This Thing Called Love (Forget-Me-Not Ranch Book 2)

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This Thing Called Love (Forget-Me-Not Ranch Book 2) Page 6

by Sara Richardson

  “Are you sure, Uncle Kyler? You won’t be sad?” Concern rimmed her bright eyes.

  “Nah. I won’t be sad. I promise.” He winked at her to prove it. “And anyway, Agatha needs your help.”

  “I do,” the woman confirmed. “Besides, Emery can go on a ride with your uncle.”

  The woman swung her head to gape at Agatha. “What?”

  “Why not?” Everyone’s favorite aunt made a big sweeping gesture toward the horizon. “It’s a beautiful evening. You don’t want to waste it.” The older woman chuckled. “I’ve seen the way you drool over that bike every time you walk past it.”

  “I don’t drool.” Emery’s lips folded into a frown. God, she looked hot when she pouted, he couldn’t help but notice. “I admire it because it’s a nice bike.”

  It would look even nicer with her on it. He couldn’t deny his attraction to her. It wasn’t only her gorgeous dark hair and captivating eyes. It was her strength, her sass. “I’d be happy to take you out for a ride.”

  “See?” Agatha took Bri’s hand as though that had been settled. “You two go and enjoy.”

  “Yeah, Emery!” Bri added. “You’ll love riding. Sometimes Uncle Kyler goes really really fast—”

  “I always go the speed limit,” he interrupted, lest anyone think he was being reckless with his niece. “But it is fun. Especially if you appreciate motorcycles.”

  Emery moved in closer, looking at the bike, and then back at him. “I guess we could go for a short ride.”

  “Wonderful!” Agatha marched Bri up the hill. “We’ll see you back here in a while then. I’m thinking we’ll make a campfire and have S’mores tonight!”

  “I love S’mores,” Bri informed them all. She continued chattering, but her voice faded as she and Agatha tromped away.

  Once they were out of sight, Emery posted her hands on her hips. “You don’t have to take me for a ride.”

  “I know. I want to.” He dug the key out of his pocket. “Actually…why don’t you take me for a ride?” He held out his hand.

  “Really?” She stared down at the key. “You want me to drive?”

  “Sure. Based on your vast Harley knowledge, I’m guessing you have your license.” He might be making assumptions, but he felt like her already knew her.

  “Yeah, but…” She walked a complete circle around what had been his pride and joy before Bri had stolen the spot. “This is an expensive bike.”

  “I trust you.” He trusted her so much he was willing to give up control. “Here.” He held out the key again. This time she took it from his hand, a small smile playing on her lips.

  “Bri’s helmet might be a little snug.” He pointed to the pink helmet next to his.

  “I have my own.” She jogged away from him, and headed for her pickup, which was parked on the driveway.

  Kyler had to laugh. He had a feeling this woman would never stop surprising him.

  She came back carrying a black helmet with red flames on the sides and full-face shield.

  “You keep that in your truck in case of emergencies?” he teased.

  “One of my friends in town has a Road King.” She plunked the helmet onto her head. “He takes me out sometimes, but he never lets me drive.”

  A friend huh? He couldn’t help but wonder what kind of friend this guy was.

  “He’s in his sixties,” Emery said in a deadpan manner. It was like she could read all his thoughts. “And his wife would rather have me ride with him, so she doesn’t have to.”

  “Ah.” Was he that obvious? He’d always thought himself to be pretty smooth when it came to women, but things were different with Emery. She was more direct, more honest than a lot of women he’d dated. With Emery he didn’t want to be smooth. He wanted to be real.

  “Ready?” She plunked her helmet onto her head and climbed on the bike.

  “Hope so.” He put on his helmet too. No one else had ever driven his Harley. Before meeting her, he couldn’t imagine ever letting anyone else get near that key.

  He swung a leg over and eased onto the bike, positioning himself behind close behind her, given that the seat wasn’t exactly made for two. Bringing his arms around her waist, he held onto her, feeling something ignite in his chest.

