The Age of Napoleon

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The Age of Napoleon Page 133

by Will Durant

and Christianity, 183, 313–14, 315–17

  and Enghien execution, 319, 321

  his feud with N., 319–21

  on Napoleonic legend, 774

  and Mme. Récamier, 274, 301, 321

  Romanticism of, 310–11, 314–15, 317–18

  and Mme. de Staël, 301, 302

  Chateaubriand, Jean-Baptiste-Auguste (1759–94), brother of René, 312

  Chateaubriand, Julie de (d. 1798), 311–12, 313, 317

  Chateaubriand, Lucile de (d. 1804), 309, 311–12, 314, 317, 319

  Châtelet prison, Paris, 43, 45

  Chatham, 1st Earl of, see Pitt, William, the Elder

  Chatterton, Thomas (1752–70), 416

  Chaudet, Antoine-Denis (1763–1810), 280

  Chaumette, Pierre (1763–94), 54, 63, 75

  attacks Church, 73, 74*

  death of, 78, 83

  and women, 135

  Chaumont, Treaties of (1814), 723

  Chauvelin, Marquis François-Bernard de (1766–1832), 517

  Chaworth, William (d. 1765), 454

  chemistry: atomic, 347, 389–90, 662

  in England, 347, 386, 387, 389–91

  in France, 142, 261, 323

  Chénier, André-Marie de (1762–94), 34, 145–46

  Chénier, Marie-Joseph de (1764–1811), 34, 73, 146, 150, 266

  Charles IX of, 138, 146

  and N., 107, 245

  Cherasco, Armistice of (1796), 98, 99

  Cherbourg, 261

  Chernigov, 680

  Cherubini, Maria Luigi Carlo Salvatore (1760–1842), 137, 278–79

  Chevreuse, Ermesinde de Narbonne-Pelet, Duchesse de (1785–1813), 245

  Chichagov, Paul, 701, 709

  Chiese River, 175

  Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage (Byron), 455, 458, 460, 461, 477, 478, 485, 489, 490, 497

