Forbidden Love

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Forbidden Love Page 14

by Phillips, Laura

  “It’s what you didn’t say.”

  Madison just stared blankly at her. “What?”

  “I was talking to Ashley last night, and she said that you never really dated.”

  Madison closed her eyes, her jaw clenched. She would kill Ashley for running her mouth. “I’m not proud of it, but Ashley asked me to do her a favor and pretend to be her girlfriend, and I did. I’m sorry that it got so out of hand.”

  “You know how you said you felt guilty that night on the beach?” Kacey asked, her eyes darker than normal. “You didn’t. You had nothing to feel guilty about, but I did, because I thought you had a girlfriend. I felt guilty. I felt conflicted. Ashley’s a friend of mine too. I know I don’t know her as well as you do, but she’s still someone I respect, and I was torn when I kissed you that night... And I had no reason to be.”

  “I’m sorry,” Madison breathed. This was dangerously close to turning into a big deal, and it shouldn’t be. “Look, all couples fight. I don’t want this to be a problem for us... Can we get past this?”

  “It took you a long time to get over the fact that I didn’t tell you I was your student.”

  “That’s different.”

  “How? We both told each other lies from the start.”

  “Because that lie put my career on the line. This lie... It was just a white lie that snowballed into something I couldn’t back out of without looking like an idiot.”

  Kacey’s eyebrows arched.

  “Okay,” Madison said, holding her hands up. “I look like an idiot right now. I know. And I’m sorry... Please, Kacey. Can we forget about this?”

  “Do you see where I’m coming from?”


  Kacey sighed. “I’m not impressed,” she said with a shrug. “You told me I was immature. This is bordering on ridiculous. Pretending to be dating someone to get women? That’s the definition of immaturity,” Kacey said as she stood up, walking towards the door.

  Madison bit her tongue, following her to the door instead, knowing that was her cue to leave. “I’m sorry... I’m crazy about you, Kacey. I don’t want something so trivial to end this.”

  “I just need some space,” Kacey said, pulling the door open.

  “Okay,” Madison said, lingering in the doorway. “I’ll give you some space... Goodnight...”

  As soon as Madison stepped out into the hallway, the door shut behind her, and she ran through their conversation again as she left the building and got into her car.

  How did this get so out of hand? And Ashley gets to waltz around like nothing happened. She met someone at the wedding. Now she’s with Brooke, and she’s the poster child for lesbian bliss...

  Madison drove home, promising herself that she would give Kacey the space she wanted. She’d wait until Kacey was ready to see her again. 

  Chapter 43

  Kacey spent the next few days working as many hours as she could. She didn’t know what else to do with her time, and thankfully the restaurant was busy enough that she was needed. She knew she was being slightly unreasonable with Madison, but she didn’t want her to think that it was okay for her to treat her like that.

  The topic of Madison and Ashley’s history had come up more than once, and each time Madison told her how they weren’t right for each other, and that their relationship would never have lasted. It was like a slap in the face.

  Kacey knew she should have told Madison that she was her student sooner, and every time she thought she’d plucked up the courage to do it, something always seemed to get in the way. Maybe that’s what it was like for Madison too? Maybe she was afraid to tell her the truth because she’d been telling that fib since the first night they’d kissed?

  “Hey,” Ashley said with a smile, leaning on the door frame of Elizabeth’s office. “How’s Madison? I haven’t heard from in a few days. Did you tie her up and lock her in your apartment or something?”

  Kacey just stared at her from her mother’s chair. Ashley was so drunk on the fourth of July that she didn’t remember her little confession.

  “So, you and Madison really never dated?” Kacey asked, ignoring her question.

  Ashley returned her stare, her eyes darting away from hers. “Oh shit.”


  “It was my fault. I begged her to do it. She was very reluctant.”

  “We’re kind of fighting about it,” Kacey said as she stood up, finally ready to go home.

