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Love on the Rocks

Page 5

by J. P. Bowie

  “You know, I dreamed of him when I was lying on those rocks.”

  “You dreamed about Bernie?”


  “Ouch, that’s adding insult to injury.”

  “Yeah, he was yelling at me like he used to when I was a kid. Calling me useless…a disgrace. Fuckin’ nightmare. Not something I wanted in my head when I thought I was dying.”

  Rachel took his hand and squeezed it gently. “You’re a survivor, Joe. You just proved it again. Even getting shot and pushed off a cliff didn’t stop you.” She grinned at him. “Now, if you’d only meet the right guy when you get out of here, I could stop worrying about you.”

  He must have dozed after Rachel left as the next thing he knew, someone was tapping on the door. A second later, Riley peeked in.

  “Hey, hope I didn’t wake you. How’re you feeling?”

  “Better.” Joe smiled at the young paramedic. Jeez, but he is one hot-looking guy. Blond hair, blue eyes, sharply defined jaw…kinda perfect, really. “Good to see you, Riley.”

  “I have a few minutes before my shift starts, so thought I’d just look in and say hi. So, hi.”

  “Hi, yourself.”

  “I have something to show you,” Riley said taking his cell phone out of his pocket. He tapped the screen a couple of times then handed it over to Joe.

  “Aw, that’s great.” He was looking at a photo of Barney and Champ sitting side by side in Riley’s living room.

  “Barney says to tell you hello, and that he’s missing you.” Riley sat on the edge of the bed as he took back his cell.

  “Don’t I get a good morning kiss?”

  Riley chuckled. “A quick one just in case one of your nurses comes in.”

  “Okay…but make it memorable.”

  Riley leaned down and ran his lips over Joe’s. He traced his lower lip with the tip of his tongue.

  “Mmm…” Joe pushed his mouth into the kiss, not wanting it to be too quick.

  “Joe,” Riley moaned before he pulled back. “Your kisses are sinful, Detective.”

  “Just wait till I can do it for real and without nurses poking their noses in here. Are you hard?”

  Riley blushed. “Yes.”

  “Fucking adorable. Can I feel it?”

  “Yes.” Riley shifted nearer and put Joe’s hand on his crotch. He shuddered as Joe squeezed carefully. “How about you?”

  “Like a rock.” He nodded at the tenting of the thin blanket covering his lower half.

  Riley grinned and ran his hand over the enticing bulge. “Oh, man, a prize if ever I felt one.”

  They pulled their hands away as if stung and Riley slid off the bed when the door was pushed open and an orderly barged in pushing a cart in front of her.

  “Breakfast, Detective Brady,” she sang out and Joe grunted acknowledgment, throwing Riley a rueful glance at the same time.

  “Well, I better get going,” Riley said. “I’ll text you later, see how you’re doing.”

  “Thanks. Later, Riley.”

  Riley threw the orderly a smile before he left.

  “Such a nice young man.” She placed a tray on the side table then swung it around in front of Joe, only just missing his slowly deflating erection. “He’s the one who found you on the beach, right?”


  “I saw his picture on the TV. Terrible thing to happen to you, and they’ve never caught the horrible man who shot you and that poor boy.”


  “Well, it’s wonderful that the paramedic found you.” The orderly, seeming not to be fazed by Joe’s one-word replies, winked at him. “And it’s wonderful that he cares enough to come and see you. He’s a keeper, that one.”

  Joe blinked, but before he could respond the orderly was pushing her cart out of the door. He grinned. She might be right about that. He had to admit that it had been a long time since a guy stirred this kind of urge inside him… not only to get to know him horizontally, but to spend some time with him, too, making small talk, discovering his likes and dislikes. He already knew Riley liked old movies, but what else apart from that and the fact that he obviously enjoyed kissing…

  Another knock on the door and Sergeant Romero entered the room.

  Joe sighed. No peace for the wicked.

  “You’re looking better,” Romero said.

  “Good enough to get outta here?”

  “What’s the doc say?”


  “So tomorrow it is.”

  “Got anything on Murdoch yet?”

  “Nope, but don’t worry, we’ll get him.”

