The Sixth Strand

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by Melissa McPhail

  Leis (lay) n. [Old Alæic leis] The shortest pathway available to a Nodefinder when using the Pattern of the World to travel, often connecting spaces within a small geographic area.

  Lightbender n. [Derivative of Old Alæic, liht] An Adept trained at the Vestian Sorceresy to manipulate the thoughts and visions of others (Lightbenders are usually Adepts of elae’s fourth strand).

  Literato n. [Old Alæic literati, learned, scholarly] A scholar at the Sormitáge University whose focus is on research of the strands of elae or into the history of the realm or the Adept race.

  Maestro n. [Old Alæic, master] A teaching scholar at the Sormitáge University.

  Maritus (Mer´i-tus) n. [Old Alæic maritum, act worthy of praise] The third ranking of Adept enrolled at the Sormitáge University. Adepts wear a Maritus bracelet until they’ve completed their thesis and passed the Invocation Trials to advance to Devoveré status, often a span of five to ten years. See the Sormitáge Rankings.

  Marquiin (mar kwen´) n. [Myacenic, chosen] A truthreader who has been chosen by the Prophet Bethamin to be cleansed in a “purifying” ritual involving, in part, the insertion of Bethamin’s Fire into the Adept’s mind.

  Merdanti (mer dan´tē) n. [Agasi] 1 An impossibly hard black stone named for the region of Agasan in which it is found 2 A weapon forged using the fifth strand of elae and made from this stone.

  Malorin’athgul (muh lor´en – ath´gool) n. [Old Alæic, they who make the darkness] A race of beings from beyond the known Realms of Light who were birthed by the Maker to balance Creation by unmaking the universe at its far unraveling fringes while it is constantly expanding at its core.

  Mor’alir n. [Agasi, dark of the heart] In the Vestian Sorceresy, ‘The Path of Shadows’; Adepts following mor’alir wield the lifeforce towards destructive aims.

  Na’turna (nah toor´nah) n. [Old Alæic < nare turre, of the earth] A non-Adept; mortal.

  Node (nod) n. [Old Alæic nodus, knot] The points where the Pattern of the World conjoins. Nodes connect places in vastly different geographic regions and allow a Nodefinder to travel great distances within a few steps. In the realm of Alorin, nodes also connect to the neighboring realm of T’khendar due to the nature of the latter’s formation.

  Nodefinder (nod-fin´der) n. [Old Alæic nodus, knot + findan, find] Adept of the second strand of elae who sees the points where the Pattern of the World conjoins (called nodes) and can use these points to travel vast distances; see also Espial.

  Quorum of the Sixth Truth n. [Origin unknown] A defunct order of fifth strand Adepts that held power in Cyrenaic times. The Quorum are believed to have been involved with extensive experimentation on na’turna and Adepts in pursuit of understanding of their native gifts.

  Order of the Glass Sword n. Agasan’s spy network.

  Palmer n. [Caladrian, pilgrim] A religious order devoted to the study of Alir and the influence or interference of destiny or fate upon an individual’s path.

  Paths of Alir n. [Agasi, heart-light] (also called the Two Great Paths) Referring to any of the valid paths an Adept inducted into the Vestian Sorceresy can follow. The commonly known paths are chrys’alir, the Mirror Path; hal’alir, The Path That Casts Infinite Reflections; mor’alir, The Path of Shadows; san’gu’alir, The Path of Blood; and ver’alir, The Blind Path (a rare path).

  Patterning (pat´ərn·ŋ) v. [Veneisean patrun, patron, hence something to be imitated, pattern] The codified methodology encompassing the use of patterns to compel the strands of elae to move against their natural course, an action (also called wielding) which is often erroneously referred to as magic.

  Qhorith’quitara (cor´ith kee-tar-ah) n. [Old Alæic] The collection of apocryphal books derived from the Sobra I’ternin.

  Raedan (ray´ dan]) n. [Old Alæic raedan, to guess, read, counsel] 1 One trained to read the currents of elae and thereby able to discern the workings of patterns and their effects throughout the realm.

  Realm (relm´) n. [Veneisean, realme (altered by assoc. with reiel, royal) < Cyrenaic, regere, to rule] 1 A kingdom 2 One of the thousand linked worlds, each represented by an elected Seat and four Vestals in the governing cityworld of Illume Belliel 3 The realm of Alorin.

  Return (Returned, Returning) (rē turn´) n. [Veneisean, retorner] An Adept who has died and been reborn. See also Awakening.

