When We Fall

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When We Fall Page 9

by Madeleine Labitan

  "Oh my God, what?!" Her screeching voice almost breaks my eardrums, making me wince.

  Yeah, I can't believe it myself. Not that we'd done more than hanging out. We even slept separately. At least, that’s what I think.

  But as much as I want to clarify that, I’m already nearing my house. "Don't tell my dad about that, okay? I have to go. I'll see you later."


  Not waiting for her to finish, I hang up.

  Dad is nowhere to be found. Duke is the only one who greets me when I step inside the house. Either he’s still sleeping or he’s in his office. Not wanting to chance a run-in, I hurry up to my room to grab a towel and head for the bathroom.

  With any luck, I won't see him until tonight. I can explain my absence last night then. And maybe Dad won't be too pissed off. Although there are no missed calls from him on my phone.

  Huh. Maybe he wasn't even aware that I didn't sleep here? I can only hope.

  Forty minutes later, I’m cautiously padding down the stairs. Forget having breakfast in the kitchen. I'll just grab something on the way to school. I still have time.

  I’m about to open the front door when a voice behind me has me stiffening. "You're not leaving without saying goodbye, are you?"

  Crap. I'm busted.

  Wincing, I whirl around to see my dad. He’s in his pajamas, looking serious and unhappy. Here we go. "Hey, Dad. I thought you were still sleeping," I said lamely.

  "I was up early, as a matter of fact. But I thought you were sleeping, so I went to your room to wake you up. Imagine my surprise when I didn't see you there."

  Yep. Totally busted.

  He folds his arms over his chest. "Where did you sleep last night?"

  "I spent the night at Quinn's," I lie, guilt stabbing at me for doing so.

  I don't lie to my dad often. In fact, I can count on one hand all the times I ever lied. But it's not like I can tell him the truth. It's way worse.

  "And you didn't remember to call?"

  "Actually, I didn't intend to sleep over. I just fell asleep. When I woke up, it was already six in the morning." I wince. "Sorry, Dad. I swear it wasn't intentional."

  At least, that part is true.

  His expression softens a little. "I should ground you."

  "Do what you think is right." That way, my guilt won't be as bad.

  "But you're a responsible kid, and it's not like this thing happens often."

  Great. Now, the guilt has intensified. Dad should have grounded me. I deserve that punishment. He trusts me and he has no idea that I just broke that trust.

  "So I'm giving you a free pass. But just this once," he says in a stern voice. "Don't do it again."

  "Thanks, Dad," I blurt sheepishly, walking over to kiss his cheek.

  I really lucked out on the parent department.



  Sawyer is gone. The empty gaming room and the neatly folded blanket on the couch are proof enough.

  She didn’t even say goodbye. I almost roll my eyes at that. Even in my head, I sound like a whiny teenage girl whose crush disappointed her.

  But damn if I don’t feel that way.

  Last night, she fell asleep on our third movie, looking so peaceful. It didn’t feel right to wake her so I grabbed a blanket and draped it over her before going up to my room. I would have slept on the floor, but I didn’t think she’d feel comfortable to see me sleeping in the same room with her.

  I wanted to have breakfast with her today, so I woke up earlier than I’m used to. After taking a quick shower, I headed downstairs to check on her, only to find her already gone.

  She said I didn’t bore her with my problems, but maybe she was just being polite. Then again, she'd stayed afterwards and hung around.

  Because you asked her to, dumbass.

  Fuck. What the hell was I thinking unloading my problems on her?

  With Peyton, it was just easy to keep them to myself. I tried opening up to her once, but she’d been completely uninterested and said my problems were too depressing for her to listen to.

  But that's not the case with Sawyer. She's different. She listened intently as I droned on about my problems, hanging onto every word I said. Talking to her felt easy. It felt right.

  Now, I’m concerned that I read her wrong.

  This is exactly why I can’t entertain the idea of us together. I have big responsibilities on my shoulders, all thanks to my no-good father. My family—what’s left of it—needs me. I can’t afford to prioritize anything else. Because if I ever get together with Sawyer, there's no doubt she’d be a priority.

