The Debutante's Revenge: Western Historical Romance (Debutantes of Durango Book 6)

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The Debutante's Revenge: Western Historical Romance (Debutantes of Durango Book 6) Page 3

by Sylvia McDaniel

  "Show me what you wore last night. Oh, I wanted to attend, but the baby is teething and keeping me up at night."

  Daisy walked over to the wardrobe where the gorgeous dress hung. "Even today, the gown is stunning."

  The memory of Lee's hand sliding down inside the bodice and squeezing her breasts left her breathless. Oh, how she longed to experience more, but already, she let things go further than she intended. If his touch caused her to moan, what would it be like with his mouth on her nipple?

  "What a beautiful dress. How did you get the backless part past Mother and Father?"

  She grinned. "Until right before the ball, they didn't realize there was no back. Then oops. Too late to find another dress. Daddy was upset with Mother for not checking the dress sooner and Mother told me I would not get away with that again."

  Just then the twins busted into the room. "There you are."

  "I'm talking to my sister," she told them.

  "Oh, can we sit and listen?" Todd asked.

  At the age of six, the boys had attempted to burn their fifth governess at the stake playing cowboys and Indians. Soon after that, Fannie arrived. She had been the calming influence in their young lives. Thank goodness she had gotten them under control. Now they were still little imps, but at least they were becoming polite and controlled little hellions.

  "No, go find your father. I'll be out there in a moment. We have some business to discuss."

  The twins ran back out the door.

  "They mind you so much better than they do Walter."

  "Walter doesn't help them understand they are going to lose their favorite toys and privileges if they don't do what I say. The twins always have a choice. Whether they choose to make the right decision is up to them."

  "Oh," Daisy said with a smile. "What do we need to talk about? You're going to find out for me what business Lee Sackett owns here in town, so I can put him on my list of most promising husband."

  Her sister shook her head. "Always getting your way. Yes, I'll make some inquiries and learn who the man is. In the meantime, don't tell Mother I'm pregnant again."

  "What? Congratulations. Why don't you want to tell Mother?"

  "Because last time, she had me drinking the worst concoctions to make certain I wouldn't lose the baby. Believe me, it won't be long until you get to drink her pregnancy juice. Avoid the drink as long as possible."

  Four children. Soon, Fannie would be the mother to four children and Daisy couldn't imagine what that was like. Though she did remember the horrible concoction Mother mixed for Fannie, promising a beautiful baby and a healthy pregnancy.

  "Oh, Fannie, were you and Walter at the casino gambling or did you go to Miss Hattie’s again?"

  A smile flitted across Fannie's smooth face. "It was our anniversary, so we did both, and when I stood before my husband in only my undergarments, well, another baby was created."

  She sighed. "I'm so excited. Let's hope this one is another girl. That would give us two boys and two girls."

  Daisy rose from the side of the bed and hugged her sister. "Congratulations. Do you think Walter will be as nervous this time?"

  "Oh, please, I pray not," she said. "He drove me crazy worrying about me."

  Walter's first wife died in childbirth with the twins, and since then, he feared Fannie getting pregnant. Until Fannie came into his life, the man raised the boys on his own with the help of nursemaids and governesses. All of whom had been unsuccessful in making the twins behave.

  "Speaking of my brother-in-law, we better rescue him from the kids."

  "When are you going home?"

  "Tomorrow. Mother wants to have tea with her cronies before we leave. Papa is ready for us to go now. He worries so when we're not home."

  Later today, if she could sneak out, she planned on walking the streets looking for any building with the name Sackett on it.

  "I'll learn what I can about Lee Sackett."

  "Thanks, I think I'm going to marry him."

  There was an attraction between the two of them she couldn’t ignore, and he had all the qualities she was searching for in a man. He'd passed all her tests and now let the courtship begin.

  "Oh, Daisy, wait until we learn more about him."

  "Why, he possesses my top priorities. He's a hell of a kisser. He's rich."

