The Alien Warrior's Heart : A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Plutonian Warriors Book 3)

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The Alien Warrior's Heart : A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Plutonian Warriors Book 3) Page 6

by Nelia Alarcon

  I really have lost my mind.

  But an inspection was due. Here she was, on an alien planet, and she’d been spending majority of her time trying to stay alive as evil lion aliens and weird masked creatures tried to kill her.

  She was a curious person at heart. It was how she got into coding. Simone had to know how something worked. She used to take down every electronic device she could get her hands on and try to piece it together.

  Nothing in her world made sense, but those electronics were like puzzles. They worked in simple ways. If she understood the programs, the codes, the series of ones and zeroes, she could grasp a bit more of that control.

  Zar was nothing but living, breathing technology.




  But still, she could take him apart and understand him.


  She would touch this alien for research purposes only.

  Just research.

  She eased closer to him.

  Zar watched her intently, his eyes narrowing on hers as if he didn’t trust her. She almost smiled. Almost. But that would be unprofessional of her.

  She was simply observing something she didn’t understand. There was no room for amusement. Or attraction.

  Simone rose to her knees so she was eye-level with the giant alien. She dropped her thumb gently on Zar’s forehead and smeared her touch over the length of it.

  Pulling her hand back, Simone inspected it. The blue did not come off his skin.


  Her fingers brushed down his strong nose to his cheeks. His eyes remained trained on hers. Though he didn’t move, she could feel his muscles tightening and tightening with every graze of her thumb.

  Simone’s own heart jumped to her throat. What she’d intended to be clinical was making her pulse spike. Desire crept into the space between them. Wicked intentions. Dangerous thoughts. Tingles started from her heart and headed south, straight between her thighs.

  She should stop. The prudent, smart thing would be to end it here.

  Zar could get the wrong idea.

  But she didn’t stop.

  Because, a small part of her hoped that Zar got that idea.

  Her finger dropped to his lips. They were blue. Firm.

  Like a human’s.

  But not.


  So much better.

  How would they taste?

  She trembled at the very thought. Trembled as she remembered the way Zar had rubbed her lips earlier. He touched her like he knew the mouth was a sensitive part of the human body. Like he wanted to take full advantage of all those nerve sensors tripping over his touch.

  Would he be the same? What would her fingers stroking a thousand nerve endings mean for this alien?

  She swiped her finger over him again and heard his breath catch in his throat.

  The air crackled with heat.

  His hand snapped over her wrist.

  “Si-Moon,” he said in a deep, warning voice.

  Lust snapped through her, crackling hotter and faster than electricity. Zar was not the only one who could wind someone up. In this moment, she held control in her hands. She wasn’t being flung around by octopus aliens or chased by creatures in masks. She wasn’t ducking behind a tree, feeling small and helpless.


  Not now.

  Not with Zar.

  Lifting her free hand, Simone pressed it on his chest. His heart beat rapidly against her palm and it made her smile. “I’ve never trusted anyone.”

  His eyes narrowed on hers. They were more black than purple as his irises got eclipsed by his pupils. The sight should have unnerved her, but it only made desire boil in her stomach. She was starting a fire and, when it burned, she would probably be destroyed.

  But she didn’t contain it.

  Simone was too drunk on this feeling to give a damn.

  Let it burn.

  “I don’t trust you. I won’t.” She traced a tattoo. Over the loop of it. Down. Back up.

  His tattoos were so sexy.

  His muscles.

  The way he protected her.

  The way he gently cared for her.

  The way he got upset when she put herself in danger.


  All of it.

  So damn infuriating.

  And so damn sexy.

  Zar’s nostrils flared. “Si-Moon.”

  One more warning.

  Her last one probably.

  What would come next? What would this big, dangerous alien do to her?

  Simone wet her lips. “I don’t trust anyone, but…” She looked up at him and whispered, “this is the closest I’ve come in a long time.”

  Zar grabbed her waist and pulled her into his lap. Simone gasped, falling unceremoniously against the alien’s strong, hard body. He slid his fingers down her cheek. She felt his hesitation as he looked at her, even as she felt his excitement hardening against her thigh.

  Was he holding himself back? For what?

  Simone sucked in a deep breath.

  Should she just go for it?

  Should she just kiss him?



  His gaze ran over her face. The dark skin. The soft, plump lips. The eyes that begged for his invasion. His little human had such a thirst for danger that she was tempting him after igniting his ire.

  Did she know how thoroughly he could break her?

  Zar could not deny that she called to him. He wanted her. Wanted his hands all over that fragile skin. Wanted his mouth to suck and nip and bite her private places.

  But they were still too near to the Rulari. They were too close to the Heronas’s camp.

  And he was finding it rather hard to convince himself that mating her once would be enough.

  It would not.

  He felt a connection to Si-Moon. A bond that defied explanation and bucked against any logical thought. She consumed him and it bothered him so much to be at someone else’s mercy.

