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Troublemaker Page 8

by Erin Trejo

  “He’s gonna be fine, sweetheart. Cross is a tough guy. He’ll be just fine.” The more he says it the more I know he’s lying to make me feel better. It doesn’t work. I feel worse.

  “Come on, let’s get you back.” I nod my head and when I turn to look again, I see a car waiting for me. Nick walks me to it and the woman in the driver seats smiles politely. I climb in and Nick closes the door as I look her over. She doesn’t look like the other club girls.

  “What’s your name?” She asks sweetly as she pulls onto the road.


  “I’m Bev, Nick’s wife. He told me what was going on. I’m sure Cross will be fine.”

  “You don’t look like the other girls,” I tell her not meaning to hurt her or anything. She just doesn’t look like they did.

  “We aren’t really the same kind of MC as the others you’ve probably ran into with Cross.”

  “What does that mean? Oh, God, are you worse? That Nomad clubhouse was a little crazy. I thought I was on Pornhub in there!” Bev giggles loudly shaking her head. It eases a little anxiety in me.

  “No. We are nowhere near that! We’re more of the quiet MC. We don’t get into anything illegal and the guys all have jobs outside the club. You’re lucky it’s a weekend or they would have been working.” Shocker! I didn’t know there were clubs that weren’t illegal. I thought they all did what Cross did.

  “I saw him kill a dude. He went all Dexter on him.” Blurt it out! Nice job, Dani! You are such a dumbass. Bev reaches over and pats my leg obviously seeing the look on my face.

  “It’s okay. You stayed?”

  “Not exactly. He left after that. I didn’t see him again until I was working. I was waitressing and some Columbian drug lord said he had claim to me. I ran because well, let’s face it, drug lord equals death. I’ve seen that episode on A&E, the drug cartel ones? I know what happens with them. So anyway, I ran right into Cross and some of his friends. He asked what happened and I told him. He sort of stole me after that.” Bev laughs shaking her head as we pull into a driveway. When I look up it’s nothing like the one we stayed in.

  “Here we are. You’ll be safe here until Stone comes up.” My eyes nearly bug out of my head. This isn’t a clubhouse. It’s a house. A huge one.

  “Your clubhouse is here?” I gasp.

  “Yes and no. It’s our house but it also serves as the clubhouse for the guys. They mainly stay out back in the garage though. Come on. Let’s get that arm cleaned up.”

  Chapter 20


  “You make mistakes, Cross. Why do you think you can get away with it?” The asshole asks as I spit blood onto the floor at his feet.

  “I didn’t make a mistake. I did what was right, somethin’ you wouldn’t know anything about you fucker.” Another fist slams into my ribs, knocking the breath out of me. I chuckle at his weak attempt to break me.

  “She wasn’t yours to have. I staked my claim and you stole her. That is essentially stealing my property. Do you know what I do to thieves?” My hand is jerked forward, the chains holding me in place cutting into my skin. Blood coats my other arm from where I fell from the bike. My thoughts linger on Dani though. I have no way of knowing if she’s safe or if she got to Stone. I can only pray to a God that hates me that she did. Alvaro’s asshole holds my hand in place as he grabs a knife. I grit my teeth knowing what’s about to come my way but there is no way in hell that I will give up Dani to this sick fuck. He can kill me before that shit happens.

  “You underestimate me, Cross. I will get her back. Once I claim something it belongs to me and only me. I will make her remember that too,” he hisses as he raises the knife and moves closer to the table. I watch him, tracking his steps.

  “Too bad I already had her. She doesn’t belong to you anymore, Alvaro. She rode my cock like a cowgirl in a rodeo.” The knife cuts through my finger. The pain shoots up my arm and a scream tears out of me. It isn’t until he hits bone that I pass out. All I see is her. I could stay in this place forever looking at that gorgeous face of hers but that doesn’t last long. I’m awakened to punches raining down on me. I pry my eyes open to see a group of men standing over me.

  “Piece of shit. That’s all you are,” I mumble before spitting blood again. I run my tongue over my teeth making sure they’re all still there, which they are.

