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Rascal Page 12

by Lea Hart

  “What if you tried Vegas for a year and then reevaluated. It would give us a chance to build a relationship and give you enough time to see if you’d be happy living here.”

  “I’m certainly thinking about it and—”

  “What is your biggest hesitation?” Seeing her look down at the floor, he cursed silently and knew the pictures she’d seen over the weekend were fresh in her mind. “Will you stay the week and think about it?”

  “I have plans to fly to Seattle on Wednesday for Thanksgiving. My mom and sister are expecting me, and I don’t want to disappoint them.”

  “Can I invite myself along so I can convince you that me and Vegas are the best gamble in the world?”

  Cecily looked up and rolled her eyes. “You really want to meet my family so early on?”

  “Of course. I’m going to make them love me so they can help convince you that I’m the best man in the world for you.”

  “And you think that’s possible?”

  “Yes,” he replied as he smoothed his hand over his shirt. “No matter what it takes.”


  Letting out a loud whoop, he pumped his fist. “You won’t regret it.”

  “Please let that be true,” she replied quietly.

  “I’ll book us a flight and a hotel.”

  “I have a flight, and we’ll be staying with my mom.”

  “Is she going to be okay with me staying there?”

  She let out a mirthless laugh. “Of course. That way she can interrogate you at her leisure.”

  Zach swallowed then nodded. “No problem.”

  “Did I mention that my mother is a trial lawyer?”

  “Uh, no as a matter of fact you didn’t.”

  “Don’t worry. It will be fun.”

  “For you, because you like to see me sweat.”

  Cecily leaned up and kissed him gently. “Maybe just a little.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in. “Well get ready to enjoy yourself.”

  “I plan on it.”

  Lowering his mouth to hers, he kissed her gently and promised himself he was going to do everything her could to make sure the holiday went off without a hitch.

  No matter what it took.


  The universe, God and whoever else was in charge was playing with him, because the choice he’d just be given was a crappy one. Another freaking test to be sure.

  No one knew better than him that life was unfair and complaining about it didn’t change a thing. But he sure as hell felt like it in this instance, because the news he had was going to piss Cecily off in more ways than he could count.

  Not that he could do shit about it, because there was no way he was letting his baby brother go on the latest assignment without him on his six. Especially since Anthony suggested backup wouldn’t be a bad idea.

  And when a fucking operator like that said something, he paid attention.

  Even though he really didn’t want to.

  Hearing heavy footsteps, he looked up and saw Terrence and Cole walk in with grim expressions. “If we come home alive, I’m going to freaking harm him.”

  “Agreed,” Cole responded as he leaned against the desk. “Wish like hell I could hog-tie Seth and keep him home, but that shit hasn’t worked since he hit his growth spurt at twelve.”

  Terrence sat heavily in the chair and ran his hand down his face. “The only good piece of news here is that Anthony is running the op. I did some contract work with him after I got out of the service, and he’s as solid an operator as there is and a hell of a commander.”

  “Except his ass isn’t going into Taiwan and snatching shit from the Chinese.”

  “You think you can talk Seth out of this?” Cole asked.

  Zach lowered his head and shook it. “He’s already on a plane with Anthony and headed to Virginia.”

  “When are you supposed to be wheels up?” Terrence asked.

  “Twelve hours,” Zach responded.

  “Fuck adrenaline and high stakes missions,” Cole bit out. “We finally have something worth so much more, and I swear I’ll pound that fact into Seth’s head, right after you two survive the thin line you’re about to ride.”

  “I’m supposed to go to Seattle tomorrow with Cecily to meet the family.”

  “How do you think she’s going to react?” Terrence asked.

  “About as good as Jazzy or Kelly would.”

  “You can kiss that relationship goodbye, then.”

  “You really think that, Cole?”

  “Unfortunately, I do.”

  “No good choices,” Terrence said quietly.

  “Not one,” Cole added.

  Zach heaved himself out of his chair and squared his shoulders. “I’m going home and pack.”

  Cole came around the desk and embraced his brother. “Come over to the house before you leave.”

  Nodding, he picked up his phone and keys. “Will do.”

  Terrence slapped Zach on his shoulder. “See you on the other side.”

  “Always,” he replied. Giving both men a nod, he walked out of his office and prayed that what he was about to tell Cecily wouldn’t mean the end of their relationship.

  Though how that was going to be possible he had no idea.

  Dumping his bag in the kitchen, Zach checked his watch and knew Cecily should be home any minute. Mentally preparing himself as best he could, he sucked in a breath as the front door opened. Hearing the tap of Cecily’s high heels, he hoped what he was about to lay on her wasn’t going to be the straw that broke the camel’s back. “Hey baby, how was your day?”

  She looked at his bag on the floor and gave him a questioning look. “It was fine. The look on your face tells me yours wasn’t, though.”

  He ran his hand down his face and then leaned against the island. “I’m going to be offline for a couple of weeks.”

  “And that means what?” she asked quietly.

