by Will Durant
bankruptcy law (England), 355
Banks, Sir Joseph (1743–1820), 386, 388, 390, 391
Baptists, 359
Barante, Baron Guillaume-Prosper de (1782–1866), 294
Barbaroux, Charles-Jean-Marie (1767–94), 47, 56–58 passim, 67
Barbé-Marbois, Marquis François de (1745–1837), 164
Barclay de Tolly, Prince Mikhail (1761–1818), 715
Bardo della Selva Nera, 1l (Monti), 552
Barère, Bertrand (1755–1841), 59, 63, 65, 84, 160
Barnave, Antoine-Pierre-Joseph (1761–93), 13, 31, 34, 51, 67, 148
baroque style, 139, 140, 554, 565, 610
Barras, Paul (1755–1829), 82–83, 191
commissions N. to defend Convention, 87, 95
as director, 88, 106, 114, 119, 134, 136
and Josephine, 96, 120, 136–37
resigns, 121, 122
and Mme. de Staël, 150, 151
and Mme. Tallien, 108, 114, 136
Bartenstein, 211
Barthélemy, Marquis François de (1750–1830), 85, 106
Barthélemy, Abbé Jean-Jacques (1716–95), 28*
Bartholdy, J. S. (1779–1825), 612
Basel, 169, 177, 721
Peace of (1795), 85, 87, 97, 114, 126, 532, 594, 598
Basire, James (1730–1802), 413
Bassano, battle of (1796), 103
Bassevilliana, La (Monti), 552
Bastille, 10, 35, 132
fall of, 18–19, 60, 78, 147, 310
anniversary celebrations, 28, 38
Batavian Republic, 85, 177
Batoni, Pompeo Girolamo (1708–87), 140
“Battle of Blenheim, The” (Southey), 424
Bauer, Bruno (1809–82), 657
Bautzen, battle of (1813), 244*, 716
Bavaria, 387–88, 587
allied with France, 202, 206
and the Concordat, 183
in Confederation, 206, 253, 589
created as kingdom, 205
invasions of, 97, 176, 231
joins coalition, 718
peace treaties, 179, 205, 233
Bavaria, Elector and King of, see Maximilian Joseph
Bay of Baie, The (Turner), 384
Bayonne, 62, 223–24, 535, 719
Bayreuth, 593, 595, 608, 625, 626
Beatty, Sir William, M.D. (d. 1842), 524
Beauharnais, Alexandre de (1760–94), 95–96
Beauharnais, Eugène de (1781–1824), 95, 96, 107, 159, 218–19, 230
character and relations with N., 108, 219, 221, 242, 244
on Eastern expedition, 108, 112
helps to reconcile N. and Josephine, 120, 219
as viceroy of Italy, 546, 549, 557
marriage and adoption, 206
in 1809 campaign, 231, 232
and mother’s divorce, 234, 235
in 1812 Russian campaign, 699, 704, 705, 708, 710–11
in 1813 campaign, 712, 715
tries to hold Italy, 716, 719, 721
death, 772
Beauharnais, Marquis François de (1714–1800), 120
Beauharnais, Hortense de (1783–1837), 95, 107, 159, 216–17, 242
and Alexander I, 217, 726, 739, 772
death of, 217, 772
diamond necklace of, 217, 752
and Enghien execution, 191
in the Hundred Days, 274, 308, 739
and Josephine’s divorce, 234
and J.’s infidelity, 120
marriage and separation, 92, 216–17, 770
with N. at Malmaison (1814), 751–52
and Mme. Récamier, 274, 297
Beauharnais, Josephine de, see Josephine, Empress
Beaulieu, Jean-Pierre de (1725–1819), 98, 99, 103
Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin Caron de (1732–99), 6, 10
Beaumont, Comtesse Pauline de, 314, 319
Beaupuis, Michel de (1755–96), 420
Beccaria, Cesare Bonesana, Marchese di (1738–94), 406, 543, 559, 685
Becker, General, 752
Beckford, William (1760–1844), author, 377–78
Beckford, William (1709–70), Lord Mayor of London, 377
Bedford, Francis Russell, 5th Duke of (1765–1802), 353
Beer family, 613
Beethoven, Caspar Karl van (1774–1815), brother of Ludwig, 567, 569, 573, 581, 582
Beethoven, Johann van (d. 1792), 567, 568, 569, 572
Beethoven, Karl van (b. 1807), nephew of Ludwig, 581–82, 583, 585
attempts suicide, 582, 584
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770–1827), 104, 564, 567–86, 605