  “You might want to keep an eye on the wife. If by some chance he sends for her, she could lead us right to him.”

  Romero gave him the fish-eye. “You think we don’t have that covered? You’re not the only one with a brain in the department, y’know. I told you she’s been under surveillance since we questioned her the day Murdoch disappeared. Guess you were too out of it for that bit of info to sink in.”

  “Okay, that’s good.” Can’t wait to question her myself, once I’m released.

  “So, when the doc discharges you, take a week or so to get your strength back then I’ll set you up with some desk duty till you’re fit enough. And, Joe…” Romero fixed him with a menacing look. “Do not even think of going after Murdoch by yourself. You’re off this case until I say otherwise, got that?”

  Joe could have given him an argument but he knew there was little point to it. Whatever he did about Murdoch would be his little secret until he was back on duty.

  “Got it,” he muttered, chuckling in his mind at Romero’s evil stare. Yeah…scared o’ you.

  By the end of the day, Joe was going gradually out of his mind from boredom. Nice as everyone was, after five days he just could not wait to get home. He was longing for a real shower. With his arm strapped to his chest, he’d had to endure bed-baths, much to his chagrin. Maybe he could get some kind of plastic wrap to cover the sling once he was home. He hadn’t realized just how tense he was when the doctor came for his last visit of the day. If he says I’m not being discharged tomorrow, I will go fucking ballistic.

  The good doctor came as the bearer of the news Joe wanted to hear, but also with some strict instructions, all of which Joe was ready to ignore once he was up and out. Yeah, the physical therapy was sensible once the wound had healed. He needed to get full mobility back in his arm.

  “So, Detective…” The doctor gave him a benign smile. “Bed rest for at least three more days after today. No unnecessary activities. Short walks only. I’ve recommended home visits for each day, just to make sure the wound is healing well, and to give you any help you might need. The staples will need to come out in about ten days. We’ll do that here for you, of course. So, we get to enjoy your company again before long.”

  Joe narrowed his eyes, trying to judge whether the doctor was being sarcastic or not. He hadn’t been that difficult, had he?

  “D’you have someone available to drive you home?”

  “Uh, yeah. I can ask one of the guys from the precinct to come get me.” Maybe Riley is available?

  “Very good. All right, Detective, make sure you don’t overtax your arm. It will have to be kept strapped up for a few more days. It’s good that you are in such excellent physical condition. You’ll heal quickly.” He held out his hand for Joe to shake. “Take care of yourself, Detective Brady. Don’t get shot again if you can avoid it.”

  “I’ll try,” Joe said through a grin as he shook the man’s hand. “Thanks.”

  * * * *

  Riley stopped by to see him at the end of his shift. He looked tired.

  “You just got through?” Joe asked.

  Riley nodded wearily. “Yeah, rough day. How are you?”

  “Good. I get to go home tomorrow.”

  “That’s excellent. Hey, I have the day off so I can drive you home if you like.”

  “I like. Thanks, Riley.”

’ll bring Barney so you can be reunited. I know he’s missing you. Every day he gives me that look that says, ‘So where the heck is he?’”

  Joe chuckled. “I miss him, too.” He took Riley’s hand and the paramedic leaned in to give him a fairly chaste kiss. “Can’t you do better than that?” Joe grumbled, unwilling to lose Riley’s lips.

  “Tomorrow, when there’s no danger of anyone barging in here.” He pressed his mouth to Joe’s with a little more force before pulling back. “Look at it as a preview of things to come.”


  Riley smiled at him and a thrill of lust and anticipation rippled through Joe. Oh, boy, what I am going to do to this beautiful man once I’m free of all this confining crap.

  “I better get going. The dogs will be hungry and I want to walk them before I hit the sack.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow, and thanks again, Riley, for everything you’ve done for me and Barney.”

  “My pleasure,” Riley murmured and bent to kiss Joe lightly on the lips. “See you tomorrow.” He slid off the bed just as one of the night nurses came in. Joe grinned. Timing was everything.

