Curse of Night

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Curse of Night Page 5

by T C Galinari

  “You’ve been out for three days. You’ve had a few people checking on you day and night, but since you’re up here in the ICU, they haven’t been able to stay with you for more than a few minutes at a time.”

  Three days?!

  “How have I been out for three days?” I question as my mind races.

  “You went into a coma. We’re not sure what happened, but now that you’re awake again, I’m sure the doctors will want to run more tests. Now, rest and get some real sleep.” With those instructions given, they both head for the door, turning the lights down once again.

  I’ve been out for three days? How the hell is that possible? My dream! In my dream, I was bitten.

  And on that freaky thought, I shift in the bed and try to get comfortable. One of the nurses returns with water and ice chips but quickly takes her leave once she moves the bedside table over so I can reach everything. In hopes of soothing my throat, I take a sip of the water. Even though the water is cold, it still hurts as it goes down.

  Thirst somewhat quenched, I place the cup on the table and settle back into the pillow, attempting to go back to sleep. With a long exhale, I relax into another one of my freaky ass nightmares. Mind you, not all of my dream walks turn into nightmares, but it’s about fifty-fifty if I’m being honest. And typically, Giselle is in them. The last one, however, put me into the coma I just came out of, so I’m a little leery this time.

  After what feels like an hour, hunger sets in, and I try to get out of bed, hitting my head on something hard. Shifting in the bed, I bump into something else on my right and try again on the left.

  Why can’t I get up?

  With a glance around the room, all I see is darkness, which leaves me questioning whether I’m asleep or awake. The one difference between when I awoke from the coma and now is that I can’t hear any beeping sounds from the machines in my hospital room. Sliding my hands up and down my arms, I feel for wires and find none.

  So…not in the hospital. Where am I then?

  Needing confirmation of where I am, I start running my hands around, searching for a way out of this thing I’m trapped in when it hits me that I’m literally lying in a large, padded wooden box.

  Why the hell am I in a box?

  "Ha, ha. Very funny, guys," I call out.

  It would be just like James, Seth, and Marc, Luke’s brothers, and my closest friends, to put me in a box as a joke after what happened. How Luke is related to them is beyond me.

  "Assholes, let me out!" I yell as I bang on the padding. “This isn’t funny.”

  Between one breath and the next, I stop pounding.

  Wait…why would they put me in a padded box? They’re assholes, but this is over-the-top, even for them.

  Uneasiness settles over me. Using both my hands and feet, I feel around once again trying to figure out how big this container I’m in is, and it dawns on me. I’m not in a box. I’m in a coffin.

  I'm in a coffin! Holly shit! How did I get here? Why am I in a frickin’ coffin? I'm not dead, am I?

  And with that thought, my breathing changes, becoming raspy and quick. If I didn’t know better, I’d think I was hyperventilating, but I’ve never done it before, so I can’t say for sure that I am. On the verge of losing control, panic sets in. But once again, my heart isn’t racing as it should be.

  This has to be another dream walk. Why am I dream walking every time I close my eyes? This doesn’t make sense.

  Not wanting to pass out while in this dream, I take a calming breath, filling my lungs with oxygen. Thinking back on my last few dreams, one image comes to mind…that of the exotic woman I had thought was Giselle at first. It hadn’t been.

  Giselle wouldn’t have embraced me.

  For years I’ve been in and out of her dreams, and yet, we’ve never spoken.

  Until that morning….

  Was that a dream as well?

  Furrowing my brow, I dismiss that thought knowing the ride to the hospital with Luke and waiting in the hospital with Don hadn’t been a dream. If that wasn’t a dream, then neither was the street fight or finally meeting Giselle outside of my dreams.

  Giselle said she was here to protect me. What did she mean by that?

  Not to mention, she’d known my name. In fact, she’d called my name as she’d been searching for me. So, who came to me in my dream at the hospital? That woman had embraced me. A flood of images flashes in my mind like a film reel on fast-forward. She kissed me…then searing pain followed.

  She flippin' bit me!

  After the pain took over, everything went black until I woke up from a coma three days later.

  How did I go into a coma? Better yet, why the hell am I in a coffin in this dream?

  Typically when I dream walk, it’s either to help someone or to test myself. Even in the dreams that Giselle appeared in, either the former or the latter occurred. Now, I just have to figure out which type of dream this is.

  This has to be a test. So how do I get out of a coffin?