  “We don’t take naps here, Cross. This can all be over if you just tell me where she is.”

  “Why her, Alvaro?” The thought hadn’t occurred to me before but now I wonder what she has that he wants. She was a nobody that just happened to be working where he was meeting.

  “There was just something about her that called out to me. I don’t need a reason to want what I want. Being the man that I am I can simply take what appeals to me and she appealed to me. You made the biggest mistake of your life when you ran off with her.” His words mean shit to me. As long as she’s safe with Stone, I couldn’t give a shit what he does to me. The abuse keeps coming but in my head, I can only hear her singing her country songs that I’ve heard a million times on repeat. Dani is something special, Alvaro is right about that but the one thing he’s wrong about? Is him having her. As long as I’m alive I will not let him anywhere near her. I will protect her and keep her safe. I will stay locked in this place, wherever the fuck I am, until the day I take my last breath.

  “You’re delusional if you think this will end,” Alvaro’s words swim in my thoughts of her. I have to block him out. My finger throbs, losing blood is a bitch. My head is swimming in pain and uncertainty. Pain radiates through my body as the assault continues. I’ve never felt this kind of pain in my life. I clench my eyes shut and try to block it out with visions of her but that isn’t happening anymore. I roar in pain but Alvaro just laughs. If I get out of this shit, I will kill him. I will slit his goddamn throat and watch him bleed out the way he is watching me.

  “You fight like a bitch,” I say breathlessly, trying to remain conscious.

  “Is that right? Would it be better if I untied you? Let you get to your feet?” He asks snidely. I nod my head as he laughs.

  “You heard the man. Untie him,” Alvaro bellows. His men move in and untie me. I try to shove myself up from the chair I was in but I’m weak and stumble. I’m partially numb and out of breath. I’m pretty sure that my ribs are broken. I sway as I stand and move toward him only to be hit in the leg with a bat. I stumble and fall as the pain races through my body.

  “Give us a moment, boys.” I push myself from the floor and stare at the man in front of me. The coward that stands before me.

  “You think havin’ your men fuck me up is gonna fix anything? You will never find her. I made sure of it.” Lie. I’m lying my way through this but if I can get rid of him, I might have a chance to get out of here.

  “You aren’t that good, Cross. You are a Nomad for fucks sake. We all know that Nomads are just little slower than being in a club. You boys are just the shit they scrape from the bottom of their boots.” His words make no sense. It’s all bullshit. I slip my hand in my pocket, wrapping it around the small piece of rope that tied the bag of the necklace I bought Dani. Thank you God for small favors and little towns that go overboard. Fisting it in my hand, I grin at Alvaro.

  “You turn your back on me and I’ll kill you, Alvaro. I will show you the kind of man I am,” I hiss. Alvaro laughs and takes in my current situation, his eyes moving over my broken and abused body.

  “I’ll give you one shot,” he says turning to face the wall. What a fucking stupid move on his part. I move quickly, knowing that this is my only option. He was stupid enough to think that he had won. He was stupid enough to think that he beat me enough that I would lose strength against him but he’s wrong. I have strength. Dani gives me that. Pulling the piece of rope around his neck, I pull as hard as I can. Alvaro throws an elbow into my ribs but I maintain control. I can’t let him out of this fucking room. His hands claw at mine even driving into the spot my pinky used to be. I
howl in pain and force myself to keep my focus. Or at least as best I can. Slowly the fight begins to leave Alvaro. I’m exhausted as I let his lifeless body slide to the floor with a thud. I drop to my knees next to him catching my breath. Grabbing his gun, I stand back up knowing his guys aren’t far. I move slowly toward the door and listen and when I don’t hear anything, I move.

  Chapter 21


  “This is amazing! I can’t believe that you live here. This is so good by the way,” I ramble to Bev. She laughs because she knows I’m high on pain medicine. I’ve never used drugs before but if this is what it feels like, I might have to try it. I’ve never felt so good in my life! My head swims in a fog but everything feels fuzzy.

