Without Warning: A Billionaire Romance (Playboys of New York Book 5)

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Without Warning: A Billionaire Romance (Playboys of New York Book 5) Page 9

by JA Low

  “Thank you for telling me.” I take a seat beside her.

  “I’m seeking help in regard to my sex addiction, too,” she confesses. “I realize I have a problem.” Damn right she does. “None of this would have happened if I didn’t have a problem. Whoever is trying to fuck you over wouldn’t have had the ammunition they needed if I’d just kept my legs together.” She gives me a sad shrug.

  “Why are you telling me all this now?” I ask.

  “I’m tired, Rhys. Plus, it’s part of my therapy.” She sighs. “But I’m in so deep I don’t know what else to do.”

  “Do you have anything that could tie this person to our divorce?”

  She shrugs. “I don’t know.”

  “Are you willing to help me find out who the hell is doing this?” I ask.

  “If you can promise me my brother will be safe.”

  “I know people, too,” I reply.

  “Okay. I’ll do whatever you need.”

  And with that, we make a plan.



  It’s been a month since I’ve heard from Rhys.

  A whole month.

  I know I said that I needed to get myself together, but I didn’t think he would ghost me like he has.

  It hurts.

  I thought maybe he was different.

  I was wrong.

  He’s just like every other guy out there.

  I can’t believe I fell for his good-guy schtick. Urgh. I’m so over it. No, really, I am. Okay, I’m not, but I will be after we finish celebrating the launch of my new architect firm–Blanco.

  It’s simple, modern, and my surname.

  “Congratulations!” Chloe squeals while popping the champagne.

  Stella has set up the private dining room at EJ’s restaurant to celebrate the launch of my new business. She pours us all a glass of champagne and hands them out. Everyone is here celebrating this huge milestone with me. I’m the odd one out in the group looking at the loved-up faces of my friends. I hate that my mind keeps thinking about Rhys and where things might have led. I need to let him go. It wasn’t our time.

  An hour later, there’s a knock at the door of the private room. My stomach sinks for a moment, cursing my mind for thinking it might be Rhys for even a moment. But the biggest surprise that comes through the door is seeing my sisters.

  “Ari.” Hearing my name from their lips in unison is crazy.

  I haven’t seen them in ages as they live out in LA.

  “Maya, Camila.” Getting up out of my chair, I rush toward them. Oh, my goodness. I can’t believe they’re truly here as I wrap myself around each of them while tears fall down my cheeks. How? When? So many questions.

  “I can’t believe you guys are here?” I’m the eldest of the three girls, then there’s Maya, our middle sister, who works in social media for Dirty Texas Records, then there’s Camila, the youngest, who’s a huge Telenovela star in Los Angeles. We are all so busy that we never have time to get together.

  “It’s so good to see you,” Maya tells me as she hugs me tightly.

  “What are you doing here?” I’m genuinely shocked they have flown halfway across the country to see me tonight.

  “Your friend, Emma, invited us,” Camila adds. I turn to see Emma grinning. I mouth the words “thank you” to her, and she raises her glass of champagne in my direction.

  “I can’t believe it.” Shaking my head in awe, I continue, “How long are you both here for?”

  “Just the weekend,” Camila adds.

  “Mom and Dad are so proud of you, Ari, for going out on your own like this. They’re upset that they can’t be here,” Maya explains.

  My parents moved back to Spain permanently a couple of years ago to retire. We moved to America from Barcelona when we were quite young for my father’s work. He worked in finance for a Spanish company on Wall Street. They stayed until he was ready to retire, then they went back home. I haven’t had time to go back and see them for a couple of years. I really should. It might be hard now that I’ve just opened my own business and, hello, no money.

  “I’ve missed you both so much. Come, let me introduce you all to everyone.” Dragging my sisters over to the dining table, I start the introductions.

  The night went by in a blur of way too much food and even more drinks—I’m a little bit tipsy by the time I get home.