  and Greece, 457, 498

  and René, 318

  and Waterloo, 476

  child labor, 343, 367, 403

  Coleridge and, 441, 447

  Owen and, 347, 349, 350, 447

  Chile, 609

  Chillon, Castle of, 477

  Chimay, François-Joseph-Philippe de Riquet, Prince de (1771–1842), 136*, 279

  Chimay, Princesse de, see Tallien, Thérésa Chimborazo, Mount, 609

  “Chimney Sweeper, The” (Blake), 414

  China, British trade with, 340

  population growth in, 402

  Chinard, Joseph (1756–1813), 281

  Choderlos de Laclos, see Laclos Cholet, 72

  Chouans, 85, 273

  Cadoudal and, 172, 176, 190

  “Christabel” (Coleridge), 429, 437, 505

  “Christendom in Europe” (Novalis), 632

  Christian VII, King of Denmark (r. 1766–1808), 663

  Christina, Queen of Sweden (r. 1632–54), 604

  Christliche Mystik (Görres), 625

  Christ’s Hospital School, London, 422–23, 448

  Cimarosa, Domenico (1749–1801), 553

  Cintra, Convention of (1808), 536

  Cisalpine Republic, 105, 544, 548

  abolished by Austria, 117

  restored, 171–72

  becomes Italian Republic, 187, 545–46

  Ciudad Rodrigo, 538, 539

  Civil Constitution of the Clergy, 27–28, 31, 544

  opposition to, 28, 42, 72, 145, 159

  civisme, 129–31

  Civita Castellano, battle of (1798), 545

  Civitavecchia, 108, 549

  Clairmont, Claire (1798–1879), 400, 475–77, 480–84 passim, 488–89, 491, 494, 495

  affair with Byron, 467, 476–77

  and Byron’s funeral, 500

  later life, 501

  Clairmont, Mrs., see Godwin, Mary Jane Clairmont

  Clairon, Mlle. (Claire-Josèphe Léris de La Tude; 1723–1803), 148

  Clarissa Harlowe (Richardson), 416, 629

  Clarkson, Thomas (1760–1846), 368, 446

  classical tradition: in acting, 372

  in art, 379, 413

  Boileau and, 629

  in English literature, 409, 416, 417, 456, 489

  in French drama, 146, 283, 629

  in German literature, 298, 619, 623

  classic revival, see neoclassicism

  Clement XIV, Pope (r. 1769–74), abolition of Jesuit order by, 550

  Clementi, Muzio (1752–1832), 553, 570

  Clermont (steamship), 342

  Clermont-Ferrand, 69, 70, 72

  Cleves, duchy of, 215, 220, 590, 595

  Clodius, Publius (93?–52 B.C.), 194

  Cloots, Anacharsis (Jean-Baptiste du Val-de-Grâce 1755–94), 28, 43, 47, 76, 394

  “Cloud, The” (Shelley), 482

  Club Breton, 15, 33

  coalitions against France: First (1792), 50, 53, 55, 62, 87, 517, 519, 661

  Second (1798), 113, 116, 119, 521, 676

  Third (1805), 200–202, 267, 522, 661

  of 1813 (Sixth), 300, 717–26

  Cobbett, William (1763–1835), 345, 361, 396, 408

  Coblenz, 560, 721

  Brunswick’s manifesto from, 38, 39

  émigrés at, 36, 39, 105, 312, 561

  French subjugation of, 561, 588

  Cockburn, Sir George (1772–1853), 758–61

  Cockermouth, 389, 417, 418, 444

  Code Napoléon, 54, 130, 162, 180–82, 207, 250

  and children, 244

  in Germany, 590, 603, 656

  in Italy, 219, 546, 547, 556

  under Restoration, 730

  in Spain, 224

  in Warsaw grand duchy, 213

  and women, 256, 269

  Cogni, Margarita (fl. 1818), 480

  Coigny, Mlle. de (d. 1794), 145

  Coimbra, 538

  Coleridge, Berkeley (d. 1799), 433

  Coleridge, David Hartley (b. 1796), 426, 427, 436, 438, 446, 449

  Coleridge, Derwent (b. 1800), 436, 438, 439, 446, 449

  Coleridge, George, 423

  Coleridge, John (1719–79), 422

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772–1834), 299, 374, 389, 422–23, 425–33, 436–42, 446–47