  “Fucking hell... Look, it really was my fault.”

  “You came up more than once, and she kept up with the story.”

  “Oh, well... Then it’s her fault.”

  Kacey shook her head. Ashley was not who she would have imagined for Madison’s best friend. They were so different.

  “You guys are so good together,” Ashley said, taking her hair out of its pony tail. “Don’t break up over this.”

  “I don’t think it’ll come to that. I just needed a few days to process it. I felt guilty, you know? When I wanted her, and you introduced Madison as your girlfriend at my mother’s wedding... I consider you a friend, and I didn’t want to interfere.”

  “It was a crazy idea. I shouldn’t have dragged Madison into it. Don’t take it out on her.”

  Kacey nodded, reaching for her satchel and draping it across her body. “I think I’m over it now.”

  “The makeup sex will be amazing...”

  Kacey hit her on the arm on her way past. “Goodnight,” she called after her as she left, knowing her mother would be back to lock up. She’d put in a long shift today, and it was time to head home.

  Or I could go to Madison’s...

  Chapter 44

  Madison had to leave her phone on the counter in the kitchen. She’d never been addicted to the latest gaming app or even to social media, but not hearing from Kacey for the last three days was driving her crazy. Madison had been checking her phone far too often for it to be healthy. She had to leave it in the kitchen.

  As much as she wanted to call Ashley and yell at her, she never did. Even though Ashley was the one to tell Kacey, it was really her fault. Madison should have told Kacey the truth.

  Madison was about to put a movie on when her doorbell rang. She hadn’t ordered any food, but she had gotten Chinese for the last three nights, so maybe they’d just assumed? She was wearing comfortable shorts and a black tank top. Not ideal for answering the door, but it would have to do.

  Madison ran a hand through her hair as she opened the door, forgetting to breathe when she realized it was Kacey standing in front of her.

  “Hey... I hope it’s okay that I’m here. If you’re busy, I can go...”

  “No,” Madison said, holding the door open. “Come in.”

  “I’m sorry about the last few days. I know I’ve kind of blown this out of proportion... I was just surprised, I guess.”

  “Come on,” Madison said, lightly holding onto her hand and leading her into the living room where they both sat down, and Madison reluctantly withdrew her hand. “You don’t need to apologize. I’m the one in the wrong... and I am sorry.”

  Kacey nodded. “I think we’ve said this before... But can we start over?”

  “Please. That was the first and last lie I’ll ever tell you,” Madison said, reaching for her hand and covering it with her own.

  Kacey smiled. “That’s a difficult promise to make. I’m sure there’ll be a few white lies.”

  “I really hope not. That’s how this mess started. I thought it was an innocent lie, but I’m going to do my best to be honest with you, going forward.”

  “Me too,” Kacey said still smiling. She ran a hand through her hair as she laughed softly to herself.

  “What’s so funny?” Madison asked, returning her smile.

  “Ashley said the makeup sex would be amazing...”

  “She is awful.”

  “Is there anything she won’t say?” Kacey asked.

  “I don’t think so... But I have a feeling she was righ

  “Oh really?”

  “Well, I guess we’ll have to find out for ourselves,” Madison said, pulling her into her arms, cupping her cheek as she parted her lips against Kacey’s.

  Chapter 45

  Madison took a deep breath as she followed Kacey through the door to a table on the deck at The Beach House. Tonight was the night. She was going to meet Kacey’s mom and Trent, officially, and they were already seated at the table that Kacey was walking towards.

  “Hi,” Kacey said, and Madison thought her voice was a little shaky. “Mom, Trent... I want you to meet Madison.”

  They were all standing now, and Madison extended her hand to both of them, saying ‘Hello’ with what she hoped was a charming smile.

  “I just want to apologize,” Madison said to Elizabeth as they took their seats. “For the fourth of July. I should have said something, but-”

  Elizabeth smiled at her from across the table. “Kacey had already pointed you out to me when you were in the restaurant for your birthday. I should have said something... I didn’t mean to make things awkward, and I hope they weren’t. Don’t worry about it.”

