Little Moments, #1

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Little Moments, #1 Page 2

by Megan Derr

  He wouldn't mind a break, though. More time to focus exclusively on his family. He and Brady had been together nearly a year now, though sometimes it felt like they'd always simply been. How, he didn't know. He kept waiting for Brady to get sick of him, for them to find some issue on which they clashed. But all they'd dealt with was the usual minor scuffles of learning to live together and adjust their individual habits, and the occasional meltdown from all the stress on them because of the adoption.

  They'd gotten so busy, Brady had hired a personal assistant to help them manage it all. She was the one who'd finagled this break for them. "I thought I turned that stupid thing off," Skylar said, and went to go do so for real this time, not even bothering to look at who it was. He had specific tones set up for family and friends, and the ringtone had been the generic one for everybody else.

  Once it was definitely off, he threw it back on the armchair and turned to Brady, hands sliding into the back pockets of his jeans as he admired the view of Brady approaching. "Now, then, where were we?"

  Brady swept him up and nipped playfully at his lips, before taking his mouth and pushing his tongue deep, tasting and claiming, leaving Skylar shivering. Pulling his hands free, Skylar wrapped his arms around Brady's neck and kissed hungrily back. Between three children and the demands on their time, chances to spend time together just the two of them was rare.

  "I believe you were about to take those clothes right back off so I can touch the way I wanted to at the pond," Brady said against his mouth.

  Skylar kissed him again, then stepped back and removed his t-shirt, casting it in a nearby chair so his clothes would be easy to locate again. "Are you sure we shouldn't be in the bedroom, if one of them wakes up?"

  "I closed the doors; they won't be getting out even if they shift."

  "Did you lock our children in their rooms?"

  "I took advantage of their lack of stature," Brady said with a snicker. "They won't even notice, and if something goes wrong we'll hear it."

  Skylar pulled off Brady's shirt and tossed it to join his, then worked deftly on the button and zipper of his jeans. Brady shuddered as Skylar pulled out his cock and stroked it teasingly. "I can't believe I ever thought you were scared of me, or painfully shy, or anything but pure evil delight." He groaned as Skylar sank to his knees, taking Brady's clothes with him, and it was the work of moments before he had Brady naked and that cock in his mouth. He pulled it in deep, working his throat and tongue, enjoying the musky flavor and scent, the way Brady occasionally lost himself and jerked his hips, thrusting even further into Skylar's mouth, nearly taking away his ability to breathe.

  It was heady how easily Brady lost himself when they were like this. None of his few other lovers had ever trusted even half as easily as Brady had right from the start, as easily as he did every single time, no mater what they did. He'd actually seen Skylar attack someone, and still he never worried if Skylar might lose control or something equally stupid and offensive.

  Skylar squeezed his hips, and Brady happily heeded the signal, thrusting into his mouth with abandon and moaning Skylar's name as he came.

  When he was done, Skylar pulled off his softening cock slowly and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand—and yelped as he was pushed to the floor, right across the faux-fur rug where he'd first cuddled up with Hansel and Gretel, and kissed senseless.

  By the time he was permitted to come up for air, Brady was straddling him and taking Skylar's cock in hand. "Guess what I did before heading for the pond?"

  Skylar tried to reply, but the words were lost in a loud groan as Brady sank down easily on his cock. "You're such a brat."

  "Is that a complaint?"

  "Not even close," Skylar gasped out as Brady rode him, lifting up and grinding down hard, taking Skylar's cock like it was his sole purpose. Skylar could do nothing but hold fast to Brady's hips and take it, though that was far from a complaint. He loved best when Brady rode him, fucked himself on Skylar's cock with enthusiasm, riding him until could take no more, moaning his name and coming so hard he saw white.

  As he came down, Brady rolled off him and sprawled next to him, turning Skylar's head to kiss him lazily, smelling of sweat and sex. The only thing better was when they all piled together in their big bed and smelled simply like family.

  "Hey, cottonmouth," Brady said, nuzzle the crook of his throat. "Come here often?"

  "Not as often as I'd like," Skylar replied, pinching him for the stupid pun, laughing when that got him swatted.

