment continued without slowing at all. She had no idea how long this might go on and she was starting to doubt her ability to take it. The pain in her backside was nearly unbearable. The flesh felt like it was on fire and the plug in her bottom---oh, it was such an embarrassment.

  "Answer my question, Posey." He was not going to be swayed by her whining and wailing.

  "No," she managed to say between sobs. "No, I won't let them interfere ever again. I'll stay as far from them as I can and never listen to them. Ever."

  She gasped and hiccuped from sobbing so hard and sent up a silent prayer that this punishment would end soon. She'd never been so sorry in her whole life.

  Jake's heart hurt. How could Posey ever doubt his love for her? In his head, he knew that the cruelty of her life with her uncle had undermined her confidence, her belief that she was valuable and lovable. It made her susceptible to people like Aggie and Myrtle, troublemakers who could sniff out the vulnerable. He knew all of that, but it still caused a sharp pain in his heart. Deep and aching.

  Her submission, her cooperation in her punishment had eased some of the ache. He knew she was sorry, sorry to her very core.

  He remembered something his grandmother used to say. "The people we love the most can also hurt us the most." He could certainly agree with that, but with each passing moment, his hurt eased a bit and he remembered the love they shared. The sweet love of his own little Posey. She'd messed up. A lot. And no doubt she'd do it again.

  But wasn't her propensity for dramatics one of the things he loved most about her? Like he'd ever want a mail order bride. What did she say? "I suppose she never does anything wrong. Never snoops or eavesdrops or burns dinner."

  He smiled to himself. What would life be like with someone who did as they were supposed to all the time?

  Posey's sobs echoed around the room. Finally he stopped swatting and reached for the jar of salve, coating his fingers with it and rubbing it across the scarlet flesh of her hind quarters. A shuddering sob racked her body and his heart ached for his sweet Posey. She needed him so badly, to watch out for her and protect her and help her to understand how he felt about her.

  With one hand he applied the salve to her bottom cheeks and thighs and with his other hand he reached up and massaged her back in small circles. "Hush now, honey. It's all over now. You did a good job."

  She drew in a ragged breath and blew it out, and he felt her relax a bit. He continued massaging her back and applying the ointment to her stinging flesh. When her breathing returned to normal he lifted her to stand between his legs again. He yearned to hold her on his lap, but knowing how much her bottom probably hurt, he decided not to make matters worse by brushing it against the stiff denim of his pants.

  He gently pulled her to him and her sobs returned. She buried her face against his chest and cried some more. "I'm sorry, Jake. I l-love you so much. Please forgive me."

  "Now, Posey, we've already talked about that. Of course you are forgiven. I could never stay mad at you, but that doesn't mean I won't punish you when I know that's what you need."

  She nodded and sniffled. "It really hurt, but I also f-feel better, too. Is that strange?"

  "No, honey. That just means you know you did your penance. And you were very brave, too."

  "Th-thank you." She finally looked up at him, her big brown eyes full of emotion.

  He leaned in and kissed her, gently at first. She slowly slid her arms around his neck and pressed against him. He could tell she needed to feel close to him and he knew exactly how to do that.

  He prolonged the kiss, deepening it and burying his hands in her hair. When it ended, they were both breathless and Posey's eyes were bright.

  He lifted her onto the bed and positioned her on all fours, the tip of the wooden plug peeking out between the cheeks of her ass. Oh mercy. His cock was already hard and he managed to get his pants and boots off and stood behind her at the edge of the bed.

  With his hand, he opened her thighs and stroked up, into the cleft of her pussy, his fingers straying over her hard clit. Posey's sharp intake of breath encouraged him to stroke over it a few times until she quivered on her hands and knees and pushed back toward him.

  "Oh, yes," she gasped.

  "Settle down," he said, giving her bottom a light slap to remind her he was in charge.

  And to further prove his point he took hold of his bulging cock and pushed it deep into the slick passage of her pussy. "Ah," he moaned. She felt so good. Perfect.

  "Oomph," Posey said, bracing for what she no doubt knew was coming next.

  He took hold of her hips and drove into her over and over again. No pause, no sweet talk, just fast fucking. "How does that feel, Posey? Your ass and your pussy filled like that?"

