Forbidden Love

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Forbidden Love Page 5

by Phillips, Laura

  “Does she know about what happened on the beach?” Kacey asked, knowing that she shouldn’t bring up Ashley, but Kacey couldn’t talk about college, not yet anyway.

  “No... I knew I was going to end it so, I didn’t think there was any point. Maybe I should have...”

  “I don’t regret what happened last weekend, but I hope I didn’t cause any problems-”

  “No. Ashley had already checked out of whatever we had.”

  “She wasn’t exactly discreet.”

  “No... So, don’t worry about that.”

  “I just can’t believe she didn’t tell me she was seeing anyone,” Kacey said as she took a drink. It really had bothered her. Last weekend, she was jealous that Madison wasn’t single, but then she was mad at Ashley for not saying anything. They weren’t very close, but they did still spend a good bit of time together at the restaurant, and Kacey considered her a friend.

  “Maybe she knew it wasn’t going anywhere from the start,” Madison said with a shrug. “Look, I want to be honest...”

  Kacey’s eyes locked onto Madison’s. She wasn’t sure where this was going, but Madison darted her eyes away a second later.

  “I really didn’t know if I should get in touch with you this week,” Madison said, finally meeting her eyes again.


  “Because there’s a pretty significant age difference here... I’m assuming.”

  “I’m twenty-five,” Kacey said, knowing there was no way around that fact. Everything she said to Madison couldn’t be a lie.

  “Right. I’m going to be forty in June.”

  Kacey nodded. Older than I thought, than she looks... But it’s not the end of the world, right?

  “So, I don’t know if we should even think about getting involved,” Madison said in a rush. “I mean, that’s fifteen years. Don’t get me wrong... I enjoyed Saturday night, and I know I’m the one who started it... Well, maybe you did on the dance floor.”

  “I did,” Kacey said, a smile tugging at her lips. “I couldn’t take my eyes off you,” she said in just above a whisper, daring herself to look at Madison whose cheeks were suddenly darker. “And then when you kissed me...”

  Madison leaned forward to leave her wine glass on the coffee table, giving Kacey a brief glimpse of her cleavage. Kacey took another drink. She needed to decide right now whether or not she was going to say something to Madison tonight, or leave it until their next date, if that’s what this was. If she didn’t decide, she knew she’d get lost in the moment, and if Madison kissed her again...

  “The only problem is,” Madison said, brushing a strand of Kacey’s blond hair away from her eyes, sending chills down her body, “You’re stunning.”

  Kacey swallowed as Madison’s eyes flickered down to her lips. This was actually happening right now. She’d had a few dreams like this since she saw Madison for the first time three years ago, when they’d nearly collided on the stairs at college.

  Kacey glanced down at her lips, only inches away. They’d have a chance to talk later, when there was more than just a drunken kiss between them.

  I’ll tell her I’m her student the next time we meet... Not tonight. I can’t ruin this moment...

  Kacey licked her lips as she cupped Madison’s cheek, closing the gap between them, parting her lips as she met Madison’s in a slow, sensual kiss that sent a tingling sensation through her body, all the way to her fingertips.

  Kacey blindly returned her wine glass to the coffee table. She needed to touch her.

  Kacey’s hand slid through Madison’s dark hair as she deepened the kiss. She could taste the sweet wine on Madison’s lips and when their tongues met, Kacey heard a soft moan escape her lips.

  She’d never expected to even have a real conversation with Madison Malone, but last weekend had given Kacey a boost in confidence. The way Madison had looked at her, the way she’d kissed her... It all made Kacey think that she might just have a chance with her.

  If only she wasn’t my lecturer...

  Madison’s hand found hers, interlacing their fingers in her lap, as they continued to kiss, her thumb lightly stroking the back of Kacey’s hand.

  Kacey didn’t think this was the way tonight was going to go. She thought they’d talk, get to know each other, not that she was complaining. She could do this all night. Madison’s lips were like a drug. She knew she should pull away before this got too heated, but she couldn’t.