appearance, 569, 572, 584
in Berlin, 571, 594
birth and youth, 567–69, 579
character, 572, 580–81
deafness, 572–74, 575, 580–81, 584
death, 585
first period (1792–1802), 569–74
and Goethe, 580–81, 582
“Heiligenstadt Testament” of, 571–72, 573–74
patrons of, 565, 566, 568–71, 576–77, 731
as pianist, 568, 570–71, 612
and Romanticism, 155, 582, 630
second period (1803–16), 574–81
third period (1817–24), 582–84
works: “Appassionata,” 571, 575
Eighth Symphony, 581
“Ein grosses deutsches Volk sind wir,” 571
Fidelio, 565, 575
Fifth Symphony, 576, 581
First Symphony, 566, 571, 575
Fourth Symphony, 576
Golitsyn Quartets, 584–85
“Grande Sonate Pathétique,” 571
Hammerklavier Sonatas, 571, 582–83
“Kreutzer Sonata,” 574
Masses, 563, 576, 583, 584
“Moonlight Sonata,” 571
Ninth Symphony, 576, 583–84
piano concertos, 575, 576
Razumovsky Quartets, 575
Rudolf Trio, 581
“Die Schlacht von Vittoria,” 581, 732
Second Symphony, 574, 575–76
Seventh Symphony, 581
Sixth Symphony (Pastoral), 576, 581
Third Symphony (Eroica), 574–76;
Three Grand Trios, 571
“Waldstein Sonata,” 569
Beethoven, Maria Magdalena Keverich Laym van (d. 1787), 567, 568
Beethoven, Nikolaus Johann van (1776–1848), 567, 569, 573, 585
Beethoven, Theresia van, 582
Behn, Aphra (1640–89), 368
Belgium (Austrian Netherlands), 3, 36
under Austria, 558, 559
French conquest of (1792), 37, 49–50, 516
annexed by Convention, 53, 97
ceded by Austria, 105
rises against French (1799), 177
French regain, 119, 169
and Peace of Lunéville, 177
under French rule, 115, 152, 178, 183, 207
in kingdom of Netherlands, 733
Bell, Andrew (1753–1832), 362
Bell, Charles (1774–1842), 391
Bellegarde, Count Heinrich von (1756–1845), 176
Bellerophon, H.M.S., 755–57
Bellezza dell’ universo, La (Monti), 552
Bellingham, John (d. 1812), 527
Benedictines, 3
Bengal, 536
Bennigsen, Count Levin August Theofil (1745–1826), 210–11, 676, 701, 718
Bentham, Jeremy (1748–1832), 165, 386, 403–7, 685
corruption attacked by, 367, 563
French citizenship conferred on, 43, 406
and law reform, 356, 404–7
and the Mills, 404, 407, 503
and Owen, 347
skepticism of, 358, 404
utilitarianism of, 398, 404–7
Béranger, Pierre-Jean de (1780–1857), 773
Beresford, William Carr Beresford, Viscount (1768–1854), 538
Berezina River, 668, 709–10
Berg, grand duchy of, 213, 220, 236
in Confederatio
n of Rhine, 206–7, 589
under Murat, 215, 590
Bergson, Henri (1859–1941), 331, 397, 645
Berkeley, George (1685–1753), 456, 636
Berlin: architecture, 610
art in, 610, 611
Botanical Garden, 626
morals in, 605
N. in, 209, 549, 596, 668
policed by French, 599, 641
publishing in, 624
Romantic circle in, 634, 640, 643
Russians enter, 714
Mme. de Staël visits, 293, 298
theater in, 614, 615–16
in War of Liberation, 717
Berlin, University of, 606, 607, 643, 645, 648
Berlin Academy of Sciences, 607, 641
Berlin Decree (1806), 209–10, 222, 693
Berlioz, Hector (1803–69), 137, 155, 282, 554
Bern, revolt of, 187–88
Bernadotte, Désirée, nee Clary, 661–62
Bernadotte, Jean-Baptiste-Jules (1763?–1844), King of Sweden as Charles XIV John (r. 1818–44), 104, 119, 120, 245
ambassador to Vienna, 571
conspires against N., 185–86, 190, 215, 273, 289, 300
at Austerlitz, 204
elected crown prince of Sweden, 236, 661–62
makes alliance with Russia, 663
visited by Mme. de Staël, 300, 635
wins Norway, 714
joins Allies, 300, 635, 716, 717, 718
meets Constant at Hanover, 307
in drive on Paris, 721–22
in Paris (1814), 300
Bernard, Jean, father of Mme. Récamier, 273
Bernard, Mme. (d. 1807), 273, 274