  Brady licked his throat, eliciting a shiver. "You smell like sunshine and sex." He tugged so it was Brady sprawled on the rug and Skylar was draped across him. "One of my favorite things."

  "I can tell," Skylar replied with a snicker at the half-hearted twitch Brady's cock gave. "But I think your other favorite thing will have to wait a bit for round two. Especially since somebody promised me barbeque chicken."

  Brady kissed him, hands skimming his body and coming to rest on his ass. "I would never deny you food, especially when I promised it. If I had known food was all it took, I'd have seduced you in college with bread and cookies."

  "That definitely would have worked." Skylar stole one last quick kiss, then reluctantly climbed to his feet and retrieved their clothes. "Come on, if you hurry you might get lucky again in the shower." He laughed as Brady rolled to his feet and bolted for their bedroom.

  Good Bad Behavior


  Jet winced inwardly at the sound of familiar footsteps—a certain pace, the click of Jimmy Choo loafers that were only a week old, replacing the previous pair he'd bought Jason. How buying his lover shoes had become a thing, he didn't quite remember, but though Jason had excellent taste in suits, his taste in shoes was godawful boring. So Jet took care of it.

  He slowly dragged his eyes up, looking through the bars at the man watching him, thankfully, with more amusement than anything. "I'm not sure what to ask about first," Jason said, eyes roaming Jet thoroughly. "The shiner, the pattern of that minidress, or why Dai isn't here with you."

  "He got sick, couldn't come," Jet said morosely. "I didn't go looking for a fight, you know. I wasn't fucking bothering anyone."

  Jason motioned with a nudge of his chin to the nearby officer, who unlocked the door to let Jet out. "Lucky for you, there are plenty of cameras to prove that. Marden's lawyer is already calling about working something out." As Jet cleared the cell, Jason reeled him and kissed him thoroughly, but carefully, given the bruises on his face and his split lip. "You still have not explained the minidress."

  "It's Versace."

  "It's rainbow leopard print. Please don't tell me you paid real money for that."

  Jet grinned. "No. I modeled it in a magazine shoot, and they let me keep it when the shoot was finished, along with the other clothes I modeled. How do you think I get so many of my nicer pieces?"

  "I hope you're not lumping that dress in with 'nicer pieces'," Jason replied. "I assumed you bought them like the rest of the world." He sighed when Jet just curled into his chest, doing a poor job of muffling his laughter. "Brat. Where are your shoes?"

  Jet stopped laughing, his shoulders drooping. "I took them off so I could fight. They got stolen. My Dolce & Gabbana pumps."

  "The garishly pink ones?" When Jet nodded, Jason smiled and kissed his nose. "You needed a new pair anyway. Come on, let's go home. Thank you, Officer Brook."

  He winked and laughed. "Always a pleasure to see Jet."

  Once they were done with processing, Jet followed Jason disconsolately to his car, and curled up in the seat on the way home.

  "You're not usually this upset about getting arrested," Jason said, looking at him as they came to a stop light.

  Jet shrugged. "I've been trying to behave. I think I've caused us more than enough hassle and grief over the years."

  Jason frowned, but said nothing as he resumed driving, and they were quiet the remainder of the trip.

  Once inside Jason'
s house, though, Jet didn't even get a chance to turn the lights on before Jason had him shoved up against the kitchen island, mouth crashing into his, deft hands pushing the dress up to his hips and yanking down the panties he'd worn beneath.

  He was forced to tear away to undo the work Jet had done to get his dangly bits up out of the way of the dress, but then he was right back to feasting on Jet ravenously. Jet could only hold on for dear life and enjoy the ride—and what a ride it was, as Jason hitched him up onto the island and spread him wide, tearing open a packet of lube and making quick and dirty work of Jet's hole, trailing sucking kisses and sharp bites along his throat all the while.