  I already have a plan in mind. After I graduate high school, I’m going to settle for a university just an hour away from Holy Oaks, so I can go home every weekend and keep close tabs on Mom and my siblings.

  I intend to hire Janna full-time so she can watch Mom the whole day. And maybe full-time housekeepers as well—we only have a team of cleaners who comes a couple times a week to tidy up the house and get us everything we need—to look after Aria and Ethan.

  It’s not going to be an ideal arrangement. But unless I forego college and decide to stay at home—something I’m tempted to consider—I'm left with no other choice.

  I don't really have other relatives to count on. Not a single one of them gives a fuck about us, having their own dysfunctional families to worry about. A year ago, I made the mistake of reaching out to my father’s brother to get help for Mom’s addiction. Dickhead just laughed and told me to call him again when she finally overdosed so he could attend the funeral.

  What a fucking waste of sperm. And I share a DNA with that guy.

  Pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind, I focus on preparing breakfast—pancakes and bacon today. I've just finished setting them on the table when voices drift from the hall.

  Aria and Ethan are awake.

  Ethan looks sleepy, yawning with his eyes closed. But one glance at the table has him perking up. "Pancakes, nice!"

  "Easy there, bud," I chuckle when he grabs one and shoves half of it into his mouth.

  But I'm not bothered by it. This kid can shove a whole pancake into his mouth without any danger of choking.

  "Sawyer spent the night, huh?" Aria says casually—too casually—as she sits next to Ethan. "I saw her car still in the driveway an hour ago."

  Chewing on a strip of bacon, I keep my mouth shut, schooling my features to remain even.

  "You know your poker face doesn't work on me, right? What's the big deal, anyway? Your exes cheated on the two of you with each other. Which leaves the both of you single and available." She smirks. "It's genius, actually. Like a big 'fuck you' to Liam and Peyton."

  Ethan bounces his eyes between us, suddenly interested in the conversation. "Is Sawyer the girl from yesterday? But I thought you were dating Peyton."

  I glare at my sister.

  She just smiles, completely unapologetic.

  "Sawyer fell asleep in the gaming room last night. I just didn't wake her up. That's it. Get your mind out of the gutter."

  "She's pretty, though," Ethan says.

  Ignoring our brother, Aria narrows her eyes at me. "So you're telling me that you let the girl—the one you've always had a thing for—spend the night without making a move? Honestly, Parker, I never took you for a wuss."

  "I don't know what you're talking about," I grind out, my jaw clenched tight.

  How did Aria find out about that? And, hell, am I seriously fucking blushing right now?

  Being the insensitive pain-in-the-ass sister that she is, Aria snickers. "The fact that your cheeks are red totally disproves that. And stop denying it—I've known about it for a long time." Her grin widens. "You think I wouldn't notice my brother making googly eyes at the same girl for years?"

  "Googly eyes, huh?" Ethan repeats, his mouth filled with bacon. "Does Parker look like this when he does that?" He proceeds to smile demurely and bat his lashes. The little shit.

  Aria ch
uckles. "Not quite, but close."

  "Very funny." I scowl. "Finish your breakfast and get in the shower. You'll be late for school," I bark, which only makes them laugh.

  In school, people know better than to make fun of me. They find me too intimidating to even laugh at my expense. But these two don't even think twice before doing it. They’re more likely to laugh in my face than cower in fear.

  With a scowl, I get up from the table before the two of them decide to gang up on me further.

  But the laughter and kissing noises behind me say it's a wasted effort.

  Why do I even try?



  Loud cheers and whistles ring around the field as one of our players makes a winning touchdown, claiming our school's victory against the rival team. It’s a complete pandemonium as people run toward the middle of the field to join our team's big celebratory huddle.

  From my seat in the bleachers, I watch Peyton run toward Liam and throw her arms around his neck. But I’m not a masochist, so I quickly avert my gaze as Brayden and I hang back, waiting for the crowd to thin before making our way down the bleachers and heading for the parking lot.

