The Plot to Kill King

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The Plot to Kill King Page 49

by William F. Pepper

  plagiarism, 308

  trial verdict attack, 208

  Powell, Colin, 283

  Prayer List. See Personal Prayer List

  Prayer meeting, attendance, 246

  Project RESISTANCE, 57–58

  Prouty, Fletcher, 312

  Provincial Motel, 44

  Psychological Operations (Psy Ops), 127


  Memphis deployment, 133

  photographs, 137

  photographers, presence, 129, 291


  Memphis deployment, 133

  Pepper meeting, 133


  Quonset Hut, 256


  Rabbito, Barbara, 40

  Raborn, William P., 60

  Ragano, Frank, 117


  Carthew description, 115–116

  civil suit, 118

  criminal evidence, impact, 202–203

  disinformation, 287–288

  eyewitness account, 304–305

  Grabow characterization/identification, 115–116, 199

  gun purchase instructions, 46–49

  Herman/Saltman visit, 118

  money, delivery, 170

  photographic surveillance, 199

  Ray, James Earl

  connection, Grabow corroboration, 203

  meetings, 41, 42, 44, 50

  Richmond alias, 137

  Royal, alternate name, 104

  Ruby connection, 203

  Rumbaut, Carlos Hernandez (identification), 52

  Rawls, Jr., Wendell, 78, 288

  Ray, Anna, 40, 69

  Rayburn, Sam, 106

  Ray, James Earl, 13

  binoculars purchase, 50

  Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary incarceration, 38, 40

  Canada/England route, 32

  conspiracy disagreement, 26

  death, 153

  detention/arrest, 23

  extradition, 23–24

  FBI leak, 22

  fingerprints, absence, 33

  front man/set-up man, Liberto claim, 109

  Galt, relationship, 19

  Garrison deposition, 103

  guilty plea, 24

  gunrunning operation, 45

  hotel escape, evidence, 32

  innocence, ix

  Jowers declaration, 91

  Reynolds/Norton declaration, 137

  Jowers observation, 87

  last parole hearing, 107

  Leavenworth parole, 39

  location, NSA effort, 136

  London/Portugal flight, 22

  Los Angeles arrival, 44

  meeting, 38

  Missouri State Penitentiary stay/escape, 39, 41

  Montreal robbery, 41, 78

  movement, RCMP tracking, 21

  Mustang, parking location, 255–256

  plea bargaining, possibilities, 87

  postmortem events, 154

  private investigators, legal/ethical responsibility, 87

  psychological/hypnotic counseling, 52

  punishment, recommendation, 25


  FBI contention, HSCA rejection, 81

  prosecution examination, 84–85

  Raul gun purchase instructions, 46–49

  Raul, impact, 31

  Raul meetings, 41, 42, 44, 50

  Remington 760 Gamemaster usage, 46

  Rife meeting, 39

  sacrifice, Grabow characterization, 116–117


  Hoover request, 240

  usage, Galt (importance), 136

  Stephens (main witness), 67

  terminal illness, 140

  Toronto arrival, 51


