When We Fall

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When We Fall Page 17

by Madeleine Labitan

  But instead of finding an empty table, we head to the nearest exit, passing by Bennett and Giovanni who are wrapped up in togas—which looks to be fashioned out of bed sheets—and too busy flirting with girls dressed in skimpy outfits to pay attention to us.

  I haven't seen Jamie yet, but he's probably with Carson somewhere, who I've spotted a while ago in a stunning Cleopatra costume.

  "Um, where are we going?" Not that I'm complaining. I'd go with him anywhere.

  "I've reached my dancing limit," he says matter-of-factly as we walk down the quiet path out back, making me grin and him blinking in return. "What?"

  My heart flutters. "You danced for me."

  A small smile tugs at the corner of his lips but he doesn't say anything, staying silent until we reach the garden alcove, which is artfully decked with different kinds of paper lanterns probably meant to scare but ended up giving the place a romantic glow instead.

  Suddenly, I'm hyper aware of the fact that we're very much alone. What are you going to do about it?

  "So, is this your idea of going somewhere nice and private?" I say lightly even as anticipation coils deep in my belly.

  Parker sits down on the long bench, still not saying anything. When he lifts his eyes to mine, I almost stagger at the heat I see in them. "Come here," he murmurs, his voice low and gravelly.

  I suck in a shaky breath, my heart thudding against my chest as my feet mindlessly move toward him until I'm standing between his legs.

  He doesn't waste time. He pulls me onto his lap and tunnels his fingers in my hair in one swift move, slamming his lips against mine.

  A soft moan escapes me, my arms winding around his neck and my lips parting open to welcome his assault.

  Right here, in this moment, neither of us care about the makeup on my face that can smear onto his. I don't even remember how and when he managed to remove his fake fangs before kissing me.

  The kiss becomes heated as it goes on, the temperature around us growing hot, making my nipples tighten against the fabric of my dress and my skin impossibly feverish. Suddenly, I want more. I need more.

  Surprising myself, I move to straddle his lap, earning a low growl of approval from him, the sound igniting my blood and causing heat to pool between my legs.

  If Parker dips his fingers inside my panties, he'll find me wet and ready. For him. And only for him.

  Desperately needing release, I start to move my hips. Slowly, I grind my core against his hard cock—his pants and the thin material of my panties are the only barrier between us. And the resulting friction sends delicious pleasure rocking through me, making me whimper.

  "Fuck," Parker hisses, his lips dislodging from mine.

  "Oh, my God," I pant, throwing my head back as I move faster, grinding harder against him.

  Someone from the party can walk out here and see us, but I can't find myself to care. I'm too lost, too intoxicated in the moment to worry about getting caught.

  With a groan, he brings his lips to the hollow of my neck, biting at the skin there, heightening the delicious pleasure coursing through me. "Jesus, Sawyer. You drive me so fucking crazy." He kisses me hard as his hand slips under my dress, cupping me through my soaked panties. "Already wet," he murmurs then presses two fingers against my center, rubbing delicious circles on my clit.

  "Parker, please," I whimper, his name a desperate plea from my lips.

  Answering my need, he shoves my panties aside and slides two fingers inside me.

  Moaning loudly, I dig my fingers into his shoulders, my eyes rolling back in my head, my toes curling in my heels.

  "So fucking beautiful. So fucking mine." His dark, hooded gaze remains fixed on mine even as his unrelenting fingers pump hard and fast into me, pushing me higher with each stroke.

  Then I start to feel it—the overwhelming sensations inside me coiling, tightening until they explode, crashing over me in waves and racking through every nerve in my body.

  "Holy shit," I whisper a few moments later after climbing down from my orgasm, my chest rising and falling rapidly against Parker's whose heartbeat matches mine. "I can't believe that just happened."

  "Are you having any regrets?" Parker asks in a quiet voice.

  Lifting my head from the crook of his neck, I meet his dark, wary gaze and shake my head. "Of course not. How can I regret that?"

