The Age of Napoleon

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The Age of Napoleon Page 137

by Will Durant

  guilds, 125, 598

  Guillotin, Dr. Joseph-Ignace (1738–1814), 131

  Guizot, François (1787–1874), 266, 331

  gunpowder, 125

  improvement of, 64, 141

  Gustavus II Adolphus, King of Sweden (r. 1611–32), 247

  Gustavus III, King of Sweden (r. 1771–92), 661

  Gustavus IV, King of Sweden (r. 1792–1809), 661, 663

  Guy Mannering (Scott), 506

  Gzhatsk, 703

  Haakon Jarl, ruler of Norway (970–95), 666

  Habeas Corpus Act (England, 1679), 355–56, 517

  Hadrian, Emperor of Rome (r. 117–138), 57

  Halle, University of, 591, 606

  Halles des Blés and des Vins, Paris, 261

  Hamburg, 432, 588, 592

  and Continental Blockade, 210, 592, 695

  Danish seizure of, 178

  and French Revolution, 619

  under French rule, 236, 592

  theater in, 614, 618

  Hamelin, Mme. Fortunée, 100

  Hamilton, Alexander (1755?–1804), 43

  Hamilton, Emma, Lady, nee Amy Lyon (1761–1815), 450

  at Naples, 519, 520–21, 544

  flees with royal family, 116, 545

  returns to England, 521

  Nelson’s last letter to, 523

  later life, 524–25

  Hamilton, Sir William (1730–1803), 519, 521, 545

  Hanau, battle of (1813), 719

  Hancock, John (1737–93), 380

  Handel, George Frederick (1685–1759), 582

  Hannibal (247–183 B.C.), 247

  Hannibal Crossing the Alps (Turner), 384

  Hanover, electorate of, 85, 178, 587, 592

  French occupation of, 189, 201, 253, 592, 595

  promised to Prussia but offered to England, 208, 595–96

  recovered by England, 733

  Hanover, house of, 358

  Hanriot, François (1761–94), 56, 82–83

  Hanseatic cities, 209, 253see also Amsterdam




  Hanseatic League, 592, 642

  Hapsburgs, Austrian: patronage of music, 565

  realms of, 541, 558

  and Reformation, 563

  Hardenberg, Charlotte von (b. 1769), 304, 307, 308

  Hardenberg, Freiherr G. F. P. von, see Novalis

  Hardenberg, Prince Karl August von (1750–1822), 596, 598–99, 603, 631, 654, 732

  Hardy, Thomas, shoemaker (1752–1832), 517

  Hardy, Capt. Thomas Masterman (1769–1839), 524

  Harmonie community, Indiana Territory, 350

  Harold in Italy (Berlioz), 554

  Harrow School, 362, 456

  Hartley, David (1705–57), 363, 391, 426, 433, 503

  Harvard University, 388

  Harwich, 342, 384

  Harz Mountains, 432

  Haugwitz, Count Christian von (1752–1832), 177

  Hawaii, 387

  Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732–1809), 104, 376, 565, 570

  Beethoven and, 569, 670, 577, 582

  composes Austrian anthem, 577

  death of, 577

  and the Webers, 613

  Hay Wain, The (Constable), 382

  Hazlitt, William (1778–1830), 373, 409, 448, 450

  in debate over Paley’s book, 397, 448

  on Godwin, 397

  Malthus’ theory attacked by, 402

  on Schlegel’s lectures, 634

  on Wordsworth, 446, 451

  Heart of Midlothian, The (Scott), 502, 506

  heat conduction, 323

  Hébert, Françoise, nee Goupil (d. 1794), 78

  Hébert, Jacques-René (1757–94), 34, 54, 56, 63, 65

  anti-Christian campaign, 73, 74, 115

  death, 76

  Robespierre and, 74, 75, 79, 83, 128

  Hebrew Melodies (Byron), 464

  Hédouville, Comte Gabriel d’ (1755–1825), 251

  Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (1770–1831), 576, 587, 644, 645–58

  Coleridge and, 442

  death of, 657

  dialectics of, 648–52, 655–57

  and Fichte, 639, 657

  followers of, 645, 657–58

  and French Revolution, 619, 643, 645, 656

  at Jena, 293, 606, 646–47

  political philosophy of, 646, 652–55

  at Tübingen, 626, 643, 645

  his view of Napoleon, 776

  in War of Liberation, 714

  Hegel, Ludwig (b. 1807), 647

  Hegel, Marie, nee von Tucher (b. 1791), 647

  Heiberg, Johan Ludvig (1791–1860), 657, 665

  Heiberg, Peter Andreas (1758–1841), 665

  Heidegger, Martin (1889-), 650, 658

  Heidelberg, University of, 606, 647

  Heine, Heinrich (1797–1856), 93, 626

  Heinrich von Ofterdingen (Novalis), 632

  Helge (Oehlenschläger), 666

  Heliopolis, battle of (1800), 170

  Helmholtz, Hermann von (1821–94), 388, 389

  Helvetic Club, 659

  Helvetic Republic, 108, 177, 187–88, 659

  Helvétius, Anne-Catherine, nee de Ligniville d’Autricourt (1719–1800), 120, 136, 143, 330