  “Okay,” Madison said as they all took a few minutes to look over the menu and order. She figured they were just being polite and giving her time, because they all had to know what was on the menu. Madison ordered last when the waiter came to their table, and Trent suggested a particular rum that he recently discovered. Madison had to agree, to be polite, even though she’d decided that she wouldn’t drink much tonight. She didn’t want to make a fool of herself in front of them.

  “So, what do you do, Madison?” Elizabeth asked a few minutes later, when Trent and her had finished discussing the rum.

  “I’m a lecturer. Social Psychology.”

  “Very interesting,” Trent said.

  “Did you take any of Madison’s classes?” Elizabeth asked her daughter.

  “Yeah. Last semester. That was the only one.”

  A heavy silence fell over the table and, thankfully, the food arrived, taking them away from that topic of conversation. Madison suddenly became very interested in her garlic shrimp pasta. She couldn’t meet their eyes. She knew they’d see right through her. Even though they hadn’t technically slept together until Kacey was no longer her student, Madison did still feel a little guilty. They could easily get the wrong impression, and it could look like Madison had been taking advantage, and that was the last thing she wanted them to think.

  “So,” Elizabeth said as they ate. “Kacey... There’s something I want to talk to you about, that we want to talk to you about.”

  Madison stopped eating, reaching for her tumbler, not quite sure where this was going.

  “Okay,” Kacey said, putting her fork down.

  “Matt is leaving next month, and we’re going to be looking for a new manager... Would you like to be considered for the job?”

  Kacey wiped her mouth with her napkin, sitting back in her chair. “Yes,” she said, after just a moment’s hesitation.

  “Really?” her mother asked. “That’s great. I wasn’t sure if you’d be interested.”

  “I’ve been working here more since I graduated, and I have my own ideas... I’d like to be more involved.”

  “That’s fantastic, Kace,” Trent said, clinking his glass off hers.

  Madison watched the three of them get into a debate about the menu, and she couldn’t help feeling happy for Kacey, that she had such lovely parents. Madison wasn’t close to her own parents, but she did miss her sister. She realized then when the three of them burst out laughing, that she’d invite her over at some point during the summer. She wanted her to meet Kacey, and eventually, she’d take her to Miami to meet her parents.

  Madison had no idea how this had happened so fast, but the one thing she did know was that this felt right. Having someone like Kacey in her life was something she was starting to think would never happen to her. She’d almost written it off completely, and then Kacey showed up, dancing beside her with a hint of mischief in her eyes.

  Things were finally falling into place for her. Even tonight, which she’d been so nervous about, had gone well. The last two hours had flown by, and when Trent said they’d have to do it again soon, something that was always said after a meeting like this, Madison genuinely hoped that they would. She’d enjoyed herself tonight, and when the subject of college and Kacey’s classes never came up again, Madison relaxed, sipping on her rum as she got to know Liz and Trent better.

  “I like that people call you Kace,” Madison said as they left the restaurant and waited for their Uber.

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Would it be weird if I called you that too?”

  “No. Not at all...”

  “Okay,” Madison said, smiling to herself as she reached for Kacey’s hand. “I meant to ask you this before... But did you have a crush on me? Before we got to know each other?”

  Kacey’s cheeks darkened, and Madison got her answer.

  “So, you did,” Madison said, wrapping her arm around her waist.

  “I had it so bad...”

  Madison shook her head, laughing softly.

  “Are you surprised?” Kacey asked as they got into the car that pulled up.

  “No. Not really. It comes with the territory. I just never knew if you were interested in me before.”

  “Very,” Kacey said, smiling as she leaned in and kissed her softly. “I’m not even sure how I kept it together when you asked me to go for a walk on the beach.”

  “Well, you played it cool...”