  Chapter Six

  Once Barney got over the initial excitement of seeing Joe again, he seemed to understand why Joe couldn’t roll around on the ground with him and was content to sit in the back of Riley’s car, resting his head on Joe’s good shoulder.

  “I went shopping earlier, so you’ll have some provisions for the next couple of days,” Riley told him as they climbed the hill toward Joe’s house. “Bread, milk, yogurt, fruit—that kind of thing. If you give me a list, I can pick some more up tomorrow.”

  “You’re an angel,” Joe muttered gruffly and squeezed Riley’s thigh.

  Riley chuckled. “An angel with a devil’s mind, when you touch me like that.” He glanced at Joe. “Tell me again why you’re single. A hot guy like you should have a line a mile long of men wanting you.”

  Joe laughed. “Never had that. I always seem to have bad luck dating. Either I’m too picky or they find me boring. Never quite sure what the reason is.” No need to mention the low self-esteem drilled into me by dear old Dad… “My sister gave up finding me blind dates some time ago…thank goodness.”

  “Boring is not a word I’d use to describe you, Detective.”

  “No? How would you describe me?”

  “Ah, well, I’m not going to be drawn into a conversation where I extol your virtues, physical or personality-wise.”

  “Why not? I’ll extol yours if you like. You’re cute…or handsome, if you prefer. You have a sweet nature, you are kind, thoughtful…”

  “Stop!” Riley laughed. “You’ll have me blushing like mad in a minute. Where’d you get all that from anyway?”

  “Just knowing you for the last week, it’s pretty obvious to me you are all the things I’ve just mentioned. Looking after Barney, coming to see me, shopping for me, driving me home, kissing me…and in addition you are very easy on the eye.”

  “As are you.” Riley smiled at him. “I don’t think I know you well enough to do a comparison, but so far, I like you very much, Joe.”

  “Good to hear, ’cause I like you too…very much.”

  Riley pulled up onto Joe’s driveway and turned off the engine. “So now that we’re ‘in like’, I think a kiss is in order to seal the deal.”

  “Definitely.” Joe leaned in and caught Riley’s questing mouth with his lips, parting them to accept Riley’s tongue. It was a good kiss until Barney joined in, licking both their faces and causing them to erupt with laughter. “No three-ways, Barney,” Joe wheezed. “To be continued,” he said, grinning at Riley. Still laughing, they got out of the car, Joe mindful of the doctor’s instructions on how to do just that. Riley picked up the shopping bags from the trunk.

  He opened the front door then handed over the key. “Keep it,” Joe told him as they walked inside. “I’ve got a couple more and I expect you’ll be coming up here to see me, right?”

  “As often as you like.” Riley strode into the kitchen and started putting the provisions away.

  “Leave that for the moment,” Joe said. “We have some unfinished business to take care of.”

  “That’s right.” Riley wrapped his arms around Joe’s neck loosely so as not to cause any pain and brought his lips to Joe’s for a long, lingering kiss.

  “I can’t get you close enough,” Joe mumbled against Riley’s mouth. “This damned arm is in the way.”

  “Patience,” Riley murmured without taking his lips away. His breath was warm and minty on Joe’s tongue. “In no time at all you’ll have full use of it and can wrap it around me and hold me tight.” He bit down gently on Joe’s lower lip then slipped his tongue over Joe’s, letting them glide and tangle together, searching and probing each other’s mouths.

  Joe groaned. “I feel useless. I want to pick you up and carry you off to bed.”

  Riley chuckled. “Time enough for that. The doctor would have our hides if you did anything to damage that arm or pop the staples.” Another kiss before he pulled away. “You need to rest.”

  “I need to shower, but I don’t want to get all this wet,” Joe said, indicating the bandage strappings.

  “Okay, I can tape a garbage bag over your shoulder.” He unbuttoned Joe’s shirt and helped him to take it off. “That’s good, your bruises are fading…uh…” He seemed to be fixated on Joe’s chest, his cheeks flushing slightly as he stared. “Where can I find some duct-tape?”

  “In the garage, I think. There’s a cabinet over the washer-dryer has a bunch of stuff like that in it.”

  “Right, be back in a flash. Try taking off your pants while I’m gone.”