  “What the hell is this?” Maya points to a large vase of flowers out the front of Emma’s apartment, which is my new apartment, and the headquarters of Blanco. I hate that my heart flutters at the thought it might be from Rhys.

  I grab the card and open it.

  Dear Ariana,

  Congratulations on Blanco. It’s going to be a huge success.

  I can’t wait to see your designs lining the Manhattan skyline.



  What does that mean? I can’t stop staring at the card.

  “You okay?” Maya asks.

  “Yeah. Just…” letting out a sigh, “… surprised is all.”

  Maya gives me a frown.

  “Is it from an ex?” Camila asks as I unlock the door to try and navigate myself on my sky-high heels behind a huge floral arrangement. I place it on the table in the foyer, and we move through the apartment to the kitchen. I’m going to need a drink for this story with my sisters.

  “This is nice,” Maya adds as we walk down the hall.

  “It’s Emma’s place. She’s letting me stay here rent-free to help start my business.”

  “That’s so nice of her,” Camila adds.

  “Yeah, my girls are my surrogate sisters when I don’t have you guys around me.” Wrapping my arm around Camila, I’m so happy they’re here.

  “So…” Maya takes a seat on the sofa and kicks off her heels. The lights of the city twinkle beside her through the large windows. “You going to spill about the flowers?” Maya pushes.

  Urgh. I forgot how annoying they can be.

  “They’re from a guy I was seeing,” I tell them. They both “ooh” at that comment. “He’s going through a complicated divorce,” I explain.

  “Is he really going through a divorce? Because I’ve dated men who say they’re divorcing, but it’s a lie. They were cheating on their wife.” Camila rolls her eyes, letting out a heavy sigh.

  “Oh, no… definitely over. She ran off with his best friend,” I tell them.

  “So, he has baggage,” Camila adds. “The hot ones usually do.” She chuckles.

  “Yeah. He just moved back to New York from London,” I explain. “We met under weird circumstances, but we instantly clicked.” Kicking off my heels, I let out a sad sigh. “It was me that halted things. I wanted to concentrate on launching my business,” I tell them.

  “That’s a good idea.” Maya smiles. “Especially if he has drama with his ex.”

  “I know, but…” I trail off.

  “You miss him?” Camila adds.

  “Yeah. I asked for space, and he’s given it to me. I mean, the flowers have been the first communication I’ve had with him in a month.”

  “So, he’s still thinking about you.” Camila smiles as she looks over at the flowers. “That’s cute.”

  “Do you miss him?” Maya asks.

  “I do. Now that I’ve had a moment to think since launching my business, he keeps filling my mind,” I reply honestly.

  “You going to thank him for the flowers?” Camila asks.

  “You should,” Maya adds.

  Maybe I should. It would be rude not to, right?

  “Yeah, maybe I will.”

  “Well, I’m beat after today, so Maya and I are going to go crash.” Camila gives my sister a look.

  “Yeah. I’m exhausted.” Maya fakes a yawn.

  “Come on, you two, let me show you to your rooms.”

  After getting my sisters settled into bed, and I have a shower to sober me up, I jump under the covers and grab my phone. I punch my pillow a couple of times to get comfortable, then
I pull up Rhys’ messages and type out a thank you.

  Ariana: Thank you so very much for the flowers. They are beautiful.

  There, done.

  As I put my phone on the bedside table, it beeps, and the screen lights up with a message. My stomach does somersaults at the thought he wrote straight back.

  Rhys: They aren’t as beautiful as you.

  Oh, my goodness.

  Then my phone beeps again.

  Rhys: I miss you.

  Wait a minute, he’s not allowed to say that when he’s the one who’s gone missing.

  Ariana: But not enough to stay in touch.

  My anger bubbles over the alcohol, which is giving me a little bit more liquid courage than normal.

  Moments later, my phone starts ringing.

  What the…

  I drop it as if the thing has burned my hand.

