Valentine's Day Kisses : Boxed Set

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Valentine's Day Kisses : Boxed Set Page 17

by Addison Moore

  “Speaking of up.” I land my hand on his overeager fifth appendage. “I like the way your lower half says good morning.”

  “It’s easy when he likes what he sees.” Cole sinks his hand to my thigh before tracking up and gently pressing a finger deep inside me, his mouth never leaving mine. He pulls on a condom and dips his leg between my knees. “You know what his favorite part is?”

  “Are we still talking about your man parts in third person?” A soft laugh bubbles from my chest. “’Cause I kind of like that, but my primary girl part sort of feels left out of the conversation.”

  “By all means invite her to join us. She’s a special part of my life, and I’d hate for her to miss out.”

  “She says thank you, and she’s dying to know what Harry’s favorite part is.”

  “Harry?” His eyes enlarge into perfect green orbs.

  “I think he deserves a name.”

  “Then Sally deserves one, too.”


  “Yeah, it’s only natural, right?”

  “Very funny. Let me guess, Harry wants to meet Sally.”

  “Yes, but first—” Cole scoots in until our bodies fuse together at the chest, hot and sticky from a long night of setting the sheets on fire. Personally, I’m shocked Harry and the low riders have any more ammo left. “Harry wants to let you know his favorite part.”

  “What’s that?” I nuzzle into him. Something about this cheesy conversation is heartwarming, and I want it to continue forever, well past noon and LeAnn’s vocal contribution to the student body.

  “It’s being deep inside you.” Cole bears those green lanterns into mine. “It’s my favorite part, too.” He touches his nose to my cheek a second. “I love how close it makes us feel, no pun intended. I feel alive, and happy, and a few feelings I didn’t even know existed until I met you.”

  “Cole.” I glance down a moment, my cheeks filling with heat. “I feel the very same way. You know what else?” I reach up and gently graze over his earlobe, trapping it between my teeth until he moans. “Each time we’re together it feels like the first time.” It’s true. I think of how lucky I am to have gorgeous Cole Brighton all to myself, and I die a little because, deep down, I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Nothing has ever worked out for me, so why should this?

  God, I hope I’m wrong.

  Cole crashes his lips to mine. His tongue launches in on an exploratory effort that would put most cartographers to shame. He’s memorizing the lay of the land, claiming my body for himself.

  “Guess what?” he whispers into my mouth, and a heated shiver rises up my spine. “Harry wants to meet Sally.”

  I couldn’t think of a better way to start the day off, or end the night, or kill time in the afternoon.

  Cole Brighton can have me every day in every way.

  But a part of me still wonders if this is too good to be true.

  The I Slept with Cole Brighton cupcake is the very same recipe I created the morning after the first time we slept together, so it holds more than a slight sentimental appeal.

  I take in the student body of Whitney Briggs as they gather around for the non-nutritional feast both Melanie and I provided. I can’t help but smile when I see the words I Slept with Cole Brighton printed in bold red font on a banner above the monolithic display that LeAnn’s “team” created to house the cupcakes. It took Cole, Bryson, Baya and me four trips to haul everything over on tiered carts we borrowed from the cafeteria.

  The concert is just about to get underway as the student population swarms the frosted confections.

  “Boy”—Melanie pops up beside me—“the way the sorority girls are attacking your cupcakes, you’d think a mini Cole Brighton is buried in each one.” She twitches her nose. “I sort of wish he were!” She chortles a laugh that’s quickly drowned out by LeAnn and her ability to slap a microphone with her hand to test its eardrum splitting capabilities.

  “This is dedicated to the love of my life.” Her voice carries across the field and into the forest that skirts the property. “Aiden Ryerson!”

  My stomach drops.

  “Crap.” I knew I shouldn’t have talked smack about him in class the other day. Now she’s going to dock me points at next week’s competition just because I cut down her boyfriend. And didn’t she say he cheated? What the hell is she putting up with that for? Wait—why the hell did I put up with that? I’d never put myself through something like that again—once a cheat, always a cheat. Sally and I have no time for that kind of bull anymore.