  Jet moaned as Jason thrust into him a moment later, hot and heavy, stretching and burning oh so wonderfully. He held fast to Jason's shoulders, glitter-painted fingers clinging to fancy wool, desperate for purchase, before he finally gave up and fell back, head knocking a fruit bowl and sending it crashing to the floor. "Jason—"

  That got him even harder thrusting, and a hand on his cock, stroking him roughly, making him howl as he came. Jason thrust into him a few more time, then sank in deep and came moaning Jet's name.

  Their panting breaths filled the kitchen, ragged and hard, chests heaving. Hair and clothes were completely mussed, and Jet was probably going to have to toss the dress. Not that he was in much of a hurry to keep it, not now that a shitty evening had ruined it. But at least it had gone out with a delightful bang.

  "Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?"

  Jason fetched a cloth to clean them up, then gently pulled Jet off the island and set him back on his feet. "Like you aren't well aware how much I like you dressed this way."

  "Like Club Night Barbie?" Jet grinned. "I thought the rainbow leopard print offended you."

  "Stuck between turned on and offended is a perpetual state with you," Jason retorted. "Stop being upset you got arrested. I only get upset when you get naked in front of people, which you haven't done since we actually got together. Punching transphobic assholes outside a club I own isn't going to upset me. Hell, that's the kind of shit that boosts sales. Not that your band needs the help. But I told that shithead's lawyer we'd talk tomorrow. Dormer will make him suffer."

  "Heh." Dormer handled all such matters for Jason's clients, and hiring him had done a lot to increase the awareness and popularity of Jason's firm. A whole bunch of clients had wound up jumping ship when they'd found out Jason left, and despite repeated attempts—many of them ridiculously generous—Jason had no intention of returning to his father's firm.

  Jet just liked seeing him so much happier than he'd ever been. "I'm tired."

  "After a night of clubbing, punching people, and getting arrested? That's a light evening for you." Jason took his hand and they made their way upstairs."

  "And getting fucked within an inch of my life, don't forget that part."

  "Wait until we get in the shower."

  Well-earned Respite


  Selsor collapsed on the bed with a groan, draping one arm over his eyes to block out the sunlight. Would anyone notice if he called up some clouds? Probably. He sighed and rolled over. Too much heat. Too much sun.

  Too much time spent with obnoxious assholes who hadn't changed at all in the years since Selsor's banishment. They'd done everything they could to avoid simply saying We're sorry. We made a mistake, that mistake cost you the livelihood you should have had and forced you to endure years of abuse and neglect, we will do all we can to make amends.

  On the other hand, they hadn't been able to do anything but grit their teeth and do everything Prince Allanci had "requested" in the letter he'd sent along with Selsor. He'd finally get to finish school, paid in full—room and board included—by the school itself in recompense for their mistakes. And he was on a special track just for him, since he didn't need to start in the same place as the new students. In a couple of years, he'd have his papers. In the meantime, he'd be balancing school with helping Jenohn.

  Where was Jenohn, anyway? He'd said he'd be home all day. Normally on his days off, he couldn't be torn away from spending time with the local kids.

  Groaning again, Selsor heaved to his feet and went to see where his errant… friend? Lover? What were they exactly? Lover most often implied there was sex involved, but there hadn't been any of that.

  How had they even come to this when they barely even knew each other?

  Yet every time Selsor thought of Jenohn, warmth and wary happiness spread through him. The man he'd nearly killed as a youth was the only person who'd fought for him his whole life, even when Selsor didn't know it. That would never stop awing him.

  It didn't hurt Jenohn was a good person, with a golden heart, and… well, Selsor wasn't going to complain if they added sex to their unorthodox relationship.

  Heading back downstairs and outside, Selsor followed the sounds of playing children to the small square in their section of housing, which boasted a fountain for drinking water and a second one for laundry. The children had absconded with various bowls and pitchers and were doing their best to drown each other. Given how hot the day was, Selsor thought it the most brilliant idea ever, even if he had nowhere near that kind of energy these days.

  They stopped when they saw him, and waved and called out.

  "Have you seen Jenohn?" Selsor asked when they quieted, dispensing the sweets he'd taken to carrying around for them.

  "Some people showed up and made him mad. He stormed off and they followed," one of the girls said, shrugging. "They should know not to do that. Jenohn is always right, and he doesn't like to get angry."