  Rhys’ name flashes across the scene.

  Shit. What do I do?

  Staring at the glowing screen.

  Do I pick it up?

  What will I say?

  It’s easier talking to him via text.

  I grab my phone and hit the green button on the screen.




  I’ve been keeping my distance from Ariana, stupidly. I knew from our previous conversations she was trying to get her architectural firm off the ground. And with my life being the shit show it is, I didn’t want to distract her from that process. She needed all her attention on herself, so she can launch her new life, no matter how much I missed and wanted to be there for her. Judging by the frosty text message I’ve just received about the flowers, my radio silence was not the best move.

  I have fucked-up majorly.

  “Hello?” She doesn’t sound happy taking my call.

  “Hey, how are you?” Trying to sound upbeat as if I haven’t just ghosted her for a month.

  “Good,” she replies tersely.

  This isn’t good—I’ve really messed up.

  “I’m sorry it’s been so long since we’ve talked.”

  “But, are you?” she answers.

  “Yes. Of course. Things went completely sideways with my divorce, and I never wanted to drag you into any of it. I also…” my body’s tense, “… wanted to keep you safe.”

  “Safe from your divorce?” She lets out a self-deprecating laugh.

  “I found out that someone is out to get me.” There’s silence down the line. See, I knew it, this shit show that is my divorce is going to drive her away.

  “What do you mean?” she asks quietly.

  “It means… I’m worried you might be collateral damage,” I reply, telling her honestly. Until I uncover who the fuck is messing with me, she is not safe.

  “Are you okay?” Concern laces through her words.

  “I think so, but…” I take a deep breath, “… everything was set up. Madison was paid to marry me in some kind of corporate espionage.”

  “Oh, Rhys.” Ariana gasps.

  “There’s so much more I’m trying to unravel. I’m sorry I’ve kept my distance. I haven’t stopped thinking about you, Ariana,” I confess.

  “You haven’t?”

  She sounds so unsure.

  “Yes. My fucking hand isn’t enough anymore,” I tell her.

  “Then why the hell have you not called me?”

  “I’ve wanted to so many times, but the more digging I do about my marriage, the more shit I’m unraveling.”

  Well, more like what my private investigator is finding.

  “Do you not trust me?”

  “Of course, I do.” In my paranoia, I may have also had my investigator look into Ariana, and he found nothing linking her to what’s going on. So, I do trust her, especially now. “It’s just really complicated, and you were launching your new business, and I didn’t want to take anything away from that. All your focus needed to be on you and not my fucked-up situation.” I’m not trying to be a martyr here, but it’s the truth.

  “Will I ever see you again? Or is this it?” Ariana asks.

  And that right there is the million-dollar question, isn’t it?

  “I don’t know if someone is following or watching me,” I try to explain. “I’m worried that once they know the way I feel about you, they’re going to try and do something to hurt you to get to me.” Hoping she understands, I lay it on the line.

  “You know what…” Ariana’s voice raises. “I’ve heard every excuse in the book with regards to letting someone down after you’ve had your fun with them, but honestly, Rhys, this one takes the cake.”

  Wait. No. I’m not letting her down. It’s the total opposite. I’m trying to keep her safe because I want her. I want her so very fucking much.

  “Ariana, no.” My voice raises when I continue, “That’s not what I’m trying to do. At all. I miss the hell out of you.”

  “You have a funny way of showing it,” she adds.

  “I know. I’ve fucked-up. But I’m telling you the truth… things are messed up.”

  I hear her groan down the phone. “You know what… I’m done. Thank you so much for the flowers, Rhys. They really are beautiful. I’ll leave you with your divorce drama, and good luck with everything,” she tells me angrily.

  “No. Wait,” I call down the phone, but it’s no use because she’s hung up on me. I stare down at my phone, wondering what the hell just happened. I try to call her back, but her phone rings out.


  How the hell am I going to fix this?