  “Looks like Cole just opened a kissing booth.” Melanie nudges me with her shoulder.

  I turn just in time to catch a familiar-looking blonde with her legs wrapped around his waist, her mouth planted firmly over his, and she’s kissing him, right here in the open like he’s fair-market game.

  “What the hell?” I take a step toward him, and Melanie pulls me back by the elbow.

  “You didn’t know?” Melanie tries to campaign for my attention, but my eyes are firmly planted on Cole as he helps the skank with an ungraceful dismount and holds her at arms length.

  That’s better. I can’t believe she just attacked him like that. Obviously, I need to go over and start wielding some mean Martial arts skills just to keep the girls from trying to climb my boyfriend.

  “Know what?” I’m only vaguely interested in whatever lie she’s ready to spew my way.

  “Angel and Cole have a thing.”

  “They don’t have a thing. Cole and I have a thing.” Harry and Sally have a thing, but Cole and Angel do not have a thing.

  “Well, sorry to be the one to break it to you, but Angel says they’re messing around. She’s all the time shooting him pictures of herself. I know for a fact she’s taken a few tasteful selfies if you know what I mean.” She gives a quick wink. “What the hell am I saying? They were tasteless as the day is long. She’s my roommate, so I’ve played photographer a time or two. It’s really kind of sick.”

  My stomach turns. Cole hadn’t mentioned anything about naked selfies being delivered daily. Is that the kind of thing a boyfriend should fess up to? I have no clue because I’ve never been in an honest relationship before. And that’s what we have, right? An honest relationship.

  “Thanks for the info.” I walk away and stumble into a body.

  “Hey, sis.” Ryder gives a sheepish grin. “Can you spare a hug for your big bro? I’m not liking the cold shoulder too much.” His dark hair stains the stale grey sky as he gives me those puppy dog eyes. I could never stay mad at my brother for long.

  “Done.” I pull him into a tight embrace and take in his familiar cologne. Ryder has worn the same scent for as long as I can remember, and it feels safe holding him like this, familiar. I peek over his shoulder at Cole, and, dear God, there’s an entire line of girls snaking around my cupcake booth waiting their turn with him.

  “He did open a kissing booth.” I watch as girl after girl runs up and gives him a lengthy, touchy feely, ass squeezing, cheek kissing, embrace. “Crap,” I seethe.

  “I wouldn’t get too worked up.” Ryder turns and inspects the scene with me. “From what I hear, they’re all pretty psyched to have played a small part in his crowning cupcake glory.” His chin dips as he looks into me. I can tell he’s holding back the I told you so. “They think it’s an ode to his one-night stand hotness.” Ryder gives a dull smile that reads more like an apology just as Laney springs up beside him.

  “Hey, girl.” She ducks a little as if I might hit her simply for taking up the same air space as me. “You still hate me?”

  “Only on days that end in W.”

  “Ha, ha.” She pulls me in, and soon we’re all engaging in some sort of awkward group hug. “Congratulations. Your cupcakes are a huge hit. I just had one, and I feel compelled to tell Cole how orgasmically beautiful it was.” She touches her hand to her chest, and spontaneous tears sparkle in her eyes as if she were truly moved.

  Only a thespian like Lane
y can pull off a move like that.

  “So what are you going to do with your winnings? You know you’re going to own this competition. Not one of Melanie’s Ecstasy Delights are missing.”

  “Ten thousand dollars.” I shake my head. I think I’m going to sock it away until graduation. As soon as WB puts that degree in my hand, I’m scouting for real estate. I’m going to open a storefront and hit the ground running.

  A pair of arms embrace me from behind. “You’ve already hit the ground running, girl!” Baya twirls herself around my body as if I had morphed into a striper pole. “I’m telling you, we’re going to rock those judges faces off. I can’t believe Cole and I get to be there to watch you win.”

  “You’re going to help me win. You both will.” I turn to look at Cole, and all I see is a mob of girls with cell phones raised above their heads, documenting his every move. All those girls seem far too happy to see him. I bet they’d love to see him in action again, and just the thought makes my stomach pinch with jealousy. I hate this feeling. I hate being the girl who suddenly feels as if she’s walking on the razor’s edge of her relationship with nothing but the sheer cliff of a breakup to the right and left.