  He stares at me, as if searching my eyes for the lie. If he's looking for it, he won't find any. I told him the truth. I don't regret what happened. How can I? It was nothing but perfect.

  Brushing his lips against mine, he murmurs, "Good."

  Pulling back a little, I bite my lip to stifle a grin. "You should look in a mirror right now."

  "Let me guess, your makeup is all over my face."

  I nod, giggling. "Come on. Let's get you cleaned up before we get back to the party." Getting off his lap, I'm about to walk off when I notice that Parker isn't moving from the bench.

  "Give me a few minutes," he says in a strained voice.

  My brows pull together in concern. "What's wro—" My words cut off as my eyes flick downward, to the noticeable bulge in his pants. "Oh." Even after the orgasm I just had, I can still feel my cheeks burning.

  He chuckles uneasily. "Yeah."

  I chew on my bottom lip. "Want me to take care of that?"

  He shoots me a baffled look. "What?"

  My face is practically beet red but I soldier on. "I mean, it's only fair, right?"

  His lips curve in a wide smile, the gorgeous sight of him making my heart skip a beat. "Fuck, you're adorable." Rising to his feet, he stalks over to me and cups my face in his hands, planting a hard kiss on my lips that makes my toes curl. With a low groan, he pulls away. "Let's get out of here before I decide to take you up on your offer."

  "Then why don't you?" I challenge.

  Parker stares at me.

  Swallowing my nerves, I tip my chin up. "Screw the party. Take me home."

  I don't know what came over me that made me suddenly so bold. Maybe it's the romantic vibe of the alcove. Maybe it's the lingering effect of the orgasm I just had. Or maybe it's simply because of the fact that I want nothing more than to experience the whole thing with him.

  Parker isn't Liam. I'm not going to wait for two freaking years. Honestly, I don't think I can even if I try.

  But the conflicted look on his face doesn't bode well for me. Is there something stopping him?


  A shadow crosses over his features, and I already know what he's going to say before he opens his mouth. "Maybe some other time."

  But the words still feel like a slap to the face, stabbing at my chest like a knife. So this is what rejection feels like.

  It feels like crap.

  "Come on. Let's go back inside before your friends start looking for you." Then he strides off without waiting for a response, without so much as a backward glance.

  I feel the knife driving itself deeper in my chest.



  "Gotcha! You're dead," Milo excitedly whoops as his character delivers his final blow, effectively knocking out mine for the round.

  "Oh, no," I fake groan, setting the controller down on the marble floor next to me. "You got me again."

  He narrows his eyes at me. "I don't know if you really suck today or you're just making me win."

  "Dude, it's Sawyer. When did she ever win this game?" Justin, his twin brother, snickers from the couch behind us.

  I'm pretty sure Bennett will beg to disagree. "Wow, harsh."

  He just shrugs, as if to say what can you do?

  I shake my head, biting back a smile, and get up to my feet. I came over to the Peters' house to hang out with my best friend, but once again the twins managed to coax me into playing Street Fighter with them. Quinn always jokes that I'm such a pushover when it comes to the boys, but I know for a fact that she's the same—probably even worse considering they're her brothers.

  I honestly don't m
ind. I've always wanted a baby brother. Sadly, Mom hadn't been able to conceive a third time. It would've been great to have a younger sibling to dote on.

  Stepping out of the family room, I make my way to the pool area where Quinn is already waiting for me.

  She's in one of the chaise lounges, wearing a floral romper, her face framed by a pair of gray Prada sunglasses. There's a small smile on her lips as she fiddles with her phone.

  "Texting someone?" I say by way of greeting as I sit on the chair across from her.

  "No one. Just checking Twitter," she responds quickly—too quickly—before setting her phone down on the table where two glasses of strawberry shakes are sitting. "Thought you'd never join me here."

  I grab a glass and take a sip. "Blame your brothers. They wouldn't let me leave."

  Quinn scoffs. "Like you don't enjoy hanging out with them."

  "Well, that too," I chuckle.

  "So," a mischievous grin forms on Quinn's lips, "You were barely at the party last night. You and Parker basically disappeared on us. Where did he take you?"