  appearance, 427, 439, 446

  birth, 422

  and Byron, 437, 440, 446, 456, 466, 491

  character of, 438

  and child labor, 441, 447

  conversation of, 438, 446–47

  correspondence of, 408

  and Davy, 390, 440

  death of, 447

  in debate on Paley’s book, 397, 448

  and De Quincey, 439, 446, 447, 449

  early radicalism and support of Revolution, 361, 423, 424, 425, 513, 517

  education of, 422–23, 448

  financial aid to, 376, 409, 428, 432, 439, 466

  French Revolution repudiated by, 440, 445, 448, 515

  in Germany, 429, 431, 432–33, 591

  and Godwin, 400

  and Kant, 433, 441–42

  and Lamb, 440, 446, 447, 448

  lectures of, 386, 425, 433, 439–40

  marriage of, see Coleridge, Sara

  and Morning Post, 408, 433, 436, 437

  opium addiction of, 392, 423, 426, 437, 438, 439, 446

  and Owen, 347, 447

  as philosopher, 439–42

  and religion, 362, 423, 425

  and Romanticism, 432, 442

  and Schelling, 433, 442, 644, 645

  and A. von Schlegel, 433, 635

  Susquehanna “pantisocracy” scheme of, 417, 424, 425

  and Wordsworth, 416, 422, 425, 427–33, 437–39, 442–48 passim

  Coleridge, Sara, nee Fricker, 424–28 passim, 431, 433, 436–39 passim, 446, 449

  Collège de France, 324

  Collège Louis-le-Grand, Paris, 14

  Collegium Carolinum, Brunswick, 608

  Colli, General, 98

  Collingwood, Cuthbert (1750–1810), 523–24

  Collins, William (1721–59), 416

  Collot d’Herbois, Jean-Marie (1750–96), 47
/>   in Committee, 59–61, 80

  leads Lyons Terror, 69–71

  and 9th Thermidor, 82

  death, 84

  Cologne, city of, 588

  Cologne, electoral archbishopric of, 567, 587

  Cologne, Prince-Archbishop Elector of, 560

  Cologne, University of, 606

  Colonna, Cape, 458

  Colquhoun, Patrick (1745–1820), 361

  Comédie-Française, 138–39, 225, 283–85, 706

  Comforts of Bath (Rowlandson), 379

  commedia dell’ arte, 552

  Commentaire sur L’Esprit des Lois de Montesquieu (Destutt), 330

  Committee of General Security, 54, 77, 80, 83, 141

  Committee of Public Safety, 7, 55, 59–62, 80, 88, 134, 330

  armies built and directed by, 63, 64, 74, 116, 333

  and Danton, 75–78

  defended by N., 167

  economic problems of, 75

  Hébert arrested by, 76

  and invasion of Ireland, 508–9

  N. employs veterans of, 117, 160

  in post-Thermidor period, 83

  Queen’s fate decided by, 65

  and Reign of Terror, 63, 64, 68–71, 80

  Mme. de Staël banished by, 151, 288

  triumphs over opponents, 57, 78

  Vendée revolt crushed by, 72

  committees of surveillance, 44, 54

  Common Law Courts (England), 356

  Commons, House of, 354–55

  Burke’s speech on Revolution, 514

  Irish representation in, 510

  and Luddites, 345, 460

  Perceval assassinated in, 527

  Scottish representation in, 502

  and slave trade, 368

  and Whitbread’s education bill, 361

  Common Sense (Paine), 394

  Commune, see Paris Commune

  communism, see socialism

  Compagnie des Eaux, 6

  Compagnie des Indes, 6

  Companies of Jesus, 84

  Compiègne, 235, 285

  Comte, Auguste (1798–1857), 142

  Concert-Feydeau, Paris, 137

  Conciergerie prison, Paris, 43, 45, 65, 66, 77

  Concordat (of 1801), 180, 182–85, 199, 237, 264, 330, 510

  Articles Organiques, 184

  Beethoven and, 574

  Chateaubriand and, 315, 318

  N.’s explanation for, 254*

  repudiated, 730

  results of, 203, 550, 555

  Concordia, 635

  Condé, Louis-Joseph de Bourbon, Prince de (1736–1818), 191, 332, 762

  Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de (1715–80), 143, 298, 330, 331

  Condorcet, Antoine-Nicolas Caritat, Marquis de (1743–94), 34, 36, 47, 143, 148, 330