  He could see the blush on the side of her face but he was determined for her to answer. "Tell me, Posey."

  "It f-feels, w-wonderful. I feel so f-full and I didn't know having things, you know, there, would feel good. But it does."

  "That's my girl," he said, giving the plug a bit of a turn and watching her twitch and arch with longing.

  "Oh, please, Jake. Oh. Oh."

  "Who loves you, Posey?"

  "Y-you do, J-Jake."

  "Damn right," he said, exploding into her with a rush, his come slipping out of her pussy and down her thighs.

  Then he took hold of the plug in her ass, while his cock remained inside her, enjoying the feel of her hot pussy clenching around him, and pushed it in a small amount, then back.

  "Ja-ake!" she squealed.

  He wrapped his arm around her waist to support her, then he worked the plug back and forth again. And again. Her body quivered and shook and finally she let out a wail of release and at that moment he pulled the plug from her ass, sending her off into an explosive orgasm that had her calling out, her voice echoing around the room.


  “Are you having a bit of trouble walking, Posey?” Jake asked, a mischievous smile on his face.

  They were on their way to meet up with Matt Foreman. Mr. Forman. Ugh. How could she have been so stupid? And now she was walking through town with a very sore bottom. In addition to the spanking she’d received the night before, Jake had inserted the plug in her rear that morning, as promised. Mercifully, he’d removed it before they went to the train station, but the awkward sensation still lingered. Which had probably been his intention all along.

  “I don’t want you to get too sore, Posey honey, so I’m going to take this out now,” he’d said earlier that morning after another session of thorough lovemaking that left her panting and squealing. Jake hadn’t been too quiet either.

  No doubt Mrs. Weatherly had gotten an earful. Ah well. She’d learn to keep her windows closed if it bothered her.

  “Yes, I am, thank you for asking,” she snipped at him. How could she enjoy the wedding and meeting the new Mrs. Foreman with a very, very sore bottom?

  “Good. Let that be a reminder to you to behave yourself today. I’m just sorry I didn’t think of this method sooner. Might have saved you a couple of trips over my lap.” He was enjoying this much too much.

  “Ah, come on, Posey,” he said, leaning down to whisper in her ear, “be a good girl and I’ll give you a special treat when we get home.” His breath sent gooseflesh all over her neck and she blushed and gazed up at him. “Would you like that, little Posey?”

  Dang but she could not stay mad at him, especially when he looked at her with his big dark eyes and sultry smile.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “You know I would.”

  “That’s my girl.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and supported her.

  As they made their way down Main Street lots
of folks were also heading for the train station. Either there were several mail order brides arriving or word had gotten out that Matt Foreman wanted a big welcome for his new bride.

  Millie and Josie slipped out the door of the general store and joined Posey and Jake. Even Mrs. Everett closed up the post office early. “Well, she is a mail order bride,” Mrs. Everett explained, as she joined them, “it seems like it’s my duty to be there when she arrives.”

  Movement to her side caught Posey’s attention and she turned to see Myrtle and Aggie, much subdued from yesterday and each with some scratches on their faces, dragging their luggage through town on the way to the train station. Mr. Conners followed behind, no doubt making sure they got on the train without causing more trouble. It was just about the best thing Posey had ever seen.

  Other than Aggie and Myrtle, everyone was in a festive mood and as Posey walked to the train station surrounded by friends, her new employer and her handsome and loving husband, her heart filled with happiness. Everything she’d ever dreamed of during all those lonely years with Uncle Fritz had come true.

  When they arrived at the train station, the others moved to join the crowd gathered on the platform, but Posey held back a bit and drew Jake into a corner behind the station.

  Reaching up, she cupped his face between her palms and drew him down until their mouths were just inches apart. “I love you so much, Jake. You’ve made me so happy.” Her voice was husky and she bit back a sudden onslaught of tears. She kissed him tenderly and when the kiss ended he hugged her to him.

  “Posey, you’re my everything. Always will be.”

  They stayed that way for a moment, then Jake said, “Come on, it’s time for us to meet the new Mrs. Foreman.”

  Thank you for reading Cowboy’s Orders. I hope you enjoyed your trip back to the old west. Let’s keep in touch! Click here to sign up for my newsletter. Join my Facebook group too.

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