  We’re going to head straight to the celebration party where we'll meet with Quinn. It’s hard to find her through the thick crowd, anyway. And I certainly don't want to bump into Liam and Peyton.

  "Think Liam and Peyton will be there?" Brayden asks as if he read my mind, cranking the engine of his car then backing out of the parking lot and speeding off.

  "When did they ever miss a party?"

  Besides, Liam is the star quarterback, the party is basically for him. And it’s a beach bonfire—not at Parker's—so it’s not like they’re not welcome there. No one will drive them away. I just hope it’s big enough for the three of us.

  Arriving at the bonfire party, which is held outside Marc Nelson's—one of the football players—beach house not far from Carson's, my silent wish is answered. It’s already filled with party-goers dancing around a large bonfire and some small ones, red Solo cups littered around them on the sand.

  An upbeat song is booming from the speakers propped up on a long table, and underneath are three beer kegs and a few coolers. All of which will probably only last for a good three hours.

  "There she is!" Brayden yells over the music, pointing at the group of cheerleaders where, sure enough, Quinn is dancing in the midst of.

  As if hearing him shout, she turns our way. Smiling widely, she leaves the group and makes her way toward us. "Why are you guys empty-handed? Where are your drinks?" she hollers.

  "We just got here!" I yell.

  "I'll get us some drinks. Find a spot where we can easily hear each other!" Brayden shouts.

  Laughing, Quinn nods and grabs my hand, leading me through the crowd.

  We stop in front of an abandoned small fire and plop down on the sand. We can still hear the music from here, but we can carry out conversations without yelling in each other's ears.

  Brayden is quick to join us with our drinks, and just when I'm starting to think Quinn already forgot about the phone call that morning, she doesn't waste time bringing it up in the worst way possible. "I can't believe you slept with Parker!"

  Brayden spews out his drink into the ground, then turns to me with his eyes flared wide. "What the hell, Sawyer?"

  Heads from nearby fires whip to us, their eyes wide as they stare at me.

  Oh, God.

  I want the sand to swallow me up right there and then. Feeling my cheeks burn a furious red, I glare at Quinn. "Did you really have to announce it to the whole world?"

  "Sorry." Quinn winces, looking sheepish.

  "FYI, I didn't sleep with him. I just slept at his house. That’s all. Nothing happened."

  "So, you didn't sleep with Parker," Brayden clarifies, doubt lining his voice.


  "No, I didn't. I just spent the night with him. Literally."

  Quinn still looks confused. "But why were you in his house? What were you even doing there?"

  I glance away. "It's a long story."

  It's not like I can tell them about Dianne Holloway. It’s Parker's business, not mine. He's the only one who has every right to talk about her.

  "Oh, come on," Quinn groans. "Don't leave us hanging."

  "I can't. Sorry."

  They spend the next several minutes prying about it, hoping I'll budge. They're just wasting their time. I'm determined to keep my mouth shut.

  But, apparently, I'm the only one who's capable of that in this party. Word about me sleeping with Parker spreads around in no time. Which I learn in horror when whispers and snickers follow me as I make my way toward Marc's house to use the bathroom.

  "Hey, Sawyer, does this mean you and Peyton are even now?" one guy hollers, making his whole group laugh and whistle.

  This is bad. This is really, really bad.

  Gritting my teeth, I keep my eyes straight, refusing to meet anyone's gaze and answer malicious questions being thrown at me as I walk past.

  I’m almost at the front door when Liam suddenly appears, blocking my way. He’s wearing his letterman jacket and a furious expression. "Is it true?"

  "Is what true?" I pretend not to know what he’s talking about.

  "You and Parker…" He trails off and closes his eyes, as if it’s hard for him to continue. "Did you really sleep with him?"

  What the hell? And seriously? He has the nerve to demand like he has the right?

  "Get out of the way, Liam." I’m not going to bother explaining to him. I don't owe him anything. When he remains still, I simply walk around him.

  "I asked you a question!"

  "She didn't want to answer it." Parker's hard voice freezes me on the front steps. "So why don't you fuck off and leave her alone?"