  Selsor didn't roll his eyes, but it was a near thing. "Which way did they go?"

  The children pointed as one down a road that led to the guardhouse where Jenohn went to train and pick up small tasks between those given to him by the prince. "Thank you. Don't break those dishes, you'll upset your mothers!"

  He headed off, more worried than ever. Who had come from the guardhouse and angered Jenohn? That was actually a really difficult thing to do. Jenohn was unflappable. In the few months Selsor had been living with him, he'd only ever seen Jenohn get peeved a couple of times. And back when they met, he only got angry at the people responsible for the flooding.

  Selsor's step slowed despite himself as the gates of the guardhouse came into view. His experience with soldiers was poor at best. They were good at shoving and kicking him out of the way, laughing as they messed up the floor he'd just spent three hours cleaning. Shoving him into walls and demanding with foul breath that he suck their cock, or bend over the nearest table.

  Tamping down on his nerves, he set his shoulders, lifted his chin, and strode through the gates. He could call down lightning, he could handle a bunch of stupid soldiers.

  A few gave him looks as he walked past, but nobody stopped him. He looked around for someone to question—and stopped as he heard Jenohn's voice crying out in pain. Worry, fear, and anger rushed through Selsor, and as he followed the sounds around the main building to the yard behind it, clouds slowly began to cover the sun.

  Turning the corner, he came upon a circle of men standing around a figure lying on the ground. Jenohn. He lifted his head briefly, before he was forced to protect it with his arm. But all Selsor registered was the blood.

  "What are you doing!" He bellowed, the wind kicking up around him.

  Everyone turned, and familiar, ugly expressions filled the face of the seven—no eight—soldiers who'd been beating Jenohn.

  "Who the fuck are you?" the biggest, ugliest one asked, stepping forward, bracing his bloody fists.

  "Why are you hurting him?"

  Jenohn heaved slowly, painfully, to his feet. "Selsor, don't. I can handle—"

  "Shut up," Selsor said. "I'll deal with you in a minute. First I'm dealing with these refuse-eating ballsacks."

  They all laughed meanly, and one of the not-quite-as-big ones said, "What do you think you can do to us, mage?"

  Selsor c
alled up his magic, and the clouds overhead grew heavier, darker. "Tell me why you're hurting my soldier or you'll find out. He reports directly to Prince Allanci, you must know hurting him is practically a death sentence."

  "He won't be working for him much longer, not if he keeps up with that holier-than-thou attitude," said the big one. "He won't be working for anyone if he doesn't learn to keep his mouth shut."

  Selsor sighed—then threw out his hands, sending controlled bolts of searing lightning into each and every one of them. Stunned motionless, they were easy pickings then for Jenohn, even as battered and bruised as he was.

  When he was finished, Jenohn limped over to him. "Can we go home?"

  "I should leave you in whatever ditch you fall into," Selsor said, even as he hooked an arm around Jenohn's waist and settled one of Jenohn's arms over his shoulders. "What is this about?"

  "Let's get home first. I don't think I can walk and talk at the same time right now."

  Selsor acquiesced, helping him through the streets, gently shooing off the children when they crowded around in concern. Back in their home, he got Jenohn seated in the kitchen and set to work cleaning away all the blood so he could take better stock of the wounds. "Anything internal hurt?"

  "Only my ribs, but they're bruised, not broken. I'll be fine with a few days' rest," Jenohn said with a sigh. "How are you? I know you've been practicing that move, but I didn't know you'd perfected it."

  "Neither did I," Selsor said. "But there was no other way to make sure I wasn't going to join you in looking like something freshly ground by the butcher. What in the world is going on?"

  Jenohn leaned into his touch as Selsor rested hand against his still-oozing temple to heal it, his eyes falling closed. "What is it always?" For a moment, Jenohn looked so weary Selsor thought he might shattered if touched. "I pissed someone off. They used one of our assignments as a ploy, and when I went to speak to the Captain of the Guard about it, hoping I wouldn't have to bother Allanci, they jumped me in the yard."


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