  Madison’s hand raked through her hair as their tongues met, gliding across each other, and Kacey couldn’t remember ever being kissed like this.

  Chapter 12

  Madison didn’t know how she lost control of tonight. She’d decided on the walk over to Kacey’s apartment that she was going to make sure this didn’t go anywhere. She didn’t want Kacey to get the wrong idea. Their kiss on the beach had been wonderful, but it was a moment, that was it... One lovely, romantic moment.

  They were too different for this to actually become something. That’s what she kept telling herself anyway, but here she was, on Kacey’s couch, kissing her like the world might end any minute.

  It was the way Kacey looked at her. Madison couldn’t remember the last time she saw that look in another woman’s eyes, that raw desire.

  If their difference in age was the only reason why Madison didn’t want to pursue this, she quickly realized she might be making a mistake. What if this was real? What if this was more than that one moment on the beach?

  Right now, it certainly felt that way.

  Kacey moaned into the kiss, and Madison felt a pulse of desire radiate through her body. She wanted Kacey, and it scared her. She was used to taking things slow, but right now, she just wanted to rip Kacey’s clothes off.

  Kacey’s tongue met hers, and with a shaky hand, Madison’s fingers glided through Kacey’s blond hair. Kacey’s hand slid along her ribs, over her sleeveless top, and into the middle of her back as they drew even closer together, and Kacey’s breasts pressing against hers as a gasp escaped Madison’s lips.

  Madison didn’t know how much more of this she could take. She could feel her desire pooling between her legs already, and her head spun with the intensity of Kacey’s kisses, but they should talk before this escalates. That was the right thing to do.

  Madison finally pulled away, although it was the last thing she wanted to do. Kacey’s cheeks were flushed, her breathing ragged, and her sea blue eyes a shade darker, full of lust.


  “We should take things slow,” Kacey breathed.

  Madison stared at her as she caught her breath. Did she mean tonight or that they should take things slow in general?

  “Yeah,” Madison whispered, running a hand through her hair as she put a little more space between them.

  “I’d like to get to know you better,” Kacey said with a lopsided smile. “That’s all. I don’t normally just jump into things...”

  “I don’t either...”

  “Even though I really want to,” Kacey said, biting her lower lip.

  “We should take it slow... We hardly know each other,” Madison said, reaching for her wine glass. They should talk.

  Madison took a deep breath. “So... What are you doing when you’re not at the restaurant?”

  Kacey took a drink too. Talking was the last thing Madison wanted to do, but she couldn’t jump head first into this. If it was going to happen, she had to know that it was more than attraction.

  “I’ll be graduating next month... with a business degree.”

  “You’re in college?”

  Kacey nodded. “Less than a five-minute walk away this year. I wish I had this apartment from the start.”

  “I lecture there. Psychology...”

  Madison studied Kacey’s expression. She was flustered, distracted almost. It was probably just the kiss. Madison absently ran her fingertips over her lips. Tonight was even better than their first kiss on the beach.

  “I should go,” Madison said with
out thinking. She finished her wine and stood up. She shouldn’t have come tonight. There was no way this was going to work. Kacey went to college where she worked, reminding her once again how much younger she was.


  She slung her bag over her shoulder, and Kacey was beside her, reaching for her hand. “I wasn’t sure what to expect from tonight. I didn’t know if this was a date,” Kacey said with a weak smile. “I was just glad that you wanted to see me again... After what happened the other night and everything.”

  “I like you Kacey... Probably too much.”

  “Just give me a chance,” Kacey said with a smile that made Madison weak at the knees, her eyes sparkling, waiting for her answer.

  Madison nodded, rubbing her thumb across the back of Kacey’s hand. “Okay...”

  “So, it’s okay if I call you?” Kacey asked as she walked her to the door.