  and capital punishment, 51

  and civisme, 129

  death of, 67

  and education, 127–28

  optimism of, 401, 467

  and women’s rights, 133

  Condorcet, Sophie de Grouchy, Marquise de (1764–1822), 136

  Confederation of the Rhine, 188, 206–7, 299, 589–90, 596, 733

  the Church in, 601

  defection of, 590, 712, 718–719

  N.’s demands on, 231, 590, 698

  N.’s error in assessing, 241

  Prussia and, 208, 733

  Confessions of an English Opium Eater (De Quincey), 448–49

  Congregationalists, 359

  Consalvi, Ercole, Cardinal (1757–1824), 550, 732

  conservatism, philosophy of, 331–36

  Conservatory of Music, Paris, 137, 278, 279, 574

  Considérations sur la France (Maistre), 333

  Considérations sur… la Révolution française (Staël), 290, 301–2

  Constable, Archibald (1774–1827), 409, 507

  Constable, John (1776–1837), 370, 374, 380, 381–82

  Constable, Maria, nee Bickell (d. 1829), 382

  Constance, bishopric of, 588

  Constant (Constant Véry), N’s valet (1778–1845), 245, 302, 700, 727

  Constant, Benjamin (1767–1830), 262, 302–8, 333, 654

  birth and education, 303

  and Zélide, 303–4

  first marriage, 304

  meets Charlotte von Hardenberg, 304

  meets Mme. de Staël, begins liaison, 150–51, 304–5

  in Tribunate, incurs N.’s wrath, 288–89, 291, 304

  banished from Paris, 305

  to Germany (1803–04), 292, 305–6

  tries to break with Mme. de Staël, 294, 295, 306–7

  writes Adolphe, 306–7

  meets Mme. Récamier (1807), 273, 295

  marriage to Charlotte, 307, 308

  in Paris during 1st Restoration (1814), 300, 307–8

  writes anti-N. tracts, 307–8, 739

  forgiven by N., drafts new constitution (1815), 308, 742

  with N. after Waterloo, 750

  forgiven by Louis XVIII, 308

  in England (1816), 308, 467

  Constant, Charlotte, see Hardenberg, Charlotte von

  Constant, Wilhelmina von Cramm, 304

  Constant de Rebecque, Baron Arnold-Juste (b. 1727), 303, 304

  Constant de Rebecque, Baronne Henriette, nee de Chandieu (1742–67), 303

  Constantine I, Emperor of Rome (r. 306–337), 243

  Arch of, 280, 377

  Donation of, 548

  Constantine Pavlovich, Grand Duke (1779–1831), 670

  Constantinople, 393

  Alexander I’s designs on, 686

  Catherine II’s designs on, 670

  N.’s designs on, 113, 242, 243, 686

  Constituent Assembly, see National Assembly

  constitutionels, 182, 184

  Constitution of Malmaison, 659

  Constitution of 1791 (France), 17, 26–29, 46, 152, 184, 330

  and Declaration of Rights of Man, 23

  Hegel and, 654

  Humboldt’s judgment of, 606

  Louis XVI signs, 32, 559

  and nonjurors, 182

  and religious freedom, 126

  Constitution of 1793 (France), 54, 57, 60, 76, 86, 89

  Constitution of 1812 (Spain), 537, 539–40

  Constitution of the Year III, 86–87

  Constitution of the Year VIII, 159, 161–62, 166–68, 623

  Constitution of the Year X, 186

  Consular Guard, 173, 198, 217

  Consulate and the Empire, The (Madelin), 679*

  Continental Blockade, 209–10, 222, 250, 596, 693–95

  Austria and, 222, 563

  and the Bonapartes, 215

  effect on Britain, 526, 693

  effect on France, 261, 262, 693–94, 738

  effect on Germany, 600

  Holland and, 217

  in Italy, 219, 547, 548, 557

  N.’s interruption of, 262, 295

  the Papacy and, 222, 548

  Portugal and, 225, 532

  Prussia and, 713

  Russia and, 213, 687, 688, 694, 697

  Sweden and, 236, 683

  Continental System, 694

  contraception, 403

  Contrat social, see Social Contract, The

  Consulate (France, 1799–1804), 159–96

  administration of, 163–66, 180, 186–87

  campaigns of, 170–76, 178–79

  codification of the law under, 180–82

  concordat with Church, 182–84

  conspiracies under, 185–86, 190–91

  constitutions of, 159, 161–62, 186

  economic conditions under, 179–80, 194

  expansion of French influence under, 187–88

  makes peace with England (1802), 179, 184

  moves toward empire, 193–96

  Mme. de Staël and, 288–89

  war with England resumed by (1803), 189

  Convention, National (France, 1792–95), 31, 38*, 46, 47–87, 132

  abolishes slavery, 23, 79

nbsp; achievements of, 79, 87

  and the arts, 102, 137, 139

  Bonaparte defends against royalists (13th Vendémiaire), 87, 95

  censorship of theater under, 138

  the Chéniers and, 145, 146

  Committee of Public Safety established by, 55

  condition of communes under, 163

  adopts Constitution of Year III, 86–87

  copyright decree issued by, 145

  David and, 141

  and death penalty, 131

  dissolved, 87

  education reorganized by, 79, 127

  edicts of fraternity proclaimed by, 50, 516

  foreigners expelled from, 394

  Girondins expelled from, 56–57

  freedom of press and speech disappear under, 128

  and gambling, 130

  and the insane, 325

  law code proposed to, 180

  literature under, 145–46

  Louis XVI tried by, 50–52

  maximum decreed by, 55

  metric system established by, 87, 142

  and Paine, 396

  primogeniture abolished by, 125

  Reign of Terror under, 62–83

  religious freedom affirmed by, 74, 84

  republic declared by, 47

  Revolutionary Tribunal established by, 54

  and Robespierre’s fall, 82–83

  Schiller and, 622

  Mme. de Staël and, 150–51

  Thermidorean reforms of, 83

  war on England and Holland declared by, 53

  Cook, Capt. James (1728–79), 619

  Cookson, William, 420

  Copenhagen: bombarded by British (1807), 526, 665

  naval battle at (1801), 178, 521, 546, 664

  Copenhagen Academy, 667

  Copernicus, Nicolaus (1473–1543), 290

  Copley, John Singleton (1738–1815), 380

  copyright, Convention decree on, 145

  Corday, Charlotte (1768–93), 20, 45, 57–59, 145

  Cordeliers Club, 33, 58, 76, 145

  Córdoba, 224

  Corfu, 105, 111

  Corinne (Staël), 289, 294, 295–96, 299

  Coriolanus (Shakespeare), 372

  Corneille, Pierre (1606–84), 57, 93, 139, 140, 283, 286

  Cornelius, Peter von (1783–1867), 611–12

  Cornfield, The (Constable), 382

  Corn Laws, 452

  Cornwallis, Charles, 1st Marquess Cornwallis (1738–1805), 10, 215

  Coronation of Napoleon, The (David), 198, 281–82

  Corps Législatif (under Directory), see Council of Ancients and Council of 500

  Corps Législatif, or Legislature: under Consulate, 161, 182, 184

  under French Empire, 206, 214, 265, 331, 720, 730

  Correggio (Antonio Allegri; 1494–1534), 139, 279, 282

  Corresponding Society of London, 515

  Corsair, The (Byron), 461, 506

  Corsica, 91–92, 94, 103, 519

  Cortot, Jean-Pierre (1787–1843), 280

  Corunna (La Coruña), 229–30, 523, 537

  corvée, 7–8, 10, 16, 22

  in Austria, 560


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