  If I ever had to bury my friends, I’d put some sort of light in the coffin, just in case something freaky like this happened. Since we all seem to think along the same lines, maybe Luke or his brothers would do the same.

  So, where might they put a light source?

  Sliding my hands around my head and into the seams between the padding, I can’t find anything that could be considered a light source. I check every square inch of the casket I can reach and still come up empty.

  “Son of a bitch! If I get out of this freaking box, I’m going to have a talk with Luke and his brothers,” I huff, banging my head back against the pillow.

  Lifting my legs toward my chest, I feel something of substance slip out of my right pocket, and I lower my legs. Reaching for the object, I find something cylindrical and pray it’s a flashlight. Picking up the palm-sized object, my thumb rests on one end, and I press down on a soft button, but nothing happens. With my free hand, I try twisting the other end, and this time, light spills from the flashlight lighting up the small space.

  Thank you.

  With light in hand, I shine the beam around the casket, studying the box for the first time. Nothing stands out saying, “here’s the release button,” so I place the end of the light in between my teeth and pat myself down for any other objects that might be in my pockets. In my breast pocket, I find my phone and quickly hold down the power button, and I’m excited to find it actually has some battery life left. However, I quickly learn that the cell service in here sucks.

  Frustration has me rolling my eyes as I lift my legs again and prepare to kick or push the lid open. Flattening my back, I inhale a deep breath, tightening my abs in the process, and leverage my feet on one side of the casket lid and push up as if I was doing a leg press. The lid creaks and shifts a little, so I try it again and again. The more energy I exert, the more intense my hunger becomes, yet I’m not quite sure what I’m craving. As I contemplate what I want to eat when I get out of this, I finally crack the lid. Dirt tumbles in as comprehension dawns.

  I've been buried alive!

  I have to dig myself out of a grave.

  Chapter 8


  I still can’t believe the bastard attacked Sebastian at the hospital.

  What am I thinking? Of course, Uncle Anthony attacked him here. It’s public, and knowing him, he’d think I wouldn’t kill his minion out in the open.

  Little does he know, if Sebastian’s friends hadn’t arrived at the time Vlad was ready to snap her neck, my uncle’s witch would be dead right about now. Unfortunately, they did, and neither Vlad nor I have had the opportunity to question her or kill her as of now. Meeting Sebastian’s family has been the only positive that’s come out of this cluster. When Vlad or I haven’t been here with him, someone from his family has been, which has kept Sebastian safe.

  Trying to explain why someone is after Sebastian has not been easy. Hell, if I’m being honest, I’m not sure how Sebastian even got on Anthony’s ra
dar. I knew about him because of my dreams. When I’d spoken to Vlad about them, he told me what Sebastian was and that he’d been waiting for the next dream walker.

  But that didn’t explain my uncle’s knowledge of Sebastian’s dream walking abilities. There has to be a reason my uncle wants Sebastian. I just need time to figure it out. The only problem has been that for the last three days, I haven’t been able to reach Sebastian––not even through our dreams. Something, or someone, is making it impossible for me to get to him.

  Voices carry from right outside the closed hospital room door, letting me know that Luke and at least one other person has arrived. So, as the door opens, I’m not surprised when Luke, his father, and a woman dressed in scrubs walk in.

  “Morning, Giselle. How's my boy doing?” Luke asks, eyeing me as he comes toward the bed.

  “The same,” I tell him, keeping everything light as the nurse and Luke’s father make their way further into the room.

  It was interesting trying to introduce myself and Vlad to Luke and his family three days ago. Especially since technically Sebastian doesn’t actually know me. Yes, he’s dream walked in my dreams, but we hadn’t actually met before the attack. Not to mention the issue of vampires still being in the coffin, so to speak, and creatures only of legend. Well, mostly.

  And really, how do you come out and say, “Hi, my name is Giselle, and I’m a witch slash vampire hunter and about 401 years old. And this is my benefactor-slash-dad, Vlad Țepeș, better known as Vlad the Impaler or Dracula.”

  Yeah, there is no good way to tell humans about us. I’m still not sure if Sebastian knows he’s not strictly human, and the longer he stays asleep, the more concerned I get that somehow that witch was able to fully turn him. Luke and his family already suspect Vlad and I are different. I’m not sure if it’s from them being first responders or what, but by the way they look at us or rather study us, they know we’re…not normal. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think they come from a line of hunters because the look in their eyes when they think I’m not looking is the same one I’ve seen in other predators’ gazes.