  “Sure, but we really should take things slow... I just wasn’t expecting it to be this hard,” Madison whispered.

  “I know,” Kacey said, leaning in to kiss her.

  Madison parted her lips against Kacey’s. It was only supposed to be a goodnight kiss, but as soon as Kacey’s lips were on hers again, they lost control.

  Kacey backed her up against the door, their bodies pressed together as Kacey deepened the kiss, their tongues swirling as Madison’s hand cupped her cheek, sliding down to her neck. Kacey moaned softly when Madison’s hand slipped underneath her top to caress the silky skin above her waist, sliding into the middle of her back, raking her nails across her skin, causing Kacey to melt into her.

  Madison reversed their positions, pressing Kacey against the door, kissing her one last time, letting her hands fall as she took a step back. Their gazes met in a heated look, and Madison didn’t know why this kept happening. She was so used to being in control.

  “I need to go,” Madison breathed, and Kacey simply nodded, opening the door for her.

  “I’ll call you,” Kacey said in a husky voice, and Madison had to wonder if there was something wrong with her. How many people would be able to walk away from someone as beautiful and sexy as Kacey?

  “Goodnight,” Madison called over her shoulder as she left, afraid that if she didn’t go now, she wouldn’t go at all.

  She was pretty sure neither of them wanted to stop, but Madison needed time to process this. She’d been counting on this attraction being just that, attraction... Lust. Desire fueled by alcohol, but Madison knew it wasn’t that simple.

  I guess I should be thankful that Kacey’s not in one of my classes...

  There was nothing keeping them from giving this a try, except her own hang-ups on their age difference, and Kacey was probably slightly concerned about Ashley’s feelings.

  I hate lying to her about that... But it’s a little late now to start backtracking. I’d look like an idiot.

  Madison took out her phone and found an Uber that was just a few blocks away. She should probably walk home, but she knew she’d just spend the time thinking about what just happened and wondering if she’d made the right choice. Madison saw a black car pulling up and got in when she checked the plates.

  Less than a month to go...

  Then she’d be off for the summer. Madison had been thinking about doing some traveling this year, but she never booked anything. Now, she was starting to wonder if she could use that break. She could go to Europe and check some cities off her bucket list.

  Or I could stay and...

  And what?

  Date a twenty-five-year-old.

  Madison sighed as she stared out the window, the moon illuminating the houses they drove past. She didn’t know what to do.

  Maybe being single has its benefits... Like not dealing with all this... invented drama.

  That’s exactly what it was: invented drama, Madison reminded herself. There was nothing wrong with being interested in Kacey, except her own problems with her age, and if Kacey hadn’t told Madison her age, she might assume she was closer to thirty.

  This is all in my head, and I need to let go... I’m probably just scared of getting hurt... That’s it.

  Chapter 13

  Kacey was spending as little time as possible on campus this week. She went to her classes, and instead of going to the library or the coffee shop on the grounds to study, she either went home or to a coffee shop near her apartment. Even though Madison knew she was a student now, she still didn’t want to risk being seen anywhere near the psychology building.

  This is awful...

  Kacey promised herself that when she met Madison tonight, she’d tell her. She couldn’t keep going like this. It was only Tuesday, and with a little over three weeks until graduation, Kacey should have been happy, but she was so torn.

  Madison was intoxicating. That was the only way she could describe Madison, and how she made Kacey feel. The way she looked at Kacey was enough to make her come undone, never mind the way her body hummed when Madison’s lips were on hers.

  With graduation around the corner, being Madison’s student wasn’t going to be an issue for much longer, but there would always be the lie that she’d told, and the longer it went on, the worse it was going to be for Kacey.

  I just have to say it... There’s going to be no easy way to say it, and she’s not going to react well, but I just have to get it over with.