  Chapter 7

  Riding along the road toward Durango, Lee knew he was running out of time to find a bull for his heifers. A month had passed since the ball, since the night he was supposed to talk to Mr. Trippe about exchanging bulls. Not a night went by that he hadn’t thought about the beautiful blonde. The unbelievable kiss they shared. The touch of her breast beneath his palm. The scent of her in his hotel room.

  The ranch had to remain his focus and yet his mind refused to think about anything but a woman who would never fit into his world. For that matter, she'd never told him her surname. It would be hard to find her, though he considered searching her out.

  But that was not part of the plan. Now was not the time for a wife, a woman, or even a companion. The snow was melting, the grass would soon be in, and he had a pasture full of heifers who needed a lover.

  This morning, he was riding to Mr. Trippe's ranch to speak to him about exchanging bulls.

  He spent last night on the trail toward Mr. Trippe's home, so he could arrive early. Hopefully, before the man rode out to pasture. Sleeping outside in the cool night air around a campfire, he enjoyed.

  The cold made him give thanks for his one-bedroom cabin. The night made him appreciate the hoot of an owl, the stars, and the bright moon. The howling of the coyotes.

  Clicking his heels against the sides of his horse, he turned down the lane toward the house. Finding the ranch had taken him longer than he planned and already the morning had gotten away from him.

  As he neared the home, a man greeted him.

  "Good morning," he called.

  "Good morning, how can we help you?"

  "I'm here to speak to Mr. Trippe," he told the man.

  The man nodded. "The last time I saw him, he was headed to the barn."

  "Thank you," he said and rode his horse to the red building.

  Someday, his ranch would be this nice. With a huge house and a big home for his horses. Someday.

  Dismounting from his mare, he tethered the animal to a hitching post and walked into the barn.

  "Hello," he said louder. "Mr. Trippe, are you in here?"


  "Mr. Trippe?"

  Glancing inside, he noticed the horse stalls, the tack room, and a door leading into a fenced-in yard. Walking to the back, he stopped. Stepping into the shadows, he watched the woman he'd been dreaming about walk toward him from the arena, pulling a horse.

  "Come on, Josephine, you know you want to go."

  As if in a dream, she came through the door, leading a mare by the bridle.

  His heart started to pound. What the hell was Daisy doing here? No, please no, she couldn't be Mr. Trippe's daughter? Still, he couldn’t help but want her.

  "Maybe that horse doesn't want to go with you?" he said.

  Startled, she jumped and then a smile spread across her face. "Oh, believe me, she loves when I ride her."

  Damn, the woman knew how to use her words to get to him. Today, she wore an overcoat over a long, split riding skirt. Was she going out for a ride? Could he go with her?

  "Where are you going?"

  "Why is that any of your business?"

  "I'll go with you."

  A saucy smiled crossed her face. "I promised my sister I would watch her boys for her today. Are you up to taking care of two rambunctious twins?"

  "Oh," he said, thinking taking care of young’uns was not exactly what he wanted them to do at this moment.

  Walking toward him, she stopped less than an inch from him. "What are you doing here? Looking for another kiss?"

  Oh, yes, he would most definitely enjoy another of her kisses. A grin spread across his face. "Are you offe

  Her head tilted and her large sapphire eyes gazed at him with a look that captivated him. Oh, hell, why did he ask? Why was he not simply taking? Once before she offered and driven him crazy with the memory.

  Like a man possessed, he took a step toward her, and she lifted her chin and stared at him. In anticipation, she dropped the reins to the horse and slid her hands up the front of his shirt, sending his heart catapulting inside his chest, his dick hardening.

  "This time make it last. We're all alone and no one is going to bother us. My mother thinks I'm on my way to town and Papa is out in the pasture."

  A groan escaped him as he pulled her into his arms, his mouth layering over hers. The woman was a wanton, the way she tempted him just like before. The moment their lips touched, fire scorched him. An out of control flame consumed him as he fit her against him.