  “And now”—LeAnn’s voice bellows over the student body, popping and cracking through the speakers like a firecracker—“I’d like to sing a song with the love of my life. Honey bear, come on up here.”

  I watch as Aiden climbs on stage with the look of complete admiration in his eyes while gazing at her. He never once looked at me that way, and now it makes sense. He never loved me. I wasn’t the one for him.

  “We’re gonna sing a little duet,” she belts the words out into his face. “Don’t go breaking my heart, baby.”

  They start in, and, surprisingly, Aiden doesn’t sound half bad. The old me would have prayed for rain—for the stage to electrify and jolt the two of them into kingdom come in a spectacular shower of sparks and fire, but the new me doesn’t give a rat’s ass that they’re burping out the lyrics to some quasi-breakup song together. Instead, I turn back to Cole, back to his happy harem ready and willing to get on their knees for him.

  Will I ever be enough for someone like Cole?

  Or, more importantly, will I ever feel like enough?


  Angel updated her status on all social networks to read, in a relationship with Cole Brighton then sent me the links.

  “What the hell?” I stare at my phone in disbelief.

  Roxy said she was going to grab a cup of coffee with Baya and Laney after the concert, so I head back to the apartment alone.

  I step into the elevator and ride up just as another text comes in—a picture of Angel and me at the concert.

  Crap. I must have smiled for a thousand pictures out there, but for this one I wish I would have pulled my T-shirt up over my face.

  I step out onto my floor with my finger ready and willing to hit delete when I spot Bryson just outside his door with Baya and head over.

  “Need your thoughts on something, bro, if you got a minute.” I nod at Bryson before turning to my sister. “Rox is waiting for you at Hallowed Grounds.”

  “She is?” Baya looks stumped by the idea.

  “Yeah, she said she was grabbing coffee with you and Laney. I guess she wants to decompress. This was a pretty big day for her.”

  “She didn’t mention it.” Baya unlocks their door. “And I doubt Laney is there. She said she felt a cold coming on. I’m pretty sure Ryder took her home. She’s got a big audition coming up, and she doesn’t want to blow it.”

  I pause a moment.

  “I must have heard her wrong.” But I know I didn’t. Why would Roxy make something like that up?

  “So what’s going on?” Bryson motions me into their apartment.

  “There’s this girl.”

  “Oh, crap.” Baya seethes. “So help me God if you’re even thinking of dumping Roxy for greener vaginal pastures—”

  “Relax.” I cut her off before she can get going. Once Baya starts up, it’s impossible to stop her. “Nobody is dumping anybody. I’ve got some psycho chick that’s been hounding me for months, and I have no freaking clue how to get her off my back.”

  “Oh.” Baya perks up. “That’s a different story. Who is she?”

  “Some chic from Alpha Chi named Angel. When I slept with her, I had no clue she was a virgin, and it’s just escalated from there. She’s sent me nude pictures—spread eagle and stuff.”

  Baya’s eyes bug out. “Does Roxy know?”

  “No, I deleted them hoping that nutcase would knock it off. But it’s only gotten worse. She declared me her boyfriend and plastered a picture of us all over the internet.”

  “Dude.” Bryson shakes his head. He snatches his wallet and phone off the counter and nods toward the door. “Let’s do this, man. Let’s head to Alpha Chi and pay her a visit. No use in postponing the inevitable.”

  “Let’s do it.”

  Bryson kisses Baya goodbye, and we head out.

  “It’s like old times, just me and you.”

  “Old times.” I shake my head. “No offense, but I wouldn’t go back for anything.”

  “Yeah.” Bryson gets that goofy grin on his face like he does when Baya is around. “I wouldn’t go back for anything either.”

  Alpha Chi is lit up like a pumpkin. Red tinsel hearts hang in each window as a reminder to the male population that Valentine’s Day is in a week. Of course, I didn’t forget. This will be my first with Roxy, and I plan on making it special. I’m sort of low on cash, so a visit to Tiffany’s is out, but I should have enough for dinner and a movie.