  Helvétius, Claude-Adrien (1715–71), 6, 127, 143, 619, 628

  utilitarianism of, 398, 406

  Helyer, William, 468

  Henry IV, King of France (r. 1589–1610), 328

  Henry VIII, King of England (r. 1509–47), 183, 392, 454

  Henry of Prussia, Prince (1726–1802), 620

  Heracleitus (fl. 500 B.C.), 412, 657

  Hérault de Séchelles, Marie-Jean (1759–94), 57, 60, 68, 78

  Herculaneum, 139, 140, 554, 611

  Herder, Johann Gottfried von (1744–1803), 305, 620*, 621, 633

  Hermannsschlacht, Die (Kleist), 618

  Herold, J. Christopher, 290*

  Herrnhut community, 631

  Herz, Henrietta, nee de Lemos (1764–1847), 603, 605

  Herz, Marcus (1747–1803), 603

  Herzensergiessungen eines kunstliebenden Klosterbruders (Tieck), 630

  Hesperus (Richter), 625

  Hesse-Cassel, 85, 588

  landgraves of, 603

  Hesse-Darmstadt, 202, 206, 588, 589

  Heuschkel, Joseph, 613

  Heyne, Christian Gottlob (1729–1812), 632, 635

  Hildesheim, 588, 590, 591

  Hill, Rowland Hill, Baron, later Viscount (1772–1842), 747

  Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb von (1741–96), 604

  Hippocrates (460?–377? B.C.), 325

  Hispaniola, island of, 85, 177–78

  Histoire d’Angleterre (Barrow), 93

  Histoire des arabes (Marigny), 93

  Histoire des français (Sismondi), 660

  Histoire des républiques italiennes (Sismondi), 294, 660

  Histoire du Consulat et de l’Empire (Thiers), 775*

  Histoire du gouvernement de Venise (Houssaye), 93

  Histoire naturelle (Buffon), 325

  Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres (Lamarck), 328

  Histoire naturelle des poissons (Cuvier), 326

  Histoire philosophique des deux Indes (Raynal), 93, 144

  histology, 142

  Historia crítica de España y de la cultura española (Masdeu), 534

  historiography, 607

  History of British India (James Mill), 503

  History of England (Rapin), 404

  History of Philosophy (Hegel), 655, 657

  History of Russia (Karamzin), 685–86

  History of the Italian Republics (Sismondi), 294, 660

  History of the Revolution in England (Mackintosh), 504

  Hitler, Adolf (1889–1945), 658

  Hobbema, Meindert (1638–1709), 381

  Hobbes, Thomas (1588–1679), 636

  Hobhouse, John Cam (1786–1869), 456–59, 461, 463–67 passim, 478–80, 500, 501

he, Louis-Lazare (1768–97), 64, 74, 85, 106

  Irish expedition, 509

  and Josephine, 96, 130

  in Vendée, 72, 85

  Hochet, Claude, 294

  Hodgson, Francis (1781–1852), 491

  Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Amadeus (1776– 1822), 616, 626, 630

  Hogarth, William (1697–1764), 363

  Hogg, Thomas Jefferson (1792–1862), 468–70, 474, 492, 501

  Hohenlinden, battle of (1800), 176

  Hohenlohe, Prince Friedrich Ludwig of (1746–1818), 209

  Holbach, Baron Paul-Henri-Dietrich d’ (1723–89), 6, 35, 127, 143, 144, 397, 619, 628

