The Missing Passenger

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The Missing Passenger Page 6

by Liz Turner

  Chapter 9

  Last Wish

  Several blissful days had passed by, and Peter had grown gradually stronger, recovering from his inexplicable period of insanity. He struggled to recall certain details, but explained that for the first time, he felt like someone had lifted a dark and ominous cloud from his mind.

  Gabriella had spent a few sunny mornings joining Rachel and Peter for breakfast, and he had recounted several exciting tales from his adventures as an archeologist.

  “What I want to know is how you escaped from that old-age prison?” Gabriella asked one morning.

  Peter began his story with the familiar twinkle in his eyes. “It was only possible because of my dear friend, Nurse Hannah.”

  “Is she the young, pretty nurse from the old-age home?” Rachel queried.

  “That’s the one. She took a liking to me and over time, we gradually forged a strong friendship. When I told her about Kevin throwing me in there and paying that hideous gargoyle, Manager Betty, to keep me imprisoned, she cried for thirty minutes and asked how she could help.”

  “So you told her about the offshore accounts?” Rachel jumped in.

  Peter winked. “Not quite. It’s important to know who you can really trust and who’s willing to help you without the promise of a cent. Hannah initially used her own savings to help finance my plan. Once I was out, I accessed my accounts and transferred it all back with quite a sufficient amount of interest.”

  “She must have been really surprised!”

  “Yes, I received a call from her bank manager. Apparently, she told the bank that someone had made a mistake and requested the money be removed.” Peter chuckled. “She had one of the best hearts I’ve ever encountered in another human.”

  “Is she still working at the old age home?” Gabriella asked.

  “Let’s just say the amount of interest was possibly enough to retire on,” Peter said with a chortle. “I think she filled in her resignation the day she realized the money really was hers to keep. How a gem like her ended up in a that place is beyond me.”

  “One could say the same about you, Mr. Newland,” Gabriella said.

  He nodded appreciatively, and it saddened Gabriella to think how much love this man had been deprived of by his money-hungry family.

  Nancy, who stopped by with a yellow folder in her hands momentarily interrupted the group. “Please forgive me for disturbing your breakfast, but I have some news I’m sure you’d be interested in,” she said hesitantly, her eyes catching Gabriella’s.

  “Pull up a chair,” Peter instructed.

  “At our previous stop, I took a day off to track down a private lab and submit your blood samples and those pills you were taking,” Nancy explained. “They sent the results today, and it’s not good news…”

  “Let me have it plainly then,” Peter said. “I’m dying, aren’t I?”

  “No. On the contrary, your blood samples show that you’re actually a recovering addict on the mend which is probably why you feel so much better.”

  “An addict? That’s impossible. I swear, I’ve never touched drugs in all my life, except for the occasional paracetamol!”

  “Those white pills you were taking were slowly poisoning your system and creating an addiction. Those pills were also responsible for almost stopping your heart and causing your fake death. But once some harmful chemicals drained out of your system, you could recover again.”

  “But those pills were issued to me by the manager,” Peter intoned. “You don’t think they were deliberately trying to kill me, do you?”

  “Well, either kill you, or turn your brain into mush so they could have you committed to a psyche institution.”

  Peter stood, pushing his chair aside. He then began pacing anxiously across the deck. “He wouldn’t…” he mumbled.

  “If you’re trying to convince yourself that Kevin wouldn’t try to kill his own father so he could get ahold of more money, then you’re kidding yourself, Grandfather,” Rachel said.

  Peter shook his head somberly and shuddered as the truth sank in.

  “Every time I visited you, that man would question me for hours to see if I had any knowledge of where you hid your money,” Rachel confessed.

  “That’s the only reason I never told you,” Peter admitted. “It was to protect you—not because I didn’t trust you. I’ve always known I can trust you, Rachel.”

  “I know, Grandpa.”

  “But that treasure map you brought onboard with you really was a treasure map.” Peter smirked at his beloved granddaughter. “And I plan to tell you about the treasure it leads to.”