  I pause walking up the steps to the sorority.

  “Oh, hell,” I whisper.

  “No backing out now.” Bryson yanks me up the steps by the elbow.

  “I just realized I haven’t touched the inheritance from my dad’s life insurance policy. It was mine the day I turned twenty-one, and I can cash out anytime I want.”

  “Cool. Now let’s go break some hearts. I’ll even let you treat me to a burger after.”

  “Sorry, sweetheart, but my dance card is filled. I need to reward Roxy for using me as her muse.”

  Bryson gives a gentle knock to the door, and a short blonde answers. Before we know it, we’re inundated with screaming girls, chanting, I slept with Cole Brighton!

  Bryson shakes his head at the melee. “I’m not feeling the love.”

  I slap my hand on his shoulder. “Get over yourself, buddy. It’s my time to shine.” Angel pops up from behind the crowd and waves. “Suddenly I’m wishing I wasn’t so damn shiny.” I break my way through the crowd of screaming girls, with hands pawing over my body as if I were a rock star. Someone cups my crotch, and I jump.

  “Watch the boys,” I say as I make my way to Angel. “Can we go somewhere to be alone?” The entire sorority stills. An audible collective gasp circles the room, soon replaced with an adolescent string of oohs.

  Angel straightens. Her chest pops forward with pride as if I had just tapped her to be my soul mate out of a sea of thousands. Crap. Maybe this wasn’t Bryson’s brightest idea.

  We head to the kitchen where there’s nary a soul. I pull up a seat at the counter and motion for her to take it.

  “You’re such a gentlemen,” she sings over a string of giggles.

  “I’m not really.” I sit down next to her. “I came by tonight because I wanted to talk to you in person.”

  “Oh my, God!” Her hands shake as she covers her mouth. Tears instantly spring from her eyes. “Yes!”


  “Yes, I’ll marry you!” She leaps from her seat to mine, and before I know it we’re on the floor with about a dozen girls snapping pictures of us with their phones.

  “No.” I gently pull her off. “I came here to tell you it’s over.” There. If anything I’ve officially broken up with her in front of at least twelve of her sisters. “I’m sorry it had to come to this.” I shake my head because I’m serious as anyt
hing. “I swear to you, I never set out to break your heart.”

  Her nostrils flare. Her eyes glitter up with tears, and I feel like a sack of crap on fire that’s just begging to be stomped out of its misery.

  “It’s not true.” She scoots back as one of her sisters pulls her to her feet. I get up and try to take a step toward her, but she backs away.

  “It is true. I’m in love with Roxy Capwell, and I always have been.” Okay, so maybe I didn’t have to take it that far, but, swear to God, if she sends me a naked selfie in the morning, I won’t regret digging in so deep.

  “You’re going to pay for this.” Her eyes slit to nothing. Her chest heaves as she pants out the words. “I’ll have to tell my dad, and now you’ll be sorry you ever laid eyes on me!” She runs screaming out of the room, hysterical with tears.

  “Crap,” I mutter. I’d do anything if I could rewind time, right back to my first day at Whitney Briggs, and stop the one-night stand train before it ever left the station.

  I’d tell myself there was someone special coming soon that I would fall madly in love with and to hell with all those other girls.

  The last thing I ever wanted to do was break anybody’s heart.

  Icing on the Cake


  After a long afternoon of listening to LeAnn warble out tunes, I finally crawl home, dog tired, both mentally and physically exhausted. Melanie donated the remainder of her Ecstasy Delights to the homeless shelter, and, well, there were none of my signature cupcakes left. It turns out that everyone who did sleep with Cole Brighton showed up and ate one.

  I get off the elevator and head to my apartment just as Baya peeks her head out the door.

  “Hi, Rox! I thought you were Bryson. I’ve got a shift at the Black Bear, and he’s sort of my ride. Hey, was I supposed to meet you for coffee? Cole mentioned something about it.”

  “No. I ended up having coffee by myself. Sometimes a girl just has to clear her head.” I note the door to my apartment is ajar. “Maybe Cole can give you ride?”


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