  "Nowhere. We just went outside and took a walk."

  "Uh-huh. Is 'took a walk' euphemism for somewhere private?" She waggles her brows at me.

  My cheeks heat up as memories of last night flash through my mind. How I acted so eager and willing in Parker's arms. How I'd been too wrapped up in him to care about anything else.

  Quinn throws her head back and laughs. "Oh, my God. You totally did, you hussy."

  My cheeks flame harder. "Shut up."

  She turns on her chair to face me, propping her chin with her hands. "Well? I need details. Did you guys finally go all the way? Was he any good?"

  Her questions make me groan out loud. Why did I ever tell her that Parker and I hadn't had sex yet?

  "Tell me," she demands.

  I glare at her. "We didn't get that far, okay?"

  "You mean you haven't let him pop your cherry yet?" Quinn shudders right after saying that. "I just heard myself. Please don't ever let me say those words again."

  "Whatever, crazy," I laugh, shaking my head. "And to answer your question—no, we haven't had sex yet." I make sure to lower my voice at the word.

  "What are you waiting for?" She shoots me an incredulous look. "Ugh. Don't say you're going to be all prude again and make him wait like you did with Liam."

  "Of course not," I argue. "And who said I was being prude with Liam?"

  "Sawyer, you've been with the guy for two years."

  "So? It still doesn't prove anything." Quinn is about to say something so I quickly add, "I swear it wasn't the case at all. It just felt like something was holding me back, you know?"

  Her brows pull together in a frown. "Maybe subconsciously you knew that he'd been cheating on you with Peyton?"

  I'd like to echo that sentiment, but I was completely in the dark about what had been going on with Liam and Peyton. I had no idea at all. So I doubt that was the case.

  Maybe the truth was, my feelings for Liam didn't run as deep as I thought. Maybe that was the reason why I hadn't been inclined to take that next step.

  Or maybe, just maybe, deep down I knew he wasn't the right guy for me.

  Instead of voicing out my thoughts, I simply shrug my shoulders.

  "What about Parker?"

  "What about him?"

  "Is something holding you back with him, too?"

  My lips break out in a grin. "Not at all. If anything, I can't wait to finally do it with him."

  "Then what's keeping you from jumping his bones?"

  It's not me that's the problem. "I think he wants to wait."

  Quinn blinks and stares at me for a long moment that I almost think she didn't hear me. But then she lets out a shriek of laughter. She laughs until she's practically tearing up and clutching her sides.

  I scowl. "Are you done?"

  Wiping the tears in her eyes, she chokes out. "Parker Holloway is making you wait? Oh my God, this is amazing."

  "There's nothing amazing about it at all," I grumble under my breath, Parker's words from last night still fresh in my mind. His rejection still stings.

  Things have been tense between us after that. I was no longer in the mood to go back to the party so I just asked him to take me home. He didn't even refuse, let alone convince me to stay a little longer. In fact, he looked a little relieved and more than happy to end the night early. We didn't even talk during the drive home and barely said our goodbyes when I climbed out of his car.

  What was supposed to be a perfect night ended up being a big disappointment. All because I wanted us to finally have sex. Any other guy would jump at the chance of sleeping with his girlfriend. But not Parker. Instead of saying yes, he refused and acted distant.

  Why does it feel like he's holding back and keeping me at arm's length? Is it because of what happened with Peyton? He's scared that I'll do the same to him? That's never going to happen. I've gone through the same with Liam. Hell, I was right there with him. So how could he possibly think that?

  It's not lost on me that I'm making unfounded assumptions. The thing is I've been asking myself these questions since last night. It's mainly the reason why I came over to Quinn's. I wanted to stop obsessing about them.

  And you're doing a good job of that, so far.

  With a sigh, I shove those thoughts to the back of my head, deciding to talk them out with Parker as soon as I see him. It's too much of an issue for me to simply bottle it up.

  I just don't know how to bring it up, especially because I haven't heard from him since he drove me home. What, is he waiting for me to reach out first?

