Randar (Intergalactic Soulmates Book 1)

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Randar (Intergalactic Soulmates Book 1) Page 11

by Annabelle Rex

  “I would never have signed up for the Match program myself. I wasn’t brave enough - but not for the reasons you’re probably thinking.”

  Then she looked directly at him, and it was like everyone else in the room faded away, and it was just the two of them, alone in their apartment, talking over a glass of wine.

  “It wasn’t the thought of leaving my home to travel across the stars, or that I would be Matched with someone who wasn’t even the same species as me.” She took a breath, containing an anger he knew wasn’t directed at him. “It was because I didn’t think that anybody in the Universe could possibly want me.

  “Women in the modern world are told every day that they aren’t enough. We’re too tall, too short, too fat, too thin, too clever, not clever enough, need to wear make up, wear too much make up, don’t stand up for ourselves, are too bossy. Since I was a little girl, I have been internalising feelings of inadequacy, exacerbated by the fact that I am tall, I am noticeable in a crowd, and it’s made me into an adult full of insecurity and lacking confidence.

  “So I am glad that my friend Chelsea drunkenly signed me up to the Match Program, because if she hadn’t, I probably would have spent my entire life feeling that way. I would probably have considered myself lucky to end up with a man like Andrew Carter. A man who knows just how to belittle you in one breath while giving you scraps in the form of a backhanded compliment with the next. A man who’ll stroke you with the hand that bears his wedding ring and tell you he ‘likes a big girl’, while smiling at you like his behaviour ought to please you, not disgust you. A man like Andrew Carter who can’t imagine that anyone wouldn’t want to have sex with him. Who thinks that his attentions aren’t nasty and unwanted, but a privilege to receive.

  “A man like Andrew Carter who takes it upon himself to research you, to find out something that can be weaponised against you, and delights in doing so. Who must have hacked into my phone to know everything that he knew, something he ought to be ashamed of. But our society is so messed up, my ‘shame’ of not signing up to the Match Program, for going along with it anyway, for daring to enter a relationship with someone not my species, carries more weight than an illegal invasion of my privacy.”

  She took another deep breath. The silence in the room was absolute.

  “So, yes, I didn’t sign up for the Match Program, but I thank my lucky stars every day Chelsea did it for me. Because thanks to her I met a man who makes me feel like I’m not only good enough, that I’m more than that. Who treats me with respect, is interested in what I have to say and wants me to be happy. A man who looks at me like he’s the lucky one.”

  Randar didn’t think it was possible for his heart to beat any harder than it was. He wanted to rip through the crowd and sweep her up in his arms and kiss her, audience be damned. Cael caught his eye from across the room, grinning broadly.

  “But if you want to know any more than that, at least buy me a goddamn drink first,” Angela said, then marched away from the speechless Humans who’d attempted to ambush her, Chelsea following a couple of steps behind her, straight towards him.

  “I should have told you about the whole ‘didn’t sign up for the Match program’ thing,” she said, under her breath, though everyone was abuzz with conversation now, and Randar doubted she’d be overheard. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, I’m sorry for thinking for even a second that it made any difference,” he said, drawing her to him, pressing his lips to her forehead, wishing he didn’t have to be so chaste. “You don’t have to stay here if you don’t want to. I can have a car pick you up, take you home.”

  “Which home would that be?” she said, flashing him a smile.

  “Whichever home you prefer.”

  Angela stepped back from him, looking to Chelsea, then back to him. “I think I’ll stay,” she said.

  “Really?” Chelsea sounded as surprised as Randar felt.

  “Well,” she said, shrugging one shoulder. “I was having a nice evening before Andrew Carter tried to screw it up. I don’t want to let him win. Besides-“ she gave a wicked grin “-I’m pretty sure I’m not going to be short of people buying me drinks.”

  Chelsea burst out laughing, hooking her arm through Angela’s.

  “We’re beautiful and wonderful,” Chelsea said.

  “And that’s just our shoes,” Angela replied.

  “Don’t worry, big guy,” Chelsea said, glancing back over her shoulder at Randar. “I’ve got your girl covered tonight. You can get back to work.”

  “Have fun,” Randar said.

  Angela turned back to him just long enough to say, “I’ll save a little fun for you later.”

  “You are an incredibly lucky man,” Cael said, appearing at Randar’s side.

  Randar watched as Angela and Chelsea made their way to the bar, laughing together.

  “So incredibly lucky,” he said.