  That was another thing he’d never imagined—that he could feel such a deep connection with someone he’d just met.

  Chapter Eight

  `Emery wasn’t sure if she should drive right now.

  Not with Kyler’s arms around her, his strong chest leaning into her back. Not with the way her heart rattled and her head spun with the emotions she’d suppressed as long as she could. Anticipation and hope and desire caught momentum, brimming up and over the surface of her heart. She’d thought she’d managed to kill them off completely, but Kyler had stirred them up again, and now they seemed to be more powerful than ever.

  Kyler leaned in even closer. “To start it up you just have to—”

  Emery revved the engine to life beneath them drowning out his instructions. She knew how to start the bike.

  His muffled laughter came from over her shoulder, making her smile too. “Where do you want to go?” she asked over the engine’s roar.

  “Wherever you want to take me.” She didn’t have to see his face to know he wasn’t flirting with her, wasn’t being insincere. She had no doubt he meant those words, but the problem was, she didn’t know where she wanted to take him—she didn’t know where they would end up.

  “All right. Hold on.” She flicked the kickstand with her boot and accelerated the bike, feeling the power beneath her fingertips. It was smoother than she would’ve thought, given it was a street bike—smooth and dynamic and fast. Man, the thing could go fast if she let it. Not yet, though. She had to be careful on this dirt driveway. It wasn’t like she’d be able to buy Kyler a new bike if things went south. That in mind, Emery focused all her attention on the road in front of them. She cruised them carefully down the winding driveway, slowing on the curves so they wouldn’t skid out on the gravel, and then pulled to a stop at the turn off to the highway. Right or left?

  Turning south would bring them through the valley—nice flat ground, straight and narrow road. Of course, she’d never been the straight and narrow type. “Hold on,” Emery shouted, punching the accelerator and veering to the left. The bike handled beautifully.

  Kyler tightened his hold on her, adding to the adrenaline rush. “Where are we going?” he yelled.

  “Up.” Emery pushed the bike a little faster, loving how the breeze picked up the strands of hair below her helmet, loving the soft swooshing of the air. It was freeing to speed through the open wind, following the contour of the highway as it moved around the hills. The mountains on either side of them zoomed past in a blur. The sun was just starting to sink behind the western peaks, softening the sky with pinks and golds. The sights, the sound, the feel of the wind and the sun made her feel like she was leaving reality behind. Wow. She really needed to get her own bike.

  After the passed town, the road grew steeper, and the curves more frequent. She took them slow, knowing the gentle contours in the road would soon become switchbacks as they wound their way up the mountain. Maybe it would’ve been safer to go through the valley, but then Kyler would miss the view. He would never know how incredible it was to get to the top of the pass and park so they could see the whole canvas laid out in front of them.

  “Woo hoo!” The man let out a whoop when they made the sharp turn up the first switchback. She did the same. When was the last time she’d let loose like this? When was the last time she’d let herself have this much fun? She couldn’t even remember.

  They climbed higher, the air growing colder, but a fire seemed to burn low in her belly. She took the last few switchbacks faster, anticipating the view at the top. Everything seemed to open up in front of them all at once—the mountain vistas in the distance, the far-reaching sky set ablaze buy the sunset.

  Emery pulled the bike off onto a wide dirt shoulder
so they could take it in. She cut the engine, breathing hard, feeling her heart more acutely than she had in years. Kyler removed his helmet and got off the bike and wandered to the edge of the mountain, staring out at the view. “I’ve never seen anything like this.”

  Emery pulled off her helmet too. “I hadn’t either before I came here.” She put down the kickstand and joined him a few feet away. It didn’t matter how many times she saw it, the scene seemed to fill her eyes, fill her heart, taking her breath away.

  “It doesn’t even look real,” Kyler murmured.

  None of this seemed real. Not the view and not the way her heart responded to this man. “Thank you for keeping my secret.” He would’ve been completely justified in telling Nash the truth. But he hadn’t. He’d protected her.