  When he walked in the door, he remembered seeing a pile of hay. Without releasing their mouths, he headed toward the soft cushion needing someplace to lay her down and give her all his attention. This time, he wanted no barriers. This time he wanted nothing to stop them.

  She moaned deeply in the back of her throat as they fell onto the strands of dried grass. His hands reached up and cupped her face, touching her silky skin, not letting her pull away as he devoured her lips.

  This is what he dreamed about since the debutante ball. This beautiful young woman had charmed and seduced her way into his mind and all he could think about was the taste of her. The feel of her body.

  Unable to resist, he crawled on top of her, letting her experience his rock hard shaft as she wrapped her arms around him. Her leg enveloped his lower body as she pulled him into her, and he reached his hand beneath her skirt, closer and closer to her womanly apex.

  At the touch of her soft, wet folds, he moaned. Could he take her clothes off and the two of them join right here in the hay?

  The sound of gun cocking had his blood running cold.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing to my daughter?"

  Oh shit! Oh shit! He jerked back and glanced up at none other than Sidney Trippe.

  The man held a Colt 45 to his temple and Lee was afraid to breathe for fear of the weapon going off.

  “Papa? What are you doing? You're supposed to be out in the pasture."

  A quick glance and Lee witnessed the Methodist preacher's white face backing slowly out of the building.

  "The preacher came by to talk about a side of beef for the church. And where do I find my daughter? Beneath this man's greedy paws."

  The man all but roared. "Son, you have about two seconds to explain what you're doing here before I splatter your brains all over this barn."

  Chapter 8

  "Get to the house, Daisy," her father commanded.

  Yanking her skirt down, she stood and glanced at Lee who slowly rose to his feet, his breathing harsh, his large, emerald eyes wide with fear. Her father's gun pointed at his head.

  She couldn't let her father shoot him. Terror clutched her chest as she watched the two men stare at one another.

  "Papa, please don't hurt him."

  "I'm going to kill him," he said between gritted teeth.

  She'd never seen her father so angry. His red face, bulging eyes, and fighting stance made her realize her father meant business. Lee's life was in danger because of her.

  "No, Daddy, we're courting."

  "That's not how a decent man courts a woman."

  Frightened for Lee's life, she watched her father's hand shake holding the gun. What if his finger just tightened on the trigger?

  "How do you know this man?"

  "The debutante ball. We met there."

  For a moment, her father's eyes narrowed and his jaw tightened.

  "Now, I remember you. You introduced yourself in the library with all the men. Why didn't you ask permission to court my daughter?"

  Lee licked his lips, nervous, and Daisy feared for them both.

  "We were interrupted, sir. It's one of the reasons I came by today. I want to ask for you to allow me to court your daughter."

  That was a lie. Lee had no idea who her father was. But to save his life, she was willing to let that little falsehood slide.

  "No. You do not have my permission to court her, because, son, you're going to marry her."

  Astonished, Daisy whirled toward her father.

  "No, Papa. This is not how I want to get married."

  Marriage? All she knew about Lee she learned at the ball. He was a rich man who probably lived in Durango, but she wasn't even certain about that.

  "The two of you should have thought of that before I found you sparking in the hay with this man. Now he's going to save your reputation."

  Why would he need to protect her reputation? No one but her father had caught them and he was furious, but no need for them to say vows they didn't mean for one another.

  "My reputation is fine. Nothing happened."

  "Then why when the preacher and I walked in the door was his hand up your skirt?"

  Oh, dear God, the preacher had been with him? Looking around the barn. "He's not here now. Let's just pretend this didn't happen. I'm still a virgin. I'm still pure as I look."

  Eyes flashing with fury, her father growled. "Doesn't matter. You think the man of God will keep quiet about what you were doing?"

  "Sir, let me explain," Lee said.

  "No explanation needed. We saw what you were doing. Young man, you got some nerve coming to my home and taking advantage of my daughter."