Bernard, Sir Thomas, 392
Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Jacques-Henri (1737–1814), 137, 311
Bernhardi, Sophie, 633
Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar, Prince (1792–1862), 744
Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo (1598–1680), 682
Berthier, Louis-Alexandre (1753–1815), 122, 165, 235, 268
at Erfurt, 226–27
in Italy, 99, 100, 544
made prince of Neuchâtel, 215, 221
in Russia, 707
urges N. to accept armistice, 716
Berthollet, Claude-Louis (1748–1822), 64, 142, 265, 266, 323, 390
and Egyptian expedition, 108, 114, 120
Bertrand, Fanny, nee Dillon, 759, 761
Bertrand, Gen. Henri-Gratien (1773–1844), 715, 718, 761
accompanies N. to and from Elba, 727, 739, 761
accompanies N. after second abdication, 751, 757, 761
at St. Helena, 759–61, 764, 767–69
and Napoleonic legend, 774
at N.’s state funeral, 775–76
Berzelius, Jöns Jakob (1779–1849), 662
Besançon, 130, 738
Besenval, Baron Pierre-Victor de (1722–91), 17, 18
Bessborough, Frederick Ponsonby, 3d Earl of, 460
Bestimmung des Menschen, Die (Fichte), 641
Bethmann Museum, Frankfurt, 611
Bhagavad-Gita, 635
Bicêtre asylum, 45, 325
Bichat, Xavier (1771–1802), 142
Bidassoa River, 222, 719
Bignon, Louis-Pierre-Édouard (1747–1825), 254*
Bigot, Marie, 577, 578
Bigot de Préameneu, Félix (1747–1825), 180
Billaud-Varenne, Jean-Nicolas (1756–1819), 47
in Committee, 59, 61, 77
and Danton’s death, 77
deportation and death of, 84
and Robespierre, 79, 80, 82
and September Massacres, 45
Bingen, 588
biogeography, 609
Biographia Literaria (Coleridge), 441–42, 447
biology, 325–29, 391
Biot, Jean-Baptiste (1774–1862), 266
Birmingham, 342, 354, 386
Biron, Armand-Louis de Gontaut, Duc de (1747–93), 67
birth control, 403
Bismarck, Otto von (1815–98), 264, 590, 658, 733
Black Sea, 563, 670, 672, 697
Blackstone, Sir William (1723–80), 404–5
Blake, Catherine, nee Boucher, 413
Blake, Robert (d. 1787), 413
Blake, William (1757–1827), 413–16
engravings of, 370, 379–80, 413, 416
and Joseph Johnson, 366, 409, 413
poetry of, 340, 413–16
and Romanticism, 155, 413, 416
Blessington, Marguerite, Countess of, nee Power (1789–1849), 464, 498
Blois, French government at, 725
Blücher, Gebhard Leberecht von (1742–1819), 301, 595, 652, 732
in 1813 campaign, 717–19
in drive on Paris (1814), 721–25
at Ligny, 743–46
at Waterloo, 746–49
again advances on Paris (1815), 750
vengeful toward N., 752
Bocage, Manuel María Barbosa du (1765–1805), 532
Bogotá, 609
Bohemia, 558
appeased by Leopold II, 559
Catholicism in, 601
Karl Ludwig retreats to, 232
Böhme, Jakob (1575–1624), 601, 644
Boieldieu, François-Adrien (1775–1834), 278
Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas (1636–1711), 139, 629
Boissy, Octave Rouillé de Coudray, Marquis de (1798–1866), 501
Boissy d’Anglas, François-Antoine (1756–1826), 84, 95, 150
Bologna, 542, 553
ceded to France, 104
in Cisalpine Republic, 544
restored to Papacy, 183
Bologna, University of, 551
Bonald, Vicomte Louis-Gabriel-Ambroise de (1754–1840), 105, 332, 336
Bonaparte, Carlo, see Buonaparte, Carlo
Bonaparte, Caroline (Maria Carolina), see Murat, Caroline
Bonaparte, Charles Joseph (1851–1921), 218
Bonaparte, Charles-Louis-Napoléon, see Napoleon III
Bonaparte, Elisa, see Bacciocchi, Elisa
Bonaparte, Elizabeth, nee Patterson (1785–1879), 217–18
Bonaparte, Hortense, see Beauharnais, Hortense de
Bonaparte, Jérôme (1784–1860), King of Westphalia (r. 1807–13), 92, 111, 217–18, 224, 751, 770
as king, 576, 590–92, 660, 719
in Russia, 701