  “I promised you I wouldn’t tell anyone.” He faced her, his eyes alight with the setting sun. “And I meant what I said. You’re not alone. I’ll help you however I can. Nash and Mack and Agatha are there for you too.”

  “I know.” A sudden awareness stilled her. After what had happened to her, she thought she would never want another man to touch her, but now, standing here, her body ached for Kyler.

  His gaze lowered to her mouth as though he felt it too. But he didn’t move, didn’t reach for her. So, Emery closed the space between them, pressing her body to his, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  Holding her gaze in his, Kyler rested his hands on her hips.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered, not wanting the moment to pass. Something about him made her want to feel more.

  He brought his face in line with hers but paused before claiming her lips. “How do you like to be kissed?”

  “I don’t know.” No one had ever shown her how she liked to be kissed.

  The left corner of his mouth rose in a grin. “Then I guess we’ll have to figure it out.” His hand rose to her neck, fingers stroking her jaw beneath her ear while he guided her lips to his.

  A deep sigh seemed to open up her chest when she kissed him back, slowly, savoring the way the warmth of his mouth seeped into her, sealing her into a safe haven. Emery eased her body closer to his, clasping her hands behind his neck and opening her mouth to take their connection deeper.

  Kyler secured an arm around her waist, holding her, and his other hand caressed her neck, making her knees give. The rhythm of his lips moving against hers led her away from every worry, every bed thought, promising her that there was still so much good in the world.

  He hesitated, inching his lips away. “How’s that?”

  “It’s good.” So good she could hardly breathe. So good she didn’t want to stop now. Emery moved her hand to the back of his head, gently pushing him back to her. This time the kiss escalated quickly, their lips opening, tongues searching. Wave after wave of desire crashed over her, coiling low in her belly, shrinking her lungs, giving her the best ache she’d ever felt.

  An engine hummed in the distance, breaking them apart. She couldn’t help the smile that rose to her lips, which still burned and tingled.

  A car drove onto the pullout, another couple in search of a romantic moment from the look of things.

  “I guess we could go.” A slight pout on his lips told her in no uncertain terms he didn’t want to.

  “I guess we should.” She didn’t want to either, but once the sun went down completely, the temperature would drop even lower. Not that she would ever be cold again after that kiss.

  Kyler took her hand in his, threading their fingers together, and the intimacy of the touch reached all the way to her heart. They walked back to the bike hand-in-hand in the setting sun. “Why don’t you drive?” she asked, right before they got on the bike. She was feeling even more unsteady than before.

  He hesitated. “You sure?”

  “I’m sure.” For once she didn’t feel the need to be in the driver’s seat. She’d be content to sit behind him and hold on.

  “All right.” He pulled on his helmet and got on the bike, holding it steady while she did the same.

  Emery scooted as far forward on the seat as she could and buckled her arms around his waist.

  He peered over his shoulder at her, the face shield on his helmet shading his smile. “I think you’re incredible, Emery Quinn.”

  “I think you’re incredible too.” Thoughtful and strong and kind of a badass except for when it came to his niece.

  Kyler’s smile grew wider before he turned around and started the bike.

  A peacefulness settled inside of her as she held onto his waist and watching the world pass by. He was right. She wasn’t alone. She had him, though she didn’t know for how long. She had Mack and Nash. And she had Agatha. How could she have thought she could survive without anyone?

  The drive back to the ranch went by too quickly. They pulled into the driveway with dusk settling in the valley.

  Kyler drove the bike to Nash and Mack’s garage and Emery forced herself to get off. “It looks like Agatha is making good on her S’mores promise.” The firepit in their backyard was ablaze and Bri, Nash, Mack, and Agatha all sat around it roasting marshmallows.

  “She’s never going to want to leave here.” Kyler’s gaze seemed to zero in on his niece as they walked around the back of the house.

  “I don’t blame her.” Emery stared at the four of them sitting around a fire. They looked like a family. Everyone should have a family.

  “Hey.” Kyler tugged on her hand and stopped.

  “Yeah?” Emery’s heart beat harder. Would he kiss her again?

