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Page 7

by Erin Trejo

  “How would you like to smear that lipstick suckin’ my cock?” a gruff voice fills the air behind me. I look over my shoulder but that isn’t Cross.

  “No thanks. I’m allergic to shrimp.” Turning to walk away, I mentally high five myself on that one but when I’m jerked back into a hard chest, I flinch.

  “You think you can come in here and whore your ass out but talk to me like that?” He hisses in my ear. My body tenses and he can feel it.

  “I didn’t come here to be a whore,” I tell him. he doesn’t seem to give a shit though. His hands move down my stomach tugging my shirt up. His hot palm cups my breast tugging my nipple as I try to pull out of his grasp. That’s when I see him. Cross. His eyes are on mine and they are dark as night. Anger dances like fire in the night and I’m the one that struck the match to light it. I open my mouth ready to yell for him when he turns and walks away. My body droops in defeat and the asshole finally lets his hold falter. As soon as I feel it loosen, I run. I take off listening to him scream at me from behind but I just need to get to Cross. I whip my head from side to side looking for him when I spot him storming down the hallway.

  “Cross!” I call out to him but he doesn’t stop. I run toward him, calling his name but he’s pissed, I know he is.

  “Cross! Stop!” He finally stops with his head dropped forward, pressing his hands against the wall. I’ve never seen him look like this and something in my chest feels like it’s shredding to pieces. It’s a real unmistakable pain.

  “Cross, I didn’t do anything wrong.” He chuckles a deep dark throaty chuckle that sends a chill down my spine. I don’t know how to respond to him. I don’t know what to do to make this right.

  “Cross, please.” His head turns to look at me and I can see it in his eyes. Anger. Regret. It’s all there and it’s killing me. I reach for him but he brushes my hand away before standing to full height.

  “I don’t know what the fuck I expected. You let me fuck you in a goddamn bar bathroom after I killed someone. You’re just a fuckin’ whore like the rest of them,” he snaps reaching up and smudging the lipstick across my face. Tears pool in my eyes when I look into his. I shake my head slowly but Cross just turns and leaves me standing in the hallway. Tears stream down my cheeks when he slams the door for good measure. My heart feels like it’s being ripped from my chest. Walking to the door, I let my hand rest on the knob for a few minutes. Do I go in? He has to know that I didn’t do anything, that I didn’t want that. Wiping my eyes quickly, I take a deep breathe, throwing the door open. Cross stands there in just a pair of jeans, no shirt or boots. He looks like a fucking god in all his perfection. His hands rest on his hips but his eyes are on mine. It’s almost as if he was waiting for me to come in. I close the door behind me and we stand in an intense stare down. Neither of us willing to give in to the other but the pull is too much for me. I can’t do this without him.

  “Cross, I-“

  “I thought you were different, Dani. I didn’t wanna fuckin’ see it but I did. Everything in my life was always shit until you stumbled your ass over to me that night. You saw somethin’ you shouldn’t have and you still kept your head up. You walked right up to me and didn’t cower in fear. Do you know what that felt like for me?” Shaking my head slowly, he smirks.

  “It felt like there was somethin’ real in my life. Somethin’ I didn’t have to hide from. I could be who I was and not have to worry and when I saw you runnin’ from Alvaro, shit Dani! There for a second I thought you were put in that spot just for me.” My chest tightens.

  “It would never work and we both know that.”

  “It doesn’t matter to me! Don’t you get that? You were somethin’ I could be myself with, Dani! Fuck!” Tugging at his hair, he turns away from me. It doesn’t matter? Of course, it matters. Everything in life matters. I walk slowly toward him until I can feel his heat. Resting my hand on his back, I feel him tense.

  “I don’t know what to say to you, Cross. I didn’t do anything with him. He grabbed me, I tried to pull away.” His breathing becomes heavier, I can feel it.

  “He touched you,” he growls.

  “I didn’t want him to.”


  “You’re the only one I want touching me, Cross.” In seconds, he spins to face me. His hands come up to cup my cheeks, his fingers pressing firmly into my flesh.