  “Glad you like it. Stone’s here but I told him you weren’t ready to ride yet.” Shaking my head rapidly I nearly fall off the chair when Bev grabs ahold of me.

  “Be careful.”

  “I can’t get on a bike, Bev. Never again. Did you see my arm? I’m going to have a huge ass scar. Oh my God I’m going to be ugly. I’m going to be the ugly stepsister!” I gasp before laughing. Why am I laughing?

  “You are not and you aren’t ridin’. I got a truck for you to ride in,” the hard voice comes from behind me. I spin around so quickly I do fall from the chair this time. My ass smacks the floor and I laugh a little.

  “Don’t go gettin’ hurt worse on my watch, babe. Cross will have my nuts if you do.” His words are like a slap to the face.

  “Have you heard from him?” Sobriety sucks. I need more pain meds.

  “No but I have guys on it. We’ll find him.” That means nothing. His words hold no meaning for me. What if he didn’t make it? What if he’s gone forever? Shaking the thoughts away, I shove myself up and wince at the pain in my arm. Stone reaches for me, helping me off the floor.

  “You can’t know that. Can you? You think he’s dead don’t you?” I scream louder than I need to, but I want his honesty. I don’t want his bullshit lies or thoughts.

  “I don’t know, Dani. We found his bike but not him.” Those words seep into my pores. My heart crumbles and falls in my chest. This can’t be happening to me, not now. I just only found him. A man that didn’t give a shit who I was or what I did. A man that never talked down to me even when I’m rambling or saying something out of the ordinary. I can’t lose him now!

  “I’m going to throw up,” I say bringing my hand to my mouth. Bev moves quickly shoving a garbage can in front of me. I lose everything she just fed me. I feel weak and tired. I’m scared and afraid. Not for myself, for losing him.

  “The Doctor is still here. I’m sure he can give her something to calm her down and let her sleep.” I hear Bev but it’s as though I’m not even here. I don’t want medicine. I want Cross. I want Shyla. I want my mom!

  “Yeah, let’s do that. I need to get back home. I got guys out here runnin’ everything else.”

  “No! We can’t leave him! He’ll be alone again! I can’t leave him alone,” I cry. Stone wraps his arms around me, lifting me into him.

  “He’s gonna be fine. He’s not gonna be alone. We’re gonna get him back and when he comes home, you gotta be strong and help care for him. You know he needs you, right? I’ve never seen him like he is with you. With anyone for that matter. He took you to protect you. He left you for the same reason, Dani. Think about that.” His words linger in my head as tears fall down my cheeks. Stone carries me up the stairs and back into the room I was in earlier, laying me on the bed. He pulls the blanket over my body before sitting on the edge. The doctor comes in and sticks a needle in my arm. I don’t care, I don’t feel anything. I feel numb and that’s worse than anything I’ve ever felt.

  “Don’t leave, okay? Don’t leave, Stone. When I wake up we need to find him.” The words begin to slur as my eyelids become heavier. Slowly, the drugs work through my system and take me under. Visions of Cross dance in the darkness. I can hear Shyla daring me to do something stupid. My heart breaks in my chest knowing that Cross is gone. I still have Shyla and Cross was right. She is my family. I have to get back to her. I have to make sure that Alvaro didn’t hurt her either. I try to open my mouth but I’m so deep in this dream that I can’t get out or say a word. I can feel my heart beating in my chest but am I really alive? At this point, I would rather be anywhere that Cross is than here alone.

  Chapter 22


  “What the hell?” I groan as I try to move but I can’t. My arms are being held in restraints that are secured to a bed. My body aches badly as I glance around. I blink my eyes rapidly trying to get everything into view. The last thing I remember was choking Alvaro to death. A sick thrill dances through me when a woman walks in the room.

  “You’re awake,” she says happily. She moves around the room as I watch her.

  “Where am I?” I cough as the words come out.

  “You’re in the hospital. Do you remember what happened to you?” shaking my head, I lie. I know what the hell happened to me but I sure as shit won’t be telling this chick.