  “Well, you’ll have plenty of time for that discussion today, Mr. Newland,” Gabriella said. “We’ve organized you an all-expenses paid adventure on Cabo San Lucas. So please, disembark, have a wonderful day, and allow your tour guide to show you some local cuisine, the stunning beaches, or any other site that you wish to enjoy.”

  “Ah, Gabi, my dear, you do not disappoint. I should organize the holiday for you, considering all the trouble my supposed death caused you and your passengers,” Peter said.

  Gabriella waved her hand nonchalantly. “Passengers have been telling me this was the most genuine experience and exciting cruise they’ve ever been on! Though I’m sure others were scared out of their wits, the free buffet seemed to calm their hearts rather drastically.”

  “That’s excellent news, but I’ll make it up to you for all of your help.”

  “You just keep on living, Mr. Newland. And please, don’t be late for our appointment at four.”


  “Thank you for being willing to reschedule our meeting,” Gabriella said. It pained her that Sarah was unwilling to make eye-contact with her. Sebastian and Sarah stood a foot apart. Gabriella sensed they’d been fighting too.

  “I explained things to Billy,” Sarah began awkwardly.

  “And how did he take the news?” Gabriella inquired, impressed that Sarah had finally manned up to the challenge.

  “He just thanked me for the truth and said he could move on with a clear heart.” Sarah shrugged. “I misjudged him. He wasn’t just some creep in love with every woman he laid eyes on. He’s quite a sincere guy.”

  Gabriella nodded. “That he is. I think he saw you and believed he was in love. You have a powerful effect on stray men looking for companionship.”

  Sebastian glanced at Sarah briefly before returning his gaze to his flip-flops.

  “I’ll hand in my resignation so that my relationship with Sebastian won’t cause any further problems for the cruise line.” Although Sarah relayed the words, it was visibly apparent that she did so with a heavy heart. She bit her lip and quickly wiped away the tears sliding down her cheeks.

  “Sarah…” Gabriella clicked her tongue with annoyance, “you’re brilliant at your job. I won’t accept a resignation from you, and I can guarantee that neither will Captain Fischer.”

  “I can’t allow you to make an exception against the relationship rule just for me,” Sarah protested. “It’s not fair to the rest of the crew members. Plus, we all know Sebastian will keep popping up onboard just to see me.”

  “I agree entirely,” Gabriella affirmed. She then leveled her gaze on the young, broody man. “Sebastian, you look like you have something you want to say.”

  “I do.” He nervously cleared his throat. “Mrs. Fischer, could you please talk to your husband about helping me become a member of your crew? I’m willing to take on any job you’re able to offer, even if it means cleaning toilets.”

  “Sebastian, don’t be ridiculous!” Sarah snapped, more tears springing to her eyes.

  “Don’t tell me that pursuing the one excellent thing in my life is ridiculous,” Sebastian retorted passionately. “I have money, success, and anything a man my age could dream of. Yet, I climb into a cold bed alone every night, wishing I could be with you.”

  “But we’ll see each other on the holidays. I can’t let you throw your career away for m

  “And I won’t allow you to throw away what you have here for me,” he countered, “which is far more than a career. You have genuine friends and real family here.” He folded his arms stubbornly and turned his attention back to Gabriella. “So, will you have me onboard?”

  “My husband was very pleased with the resume you sent him last week. He said you’ll gain experience quickly, and he’s happy to approve your enrollment in the school for Fischer crew as soon as you’re ready,” Gabriella announced with a smile, ignoring Sarah’s horrified glare.

  “You knew about all of this?” Sarah shrieked.

  “Not entirely,” Gabriella admitted. “Don’t be angry. I changed my entire life for Nick, and I don’t regret a day. You can’t deny Sebastian the opportunity to do that for you, unless a future with him isn’t really what you desire—in which case you two need to have an extensive discussion…”

  Sarah slumped into a chair and openly wept for several minutes. Sebastian looked like he wanted to cry too.

  Gabriella watched, cursing herself for getting involved without being certain of Sarah’s genuine feelings.