  “Say it again.” I swallow hard staring into the depths of the dark in him and I’m not afraid. I’m not scared of him, of who he is.

  “I only want you touching me.” He watches me for a long second before he leans in and claims my mouth with his. His kiss is rough and powerful. I can feel it throughout my whole body. His hands squeeze tighter as if he thinks I may disappear, but I can’t complain, it feels too good. Cross moves his hands, lifting me off the ground until I wrap my legs around his waist. I grind against him in a mess of heated kissing and teething clanking against each other.

  “You drive me insane, Dani. I should spank your fuckin’ ass for that,” he hisses as he runs his tongue down my neck.

  “Spank me. Fuck me. Just do something Cross,” I beg him without a care. Cross moves and tosses me on the bed, “Take those clothes off. All of them.” His demand sends heat spiraling through my body. I move quickly stripping out of my clothes as he watches me. When I’m completely naked he lowers his jeans and boxers, grabbing his hard cock in his hand. He fists himself, stroking up and down as I watch the tip glisten in the dim light of the room.

  “Roll over and get on your knees.” It takes me a second to register his words. I’m too mesmerized by the sight in front of me. Cross stops his hand and I slowly follow his body up to his raised eyebrow. I roll over and stick my ass in the air waiting for him.

  Chapter 18


  She drives me crazy. I haven’t felt like this in a long time. I want to push her away, I swear to god I do, but I can’t. There’s something else about her that gets me deep inside. She isn’t afraid of me and she didn’t come to me looking for a quick fuck like most girls do. I climb on the bed behind her, running my hands over the mounds of her ass. Dani presses back into me, driving me insane. She’s perfect in her own annoying way. Raising my hand, I slap her ass roughly making her jump and yelp.

  “Cross! What the hell?” she snaps looking over her shoulder at me.

  “That’s for your mouth,” I say before slapping her again. “That’s for lettin’ him touch you.” I have no doubts in my mind that that asshole touched her without permission and that’s partially why I didn’t want to bring her here but I also love seeing the way her ass jiggles when I smack it. One more and she’s a panting mess.

  “Cross,” she whines. I don’t wait, I don’t respond, hell I don’t even warn her. I grab her ass, spread it wide and plunge into her. She feels so good wrapped around me the way she is. I dig my nails into her ass and pump into her pussy like it’s the last thing I’ll do. My mind leaves my body as I fuck Dani into the mattress. Her moans go straight to my cock causing it to swell.

  “You’re gonna make me come, darlin’,” I hiss knowing that it’s all happening too quickly. I don’t want this to end. Pulling out of her, she rolls quickly to her back, her mouth hanging open.

  “You cannot just do that!” Her perky tits are screaming to be kissed and sucked. I lean down and suck one into my mouth officially shutting her up.

  “I feel like I’m being electrocuted!” What the fuck? I pull away and look at her funny but she just stares me down.

  “What the hell are you talkin’ about now?”

  “When you do that, it feels like my body is buzzing.”

  “Is that a good thing?” She laughs and my frozen heart melts. Dani reaches up and grabs my neck pulling my head back to her nipple. I don’t need to be told twice. I suck her nipple into my mouth loving how she arches against me. My cock can’t take not being inside of her. I reach between us and grab my cock, thrusting into her. Dani screams, grabbing my hair and pulling. The
growl that leaves my throat vibrates through the both of us. Each slip inside of her feels like another piece of heaven. In the back of my mind I know this is a bad idea but I just can’t stop it. Plunging deeper as I bite into her nipple, she squeals and comes. Her pulsing pussy sucks the life right out of me. I explode as her walls tremble and release.

  “Fuck!” I hiss against her neck before pressing light kisses into her skin. When we both calm down, I slip out of her and roll to the side. Dani remains silent and I know there is something on her mind.

  “What is it?”

  “What is what?”

  “You’re too quiet, Dani. Somethin’ is in that head of yours.”