  Whirling around, I catch him locked with Liam in a stare down. Where did he come from?

  That’s when I notice that the music has already stopped, and a crowd is starting to gather in front of the house. We’re making a scene now.

  "What's going on?" Peyton shoulders her way to the front. When her eyes find me, she glares. "What did you do now?"

  Like it’s my fault.

  Ignoring her, I grind out to the two guys still glaring at each other, "Can you knock it off? Everyone's already staring."

  "Let it be, Pretty Girl. This has to happen."

  I whip my head over my shoulder to see Jamie, Bennett and Giovanni standing behind me. I scowl at their relaxed stances. "You're just going to let them beat each other up?"

  "No, sweetheart," Giovanni chuckles darkly. "We're going to let Parker beat the dickhead up. We already stopped him the first time. We're not going to hold him back now."

  "Yo, P," Bennett calls out with a laugh. "Show him who's boss, yeah?"

  Unbelievable. My lips press into a tight line as I spin back around, catching Liam glaring at his former friends before directing it at Parker. "You're the one who should stay away from Sawyer. She's mine."

  That has my mouth falling in disbelief. What the hell? Did he just claim me like I’m his property?

  "Now, he's really asking for a beating," Jamie sneers.

  "Rich of you to stake a claim after cheating on her," Parker drawls. "What, did my sloppy seconds bore you already?"

  "Oh, shit," Bennett cackles. "He's not fucking around."

  "Go to hell, Parker," Peyton hisses, blushing from the ooohs and laughter ringing from the crowd, then turns to Liam, "Liam, let's go."

  But she goes ignored again. Both guys refuse to back down and walk away.

  "Fuck you and your high horse, Parker," Liam spits. "You act like you're so much better than everyone else when we both fucking know your life is absolute shit." A vicious smirk breaks out on his face. "Absentee dad, junkie m—"

  Liam isn’t able to finish what he’s saying. A punch meets his face, causing him to stumble and fall on his ass.

  I stand above him, adrenaline coursing through me, my right
hand throbbing from the impact. Because I just did that—I suckerpunched Liam.

  "Oh my God!" someone screams—probably Peyton. "Are you out of your mind?!"

  "Holy shit!" someone howls—likely Bennett.

  But I can't be sure. I can barely hear anything past the thundering of the pulse in my ears. Just as my knees start to buckle, someone grabs my hand and pulls me away from the scene. Dazedly, I simply go along with them.

  I punched my ex-boyfriend. That really happened. My aching hand is proof of that. I don't know what came over me in that moment, but I can't find myself regretting it even for one second.

  "Get out." The order comes from a deep, masculine voice beside me.

  That’s when I realize that it was Parker who took me from the scene and led me straight to the kitchen.

  The few who are there quickly scramble off at his command.

  When it’s just the two of us, he pulls out a chair and motions for me to sit. When I do, he mutters, "Wait here," before walking off to the fridge in the corner. What’s he going to do?

  "Oh my God, Sawyer, are you okay?" Quinn comes barreling into the kitchen with a worried look on her face, drawing my attention.

  Behind her is Brayden who’s grinning from ear to ear. "I can't believe you punched Liam."

  I give him a faint smile. "That makes two of us."

  Pulling up a chair, Quinn sits next to me and holds my hand—thankfully, the one that isn’t aching. "This is all my fault." She shoots a look in Parker's direction and lowers her voice. "I shouldn't have grilled you about last night."

  "Here." Parker is right in front of me again before I can respond to Quinn, handing over a frozen bag of peas.

  I wrinkle my nose at it. "What's that for?"

  He sighs impatiently. "It can help with the ache and prevent your knuckles from swelling. Take it."

  I roll my eyes at his domineering command but grab it from him just the same, gently pressing it against the back of my hand and hissing at the chilly touch on my skin.

  "Do you want us to take you to the hospital?" Brayden asks, wincing as he stares at my affected hand.

  I shake my head. "There's no need for that. I didn't even break any bones."


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