  “Thank you,” Sarah mumbled between sobs and snorts. She then leapt off her chair and flung her arms around Sebastian’s neck, planting a kiss on his lips. “I love you very much and I can’t believe we’ll be able to spend every day together from now on!”

  “I love you too, Sarah,” Sebastian said, grinning in relief, but also looking like he was still biting back tears.

  “Excellent,” Gabriella said and checked her watch. “I’m so glad we came to an agreement. Sarah, you need to hurry and change out of your uniform. I’m officially forcing you to take a day off. You and Sebastian are going snorkeling and then a private beach picnic has been arranged for the two of you on Cabo San Lucas.”


  “It was Sebastian’s idea. Now have some fun!”


  “I don’t believe any of it,” Pamela chuckled heartily as Gabriella relayed the details of the ghost, the missing body, and Peter Newland’s ‘return’ to life.

  “I should have used my favorite dog onboard to sniff him out. Hey Maximus,” Gabriella cooed in a sing-song voice at the big rottweiler at Pamela’s feet. He seemed to raise an eyebrow, as if he understood everything Gabriella had said. Dropping out his tongue, he planted a wet kiss on her cheek.

  “Maximus!” Pamela scolded.

  “Oh, I don’t mind.” Gabriella ruffled his ears before returning to her seat. “There’s one part of the story I’ve neglected to tell you, though,” she admitted somberly. “It doesn’t seem like Peter recalls his evening with you. He seems to think he was dancing with his late wife.”

  “Ahh…” A touch of sadness came through Pamela’s voice. “That is expected when you’re our age.”

  “I’m sorry, Pamela.” Gabriella touched her old friend’s hand. “I’m sure the two of you would hit it off instantly again if I set up a meeting.”

  Pamela laughed. “Oh, no dear, don’t force the matter. It was a magical night up until he supposedly dropped dead at my feet. I’ll just hold on to the good memories, and unless we meet again by chance, let it be.”

  Gabriella nodded slowly, understanding the fragility of an old heart unwilling to endure heartache again. She decided it wasn’t her place to play matchmaker between crew members or passengers anymore. “Well, I’m sure that somehow, you and Peter will bump into each other again.” She winked. “Besides, it’s rarely that Maximus meets a male he doesn’t try to eat every time he comes near you. And Maximus is an excellent judge of character!”

  Chapter 10

  Happy Farewells

  The rest of the cruise drifted by in blissful serenity. Sebastian began his onboard training and worked hard to prove himself worthy of his new job. Rachel and her grandfather were inseparable except every evening where he took Pamela out dancing, just to prove he hadn’t forgotten her and that he had no desire to drop dead a second time. Gabriella had even noticed Billy sidling bravely up to Nancy’s side with a small bouquet of island flowers that he’d scrounged from somewhere. But as with every cruise, it had to end.

  There was genuine sadness in the air as the crowds of passengers slowly disembarked and stepped out onto Californian soil in San Diego. Because of the terror and fear that had gripped the cruise for the first few days, many passengers had formed onboard friendships to help them through the ordeal. They miserably waved goodbye to each other as they floated unwillingly towards their waiting families and friends, promising to stay in touch and do it all again the following year.

  Gabriella’s gaze settled firmly on a group of stern-faced people, wearing dark suits and waiting for a particular man to step off board.

  Kevin Newland and his lawyers.

  She looked up at Peter, who gave a small nod of confirmation that this was indeed his family member armed with an arsenal of lawyers.

  “Kevin,” Peter admonished, through greeting.

  “Peter,” Kevin replied with equal loathing in his voice. “I see you tried to fake your death again. Your foolish and reckless behavior has only made it clearer that you belong back with Manager Betty.”

  Peter’s broad shoulders sagged under the weight of his son’s words.

  “You can’t do that, Kevin!” Rachel snapped.

  “Call me ‘Father’, Rachel! How many times must daddy tell you,” he snarled at his daughter.

  Rachel folded her arms and refused to even look at him.

  “It seems like Kevin is prepared to lock me away for quite some time,” Peter whispered to his granddaughter.

  “Not so fast,” Gabriella interrupted.