  “I just don’t know what to feel anymore, Cross. What happens when this is over? When I can go home?” I’ve been thinking the same thing and to be honest, I don’t really have an answer. Our lives are too different for us to be together. She likes to be at home with her friend and I like to be on the road. Alone. The last time I tried to settle life took a wrong turn.

  “You want me to be honest?”

  “Please.” I take a deep breath and let the words go.

  “I’ve never been the type to sit at home or work a day job. I don’t know what to say to be honest, Dani. We’re different people with different lives.” I don’t know what else to say to her. I don’t know how to make what we have into something more. I like her, I really do.

  “You’re doing it aren’t you?” she asks softly. I turn my head to look at her.

  “Doin’ what?”

  “Falling in love with me.” I swallow hard before I can answer her.

  “Yeah, I think I am.” Dani rolls onto her side and looks me in the eye.

  “I told you not to, Cross. I don’t want to hurt you,” she says and I can hear the pain in her voice. I roll and face her too, brushing her hair behind her ear.

  “What about you? It won’t hurt you?” She sighs and wipes a tear that slipped down her cheek.

  “More than you know. You are everything I never looked for. You’re wild, dark, brooding.”

  “Are those the good things or bad?” I chuckle.

  “Shut up! Let me finish. You’re also sweet to me. You’re kind and thoughtful whether you like to admit it or not. You kind of get under my skin,” she finishes with a smile. I lean in and brush my lips over hers.

  “Maybe we could try, Dani. I don’t fuckin’ know. Last time I tried, someone died. I don’t want that for you. You deserve more than what I can give you.” Her fingers find their way into my hair, slowly stroking through it. I find comfort in Dani. A comfort that I shouldn’t, but I feel it. I feel her throughout me and that’s not something I planned on.

  “Last time someone fell in love with me, I ruined it. I pushed him away. He was a good guy too but I was always told that I wasn’t wanted and never would be. I guess those words stuck more than I thought.” Shifting so I’m propped up on my elbow, anger courses through me.

  “Who the hell told you that?”

  “My dad. He didn’t want kids and after mom died, it all just went downhill. What about your parents? Are they alive?” I don’t like talking about myself and I typically won’t, but again, Dani is different.

  “They are. I wasn’t the best kid. Got in trouble a lot, went in and out of juvie. Mom tried with me but I was the odd man out. My brother was the better of us two,” I admit to her.

  “Do you ever see them? Where do they live? Are you close to your brother?” There she is. My rambling girl. I chuckle and press a kiss to her forehead.

  “I talk to my mom every once in a while. My dad doesn’t really want much to do with me and my brother has his own life. I don’t wanna interfere with it.” Dani sits up, throwing her leg over my waist, straddling me. My cock loves this.

  “You have to talk to them. You need to call them. They’re your family, Cross. If there’s anything I know about it’s that. When you have family that wants you, you keep them. You take their criticism because they love you.”

  “Shyla’s your family, isn’t she?” Dani lowers her head after she nods slightly. I reach up and grip her chin forcing her to look at me.

  “What do you want in life, Dani? What are your dreams?” she sighs and settles her naked wet pussy right over my cock causing me to groan. Dani tries to move but I grab her hips to hold her in place. She smirks down at me, licking her lips.

  “I just want to be loved. I want a family, a house or apartment. In fact, I don’t even care where we live. I just want someone that wants to be with me. Someone that will ignore me and stay even when I try to push them away. What about you?” she smiles and it melts me inside.

  “I’ve never thought about it really. I don’t know what I want, Dani. Lovin’ someone is hard. Trustin’ them is harder. Bein’ with someone all the time? I’ve never done that until you fell into my life,” I tell her.

  “And what do you think? Of being around me all the time,” she asks as she raises up and grabs my cock slipping it back inside of her. And here I thought I’d be the insatiable one. Dani lowers herself down my length as I groan.

  “I find that I like bein’ around you. You keep me alert and on edge. I never know what you’re gonna say or do. Fuck, Dani!”