  That wasn’t the truth. If only she hadn't enticed Lee, but the man kissed like sin and she believed they were alone.

  Her mother came running through the door. "What's wrong? I was told I should come out here and stop you from killing someone."

  When her father glanced at her mother, Daisy noticed her father's ruddy complexion. Never had she seen him so angry. She was Daddy's favorite. His little girl. And he would do everything to protect her and her reputation.

  "The preacher and I walked in and found the two of them going at it in the hay. This boy's hand was up her skirt."

  With surprise, her mother's eyes widened and her voice condemned. "Daisy."

  "Get the preacher, they're getting married."

  "Momma, stop this, please don't make me marry him."

  Her mother gave Lee a nasty glance as she walked to her husband's side. "Now, Sidney, I understand you want to do what is right by our daughter, but what do we know about this young man? I remember him from the ball, but what about his family? Would you want to sentence our daughter to a life of misery?"

  Slowly, her father stared at her mother and lowered his gun.

  "Daisy’s reputation is ruined. You know the man of God is the biggest gossip in Durango. Word of her dalliance will be making the rounds by this afternoon. That little tumble in the hay cost both of you."

  "Sidney, please this is our baby girl. Don't do this."

  "I'll marry her," Lee said.

  Like a rabid rattler, her father's eyes narrowed on Lee. "Of course, you will, son. And you'd better never hurt her, because if you do, you'll be wolf meat. Do you understand me?"

  "Yes, sir," Lee said with a sigh.

  Daisy realized that her father wouldn't back down. "Nooo, Daddy, no."

  "Daisy, you let this young buck take advantage of you."

  With a wave of his gun at Lee, he said to the boy, "Walk to the house. The preacher witnessed your little escapade. He's going to marry you. Now. Let's go."

  "Nooo," Daisy cried, great gulping sobs coming from her.

  "Nellie, prepare our daughter for her wedding."

  Like a prisoner, her mother took her by the arm and marched her toward her fate. Today was her wedding day and it would be nothing like she dreamed.

  Chapter 9

  Standing in her bedroom, her mother went through her wardrobe searching for a dress suitable to be her wedding dress.

  "It's not white, but what about the gown you wore when yo
u met Lee. What about the yellow ball gown?"

  "Why not," she said, falling onto the bed, feeling like her world had just ended. It was her wedding day.

  As she stared at the ceiling, she heard voices downstairs. The tone sounded like her father's voice raised in anger, and she realized Lee was being berated by him.

  This was her fault. All because she flirted outrageously with the man and then let things go too far.

  "Daisy, you were taught the consequences of bad behavior. I've talked to you and your sisters about what is expected of women and how one wrong move can ruin your reputation. While I disagree with how your father is handling this, you brought it upon yourself."

  Lying on her back on her bed, she stared at nothing. "But I don't love him."

  Her mother gave a little snort. "Then why was his hand up your dress?"

  "Because the man kisses like Satan himself."

  "Daisy," her mother exclaimed, "just because he can kiss does not mean he's a perfect husband. A woman must look out for herself. We've talked about this before. Search for a man who can provide for you. Not the man who makes you forget common decency when he kisses you."

  Touché, she was right. When his lips touched hers, she had forgotten everything. All she could think about was the way he made her feel, her heart pounding and the desire that rushed through her. Was that a bad thing?

  The words struck Daisy wrong, and she needed to learn the truth. "What about you, Mother? How would you describe Papa's kisses when you were young?"

  "That, child, is none of your business."

  "Don't call me a child if you're going to marry me to a stranger."

  Outside the sun shone brightly and inside her world was being torn asunder. What would Fannie think of her not showing up to watch the twins?

  Silence filled the room and her mother tried to hide her tears. For a few moments, neither woman said anything.

  "Your father's kisses have always been enjoyable. As for Satan, how would I know how the devil kisses. Still, until I knew if your father could provide for me, I would never agree to marry him. Let's just hope and pray Lee can give you a good life."


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