  “I’m covering my brother’s ass on…something I can’t talk about, and it’s not likely that I’ll be able to keep in touch.”

  “So, the shadowy government types have prevailed, and it’s bad enough that you don’t want to let your brother go it alone?”

  “Yeah. I have no desire to hang my ass out there, but I don’t have a choice.”


  Sitting back, he looked her over slowly. “I thought you’d be pissed.”

  “I’m not comfortable with the idea of your ass flying in the wind, but I know you wouldn’t do it unless you felt it was absolutely necessary.”

  “That’s very…”



  “That’s what I am, Zach. A reasonable adult who understands your need to do whatever is necessary to protect the ones you love.”

  “I’m floored.”

  Cecily lifted her shoulders and then looked at the clock on the wall. “That’s disappointing.”


  “Because it’s suggests you don’t think much of my emotional maturity or ability to handle challenges.”

  “No, it doesn’t.”

  Tilting her head, she rolled her lips together. “Yeah, it kinda does.”

  He stepped closer and took her hands. “I’m so sorry about missing Thanksgiving and meeting your family.”

  “Not a big deal,” she replied as she stepped back. “I think I’ll grab an earlier flight and just go tonight.”

  “I’m not leaving for a couple of hours. Can we have dinner or something?”

  “It’s probably best if I get to the airport now.” She patted his chest and then walked down the hall.

  Following her closely, Zach racked his brain for something that would make the situation okay. When he couldn’t come up with anything, he just watched her throw her toiletries in her suitcase and close it. “I wouldn’t do this unless I felt it was absolutely necessary.”

  “I know,” she said as she kissed his cheek. �
�Any idea when you might return?”

  “Not really.”

  “Just call me when you can, and we’ll see where we’re at.”

  “What does that mean?” he asked as he followed her down the hall and watched her grab her purse and briefcase.

  “Nothing.” She leaned up and gave him a short kiss and patted his chest. “Stay safe.”

  Before he could argue, she was walking out the door, and he knew no matter how hard he pushed, she wasn’t going to say more. He followed her to the car and put her suitcase in. “I’m coming back Cecily, and I hope when that happens we’ll have a chance to build our relationship.”

  “Take care, Zach.” She got in and started the engine, and as she pulled out of the driveway, she waved.

  He was the architect of his own demise, and he could blame no one but himself. Waving, he watched her drive down the street and had a feeling that when he did get in touch, the welcome wasn’t going to be warm.

  And he couldn’t really blame her because so far, all his words hadn’t meant shit.


  As she drove away from Zach’s house, Cecily kept a smile on her face and firmly instructed herself not to lose it. Once she made it out of the neighborhood, she pulled into a shopping center and parked her car, taking long breaths.

  Resting her head against the steering wheel, she couldn’t decide if shouting out a litany of curse words would make her feel better or sobbing uncontrollably would. “What the ever loving fuck?” she murmured.

  How in the world had she fallen for a guy who not only couldn’t keep his hands off women’s asses, but apparently left on alleged super-secret missions on a drop of a dime?

  It was a new low.

  For damn sure.

  Raising her head slowly, Cecily stared blankly at the donut shop across the way and asked herself why she’d been blessed with the ability to find the least suitable man possible. Why couldn’t she have been attracted to someone like Norbert, or Ford or any number of other normal men she encountered?

  Did she crave the crazy-making rejection her father so generously gave her in her formative years?

  Not that Zach had rejected her.

  No, he’d done something so much more alluring and dangerous.

  He’d given and then snatched it out of her hands at the exact moment she’d begun to believe his promises were possible.

  It had started on the night they met when he’d come at her like a freight train only to end the evening with another woman draped over his body.

  And now he was going to be ‘offline’ doing God knows what, and she was just supposed to go about her life and wait until he returned or not?

  Hearing her phone buzz, she glanced over and saw that it was Zach and decided to ignore the call. She started the car and checked her appearance in the rearview mirror. Seeing her reflection, she winced and knew the brokenhearted girl she saw had a hell of a road ahead of her. She wiped a finger under her eye and then shook her hair out. “This isn’t going to derail me.”

  Cecily pulled out of the shopping center and drove toward the airport and heard her phone buzz again. “Sorry, Zach, but I’m going to be offline and will get back to you when I can.”

  Feeling childish but also satisfied, she kept up her one side conversation. “What is that you’re asking? Oh yes, as a matter of fact, my hand was on Ford’s leg. Was it close to his crotch? How surprising. I have no idea how that happened. Yes, Norbert and I were dancing. Was my hand grabbing his ass? It seems it was. Is that a problem?”

  Laughing at her own dialog, she felt a tiny bit better as she drove onto the freeway. “Take that, Zach McCallan. You’re not the only one with wandering hands and mysterious, life-threatening activities.”

  Except he was, since she was a good girl who had a regular job and kept her hands to herself when in the company of men.

  And honestly, she wanted someone similar in her life.

  Which didn’t seem like such a crazy thing to want.