at Waterloo, 218, 770
Bonaparte, Jerome Napoleon (1830–93), 218
Bonaparte, Joseph (1768–1844), King of Naples (r. 1806–08), King of Spain (r. 1808–13), 92, 93, 215–16, 548, 662
N. writes to from Egypt, 111
hopes to be N.’s heir, 92, 172, 215, 242
negotiates peace treaties, 177, 215
supports N.’s drive toward empire, 195
fondness for money, 215, 770
N.’s attitude toward, 216, 244, 251
a profiteer, 269
receptions of, 272
and Mme de Staël, 288, 289, 294, 301
as king of Naples, 216, 266, 278, 547, 548, 549, 553, 556
grand elector, 270
made king of Spain, 224, 535, 547
forced from Madrid, 224–25
restored by N., 228–30, 236
commissions Llorente, 534
his troubles as king, 537–39 passim
in last days of empire (1814), 721, 724–25
in Hundred Days, 308
visits N. at Malmaison (1815), 751
at Rochefort, offers to take N.’s place, 754–55
to America, 755, 770
death, 770
Bonaparte, Josephine, see Josephine, Empress
Bonaparte, Julie, nee Clary, 770
Bonaparte, Letizia, see Buonaparte, Letizia
Bonaparte, Louis (1778–1846), King of Holland (r. 1806–10), 92, 216–17, 224, 225, 270, 694, 770
Bonaparte, Lucien (1775–1840), 92, 216, 762, 770
and coup of 18th Brumaire, 92, 121, 122–23, 151, 216
as minister of interior, 163
r /> offers himself as N.’s heir, 172
a profiteer, 269
receptions of, 272
and Mme. Récamier, 273
during Hundred Days, 92, 216, 750–52, 770
visits N. at Malmaison (1815), 751
death, 770
Bonaparte, Maria Carolina, see Murat, Caroline
Bonaparte, Napoléon, see Napoleon I
Bonaparte, Napoléon-Charles (1802–07), 216, 217
Bonaparte, Napoléon-François-Joseph-Charles, see Napoleon II
Bonaparte, Napoléon-Louis (1804–31), 216, 217
Bonaparte, Pauline, see Borghese, Princess Pauline
Bonaparte Crossing the Alps (David), 281
Bonn, 567–69, 588
Bonn, University of, 635
Bonnefours, General, 755
Bonnevard, François de, 477
Bonpland, Aimé-Jacques-Alexandre (1773–1858), 608–9
Bonstetten, Charles-Victor de (1745–1832), 294
Bordeaux, 6, 75
and the blockades, 118, 262, 693
canal built at, 261
Girondins in, 34, 35, 56, 62, 67
in Hundred Days, 740
Jews in, 275
society in, 271
Borghese, Prince Camillo (1775–1832), 92, 220, 771–72
Borghese, Princess Pauline, nee Bonaparte (1780–1825), 92, 220
Canova’s statue of, 92, 555, 771
death of, 220, 772
helps N. in exile, 727–28, 735–36, 771–72
Borgia, Cesare (1475?–1507), 259
Borisov, 709
Borodino, battle of (1812), 324, 525, 703–4, 708
N.’s condition at, 238
Borodino, village of, 707
Borovikovsky, Vladimir (1757–1825), 683
Borovsk, 707
Borrow, George (1803–81), 533
Bosanquet, Bernard (1848–1923), 658
Bosporus, 201, 671, 676
Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne (1627–1704), 184
Boswell, James (1740–95), 303, 363, 503, 505
Botanic Garden (E. Darwin), 391
botany, 328, 386, 626, 660
Botany Bay, 517
Bothnia, Gulf of, 661
Bottot, M., 121
Bouchard, M., 110
Boucher, François (1703–70), 140
Boufflers, Marie-Charlotte-Hippolyte de Saujon, Comtesse de (1725-c. 1800), 147
Boulogne, 179, 189, 202, 522
Boulton, Matthew (1728–1809), 342
Bourbon, Duc Louis-Henri-Joseph de (1756–1830), 191
Bourchotte, Jean-Baptiste, 64
Bourges, Girondist revolt at, 62
Bourmont, Louis-Auguste-Victor de (1773–1846), 738, 744
Bourrienne, Louis-Antoine Fauvelet de (1769–1834), 217, 245
at Brienne, 92
as secretary to N., 92, 108, 114, 239, 241, 246
and 18th Brumaire, 121–23
and royalists, 185
dismissed as secretary, 187
at Hamburg, 210, 592
cited passim
Bourse, Palais de la, Paris, 206, 261, 280, 682
Boyle, Robert (1627–91), 389