  King efforts, recounting, 165–166

  preparation, 24

  Ray, Jerry, 41, 44, 73, 288

  affidavits, 141

  hearings examination, 198

  testimony, 77, 79

  Ray, John (perjury charge), 79

  Rayns, John L., 41

  Ray v. Jowers (lawsuit), 120

  Reagan, Ronald, x

  Redditt, Ed

  false assassination threat, 180

  fire station post, removal, 30–31, 34, 269

  surveillance operation, 190

  testimony, 170–171

  Reed, William (Zanie), 215

  FBI 302 statement, 184

  Jim’s Grill exit, 270

  testimony, 175

  witness, 256

  Regan, H., 95

  Reis, Barbara (testimony), 201–202, 204

  Raul family member meeting, 202

  Reisser, John, 262

  Remington 760 Gamemaster, Ray usage, 46

  Reno, Janet, 158

  Reuther, Walter, 193

  Reynolds. See Psychological Operations

  Richmond, James R. (Raul alias), 137

  Richmond, Willie B., 167, 260

  surveillance operation, 190

  Rife, Walter (Ray meeting), 39


  burial, confirmation, 256

  destruction, photos, 254

  disposal, Jowers instructions, 178

  hotel appearance, 278

  murder weapon, 177–179

  scope, presence (evidence), 256

  signature, engraving, 146–147

  tests, 146–148

  wound, fatal impact, 266–267

  Riley, John, 18

  Riots, 283

  deaths, viii

  Riverbend Penitentiary, 103, 153

  Rivermont Hotel, 171

  electronic surveillance, 84

  King escort, 7

  room change, 33

  surveillance team, presence, 179–180

  Roberts, Paul Craig, x

  Robinson, Herbert, 94

  Robinson, Marchal, 145

  Rockefeller Commission Report (1975), 28–29

  Roosevelt, Franklin, xxix, 309

  Roselli, John, 57

  Rosen, Randy, 43

  Rosenson, Randy (HSCA interviews), 95

  Rothermel, Paul, 106

  Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), fugitive/passport file examination, 21

  Ruby, Jack, 156–158, 204, 282

  Raul, connection, 203

  Rumbaut, Carlos Hernandez (Raul identification), 52

  Ryan, Jim, 243, 254, 256


  Saint Joseph’s Hospital

  autopsy report, 263–264

  breathing tube, removal, 262

  emergency room medical instruments, usage, 261

  intervention, necessity (absence), 266–267

  medical personnel, discussions, 262–263

  ME official, absence, 264

  military presence, 262

  pillow, usage, 262

  Saint Louis conspiracy, 288–289

  Saltman, Jack, 90, 114

  testimony, 201

  Sanitation worker strike, mayoral promotion, 247

  Sartor, William, 70

  murder, 84

  Schapp, William (testimony), 185–186

  Scientific reports, suppression, 184–185

  SCLC. See Southern Christian Leadership Conference

  Scott Street market, 194

  Liberto presence, 214

  Security Research Staff (SRS), 58

  Security witness, disclosure, 90

  Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Activities (1976 report), 60