  “You were found on the side of the road. You were pretty beat up. Bruised ribs, your finger is gone. A ton of cuts bruises and some pretty nasty road rash.” She keeps moving around the bed pressing buttons and messing with things.

  “Why am I tied down?” I growl.

  “You were combative when you came in. You kept ripping the IV’s out. We were afraid of a head injury but there isn’t one. You’re lucky.” She moves to my arms and releases them from the restraints. “The doctor will come in later now that you’re awake. We have been waiting.”

  “For how long?” I ask cocking my head to the side.

  “Little over a week. You were weak and dehydrated. You are very lucky to be alive.” She pats my leg and walks out of the room. My brain fights to keep up with all of this. Bruised ribs? A week? What the hell? I try to move but it does no good. I press the call button she comes back minutes later.

  “My shit? Where’s all my shit? I need a goddamn phone!” I roar. She startles but moves to the side of the bed, passing me the goddamn hospital phone. I eye her until she leaves again then I dial Stone.



  “Jesus fuck, brother. Where the hell are you?”

  “Some goddamn hospital. Apparently I been out of it a week,” I inform him. He curses on the other end.

  “Fuck, man. I didn’t know. I’ve had guys all over the place. What can I do?” he asks.

  “I need outta here, Stone. Dani. Tell me she’s okay. Tell me you got her?”

  “I got her. She was fucked up pretty good. Had to get stitches in her arm. She went a little crazy when I picked her up to bring her home. She was worried about you. You want me to call her?”


  “Why the fuck not? She’s scared shitless that you’re dead, brother.”

  “She don’t need to know shit right now. This is exactly why I didn’t want her around anyway. She don’t need this shit. Can you get a cage to take me to the Nomad’s?” I can’t lay in this goddamn bed forever. I don’t like hospitals and all that shit. I don’t like people coming in and out of my fucking room at all hours. I want out of here.

  “Fuck that. I’ll get someone up there but you’re comin’ here until you’re healed.”

  “Not a chance in fuck. I’m not riskin’ her seein’ me.”

  “Alvaro still a threat?” He asks and I smirk.

  “Hell no. That was handled.”

  “Then fuck off, I’m bringin’ your ass back here. Trust me, she won’t know. She doesn’t even come around here, brother.” I blow out a sigh of relief.

  “Thanks, man. I owe you one.”

  “You owe me more than one, motherfucker.” The line goes dead and I hang up the phone. The nurse walks back in with a small bag in her hands. She holds it out to me like she’s afraid I might snap at her again.

  “Sorry about that. Just a little on edge.”

  “I understand. Who
ever Dani is, she’s a lucky girl.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You called out for her since you got here. You kept saying how she was right, you were falling in love with her. You had all the nurses swooning since you’ve been here,” she says with color creeping across her cheeks.

  “Appreciate you takin’ care of me. And yeah, Dani was my girl. Not anymore though.” Saying the words is like a stake to my heart. No matter how hard I try I will never be able to forget that girl. I know now that this isn’t her world regardless of why we were in this mess. It wasn’t her fault and yet she almost lost her life in the crosshairs. Alvaro paid for what he did but that doesn’t mean there aren’t more enemies out there. I dig through the bag and find my other cell busted and useless. I toss it onto the table next to the bed when I pull out her necklace. She said it made her nervous to wear it when we were on the bike. She didn’t want to lose it. Now here it is in my hands once again.

  Running my fingers over the tree, I sigh.

  “You were perfect for me. You were everything a man could have wanted and now I ruined you. I wish we could have been other people. I could have loved you, Dani. I did love you. Fuck!” Dropping my head back on the pillow I close my eyes and let everything else drift away. I’ve fucked up many times in my life but leaving Dani alone is the best decision I could have made. She doesn’t need me anymore now that Alvaro is gone. She doesn’t need any of the mess that comes with a man like me. I’ve never wanted much in life and Dani deserves to have it all. That’s not something I can give her. I’ve messed up her life enough and now it’s time to move on and do what I do. She can live her life happily with people that really care about her. Shyla. She needs her family.

  Chapter 23


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