  Holcroft, Thomas (1745–1809), 366, 371, 398

  Hölderlin, Friedrich (1770–1843), 606, 619, 623, 626–27, 643, 645

  Holland, 3

  alliance with England (1788), 517

  controversy with France over Scheldt, 50, 516

  France declares war on, 53, 517

  French conquest of, 53, 85

  under French protectorate, 85, 115, 169, 177, 178, 207, 217

  French withdrawal from demanded by England, 189

  hurt by blockade, 694

  Jews in, 275

  navy cooperates with French, 202, 203

  N.’s annexation of, 217

  revolt of, 719, 720

  united with Belgium, 733

  Holland, Elizabeth Fox, Lady, nee Vassall (1770–1845), 370

  Holland, Henry Richard Vassall Fox, 3d Baron (1773–1840), 467

  Holland House, 370–71, 450, 459

  Holstein, duchy of, 588

  Holy Roman Empire, 36, 192, 587–90, 597, 646

  reorganized, 589

  dissolved, 118, 207, 590

  “Holy Thursday” (two poems by Blake), 414, 415

  Homer (9th cent. B.C.), 286, 290, 309, 458

  Hondschoote, battle of (1793), 64

  Hood, Samuel Hood, Baron, later Viscount (1724–1816), 75, 519

  Hooker, Richard (1554?–1600), 447

  Hookham, publisher (fl. 1814), 474

  Hoppner, John (1758–1810), 378, 381, 535

  Hoppner, Richard (fl. 1818), 482, 488, 489

  Horace (65 B.C.-8 B.C.), 145, 309, 456

  Horace (Corneille), 140

  Hortense, Queen, see Beauharnais, Hortense de

  horticulture, 386

  Hôtel-Dieu, Paris, 142

  Hotham, Sir Henry (1777–1833), 755, 756

  Houchard, Jean-Nicolas (1738–93), 64, 67

  Houdon, Jean-Antoine (1741–1828), 266, 280, 555

  Hours of Idleness by George Gordon, Lord Byron, a Minor, 456

  Hugo, Victor (1802–85), 155, 282, 773

  Huguenots: expulsion from France, 4

  in Germany, 600

  Humboldt, Alexander von (1769–1859), 43, 607, 608–10, 751

  Humboldt, Wilhelm von (1767–1835), 301, 603, 605, 606–7, 608, 624, 633, 732

  Humboldt Current, 609

  Hume, David (1711–76), 363, 400, 456, 490, 503

  Hummel, Johann Nepomuk (1778–1837), 586, 612

  Hundred Days (1815), 92, 216, 220, 279, 740–51

  Hungary, 104, 204, 558, 559

  Hunt, Leigh (1784–1859), 408, 440, 467

  Italian venture, 494, 496–97, 498

  later life, 501

  Huntington Gallery, 381

  Huss, John (Jan Hus; 1369?–1415), 601

  Hutcheson, Francis (1694–1746), 406

  Hutchinson, John (fl. 1802), 435

  Hutchinson, Mary, see Wordsworth, Mary

  Hutchinson, Sara (d. 1835), 433, 435, 437, 439, 443, 452

  Hutton, James (1726–97), 387

  Huyghens, Christian (1629–95), 388

  Hymne à la raison (Méhul), 137

  Hymnen an die Nacht (Novalis), 632

  “Hymn to Intellectual Beauty” (Shelley), 478

  “Hymn to Liberty” (Chénier), 73, 146

  “Hymn to Liberty” (Hölderlin), 627

  Hyperion (Hölderlin), 627

  hypnotism, 391–92

  I as Principle of Philosophy, The (Schelling), 643

  “Idiot Boy, The” (Coleridge), 430

  Iffland, August Wilhelm (1759–1814), 615–16

  Iliad (Homer), 552, 607

  Illuminati (secret society), 564, 619

  Illustrations and Proof of the Principle of Population (Place), 403

  Illyria, 253, 733

  “Il pleut, il pleut, bergère” (Fabre), 145

  Imlay, Fanny, see Godwin, Fanny

  Imlay, Capt. Gilbert, 366, 481

  immunology, 393

  Imperial Diet (Reichstag), 588, 589, 590, 597

  Imperial Guard, 247, 268, 698, 718, 725–27, 734–40 passim, 745, 748

  India: British trade with, 107, 340

  Langlès’ study of, 266

  literature of, 635

  N.’s designs on, 107, 110, 242, 243, 686, 699

  population growth in, 402

  reforms in government of, 503

  Russia’s designs on, 664, 676, 686

  the Wellesleys in, 535–36

  Indische Bibliothek (ed. A. von Schlegel), 635

  Indulgents, 76, 77

  industrial exhibitions, Paris, 206, 261

  Industrial Revolution: in England, 178, 340, 410, 600, 776

  in France, 133, 694

  Malthus and, 402, 403

  Wordsworth and, 445, 452

  “infernal machine” plot (1800), 176

  Influence de l’habitude sur les facultés de penser (Maine), 331

  Ingolstadt, University of, 563, 564

  Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique (1780–1867), 266, 282

  Innsbruck, University of, 563

  Innviertel, 233