  “You don’t look so good,” Audrey remarks as she comes over for Sunday brunch. I’ve spent all weekend thinking about Ariana. I’ve tried so many times to call her, but she’s just not picking up. “You okay?” my sister asks with concern.

  “Things between Ariana and I haven’t gone so well.”

  Audrey’s blue eyes widen at my confession. I don’t normally spill what’s going on inside of me, but I’m at a loss over everything that’s gone down over the last few weeks.

  “Sounds like you need to start at the beginning…” She grins.

  We take a seat in the living room, and I unload everything that’s happened between Ariana and me. Audrey continually nods her head until I’m finished.

  “That was a whirlwind.” My sister grins. “But you really are a jerk face.”

  “What did you say?”

  “You ghosted her! Then you send her flowers and call, telling her that you miss her, yet you can’t be with her.”

  “You know why?”

  “I know how much damage Madison and all her chaos has done to you, but Ariana doesn’t. And if I were her, I would think you were blowing me off, or you just wanted a booty call,” Audrey explains.

  “How do I fix it?” I ask. I can’t believe I’m getting relationship advice from my sister, but I’m desperate.

  “I’ve been invited to Emma and Anderson’s housewarming party next weekend. I’m going to assume Ariana is going to be there.” My sister smiles.

  Yes. This is a great idea.

  “And… you need a chaperone?”

  “No.” Audrey gives me an angry look. “This isn’t 1850, Rhys. I don’t need my brother to cross the Hudson.” Her blue eyes flare then narrow in on me. “You can come with me as a guest.”

  “Do you think ambushing her at their party is the right idea?”

  “You said she’s not talking to you. How else will you get to see her? Other than being a creeper and waiting at her door. Girls don’t like that shit,” Audrey advises me.

  “I’ll do anything to talk to her. To explain everything.”

  “You really like her?” my sister asks.

  “I do. But everything has imploded before we’ve ever had a chance.”

  Audrey reaches out and taps my hand on my knee. “You deserve happiness, Rhys. After everything,” she tells me. “And I like Ariana. Most women bow down to you, but she doesn’t. It’s refreshing to see you as the rejected party.” Audrey chuck

  “Well, it doesn’t feel nice.”

  “No shit.” Audrey grins. “Welcome to the real world, Rhys.”



  My head hurts, so I roll over onto my side with a groan. Then last night comes back to me, and my head begins to pound even harder than before. I remember my conversation with Rhys and how it went pretty much sideways. It felt like he was blowing me off.

  I roll back again onto my back and stare up at the ceiling.

  “Hey, bitch.” Camila jumps onto the bed, surprising me.

  I let out a squeal, and we burst out laughing.

  “Well, don’t you look like shit,” she tells me.

  Gee, thanks. Not all of us look like a supermodel when they wake like her.

  She jumps under the covers and joins me in bed. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I think so. I spoke to Rhys last night,” I confess.

  She raises a brow. “And?”

  “It didn’t end so well.” Letting out a sigh, my shoulders relax.

  “What happened?” she questions me.

  “He apologized for ghosting me. Said something about trying to protect me because shit’s gone down with his divorce. Like his ex was paid to marry him or something. Someone is after his company. I don’t really know what else because I had too much to drink and wasn’t really listening in the end,” I explain to Camila.

  “He was trying to protect you?”

  “Yeah. Something like corporate espionage, he said. Like… does this guy think he’s James Bond or something?” I chuckle, but Camila frowns. “It’s a bit of an over-the-top story to tell when he could have just said he’s not interested.”

  “But he sent you those flowers,” Camila adds.

  “So?” Looking over at her, her eyebrows are squeezed tightly together.

  “If he wasn’t interested, then why would he send you flowers congratulating you on your new business?” Camila questions.

  “I don’t know.” Shrugging my shoulders, I proceed with, “Maybe he wanted to get laid.”

  Camila shakes her head. “What’s his full name?” She pulls out her phone.


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