  Kacey parked outside The Beach House and brought her messenger bag inside with her. She didn’t know why she hadn’t thought of it before today, but her mother’s office was as good a place as any to study for her finals. She also wanted to make sure everything was running smoothly. Her mother had done a great job hiring loyal and competent staff, but Kacey would feel better if she could see things were going okay while her mother was on her honeymoon.

  Kacey breezed through the restaurant which was full of chatter and laughter. She only spotted one empty table, and she could see Sherri leading a couple over to it. For a Tuesday night, this was fantastic, and it wasn’t even summer.

  Kacey gave Sherri a wave as she pushed through the double doors and made her way down the short hallway to her mother’s office, fishing the key out of her messenger bag and unlocking it. She cleared some space for herself on the desk, moving a few folders and stacks of receipts onto the top of the filing cabinet in the corner of the room. She slid her laptop out of her bag, turning it on as she gathered her notes.

  She knew she had a lot of work to do between now and the finals. She’d been so busy in the lead up to the wedding that she hadn’t even worried about trying to find time to study. Kacey told herself she had plenty of time in April to catch up, but now her mind was everywhere but where it needed to be.

  Kacey glanced up at the door when she heard a light knock. “Yes?”

  “It’s just me,” Sherri said as she opened the door, and Kacey waved her in. “I’m on my break. It’s crazy out there.”

  “Do you need some extra help?”

  “It wouldn’t hurt, but uh... I think you’re just looking for a productive way to procrastinate,” Sherri said, motioning to the desk that was now covered in her notes.

  “I told my mother I’d keep things running smoothly while she was gone,” Kacey said, checking the closet in the corner of the room, hoping she had a clean pair of black pants and her black worktop, and thankfully they were there. “I’d be happy to do it,” Kacey said, closing her laptop.

  “Keep me company for ten minutes,” Sherri said, sitting on the edge of the desk. “What’s going on with you? Have you seen Madison?”


  “Did you tell her?”

  “No. I told her I was a student... But not hers.”

  “Kacey,” Sherri said, covering her mouth with her hand. “You’re playing with fire. Please tell me you haven’t slept with her.”

  “No... But we didn’t do much talking when I invited her over Saturday night.”

  “When are you seeing her again?”

  “Tonight,” Kacey said, che
cking her watch. It was just after five o’clock. She’d arranged to meet Madison at her apartment at eight.

  “You have to tell her.”

  “I know, I know.”

  “Seriously, Kacey. It’s not just about you. This could affect her job, her career, you know... If you cross that line.”

  “I know,” Kacey said with a sigh. “I will tell her... I really like her,” she said, meeting Sherri’s eyes.

  “I know you do, and that’s exactly why you have to tell her.”

  “She’s not going to want to see me.”

  “You’re graduating next month. It might not be that big of a deal, except for the part where you lied,” Sherri said, her eyes narrowing. “Do I know her? I know you said Ashley was going out with her, but she never introduced me. Surely, Madison was here some night. I wasn’t working when you hit her with the door.”

  “You might recognize her to see... She’s stunning,” Kacey said with a smile tugging at her lips.

  “You have it so bad,” Sherri said as she stood up, playfully hitting Kacey’s arm on her way to the door. “Come on and give me a hand.”

  “Give me two minutes to get changed and tie my hair back.”

  “See you out there.”

  Kacey locked the door behind her and got changed into her work clothes. She knew Sherri was right, but she didn’t know how she was going to say it. She wished she didn’t have to wait another three hours. She’d tell her right now if she could, but she knew it was easier said than done. Whenever she was around Madison, she couldn’t think.

  Kacey tied her hair back in a ponytail and locked the office door behind her, so she wouldn’t have to worry about her laptop or purse. She’d stay for two hours, and then she’d head home to get freshened up to be at Madison’s at eight.

  Chapter 14

  Madison stretched her arms above her head as she pushed back her desk chair. She needed a break from grading these papers, and it was almost seven o’clock, so she might as well get changed and touch up her makeup. Kacey would be here in just over an hour.


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