  The tall, suited men all glared at her, and Gabriella felt her spirited blood—a gift from her mother—begin to boil. “Peter Newland’s lawyer is here,” she announced confidently. “You’ll find that he has received some new medical information that has come to light.”

  “What is this woman talking about?” Kevin scoffed.

  Gabriella smiled smugly. “We can prove that Peter Newland’s mental condition and decline in health, which you used to have him committed, are no longer a problem.”

  “In other words,” another suited man explained as he stepped into the circle, “Kevin, you can no longer force your father to stay at the old-age facility.”

  “My father signed a contract stating he was unfit to live without medical help, so he will go back! And legally, there’s nothing you can do about it!”

  “Peter,” Gabriella turned to him, “my husband and I would like to offer you a permanent suite onboard our cruise ship. We have a few elderly passengers who’ve retired onboard our ship, and we would like to let you know that you are most welcome to do so too, for as long as you wish. We have a doctor and three qualified nurses onboard, which should fill the needs of your son’s demanding contract.”

  “That’s very kind of you, my dear, but I’m afraid the contract he holds over me stipulates that I need my private nurses, and I cannot ask that of you and your husband. But I am touched by your kindness, Gabi. We’ll find another way, another time.”

  “I think Mrs. Fischer and I found a loophole in your contract, Mr. Newland,” Peter’s lawyer explained with a gleeful glint in his eyes. “The contract didn’t specify that you had to remain in the Californian facility. You’re free, as long as you have a personal nurse to attend to your needs.”

  “I don’t have anyone who would do that for me,” Peter explained.

  “I will,” Rachel chimed. “I can even change my degree to nursing for you.”

  “That won’t be necessary, Rachel,” Gabriella said, smiling reassuringly at her.

  “Hannah?” Peter suddenly spluttered in surprise.

  “Who is this?” Kevin demanded.

  “This is Nurse Hannah. She’s agreed that she is too young to retire,” Gabriella explained.

  “If you’ll hire me, Mr. Newland,” Hannah spoke directly to Peter, “I’d be happy to work
as your personal nurse onboard the cruise ship. Gabriella has organized everything for you.”

  “Yes, a thousand times yes!” Peter erupted through grateful tears. “Anything to escape my evil son and his horde of lawyers!”

  “How dare you!” Kevin Newland screamed at Gabriella. “Who do you think you are, sticking your nose into our family affairs and involving my father’s lawyer?” Kevin took a threatening step towards Gabriella. “I will end you! You have no concept of how awful the flood of court cases will be!”

  “Are you threatening my wife?” Nicolas Fischer spoke calmly, approaching the group and casually removing his captain’s hat.

  “Your wife,” Kevin spat, “is interfering in affairs that don’t concern her.”

  “Don’t talk to my wife like that,” Nicolas ordered forcefully. “If you so much as harass her or any passenger aboard my cruise ship, I will allow my wife to testify before a jury, along with our ship doctor that, by your hand, Peter Newland consumed drugs that were ultimately killing him.”

  “I had lawyers apply a little pressure to your trusted Manager Betty, and she caved, admitting that you were the one who supplied the pills. She kept a paper trail as protection,” Gabriella informed snidely. “So if you try to harm Peter, Rachel, or Hannah, you’re looking at prison time.”

  “You can’t send me to prison,” Kevin said, though the blood had drained from his face. His angry eyes darted furtively to his various lawyers, who all shook their heads.

  Kevin gasped for a few seconds as though battling for air.

  “Oh, and there’s one more thing,” Gabriella added. “Your family will never see a cent of Peter Newland’s money.”

  Peter chortled merrily. “That’s the best part, Kev. I’ve signed a new will and I’m happy to let you know you aren’t featured anywhere on it, and never will be.”

  Kevin looked like he was on the verge of a heart attack. He clutched his chest and panted for air as he tried to grasp the concept that his conniving, dishonest plan had just crumbled because of a stupid, nosey cruise ship captain’s wife.

  The small team of victors cheered as Kevin and his entourage stormed off in defeat.


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