  He had an allegiance to his tribas.

  And yet…

  He had an allegiance he treasured a bit more.

  Even Korben knew that Zar’s loyalties, though sound, were divided.

  Divided between his fury and his duty.

  He would die gladly.


  As long as he could take as many Heronas bastards to the other side with him.

  All Zar’s decisions were based on that freedom.

  All the risks he took. All the plans he made. It came from the knowledge that death could take nothing from him.

  Zar was a dead Plutonian walking.

  But now, things had changed.

  Death had something over him.

  He looked at the beautiful female inching closer to his face. The wind slid along the hem of her stained tunic and brought her sweet scent to his nostrils. Her eyes glimmered like tiny marbles and her dark brown lips caught his gaze.

  Si-Moon was slowly climbing his ladder of priorities. Her long, slender arms were grabbing everything. Pushing them behind her. Moving up.

  Neh. It was not a climb.

  Si-Moon had already reached the top.

  She had already overtaken everything else.

  She took up space in his heras and was not satisfied to simply exist. No. She had to expand and expand until all of him could accept all of her.

  If Zar sucked her heat, if he stretched her to his hardness, she would become his number one priority for life. His training made it so. Years and years of tradition dictated that it be this way.

  Zar’s father had sat with him over many sessions and taught him to respect females. To honor them. Cherish them.

  The success of a mating and the longevity of a coupling depends on the male, his father would say. When a male finds a mate, he finds a good thing. If he turns that good thing into a bitter, nagging female, it is his fault and his job to fix it.

  It was a principle he held dea
r, not only because his father had taught him but because it was true. There was much more involved to a mating than simply pounding a female between her legs.

  Even if that urge was all he could think about in this moment.

  Si-Moon continued leaning closer and touching his tattoos. His pants tightened, his hardness rising to get her attention. She did not look down, though he could tell she was aware.

  Was she frightened?

  His gaze swept her small frame again.


  Zar knew mating would be overwhelming for Si-Moon. This was not pride but a simple truth. He could destroy her without trying. Without pushing to his full capabilities. He could stretch her beyond her wildest dreams.

  A fact.

  An unchangeable reality.

  Like air. Like damas. Like moonlight.

  He had never mated with a female before, but his lack of experience would not hinder his abilities in the least. Plutonian fathers never had to teach their sons how to touch a female.


  They did not need lessons in stroking, tasting, and sucking.

  The coupling would be easy.

  Fitting himself inside Si-Moon, thrusting into her soft places, making her scream and moan and beg…

  It would be natural.

  But after…

  The commitment that it required would mean replacing rage with sacrifice.

  Replacing selfishness with maturity.

  It would mean giving up his crusade to avenge his father’s death.

  Could he?

  Before Zar could make a decision, Si-Moon shot forward and took his lips. Her arms fell around his neck and her body crashed into his.

  Zar’s hands lifted in surprise.

  Si-Moon was sweet and soft and his body reacted instantly.

  Mate her.


  Taste more of her.


  These desperate urges banished every voice that dared to distract him from this moment. From the softness of Si-Moon in his arms. From the taste of her lips as it slid against his.


  Were all females this sweet or was it just her?

  Neh. It had to be her.


  She was delight wrapped in brown skin. She was pleasure breaking free from a soft, feminine moan. She was ecstasy in blunt nails that dug hard into his back and turned his skin from blue to bruised.

  Zar trapped Si-Moon in his lap, locking her in place with one arm while his other lifted to her face. He dug his fingers into her chin and drank from her lips. Harder. Harder.

  He did not suckle.

  Gentleness? Tenderness? Neh.

  She was too fiery a female. Too strong.

  He would bend her just as she had broken him. He would claim her just as she had staked her place in his heras.

  His lips devoured hers, slanting over her mouth with unleashed ferocity. He bent her neck backward from the force of his embrace, making sure to communicate just who was dominant between the two of them.

  Zar heard her gasp. Heard her whimper into his mouth.

  It pleased him when he felt her fingers scrambling over his body, searching for purpose, for balance. It pleased him when her lips caved to his own, falling beneath the obedience of his rapid strokes. It pleased him when he used his tongue to pry those sweet lips apart.

  The moment Zar’s tongue touched Si-Moon’s, fire swept through him. He slowed his assault on her mouth, teasing the longest, most deliberate strokes of his tongue against hers to test which would produce the loudest gasp, the lowest moans and the tightest tremors.

  Moist and hot, her mouth accepted his invasion.

  She was pliant, responsive, and thirsty.

  There were no more dark glares that could peel his skin back with one look. There were no more sharp words that could slash at him despite the fact that he did not understand them. There were no more scowls.

  No. These lips were doing something far more pleasing to him.

  Zar withdrew his tongue and tugged on her bottom lip with his teeth, making sure he bit down hard enough to leave an imprint but soft enough that he did not tear her flesh.