  “Nash told me he wants to start a commercial boarding operation. To supplement the ranch’s income.”

  “I’ve heard him talk about it.” She hoped he went through with the plan to ease the financial burden she knew they’d taken on when they made the decision to rescue animals.

  “He asked me if I’d be interested in managing it.” Kyler seemed to watch her face for a reaction.

  “Wow.” Over the years, she’d learned not to get her hopes up for anything but this time she couldn’t seem to help it. “That’s amazing. So you’d stay? Permanently?”

  “I haven’t talked to Bri about it yet.” He laughed a little. “Though seeing her today, I’m guessing she’d be ecstatic.”

  “I would be too.” She hadn’t made it a habit to reveal her true feelings—or her true self—to anyone, but Kyler already knew everything about her. And he didn’t seem to look at her differently. After Nick had assaulted her, she’d been made to feel like she was the one who’d done something wrong. She could only imagine what they’d told the rest of her unit. That she had a drug or alcohol problem, maybe. But Kyler hadn’t made her feel like any of her experiences had been her fault. He’d been careful with the pain of her past. Careful and respectful.

  “That makes the decision a little easier.” He shot her the sly grin that made her heart twirl and nudged her back to the edge of the house and out of view. “Do you know how you like to be kissed now?”

  She gave him her own sly grin. “I think I need more time to figure it out.”

  Chapter Nine

  “Uncle Kyler! Uncle Kyler!” Bri practically broke down his bedroom door and leapt onto his bed, jumping back and forth over his legs.

  “’Morning to you too,” he mumbled, trying to pry his eyes open wide enough to see the clock. Just as he’d suspected. It wasn’t even seven o’clock yet.

  “Emery said I could ride Cookie when I woke up!” His niece hit her knees next to him. “And I’m awake.”

  “So am I.” Though he wasn’t about to jump on the bed, he couldn’t deny a certain anticipation at seeing Cookie and Emery. Mostly Emery. They’d spent hours by the fire after he’d put Bri to bed last night, and the woman had told him why she’d joined the army, what she’d loved about it, the places she’d seen and everything she’d learned. He could’ve spent the whole night out there talking to her…kissing her. But when she’d started to yawn, he’d walked her down to Agatha’s house so she could get some
sleep before she had to wake up and tend to the animals.

  “Come on!” Bri ripped the covers off the bed and tugged on his hand. “I can’t wait. I’ve never ridden a pony before. I’ve always wanted one, but mom and dad said—”

  She stopped abruptly, her eyes wide.

  Kyler did his best not to react. That was one thing he’d learned in the parenting classes he’d taken those first few weeks. He couldn’t show his emotions or overreact to anything Bri did or said. He had to be calm and let her get her emotions out. That was the thing though. She hadn’t gotten her emotions out. She hadn’t spoken about her parents at all. Not even at their funeral.

  Bri lowered herself to sit on the edge of the bed, hints of her sullen expression returning. No. No, no, no. She’d come too far since they’d left Texas. He couldn’t let her go back. Kyler pushed off the bed and kneeled in front of her. “What did your mom and dad always say?” he asked gently.

  She peeked at him without lifting her head as though she was afraid talking about them would make her sad.

  “It’s okay, honey.” He didn’t want to push, but he knew this had to be part of the process. Part of her grieving, part of her accepting her new life. “You’re never going to forget your mom and dad.” He lifted her chin. “You can’t forget them, Bri. I know it hurts sometimes to think about them, but they’re so much a part of who you are. They’re so much a part of who I am. I don’t want to forget them.” His sister had meant everything to him long before Bri had. “So, tell me, honey. Tell me what they always said. And then I’ll tell you some stories about your mom from when she was a little girl.”

  “You will?” his niece asked breathlessly.

  “I will. I have so many stories.” Tears heated his eyes, but he didn’t blink them back like he’d so often done before. This had to be part of the process too. The emotion. Bri had to see it in him so she would feel free to acknowledge her own feelings. “Like the time your mom brought a rat home to be her pet and then blamed it on me when our mom found it.”


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