  Revenants n. [unknown] The remnant entities created by the Warlocks of Shadow and then abandoned; vampiric creatures who feed off the lifeforce of the living.

  Row n. [Colloq.] An Adept who has gained a Sormitáge ring in each of the five strands of elae (bracketed wielder) who then furthers his study by proving an advanced ability to apply the Laws of Patterning to each of the five strands. Rowed wielders wear ten Sormitáge rings (five rings worn on each hand). See the Sormitáge Ranks.

  Sanctos n. [Caladrian sanctus, hallowed] In the Caladrian belief, sanctified ancestral spirits who watch over their descendants.

  Shamshir’im (sham´sheer - eem) n. [Nadori saber, sword + ‘im, belonging to] The name for M’Nador’s espionage network of spies, wielders and assassins headed by the Adept wielder and consul to Prince Radov, Viernan hal’Jaitar.

  Simulacra (sih´muh - lack´rah) n. [Agasi simulācrum, likeness] A glass device for capturing and presenting patterns in three dimensions. Patterns forged within the glass will waken to a fourth strand flow of elae.

  Sobra I’ternin (soh´brah - e - turn´en) n. [origin unknown] The ancient text, most often attributed to the angiel Cephrael, which details the natural laws of patterns in thaumaturgic application. The book is itself written in patterns and has yet to be fully translated. Many Orders are dedicated to its study, translation and adaptation for use in the Adept Arts.

  Soglia-varcarés / soglia’re (So´-lee ahr´-ay) [Caladrian, bridge across the earth] Nodes or leis magically constructed into permanent portals that anyone can travel with or without a Nodefinder present and with or without any Adept talent. Soglia’res bridge two specific points, only those two points, and cannot be used to travel anywhere else but between those two points.

  Sorceresy n. (also Vestian Sorceresy) The predominant school of Adept learning in the far eastern land of Vest. The Vestian Sorceresy believes all Paths of Alir have equal merit, but they’re known for their Blackshard Council and its extensive exploration of mor’alir (the Path of Shadows).

  Starpoint n. (Ravestani str, star) points of energy created by Warlocks to frame space and create dimension.

  Stanza segreta n. (Caladrian, secret room) The term given to a leis which a Nodefinder has pinned to his personal life pattern or to an object in his possession, the use of which allows the Nodefinder to secret away or store items for easy access and later use. Colloquially called a “coach.”

  Strand (strand´) n. [Agasi, strônd] 1 Any of the parts that are bound together to form a whole [the strands of one’s life] 2 Referring to any of the five composite aspects of elae and its five attributive fields of energy (respectively: first strand is creative energy; second strand is kinetic energy; third strand is variant energy (also potentially time); fourth strand is the energy of thought; fifth strand is elemental energy). See chart: The Strands and Their Associated Adepts

  Tethys – Goddess of the Sea worshipped by sailors; another epithet for the River Goddess Naiadithine.

  Tiern’aval (teer´- navol´) n. [origin unknown] An island city, one of the Free Cities of Xanthe, which vanished at the end of the Adept Wars circa 597aV. The city’s fate remains a mystery.

  T’khendar (tuh – ken´dar) n. [origin unknown] The realm created by the Council of Nine out of Alorin’s own aether to plug the hole opening from the Realms of Light into Chaos.

  Truthreader (trooth´ rēd er) n. [Old Alæic treowe, true + raedan] An Adept of the fourth strand of elae who is able to hear (and sometimes see) the thoughts of others and is thereby able to discern the time, place and form of any occurrence in their memory, i.e. its truth.

  Tyriolicci (teer´e-oh – lee´chee) One of
the Wildling races of the Forgotten Lands. See Whisper Lord.

  Vestal (vest´-al) n. [Cyrenaic, vestir, to endow] 1 An Adept elevated and empowered with the responsibility of enforcing the laws, regulations, activities and codes of his respective strand of elae, and of overseeing all Adepts subject to it 2 One of five highly-trained and advanced Adepts elected as voting members of the Council of Realms, ranking just below the Seat of the realm in authority.

  Weirwarden (weer´war´-dən) n. [Ravestani, derivative of werian, to defend, dam up] An Adept trained at the Vestian Sorceresy to travel on the Pattern of the World. Wierwardens wear Merdanti-lined gloves to enable their method of travel.

  Weld (weld) n. [Cyrenaic, welden, to be strong] The major joints in the Pattern of the World. All leis and nodes connect through a weld, thus a weld allows travel to any location. Welds also form the joints between the realms and thus allow travel from realm to realm.