  “I was hoping you’d do that,” Joe said, grinning.

  “Get on with it,” Riley said and disappeared down the hall.

  “He’s cute, isn’t he?” Joe asked Barney, who wagged his tail in obvious agreement. “I like it when he blushes… Adorable.”

  Hooking one thumb and finger into the waistband of his pants, he managed to unbutton it, then followed with the zipper. He let his pants fall to the ground and stepped out of them. He made his way to the bathroom, grimacing when he caught sight of his reflection in the mirror.

  “Christ, but I look like hell.”

  “No, you don’t.” Riley stood in the doorway, carrying a plastic bag and a roll of duct-tape. “And you’re gonna feel much better in a couple of days. Now c’mere and let’s get you ready for the shower.” With smooth and efficient moves, Riley covered the binding bandages and taped the plastic in place. When he was done, he laid a kiss on the back of Joe’s neck and patted his ass. “There, now, you’re all set.” He leaned into the shower and turned on the hot spray.

  “You gonna scrub my back?”

  “Not today. It might start something you’re not in any shape for.”


  Riley laughed. “I don’t mean that as an insult. Too much activity could tear the staples out, then where would we be? Having to wait even longer for you to recuperate, again, that’s where.”

  “I suppose,” Joe grumbled.

  “I’ll wait out here to take off the plastic and help you get dry, okay?”

  “Okay.” Joe dropped his boxers, stepped into the shower and began soaping himself one-handed.

  “Bet that feels good,” Riley remarked.

  “You’d win that bet. Five days of being rubbed down with a damp cloth just doesn’t do it. I could stand in here all day.”

  “You’d get prunish.”

  “Yeah, and God knows my skin is manky-looking as it is. All those bruises turning yellow. Ugh.”

  Riley turned as Barney pushed his way into the bathroom. “Hey, guy…” He dropped to his haunches to rub the dog’s ears and was rewarded by Barney jumping up to lick his face. He fell on his back, Barney on top of him. “Barney!”

  “What’s going on out there?” Joe asked.

  “I think your dog is trying to have his way with me
,” Riley replied, laughing and fending off Barney’s sloppy kisses.

  “Not in my house—and not before I do.”

  “Sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

  “Not really. Just hopeful.”

  Riley pushed Barney off himself and stood as Joe opened the shower door and stepped out. Riley dragged a towel off the rack and draped it over Joe’s good shoulder while he removed the plastic covering the other.

  “That worked good,” Joe said. “Thanks.”

  “Welcome.” Riley patted him dry then rubbed the towel over his hair. “Feel better?”

  “Yeah.” Their eyes met and they shared a smile before Riley leaned in to drop a kiss on Joe’s lips. “Sit,” he said, “and I’ll get your legs and feet.”

  Joe started to protest. “You’re doin’ too much.”

  “I don’t want you taxing that arm and shoulder. Sit.”

  “Yes, boss.” He sat on the covered commode and let Riley fuss over him. “I could get used to this.”

  “You might have to for the next few days.”

  “You have to work.”

  “Right, but not all day. Consider me part of the home help till you’re able to do this for yourself.”

  “I knew you were an angel.”

  Riley chuckled. “With devilish thoughts, like I said.” His gaze dropped to Joe’s crotch, where there was distinct evidence his cock was taking more than its fair share of Riley’s ministrations. “Mmm…” Riley ran his hand over the hardening length. “Hang on.” He stood and shooed Barney out of the bathroom. He closed the door. “Don’t need no doggy voyeurs.”

  He knelt between Joe’s legs and lowered his head so that he could lick Joe’s cock from the base to the tip, pausing long enough there to savor his sweet and salty pre-cum. Joe let out a long, shuddering breath and combed his fingers through Riley’s hair, massaging his scalp as Riley ran his lips down the thick length of Joe’s erection then back up and down again, lingering at the nest of dark, springy curls at the base, scraping gently with his teeth over the sensitive skin there.

  He dragged his mouth back up the throbbing length, swirling his tongue around the hot flesh all the way to the tip where he teased the head, once again relishing the pungent taste of Joe’s pre-cum as it pooled on his tongue.


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