  Shelby County Correctional Center, 110

  Shelby County Criminal Court, 145, 146

  Shelby, Johnton, 261–262

  Shelby, Lula Mae, 263, 266

  Sides, Hampton (eyewitness account), 308–309

  Silberg, Earl, 79

  Sitton, Claude, 176

  Smiley, Tavis, xi, xiii, 308

  Smith, Bobbi, 84, 86

  Jowers hiring, 101

  subpoena/appearance, 101–102

  testimony, 188

  Witness Grey, 89

  Smith, Coby, 166

  Smith, Jean, 214r />
  Smith, Jim, 228

  King surveillance confirmation, 84

  subpoena, 179–180

  Smith, Tommy, 95, 246, 254

  testimony, 174

  Smith, Vasco, 226

  Smythe III, Ham, 183

  Smythe IV, Hamilton, 183

  Sneyd, Ramon George (alias), 21, 32, 51

  Social change, fight, viii

  South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, 158

  Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 4, 63

  advance man, visit, 68

  FBI wiretaps, 80–81

  founding, Kelly memo, 80

  meeting, location transfer, 6

  organizers, Memphis arrival, 8–9

  Southern Hotel, 49

  Spates, Betty, 84, 217

  Akins interaction, 98

  eyewitness account, 302–303

  interaction, Jowers denial, 102

  interview, failure, 291

  Jowers conversation, 96–97

  Jowers hiring, 101

  Pepper interview, 96–98

  presence, Jowers claims, 150

  rebuttal evidence, 195

  story, change, 95–96

  testimony (Witness Brown), 89

  Special Forces

  Marcello, relationship, 124

  Murphy, 124–125

  Operation Detachment Alpha 184 team, 127

  shoot to kill order, 128

  target acquisition photos, 128

  Tompkins sessions, 138

  Warren, 124–125, 181

  Evans communication, 129

  Memphis deployment, 127–128

  Tompkins meetings, 137

  Special Forces Group (SFG), 126, 127, 138

  Special Operations Group (SOG), 61, 127

  Spock, Benjamin, 15, 17

  King/Spock political ticket, xiii

  Vietnam War opposition, 283

  Sportsman’s Club, 79

  Sprague, Richard (replacement), 34

  Sprunt, Doctor, 264

  Stanton, Hugh, 24

  Starlight Lounge, 42, 45

  State’s case, 31–33

  discrepancies, 33–34

  Stein, Charles, 44

  Stephens, Charles Quitman, 23, 31, 32, 65–66

  Chastain interview, 66–67

  drunkenness, 293, 297–298

  protective custody, 67

  room, Ray room (proximity), 188

  Stephens, Grace Walden, 174, 188, 282

  sharpshooter observation, 215

  St. Francis Hotel, 44, 72

  Stiles, Maynard, 239

  clean-up team order, 256

  Evans assassination area clean-up request, 183–184

  Jones communication, 4

  prayer meeting, 246

  predawn clean-up request, 84

  testimony, 183–184

  St. Joseph’s Hospital, 66

  Stokes, Louis, 185

  Stout, Bill (interview), 67–68

  Strausser, Frank, 224–228

  guilt, admission, 237

  interview, 228, 230–234

  Jowers knowledge, 233

  name, Adkins recognition, 258

  special rifle, acceptance, 280

  telephone conversation, 235–237

  Sultan Club, 44

  Summer Avenue Highway Patrol Identification Bureau, 246

  Summe, Tony, 309

  Swearingen, James (court case), 163

  closing trial arguments, 195–196

  conspiracy, trial examination, 167–177, 179–182

  cover-up, trial testimony, 182–187

  defendants, 187–189

  defense, case, 190–195

  judgment, 197

  jury instructions, 196

  King family, damages request, 189

  media ban, 164

  murder weapon, trial examination, 177–179

  plaintiff case, division, 164

  trial background, 165–167

  verdict, 196

  Swenson, Harold, 240


  TACT units

  Evans usage, 7

  TACT Unit 10 (TACT 10), 13, 65

  Lorraine removal, 84

  Target acquisition photos (Special Forces), 128

  Tennessee National Guard, Loeb request, 7

  Terrell, Jack, 130

  Hill interaction, 131

  video deposition, 181–182

  Thames Television, 83, 90, 114, 201

  Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute, 141

  Thompson, Kenneth, 23

  Thompson, Russell X., 71

  Thornton, R.L., 203

  Throw-down gun/rifle, 256

  slug, matching (failure), 310

  Toland, Stephen, 238

  Tolson, Clyde, 40, 240

  Adkins, connections, 240

  European trip, 242–243


  connection, 238

  homosexual relationship, 309

  memo, 29–30

  Memphis return, 256–257

  Personal Prayer List, 245, 284

  Tompkins, Steve, 73, 123, 312

  Pepper meeting, 125

  Warren sessions, 138

  Torrino, Felix, 115

  Armando, relationship, 116


  guilty plea, 25

  jury compromise/settlement, 26

  preparation, 24

  Trial (Swearingen)

