Mysterious Destiny Beckoning Corridors

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Mysterious Destiny Beckoning Corridors Page 44

by D. J. Holmes

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  Evan begins to remember the birth of his sons again. The monitor seems to be showing parts of Evan’s life, as Blue Cloud, that he has already worked through.

  “Daniel, Evan has returned to the birth of his sons. What is going on?” Julia asks.

  Daniel answers, “Many times a patient is not ready to go to the next step. They prefer to return to specific, secure days that they want to relive, over and over again. I think that is what, Evan, is doing now.”

  “Do you think that he will ever go to the next step?”

  “It’s up to the patient, Julia. Sometimes it takes an hour or two. Or, it may take days. It just depends on what is happening in the next step.”

  Julia watches for the rest of the day as, Evan continues to relive his days of happiness. Later that night, the doors of the beach house suddenly close and lock.

  Wanting to find Daniel, Julia leaves the room that she has been sitting in with Jon. “Daniel, what is happening?” Julia asks, very alarmed.

  “Someone is trying to breach the perimeter,” Daniel states.

  “How can you tell?” Julia questions, “I didn’t hear anything.

  “There isn’t any sound. The color frequencies that protect our Beach House automatically change their strength, and secure our clinic,” Daniel responds calmly.

  “Is there any danger?” Julia asks concerned. “Don’t worry for yourself. I’d worry more for the intruder. No one has ever gotten past our white and golden protective frequencies.”

  “Why did the frequencies close the windows and doors of the Beach House then?”

  “It’s more for the comfort of our patients. This procedure allows our clients to continue their recuperation without interruption. It allows my staff and me to do what we need to do to protect our Beach House, out of sight of anyone else.”

  “Is there something that we are not supposed to see, Daniel?” she continues to question.

  “No. If you choose, you can see anything that you want to see. And you can go anywhere that you want to go. Julia we have nothing to hide,” he assures her. “Where is Evan, or should I call him Blue Cloud, in his life now?”

  “He is teaching his sons how to shoot their bows and arrows again.”

  “That was a happy time for him, wasn’t it?” Daniel questions.

  “Yes, he seems to be very happy.”

  “Would you mind staying with Jon, and Evan? I’ll be back soon.”

  “I’ll be right here with my men, Daniel,” Julia says with a smile.

  “Be sure to call, Treysen, if you need anything. I’ve put him in charge of the clinic, on the inside, during this time.”


  Julia returns to Jon, and Evan.

  Daniel walks down the deck steps to talk to his staff.

  “Martin, have you seen anything?” he asks.

  “I haven’t. But Lawrence said that he saw an arm penetrate the first line of frequency, and quickly retract.”

  “Do we have any visuals?” Daniel asks.

  “Yes. It’s a man, dark skinned, with dark piercing eyes.”

  Martin projects an image into Daniel’s mind.

  “Ah, I have met him before. He got here quicker than I thought he would. Continue patrolling. Let me know if you see anything Martin.”

  “Yes, Sir….”

  “Thank you, Martin.”

  “You’re welcome, Daniel.”

  The night seemed longer for Jon and Julia because the doors and windows remained shut and Evan’s life continued to rewind over and over again. His wedding, the day the twins were born, the days he would ride through the village with his family on his horse, teaching his sons to dance the eagle dance, to shoot their bows, and then it would rewind over and over again in no particular order.

  “Jon, I’m really concerned for Evan. What do you think that he is afraid to face? Look at his face. There’s no smile. It’s more like sadness and depression, with a kind of gloom coming over him. What do you think is happening?”

  “I think that he is trying to hold onto the joy that he has experienced with his family. The next step is so painful; he doesn’t want to face it, Katherine.”


  “Treysen, Treysen. Where is Daniel?” Julia yells.

  “He just came in from outside, Julia.”

  “What is happening?” Daniel asks.

  “The monitor just went blank!” Julia loudly states.

  “Ah, have you had anything to eat?” he asks.

  Julia looks at him wondering if he had really heard what she had just said. Daniel looks back at Julia, with a compassionate, all knowing look. Treysen quickly appears with food for Jon and Julia. Daniel instructs the staff to make sure that Evan is given something to strengthen him also.

  “Jon, I’m very confused with, Daniel’s response.”

  “I think that we need to trust, Daniel. When he asks you to eat, then eat. When he asks you to rest, follow his instructions and rest. Later you will understand why he has asked you to do those things. I’m sure, from all of his experience, he knows what is happening but doesn’t have time to fully explain it to us.”

  Enjoying their meal, while they continue to watch Evan, Jon and Julia finally fall asleep.

  A few hours later Julia is awakened by the sound of drums beating. Quietly, she gets up and looks over to Evan’s room. Startled, she sees an older couple, dressed in traditional Indian clothing, standing by Evan’s bed, talking to him. As she gets up to walk over to his room, the couple disappears. Turning to Jon, she says, “Jon. Jon, wake up.”


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