  “ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THIS?” ANGELA said, hand resting atop the suitcase she’d just got done packing. “I don’t want you to feel you have to take time away from your duty for me. I know how important it is to you.”

  Randar crossed the room, raising a hand to her face, brushing his thumb over her lips in a way that made her eyes flutter shut, a sigh escaping as her lips parted, ready to be kissed. It had been over a week since they’d first slept together, and his effect on her libido hadn’t diminished at all.

  “I’m sure, and even if I wasn’t, Cael is. He is determined to get rid of me.”

  “I thought he didn’t like the other body guard?”

  “He doesn’t. The fact that he’s willing to spend two weeks confined to the Station with Garrix is a measure of how keen he is for us to have this time.”

  Angela gave a small laugh, dropping her head so it rested against his chest. His arms went round her automatically, warm and strong and so comforting.

  “Besides, we’ll still be working. Testing this new hotel is something Cael wants done. This way, we’re getting a bit of alone time and continuing with our duties,” Randar said.

  Our. Angela liked that.

  After her little speech at the gala, Angela had been in high demand as a spokesperson for the program. Suddenly, newspapers, magazines and websites had a Human face to go to, and they wanted to know everything about Angela and her budding relationship. It was a lot of pressure, and it could be quite intrusive. Another reason why Angela was glad to be getting some time just for the two of them.

  “I’ve never been to the Seychelles before,” she said, withdrawing from his arms to grab her jacket from the wardrobe. All her clothes had been moved in to Randar’s suite now. Well, most of them. She had rather too many for a Station suite - even if it was the largest. So she’d spent an enjoyable afternoon with the girls going through her wardrobe, picking out only the things that made her feel gorgeous, and giving the rest to charity.

  “I understand it’s a desirable place to visit,” Randar said, picking up the brochure for the hotel they’d been given, flicking through the pictures of sandy beaches and blue seas. “If you wear garments like these, I definitely approve.”

  He turned the magazine to show her a picture of a very much daintier woman wearing a bikini. Two weeks ago, Angela’s stomach would have knotted, her body shrunk in on itself at the thought of wearing a bikini in public, but now she just laughed.

  “I couldn’t decide which of mine I liked the most,” she said, “so I packed all of them.”

  Orange glowed on Randar’s cheeks as he smiled approvingly. “Ready?”

  Angela looked to the suitcase, and the day bag beside it, then nodded. “Ready.”

  They took the shuttle direct to the Seychelles. It seemed excessive to have one of the limited number of shuttle ports on such a small island, but if it was to become a hot tourist destination for the Intergalactic Community, they had to have shuttle access. Human transport just wasn’t fit for certain species - Randar included. The idea of him trying to squeeze into a little
prop plane had Angela both amused and terrified.

  When they stepped out, a warm blast of air greeted them, along with brilliant sunlight. Angela slipped on her sunglasses and turned her face up to the sunshine, basking in its warmth.

  “This reminds me of Karrath,” Randar said, shielding his eyes with his hands as he looked around. “One day I’ll have to take you to my homeworld, introduce you to my family.”

  He put an arm round her as he said it, drawing her in to his side.

  The hotel was only a short walk from the shuttle port. The full complex wouldn’t be finished for another few months, but they’d opened up the front of the hotel, and two of the three outdoor pools. Most of the rooms were intended for Human visitors, but there were rooms dotted throughout the hotel that catered for the more varied needs of the Intergalactic Community.

  The member of staff on the front desk didn’t so much as blink as Angela approached with Randar, greeting them with professionalism as he directed them to the specialist room put aside for them. They rode in the oversized elevator all the way to the top floor.

  “First test,” Angela said as she slid the keycard into the door handle. “Is the bed big enough?”

  They’d been given a luxury apartment with sea views. As soon as they stepped in, Angela could feel the sea breeze coming in through the open French doors that lead out onto an expansive balcony, complete with large chairs. The living space was also suitably big, with comfortable looking sofas and stylish décor. Angela poked her head round the bathroom, spying a luxurious looking tub, before heading to the bedroom.

  “Hmm, I think this will do,” Angela said, standing before the enormous bed. “Hey, what are you doing?”

  Randar had put the suitcases down, and was starting to remove his top.

  “You said the first test was if the bed was big enough,” he said, holding her gaze as he pulled his t-shirt out of his trousers.

  “I’m pretty confident it’s big enough just by looking at it,” Angela said, her mouth going dry at the sight of Randar’s abs, and the way his arm muscles moved as he raised them over his head to pull his t-shirt off.