  Whisper Lord n. [Collq.] One of the Wildling races (also called Tyriolicci) known for their frenzied fighting style and ability to make small skips through time.

  Wielder (wēld´ər) n. [Cyrenaic, welden, to be strong < Old Alæic, valere, a show of strength] A person of any race who uses patterns to compel one or more strands of elae, thereby influencing the strand’s properties to create the effect he has postulated; a sorcerer in the realm of Alorin. Adepts and na’turna alike become wielders through intensive training and study.

  Wildling (wahyld´-ling]) n. [Old Alæic wilde] 1 (Collq) An Adept of the third strand of elae 2 Any of the twenty-seven non-human races whose native abilities are attributed to the third strand of elae but who may or may not be possessed of paranormal abilities.

  Wylde n. [Origin unknown] That combined universe of Warlock worlds operating cooperatively beneath the Demon Lord Baelfeir’s starpoints.

  Zanthyr (zan´thur) n. [Old Alæic] An elusive Adept of the fifth strand of elae; zanthyrs can shapeshift between two forms: one human, one animal. Many have been seen to work elae. The extent of their abilities is unknown.

  Dramatis Personae

  The Five Vestals

  Alshiba Torinin—the First Vestal and Alorin Seat, an Adept Healer

  Dagmar Ranneskjöld—the Second Vestal, a Nodefinder

  Seth Silverbow nach Davvies—the Third Vestal, an avieth of the Wildling races

  Raine D’Lacourte—the Fourth Vestal, a truthreader and raedan

  Björn van Gelderan—the Fifth Vestal, also called the First Lord

  The Malorin’athgul

  Darshanvenkhátraman (Dar´shan – vin ka´tra mahn) called Darshan, whose name means Destroyer of Hope; aka the Prophet Bethamin

  Pelasommáyurek (Pe´las – oh my´yur eck) called Pelas, whose name means Ender of Paths; aka the artist Immanuel di Nostri

  Rinokhálpeşumar (Rin´och – cal pesh´oo mar) called Rinokh, whose name means The Mountain That Flames

  Shailabhanáchtran (Shale´ – ah bah nock´trun) called Shail, whose name means Maker of Storms; also known as the Literato N’abranaacht

  The Sundragons (Drachwyr)

  Dhábu’balaji’şridanaí (Da´boo – ba lah´gee – shree´da-nye) called Balaji, whose name means He Who Walks the Edge of the World

  Şrivas’rhakárakek (Shree´vas – rah kar´akeck) called Rhakar, whose name means The Shadow of the Light

  Jayachándranáptra (Jai´ah – shan´dra – nap´tra) called Jaya, whose name means Rival of the Sun

  Ramuhárikhamáth (Rah´moo – hareek´amath) called Ramu, whose name means Lord of the Heavens

  Amithaiya’geshwen (Ami-thi´ya – gesh´win) called Mithaiya, whose name means The Bosom of God’s Nectar

  Náeb’nabdurin’náiir (Ni eb´– nab dur´en – ny´ear) called Náiir

  whose name means Chaser of the Dawn

  The Warlocks of Shadow

  Baelfeir—Lord of all Warlocks (also known as Ba’alen, Belloth, the Beguiler, the Demon Lord)

  Sinárr—a Warlock from the Shadow Realms (bound to Tanis di Adonnai)

  Rafael—a Warlock from the Shadow Realms

  Vleydis—a Warlock from the Shadow Realms, allied with Shailabhanáchtran

  The Seventeen Gods of the Akkad

  Jai’Gar—the Prime God

  Azerjaiman—the Wind God

  Sons of the Wind God—North son, Shamal; South son, Asfal; East son, Sherq

  Daughter of the Wind God—West daughter, Qharp

  Shamash—God of Travelers and the Poor

  Inanna—Goddess of War

  Naiadithine—Goddess of Water

  Enlil—God of Earth and Agriculture

  Inithiya—Goddess of Love and Restoration (Spirit)

  Angharad—Goddess of Fortune (Fate)

  Thalma—Goddess of Luck (Virtue)

  Huhktu—God of Bones

  Baharan/Baharani—the two-headed God of Blood/Goddess of Birth

  Ha’viv—the Trickster God, patron of thieves

  Björn’s Council of Nine

  Björn van Gelderan—the First Lord and Alorin’s Fifth Vestal

  Cristien Tagliaferro—a truthreader

  Anglar Tempest—(deceased) a Nodefinder (revived as a Shade)