  “I have no idea how... Do you want to come back to mine?”

  “I’d love to,” Madison said, reaching for her hand and interlacing their fingers. “Your mom and Trent are really nice.”

  Kacey nodded. “I’m lucky.”

  “So, you might be the next manager of The Beach House?”

  “I guess so. I mean, I’ve been thinking about it for years really, but I thought I might go back to school or travel.”

  “I hope you don’t feel like you need to stay, for me I mean.”

  “No. I’ve been trying to imagine myself in a year or two, and I always gravitate towards the restaurant. I want it to do well, to grow. I think that’s what I need to be doing.”

  “You’ll be great,” Madison said, giving her a reassuring smile as the car pulled up outside Kacey’s building, and they got out.

  “I hope so. It’s a lot of pressure... But I think I’m up for the challenge.”

  Kacey reached for her hand as they went inside and climbed the two flights of stairs to get to her floor. Kacey found her key in her bag and unlocked the door, holding it open for Madison.

  “And what about me? Am I in your two-year plan?” Madison asked with a smirk when they were both inside.

  “You. You are quite possibly the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  Madison’s jaw dropped slightly. She hadn’t been expecting such a serious response.

  “I love you, Madison, and I’ve wanted to say that for a while now.”

  Madison swallowed the lump in her throat. She’d been worried over dinner, when her thoughts had wandered to introducing Kacey to her sister and her parents, wondering if she was getting carried away, and apparently, she wasn’t.

  “I love you, too,” Madison said, sliding her hand over her neck, pulling her in as she parted her lips against Kacey’s, searching out her tongue. Madison backed them up against the door, kissing her with more passion than she ever had.

  Kacey moaned softly as Madison’s tongue grazed her own, her hand lost in Madison’s hair.

  “Take me to bed,” Madison whispered between kisses.

  Kacey broke their kiss, meeting her eyes. She found Madison’s hand, interlacing their fingers as she led them down the hall and into her bedroom. Kacey’s hands were on her, slipping underneath her top, her fingers raking across her stomach on their way to the button on her shorts.

  Madison parted
her lips against Kacey’s, their tongues dueling, both of them wanting to be in control. Kacey unzipped her shorts, letting them fall to the floor, and Madison stepped out of them, holding onto Kacey’s waist.

  Madison broke the kiss to lift her own top over her head, and Kacey got undressed, tossing her clothes to the side. “Lie down,” Madison said, following her over to the bed. She climbed on top of her, grabbing a hold of her panties and sliding them down her legs. Kacey sat up to take off her bra while Madison unhooked her own and got comfortable between her legs.

  “You’re so wet,” Madison whispered. She could see Kacey’s pussy glistening before she even parted her lips. She ran her tongue through her folds, bottom to top until she reached her clit. She circled her sensitive bud, flicking the tip of her tongue over it while Kacey squirmed beneath her.

  “Fingers,” Kacey whimpered, lifting her head off the bed to meet her eyes.

  Madison slid her tongue over her sex one last time, lapping up her juices before she held up her body weight by pressing her palm into the sheets and pushing two fingers inside her with her right hand. Kacey’s back arched when she entered her, and Madison easily added another finger after a few slow strokes.

  “Fuck me,” Kacey begged, her hand on Madison’s neck, her lips searching out Madison’s.

  Madison kissed her hard while her fingers moved faster and faster, bringing Kacey closer to the edge. “Come for me,” Madison whispered between kisses, and Kacey pulled away, her eyes closed as her body shook, her hand on Madison’s ass, grinding her hips against her hand.

  “I’m coming,” Kacey groaned, her hips bucking against Madison’s hand.

  Madison kissed her neck as she came, curling her fingers inside of her, finding her G-spot as Kacey clung to her, riding out her orgasm, her breathing ragged, her face flushed.

  “Oh my God,” Kacey said with a sigh as she collapsed onto the bed, her hand on her forehead.


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