  “If there isn’t enough room for me to pleasure my woman on it, the bed isn’t big enough,” Randar said, tossing his t-shirt to one side and stalking over to her.

  Angela took a sharp breath as he pulled her flush against his body, her hands settling against his chest as he wrapped his around her.

  “So, are you ready to give it a thorough testing?” he said, lowering his head to speak the words into her ear, his breath tickling over her neck and making her shiver.

  “How thorough, exactly?” she said, leaning closer in to him. She could feel his erection pressing against her, filling her with need.

  “I’m thinking two orgasms, at least. Maybe three.” He grazed his teeth against her neck, then sucked gently at the point where neck met shoulder, hands moving to unbutton her shorts, pushing them down.

  “Very thorough, then,” she said. “I suppose it is our duty.”

  “Oh, yes,” Randar said, removing her panties, then probing at her core with his fingers. “And you know how dedicated I am to my duty.”

  He slipped a finger inside her, making her gasp. Angela unbuttoned her blouse and unhooked her bra, removing both so she was naked in his arms. Then, with a surprising suddenness, he picked her up and threw her on to the bed.

  Angela laughed as she landed in a heap in the middle of the huge expanse of mattress. Randar chuckled as he unhooked his trousers, removing them along with his underwear.

  “On your hands and knees,” he said.

  Angela obliged him. It was not a position she would have willingly got in to for anyone before him. She would have felt too self-conscious, too ridiculous. But as the mattress dipped with Randar’s weight behind her, she only felt desire and desired, and as his hand slid over her back, exploring her skin before slipping in to her hair, she sighed with contentment.

  “So beautiful,” Randar said, as he pressed his cock to her entrance. “So hot and tight.”

  He thrust himself inside her, releasing a guttural groan as he did so. Angela loved the sound of him taking pleasure in her. It heightened her own sensations, her pleasure increasing in the knowledge of his.

  “Fuck me,” she moaned, needing him, wanting him with a ferocity she wouldn’t have thought possible.

  His hips started pumping in to hers, and Angela knew if it were dark, she would be bathed in the orange light of his scales.

  Soon they were both gasping, Randar’s hands gripping her hips as he drove into her, the two of them sweaty and breathless from the intensity of their coupling. Angela moaned as Randar guided her expertly towards her release, holding her at the edge of the precipice before sending her over, her body quivering with pleasure. Another few thrusts and Randar followed, collapsing to the side and pulling her with him so her body was tucked against his. The scent of his sweat and their sex surrounded her with his arms, intoxicating. It made Angela feel primal.

  “Are you satisfied so far?” Randar asked, his voice a husky murmur in her ear.

  “Very satisfied,” she said. “The bed is both sufficiently spacious and comfortable. Though, I think we should definitely conduct more rigorous testing before submitting our final assessment.”

  She felt the rumble of Randar’s laugh against her back. He pressed his lips to her neck, squeezing her tight in his arms a moment.

  “I’m so glad to have met you, my Match,” he said. “Even if your species has strange sign-waving practises and many leaders that can’t be trusted.”

  “Mm, if we trusted our leaders, maybe we wouldn’t need to wave so many signs,” Angela said, shifting in his arms so she could face him. “I have a question.”

  “What about?”

  “About language.”

  “Language? I’m intrigued.”

  “It’s just… you call me your Match,” she said. “I was wondering if Karrathun thought about relationships in the same way as Humans. If you have the concept of love.”

  Randar smiled. “That word gave our initial teams no end of trouble. So many different applications and contexts.”

  “I’m talking specifically about the relationship between two consenting adults type. Where they feel a deep emotional connection to each other. That sort of love.”

  Randar brushed his fingers over her hair, tenderness in the gesture, and his gaze. “It’s not really something we give a word to,” he said. “Things like that… we leave it to the colours.”

  “What colour is love?”

  “What colour do you think?”

  She traced her fingers over the scales at his chest, colours spiralling beneath her fingers. Orange desire and green happiness and mixing in among them, a deep purple. The colour she’d first seen on his face when she’d given her speech at the gala over a week ago, the one that had been creeping in to his scales more and more often.

  “I love you,” she said, pressing her lips to his.

  He didn’t respond. She didn’t need him to.

  The purple blooming across his scales was answer enough.


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  About the Author

  ANNABELLE REX HAS LOVED ALL THINGS space since she first watched Star Wars as a little girl. She writes steamy sci-fi romances featuring lovable alien heroes and the women they want to claim for their own.





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