  But it might be with Zach since his hands seemed to land in the most unfortunate places.

  And, the sooner she accepted that fact and moved on, the better.


  Cecily closed a box and then accepted a glass of water from Inez. “Have you given any more thought to what I suggested?”

  Collapsing on the kitchen chair, Inez frowned. “You mean the one about wearing more appropriate clothes?”

  “No,” she huffed out.

  “The one about dating Norbert?”

  “No. But I do want to hear more details of the date you two had, since you were so smiley afterward.”

  “We didn’t do much talking, so I’m not sure if we have any long-term compatibility.”

  “But…” Cecily waved her hands and closed her eyes. “Never mind. I don’t want to know what happened during the evening you spent together.”

  Inez twirled a strand of hair and swung her leg back and forth. “His muscles are not the only big thing on him.”

  “I have no response.”

  “You do, but you’re keeping it to yourself because you don’t want to be judgy and say something snarky about me bedding a man as soon as possible.”

  “I have no opinion about the sex-as-a-first-date activity, but I actually thought you two would have a lot in common.”

  “We had some great chemistry, but if it will be more has yet to be seen.”

  “Been there, done that.”

  “No word?”

  “Not a peep.”

  “It’s been a little over three weeks, right?”

  “Yes, and I’ve just about given up.”

  “That he’s alive?”

  “No, if something had happened, Cole would’ve told me. I’ve given up on the idea of Zach having any real place in my life.”

  “You think he’s never coming back from whatever super-secret, high stakes, black op mission he’s on?”

  “I think he will eventually, but my guess is that he got back in the game and remembered how much he enjoyed the adrenaline.”

  “And this is a theory you pulled out of the sky?”

  “No, it was one I came up with when Kelly and I had dinner a couple of weeks ago. She thinks the McCallan boy’s chaotic childhood and subsequent years in the Marines made them crave adrenaline and turmoil. Calm and peace are unfamiliar to them, so when stasis occurs, they feel deeply uncomfortable.”

  “And she’s going to marry one of them?”

  “Apparently Cole is ready for a regular life and thinks the family they’re eventually going to have is going to be excitement enough.”

  “And what would you do if Zach walked through that door in the next hour?”



  “I have no idea.”

  “Fair enough,” Inez replied.

  “What was the original question?”

  “Have you thought about moving to Vegas?”

  “I’m going to wait and see if you like it after the six-month trial.”

  “Okay, but if you want to come out and stay for a couple of weeks and get a feel for the city, then I would absolutely love it.”

  “Tell me where the house is again?”

  “I’m renting Kelly’s house, and it’s in the Summerlin neighborhood.”

  “Is it near Zach’s?”

  “No. His neighborhood is around forty minutes away.”

  “So, no chance of running into him?”

  “Probably not.”

  “He’s going to get in touch at some point.”

  “I know, and I’ll see how I feel when it happens.”

  “Is that sexy headhunter, Ford, still flirting up a storm every time you see him?”

  “A little.”

  “He’s so polished and delicious.”

  “He’s certainly an attractive man.”

  “Way to make an understatement. He’s sex on a perfect stick and may be worth taking on a little spin, when you officially let go of

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” Cecily replied with an eye roll.

  “No you won’t, since men without a hair out of place have never been your thing.”

  “I’m more comfortable with men who’ve seen a thing or two and made it to the other side.”

  “Maybe Ford is hiding a lot of angst, and it’s just a matter of time before you discover it.”

  “I’m going to bet he’s never been broken or challenged in any significant way and hasn’t experienced more than superficial disappointment.”

  “Said with such derision.”

  “I’m not being contemptuous. I just have no idea what do with a person like that.”

  “Because you assume they would be uncomfortable with the broken bits of you and completely uncomfortable with all the parts that are not pretty?”


  Lifting her glass, Inez nodded. “Me too, sista. I’m going to hold out for a man who will love the parts of me that are not suitable for public consumption.”

  “Poor Ford. He has no idea we think so little of his easy ways and perfection.”

  “I’m going to save my sympathy for someone else.”

  “He’ll never know anyway, so it doesn’t matter.”

  “How did we get started on this indictment of Fabulous Ford, anyway?”

  “You told me I should sleep with him.”

  “I said ‘take for a sexy spin’ which in no way suggests that any sleeping need be done. In fact, it would be my recommendation to get down and dirty and then run like hell.”

  “So healthy and mature.”

  “Great sex is rarely either of those things.”

  “It was with Zach,” she whispered, feeling herself choke up. Inez’s hand cover hers, and Cecily cleared her throat and squared her shoulders. “But that was that.”


  “Please don’t.”

  “But, I’m really good at coming up with long, winding explanations for things that are, in fact, unexplainable.”

  “I know, but I’m working really hard not to let false hope settle in my heart and take root. Better I harden the last of the soft feelings that remain and get myself prepared for the inevitable final nail in the coffin.”

  Inez stood and pulled out the gin, then grabbed the tonic. “If we’re going to go down that road, then we need a drink.”


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