  Chapter 19


  The wind blows around me as we ride. The air is cooler at night and I find that I’m liking being on the back of Cross’s bike. His heat keeps me warm but it’s his scent that drives me crazy. I hold on tightly when I feel him shift. His body tenses and I have no idea why. I can feel the bike speed up and I hold on tighter unsure of what is happening. The faster Cross goes the more I become nervous. I can’t see his face with his face mask covering him but I know the tension in him is becoming worse. My hands tighten, digging into his abs as fear races through my veins. Cross takes the curves expertly but as the speed increases, I become terrified. He moves over the road with ease but something loud explodes and sends us sliding. My arm and leg scream in pain as the bike comes to a stop without us on it. Cross moves quickly although I don’t know how. Blood is covering his exposed skin but he still manages to yank me to my feet, ripping the helmet from my head.

  “You gotta run. Get through those trees and call this number,” Cross rambles off a number and gives me a shove toward the tree line. I stumble slightly when I hear a car coming.

  “What do you mean? What’s happening?” I cry as he moves to stand in front of me. He grabs my face, making me focus on him.

  “Whoever that is, is willin’ to shoot to kill, Dani. You need to fuckin’ run, now.” Pressing his lips to mine, he gives me another shove but my feet refuse to cooperate.

  “Dani! Go now!” I can hear the car coming closer and closer. I’m torn between staying and running but Cross doesn’t give me an option.

  “Now!” His growl rips through my thoughts when I hear what sounds like gunshots. The world around me seems to blur but I take off for the trees like he told me to. I don’t stop running even when I hear more shots. Fear courses through me but my feet don’t stop. I’m gasping for air by the time I find another road. I glance around and don’t see much of anything. I can’t hear the shots as tears slide down my cheeks. He saved me. He saved my life by sending me away. Wiping the tears, I walk down the road hoping like hell that he’s okay. They ran us off the road for God’s sake! When I spot a gas station, I run. Heading inside I beg for a phone until the guy working here gives it to me and I dial the number Cross told me.


  “Cross told me to call you,” I say not sure who the hell it is I’m calling.

  “Dani? It’s Stone. What the hell is goin’ on? Where’s Cross?” Tears start to fall once more.

  “Someone shot at us. I don’t know, Stone. He made me run and said to call you. I don’t know where he is.”

  “Shit! Where are you, darlin’? I need you to calm down and tell me where you are,” he says trying to keep his tone under control. I’m sure he’s on edge as much as I am.
/>   “I don’t know! I don’t know where I am!” The man near the counter walks over slowly and cautiously, taking the phone from me as I break down. He talks to Stone giving him the information that he needs before passing the phone back to me. He doesn’t ask questions and for that I’m grateful.

  “Dani, listen to me. I got some guys on their way to you. Don’t be afraid when they get there, yeah? They are gonna take you to their clubhouse and me and the boys are gonna come get you, okay?” As calmly as he’s talking, I can hear the underlying fear.


  “The guy in the store is gonna let you stay in there until the guys come. Stay with him and I’ll be there soon.” The line goes dead and so does my heart. What am I going to do if something happened to him? I slink down the wall and slide to my ass as the tears consume me. I want to go home. I want Shyla to hug me and tell me that everything is going to be okay. I want Cross to tell me I’m annoying him with my rambling but most of all I want him to hold me. To kiss me and tell me about his life. I want him.

  I don’t know how long I’ve sat here bawling my eyes out when I hear bikes. Not just one either. My heart kicks up a notch and something inside me screams that it might be Cross. I jump off the floor and run to the door not caring if it’s whoever was after us to begin with. I just need to see that he’s okay. Throwing the doors open, my heart leaps but it isn’t him. A group of men pull in, stopping their bikes when they see me.

  “You Dani?” the one in the front asks as he climbs off his bike and moves toward me. I nod my head, my heart falling in my chest.

  “I’m Nick. Stone asked me to pick you up until he can get here. Looks like you need some medical care too,” he says looking at my arm. I look down and notice all the blood that covers my own arms that I didn’t notice before. I’m nauseas and dizzy and I can’t fight the tears anymore. The spill down my cheeks as Nick moves closer. He wraps his arms around me and holds me close whispering in my ear but none of that matters now. Nothing does.


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