  Not for the first time today, frustration wells inside me at the thought.

  Growling inwardly, I shove it down and focus my attention back to Quinn. "Enough about me. Anything interesting happened to you and Brayden at the party?"

  "Not with me," she says but the slight blush on her face and the way she's not meeting my eyes don't escape me. But before I can grill her, she quickly adds. "But I think Brayden is hooking up with Kyle Hawthorne."

  "Kyle Hawthorne?" I repeat, remembering the guy I saw him with at Parker's party. Are they one and the same? "Tell me about it."

  Quinn proceeds to give me the details and for a while I forget about Parker. Well, almost.



  I slow to a stop when I notice Parker standing at my locker on Monday morning. His eyes are downcast, his hands stuffed into his pockets. And he looks like he'd rather be anywhere else than there.

  My lips thin in annoyance. I didn't ask him to do such a thing, so why does he look like he was forced into it? The annoyance spikes when I remember how he practically gave me radio silence over the weekend—no calls, no texts, not even a lame "hey" through any of the social channels we're connected with.

  Squaring my shoulders, I keep my face neutral and walk up to my locker.

  He raises his head when I stop in front of him, the torment in his eyes has me sucking in a harsh breath.

  And I'm suddenly assaulted by the need to know what's wrong, to comfort him. "Parker?"

  But then he blinks and the emotion is gone, replaced by a small smile. "Peaches."

  My heart thuds against my chest at that one word before I remember that I'm supposed to be pissed. With a scowl, I snap, "Can you move?"

  He frowns a little at that but quietly steps aside.

  I can feel his gaze on me as I retrieve books from my locker and I try hard to ignore it.

  "You're mad at me."

  No shit, Sherlock.

  Shutting the door of my locker, I hug my books to my chest and turn to face him. "Gee, I wonder why."

  His lips pull up at the corners, as if I just said something amusing. As if he finds the whole thing amusing.

  "Unbelievable," I mutter. Then with a glare, I whirl around and walk off, leaving him no choice but to follow.

  In typical Parker fashion, he manages to match my steps in no time, demanding,
"Tell me why."

  He wants me to spell it out? What, so I can humiliate myself once again? Hadn't I been vulnerable enough in front of him?

  I don't say anything, refusing to answer his demand.

  Which doesn't sit well with him. He grabs my arm and pulls me to the side, frustration lining his beautiful features. "What do you want from me?"

  Damn him.

  I purse my lips, averting my gaze. "Nothing. I just really want to get to class."

  "Peaches," Parker warns in a low tone.

  I glare at him. "What do you want me to say? That I'd been hurt by your rejection? And when you proceeded to ignore me for days, it hurt even more?"

  Tears prick my eyes but I blink them away before he can notice. I can't cry right now. It's bad enough that I'm reminding him about that night. Crying would only make things even more mortifying.

  His jaw clenches and something like remorse flashes in his eyes.

  "But you know what? Don't worry. It's not a big deal anymore. I got over it." Liar! Ignoring the mocking voice in my head, I step away from Parker.

  But then his next words stop me on my tracks. "You're right. I've been an asshole."

  I fold my arms over my chest. "Glad we're on the same page." Since he's owning up to what he did, I'm not going to pretend to be casual about it anymore.

  His lips twitch, but he has the good sense not to smile this time. Clearing his throat, he tells me, "I shouldn't have let the night end the way it did."

  I arch a brow. "And?"

  "I should've done more. I shouldn't have hurt you. I was an idiot," he murmurs, brushing a stray hair out of my face. "Forgive me?"

  I want to stay angry at him, to demand a little more groveling, but his mere touch easily melts my resolve.

  Damn him.

  My face must be showing conflicting emotions because he steps closer then, cupping it in his hands, making my eyes flutter shut. "Let me make it up to you."

  How can I ever resist this guy?

  I bite back a smile. "What do you have in mind?"


  Apparently, Parker's idea of making up for what he did is taking me to Russo's, the Italian restaurant owned by Giovanni's family located across town.


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