  aftermath, 207–208

  background, 165–167

  closing trial arguments, 195–196

  defendants, 187–189

  defense, case, 190–195

  judgment, 197

  Posner attack, 208

  post-trial evidence, 208–218

  Truman, Harry S., 59

  Trumpet Hotel, 216

  Truth breakthrough, 223

  Tucker, William, 14

  Tyler, Ron. See Adkins

  Tyson, Brady, 61–62, 64

  Ellsberg remarks, 70


  United Nations Special Assembly on Disarmament, 61

  United States Intelligence Board (USIB), 127

  U.S. Army

  assassination implication, 124

  CIA, relationship, 127

  U.S. Army Intelligence Command (USAINTC), 125–126

  U.S. Army Security Agency (ASA), 127

  operatives, impact, 179–180

  U.S. Strike Command (CINCSTRIKE), headquarters, 126


  Valentine, Doug (testimony), 180

  Verdict (Swearingen court case), 196

  Veterans Cab Company, 101

  Vietnam war

  King, Jr., opposition, viii, 283

  Dexter King statement, 166

  Spock opposition, 283


  Wade, Randy, 224

  Curtis conversation, 224–226

  Wadsworth, Susan, 36

  Wakler, Robert (murder), 3–4

  Walden, Grace, 32, 65, 84, 101

  mental hospital stay, 67

  Waldron, Martin, 20

  disinformation, 296–298

  Wallace, George, 44

  Wallace, Norvil, 170

  Ward, Louie, 112–113

  testimony, 177, 182–183

  Warren. See Special Forces

  Warren Commission, 28

  Washington, Alda Mae (Jowers hiring), 101

  Washington Poor People’s Campaign, 5–6, 9

  initiation, Memphis location, 6

  organization, 31

  Wecht, Cyril, 263–265

  Weeden, Carthel, 281

  testimony, 180

  Weisberg, Harold, 49

  assassination evidence dissent, 33–37, 65

  Whitlock, Nathan, 228, 234, 297

  Liberto interaction, 108–109

  testimony, 169–170

  Wilburn, Jesse Leeman, 120

  Wilburn, Royce, 150

  testimony, 201

  Wilder, John, 247

  Wilhite, Joe, 262–263<
br />
  presence (hospital room), 265

  Wilkins, Roy (Memphis invitation), 5

  Willard, John (alias), 31–32, 49, 50

  rooming house registration/rental, 12, 14

  Williams, Hosea (restraining order), 9

  Williams, Jerry, 171

  Wilson, Donald, 156, 158

  business, ruin, 158–159

  documents, Mustang origin, 156–157, 204, 282

  FBI attack, 157

  Pepper meeting, 156

  testimony, refusal, 202

  Witness Black, 89

  Witness Brown, 89

  Witness Green, 89

  Witness Grey, 89

  Witness White, 89

  Wood, Donald, 16

  Wood, Mike, 60

  Wright, Tommy, 95


  Yarborough, William P., 126

  York Arms Store, 16, 32, 50

  Young, Andrew, 13, 14, 61

  meeting, press conference, 144

  testimony, 169–170, 179, 189, 201

  Youngblood, Walter Alfred, 70

  meeting, 71–73

  photographs, identification, 71, 72

  Young, David Mark, 271, 278, 279

  Young, Frank Warren (testimony), 192


  Zachary, N.E. (MPD inspector/Homicide Chief), 25, 72, 82, 219

  clique, 95

  Planning the 1967 Labor Day NCNP Convention with Ben Spock.

  1967 Labor Day NCNP Convention: Dick Gregory, Dr. Benjamin Spock, Rob Abernathy, the author, and Martin King.

  The author and Martin King at the 1967 Labor Day NCNP Convention.

  The author and Martin at the 1967 Labor Day NCNP Convention.

  The author and Ben Spock at the King Memorial in Memphis, April 1968.

  James Earl Ray and the author.

  James Earl Ray participating in the Television Trial, 1993.

  Television Trial of 1993.

  1999 pre-trial briefing of Coretta King.

  1999 trial, going into court.

  Coretta King, her assistant, and the author.

  Coretta King testimony at the 1999 trial.

  Yolanda and Dexter King with the author at the 1999 trial.

  Coretta King and author at the King Family Lunch honoring author after 1999 trial.

  Martin, Dexter, Coretta, and Yolanda King, with the author at the King Family Lunch.

  Coretta King and the author at the King Family Lunch.

  Coretta, the author, Ambassador Andrew Young, and Yolanda King at the King Family Lunch.




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