  She cried out, her fingers lifting off his shoulders and pulling at his hair. The pain slid wickedly through his body and his pants tightened even more.

  He could smell her desire. Could feel it smearing against his pants.

  Si-Moon tugged on his hair again and made his body jerk. Her lips inched up in a dark, knowing smile.

  The seren…

  She wished to tease him and, by the looks of his pants, she was succeeding.

  Zar growled low in his throat. Did Si-Moon think she would out-give him when it came to pleasure?

  Drunk on her kiss, he threw his female to the grass, keeping his mouth on hers. His hand left her waist and he explored the rest of her body. The soft planes. The dips. The swells. The smoothness.

  He pushed her flimsy tunic to her waist and let his exploration slow. Deepen. Harden. Si-Moon arched against his chest. Zar moved his mouth to far more dangerous places and her lips remained open in a wild and yet silent gasp. He thrust his fingers into dripping heat and dived deep, willing to drown. Willing to fall.

  Dizziness spun his head. Made him crave more and more.

  More to the point of death.

  He would die here. Teasing the moans out of Si-Moon’s raw throat. Listening to her whimper and beg in the language of earth.

  He would spend his days here, dying over and over again.

  Si-Moon began to shake.

  Too much.

  It was too much.

  He could hear it as she screamed.

  He saw it as her toes curled into the grass.

  Wickedly, he did not stop his onslaught. Grabbing her quivering thighs, he continued until she bucked tightly. Zar felt the tremor of satisfaction rip through her body. Saw the tears leaking down her face.

  He licked his lips, tasting her heat on his tongue and shaking his shoulders out in satisfaction. Si-Moon’s hands fell limply in the grass and Zar folded her tunic back in place for her. Next, he gathered her in his arms and held her close.

  “Si-Moon,” he growled, “I will mate you.” Zar pressed a kiss to her head. “But we must get on our way now while it is still light. It is not safe here.”

  She did not respond.

  Zar shook her softly, concern leaking into his tone. “Si-Moon?”

  Still nothing.


  Had he broken her?



  Zar looked into her eyes. His damp fingers gripped her shoulder and shook it urgently. “Si-Moon.”

  She wanted to respond.

  She did.

  But Simone couldn’t feel her legs right now. She was limp as a noodle. Like a rag that had been soaked and then squeezed to within an inch of its life.

  She’d never felt such violent ecstasy. Pleasure hadn’t asked for permission. It wasn’t gentle and sweet. There was no time to catch her breath, brace for the charge, or make sense of the chaotic sensations that stormed through her body.

  No. Zar shoved his face in and went to town until she felt like she’d been torn apart. Ripped to shreds. Her body could barely handle the explosions he’d set off in her. And now he expected her to move? To breathe? To think?

  Simone almost laughed.

  Zar’s lips tilted up in a smile and she realized that she probably had laughed aloud. He muttered words to her that rang with pride. Her languid responses were blowing up his male ego.

  The thought spurred her into action and Simone sat up.

  Zar’s expression filled with relief. “Si-moon, ez tum goh.”

  “Yeah,” she croaked. Her eyes widened when she heard how raw her voice sounded.

  All that screaming—

  Simone really hoped the lion aliens weren’t nearby because if they were… she’d just alerted everyone in a three-mile radius to their presence.

nbsp; Hey, Evil Aliens! I’m currently getting hot and heavy with my blue alien… boyfriend? Feel free to make an appointment.

  Exploring her passion with Zar could have waited now that she thought about the danger they were still in. If she hadn’t kissed him first, they would have never gotten distracted and ended up rolling around in the grass.

  But it wasn’t completely her fault.

  Zar could have stopped them too.

  But he didn’t.

  He took it much, much farther.

  When his hand slipped beneath her dress—

  His touch had completely taken over her mind. She’d gotten drunk on it. High on it. Wasted on it.

  Simone had never ever felt that way with any man on earth.

  To be fair, she’d never trusted any man on earth. In her experience, letting someone close only led to pain and heartbreak. The modern dating game was all about who could get a woman naked the fastest.

  No one was interested in her as a person. No one cared about her scars. About the nightmares that kept her up at night. About the sorrow she held in her heart whenever she thought of her mother. The anger that raged in her veins when she thought of her dark childhood.


  It was all about her curves. All about her tits. All about what she could offer in bed. As long as she could spread her legs, she’d have all the company she wanted but none of the love she craved.

  She’d seen the games from the outside looking in and made up her mind. Dating was not something that interested her and, when a man pursued her, she entertained them only as far as she could keep her heart safe.

  No man had gotten this far with her before.





  Zar had her cornered. She never got this caught up in feelings. Feelings that could just as soon turn to rage as passion.

  It should bother her. This… free falling. This endless journey into something she couldn’t control or understand.

  And it would.

  As soon as the memories of Zar’s tongue on her body faded. As soon as her lips stopped tingling from his kiss. As soon as she could walk without feeling him stroking her, common sense would come roaring back and stick close this time.


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