  Dunglei ap’Turic—(deceased) an Adept wielder

  Parsifal D’Marre—(deceased) a Nodefinder

  Arion Tavestra—(deceased) a fifth strand Adept, one of Björn’s three generals

  Markal Morrelaine—a na’turna wielder, one of Björn’s three generals

  Ramuhárikhamáth—a drachwyr, one of Björn’s three generals

  Malachai ap’Kalien—(deceased) a fifth strand Adept from Daneland

  The Fifty Companions (those known to be living)

  Pavran Ahlamby—a truthreader

  Usil al’Haba—a Nodefinder

  Elien ap’Gentrys—an Adept wielder

  Gannon Bair—a truthreader

  Karienna D’Artenis—an Adept Healer

  Laira di Giancora—an Adept Healer

  Mian Gartelt—an Adept Healer

  Viernan hal’Jaitar—an Adept wielder

  Socotra Isio—a Nodefinder

  Ledio Jerouen—an Adept Wildling

  Dore Madden—an Adept wielder

  Mazur of Elvior—an Avieth of Elvior

  Franco Rohre—a Nodefinder

  Delanthine Tanner—an Adept wielder

  Thessaly Vahn—an Adept Healer

  Devangshu Vita—a Nodefinder

  Niko van Amstel—a Nodefinder

  In T’khendar

  Björn van Gelderan—the First Lord, Fifth Vestal of Alorin, brother to Isabel

  Isabel van Gelderan—Epiphany’s Prophet, High Mage of the Citadel, sister to Björn

  Tanis di Adonnai—son of Isabel van Gelderan and Arion Tavestra

  Gadovan Mandoril—a Paladin Knight and Nodefinder from Eltanin

  Mathias Kline—a Paladin Knight and Nodefinder from Eltanin, cousin to Gadovan and Jude

  Jude Kline—a Paladin Knight of Illume Belliel and a Nodefinder from Eltanin, cousin to Gadovan and Mathias

  In Illume Belliel

  Aldaeon H’rathigian— Speaker of the Council of Realms, an Adept truthreader and Seat of the elfrealm of Markhengar

  Mir Arkadhi—an Adept truthreader, Seat of the realm of Eltanin

  Members of the Nodefinder Rebellion

  Carian vran Lea—an Adept Nodefinder and pirate from Jamaii

  Gannon Bair—an Adept truthreader, member of the Fifty Companions

  Ledio Jerouen—a Whisper Lord, member of the Fifty Companions

  Mazur of Elvior—an avieth, member of the Fifty Companions

  Franco Rohre—an Adept Nodefinder, member of the Fifty Companions

  Devangshu Vita—an Adept Nodefinder, member of the Fifty Companions

  Cassius of Rogue—an Adept Nodefinder

  Donovan Kellar—an Adept Nodefinder, head of Myacene’s Dark Guild

  Agasan’s Imperial Household

  Valentina van Gelderan—Empress of Agasan<
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  Marius di L'Arlesé—High Lord of Agasan, Consort to the Empress

  Nadia van Gelderan—Princess Heir of Agasan

  Giancarlo—a Caladrian truthreader in the service of the High Lord

  Vincenzé—a Caladrian Nodefinder and wielder in service of the High Lord

  Caspar—a Marquiin, bonded to Nadia

  Francesca da Mosta—Commander of the Imperial Adeptus

  Lieutenant di Corvi—First in the Princess Nadia’s Praetorian Guard

  From the Sormitáge

  Liam van Gheller—Endoge of the Sormitáge

  Felix di Sarcova della Buonara—a Devoveré Nodefinder studying at the Sormitáge

  Malin van Drexel—(missing) a Nodefinder working on his Maritus thesis

  Isahl N’abranaacht—(aka Shailabanáchtran) a literato at the Sormitáge University

  Monseraut Greaves—Imperial Historian and a maestro at the Sormitáge University

  In Kandori

  Dareios Haxamanis—a Prince of Kandori and Adept truthreader

  Ehsan Haxamanis—a Princess of Kandori and Adept Healer

  Bahman—cousin to Dareios and an Adept Nodefinder

  Nahveed—cousin by marriage to Dareios and an Adept Nodefinder

  Nîga—Dareios’s mother and an Adept Healer

  Taahira—wife of Bahman

  Kashvi—wife of Nahveed

  The Ruling Prince of M’Nador and His Allies

  Radov abin’Hadorin—Ruling Prince of M’Nador


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