  Inquisition, 335, 632

  in Italy, 101, 550, 556

  in Portugal, 531

  in Spain, 229, 531, 533, 534, 537, 539

  insane, treatment of, 325

  Institute of Egypt, 110, 253

  Institute of France, 106, 146, 198

  Cuvier and, 142, 326

  and Davy, 390

  early members of, 142

  and education, 180

  “ideologues” of, 240, 253, 266, 272, 330–31

  inauguration of, 87, 128

  N. a member of, 240

  and N.’s assumption of imperial power, 195

  N.’s visits to, 107, 120

  reorganized by N., 266–67

  Second Class suppressed by N., 330

  steam-navigation plan rejected by, 261

  terrestrial-magnetism findings reported to, 323

  Volta’s demonstrations to, 322, 551

  Institut National de Musique, 137

  intendants, 163

  interest: Bentham’s defense of, 405

  legalized in France, 130

  “Intimations of Immortality” (Wordsworth), 435–36

  Invalides, Hôtel des, Paris, 18, 724, 761

  N.’s funeral at, 280, 775–76

  Inventum novum ex Percussione (Auenbrugger), 325

  Ion (Plato), 493

  Ionian Islands, 105, 201, 498, 552, 676, 733

  Iphigénie (Racine), 285

  Ireland, 339, 507–11

  Byron denounces British rule of, 460

  exploitation of, 353, 410, 508

  population of, 3, 507

  revolts in, 509, 510–11

  Shelley and, 472

  Isabella, Queen of Castile (r. 1474–1504) and of Aragon (r. 1479–1504), 533

  Isabey, Jean-Baptiste (1767–1855), 246, 282

  Isla de León, 539

  “Isle of Greece, The” (Byron), 458

  Isnard, Maximin (1755–1825), 85

  Istria, 233

  Italian Confederation, 549

  Italian Republic (1802–05), 187, 201, 546

  Italy, 3, 7, 541–57

  art in, 554–56

  art spoliation in, 101, 102, 139, 279, 555, 556

  campaign of 1796–97 in, 95, 97–105, 247, 544, 548
  campaigns of 1798 in, 108, 544–45

  campaigns of 1799 in, 113, 116–117, 170, 545, 548, 553

  campaign of 1800 in, 171–76, 545

  and Lunéville Peace, 177

  morals in, 551

  music in, 552, 553–54

  philosophy in, 552

  poetry in, 552–53

  in the Renaissance, 587

  Risorgimento in, 552

  science in, 551–52

  and Vienna, Congress of, 733

  see also Cisalpine Republic


  Liguria, Republic of


  Naples, kingdom of

  Papal States


  Sardinia, kingdom of



  Italy, kingdom of (1805–14), 546, 549, 556, 557

  see also Lombardy

  Itinéraire de Paris à Jérusalem (Chateaubriand), 319

  Itzig, Fanny, see Arnstein, Fanny von

  Ivanhoe (Scott), 506

  Ives, Charlotte, 312

  Jackson, William (1737?–95), 508

  Jacobin Club, 7, 15, 31, 33–34, 130

  controls Convention election, 47

  Danton and, 54

  Girondins and, 34, 36, 56

  Marat and, 38, 54, 55

  radical orientation of, 38, 54

  reopening of (1799), 117

  Robespierre and, 33, 38, 39, 54, 56, 81, 82

  suppression of, 83

  triumph of, 78

  Wordsworth and, 420

  Jacquard, Joseph-Marie (1752–1834), 261

  Jacqueries, 22

  Jaffa, 112, 188

  Jahresbericht (Berzelius), 662

  James I, King of England (r. 1603–25), King of Scotland as James VI (r. 1567–1625), 648*

  James I, King of Scotland (r. 1406–37), 455

  James II, King of England, Scotland and Ireland (r. 1685–88), 360

  Jamestown, St. Helena, 758, 763

  Jardin des Plantes, 326, 328

  Jaspers, Karl (1883–1969), 658

  Jassy, Peace of (1792), 670

  Jefferson, Thomas (1743–1826), 143, 330, 396, 405, 777

  Jeffrey, Francis Jeffrey, Lord (1773–1850), 408, 446, 460

  Jemappes, battle of (1792), 50

  Jena, 227, 593, 646–47

  Romantic circle in, 631, 632–33, 635, 638, 643–44

  Jena, battle of (1806), 209, 276, 525, 549, 588, 596, 597

  Jena, University of, 606, 652

  Fichte at, 606, 627, 631, 636, 638

  Hegel at, 293, 606, 646–47

  Schiller at, 606, 622, 627, 631

  Jenner, Edward (1749–1823), 392–93

  Jerome, King of Westphalia, see Bonaparte, Jerome

  Jerome, Saint (Eusebius Hieronymus; 340?–420), 648*

  Jerusalem, 188

  Jervis, Sir John, Earl of St. Vincent (1735–1823), 520

  Jesuits (Society of Jesus), 3, 265, 550, 563

  Jeu de Paume, Salle du, 16

  “Jeune Captive, La”; (Chénier), 145–46

  Jeunesse Dorée, 86


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