  “Don’t worry, Luke. We’re taking good care of Sebastian,” the nurse pipes in.

  Yeah. If I can’t reach him, I know you won’t be able to.

  “Thanks, Brie, for everything you’re doing,” Luke says, watching the nurse as she moves around Sebastian’s bed checking all of the machines.

  "I'm sure you all are doing everything you can to help Sebastian," Don, Luke's father, confirms.

  As they chat with the nurse, I try to wrack my brain for anything that could pull Sebastian out of his sleep. However, there's only one solution I keep falling back on which could fall right into my uncle's trap––turn him.

  My phone buzzes, distracting me from that wayward thought.

  Drac: I am acquiring food and a bite. Would you like me to deliver any food to you upon my return to the hospital?

  Me: Yes, please. Can you bring me a chai and eggs with bacon?

  Drac: You and your bacon. I will see what I am able to procure.

  Me: Thanks.

  I start to put my phone down but change my mind and send one more text.

  Me: I still can't reach him. I'm beginning to think the only way to get him out of this is to turn him. Please tell me I'm wrong!

  Vlad doesn't respond right away, and instead of watching the phone and hoping for a response, I put it face down in the chair. As I glance up, I notice the nurse walking out, and I let out a sigh of relief. Honestly, at this point, I don't know who to trust, and considering the hospital staff hadn't paid attention when the witch came in, they aren't very high on my trustworthy people list.

  “Would one of you like to sit next to him?” I ask, rising from the chair.

  “No, dear, we’re okay. Do you want to go get some food?” Don questions closing the door behind him.

  “Vlad is bringing me something. He should be here in a bit,” I explain, stretching.

  Luke glances over at me, making eye contact. “Giselle, can we talk openly?”

  I nod even as butterflies flutter in my stomach.

  “The woman that attached Ian…who is she?” Don asks outright, and I turn to face him.

  “I don’t know her name,” I answer.

  “But you do know something about her?” Don questions, and I nod.

  “Why don’t you tell us?” This is from Luke, and I focus back on him.

  On a long sigh, I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.

  How to answer this?

  It seems as if we’re about to add a few more to the small number of humans that know of the existence of not so human creatures.

  “I’m not really sure how to answer your question,” I finally say.

  “How about with the truth,” Don suggests, narrowing his eyes at me.

  “Even knowing what you do for a living, Don, you’re not going to believe me. But you do deserve to know the truth and to know what’s out there.”

  “You’d be surprised what I’d believe,” Don quips, and I grin slightly.

  “She’s a black witch and a vampire,” I start.

  “Vampires don’t exist, and what do you mean by a black witch?” Luke interrupts.

  “Luke, let the girl talk,” Don commands, eyeing me.

  Don knows.

  “You know?” I confirm, and he nods in agreement.

  “There haven’t been any issues in years, but when the boys were younger, I came across some unexplainable cases. But let's discuss this case and not those,” Don requests.

  I agree and continue. “My uncle sent her. I’m not sure why my uncle wants Sebastian. Honestly, I didn’t think anyone besides Vlad and I knew about him and his ability. And Vlad only knows because I knew I could talk to him about my dreams.”

  “Dreams?” Don quizzes.

  “Yes. Sebastian is what we call a dream walker. While I was sleeping, he entered my dreams. Even though I’m hundreds of years older, we’ve pretty much grown up together. When I woke from my long slumber, I spoke with Vlad about seeing the same boy in every dream," I explain, glancing between Luke, Don, and Sebastian.

  "Ian might have mentioned something about that. He was mumbling about seeing a girl he recognized the other day. The same day I brought him here," Luke discloses, dragging his hand through his hair.

  "Yes, that's the day my uncle sent his goons after Sebastian, and I fought all but four to protect him. I'd gone to his school to find him but didn't get a chance to speak with him there," I divulge, closing my eyes and recalling the day.

  Was there anything I could've done differently to protect him?

  I didn't think there was, but Sebastian or his friends might. As I finish relaying what happened the morning of his attack, Vlad enters the room.

  “Good morning,” he greets everyone without ceremony, walking toward me and handing over a warm beverage and a brown bag.

  “Thank you,” I tell him before taking the first sip of chai.

  “Shit. We are such assholes. We didn’t bring you any coffee for you, and here we are drinking ours in front of you,” Don apologizes, glancing between his thermos and my paper cup.

  “I didn’t take offense, Don, I swear. And please don’t feel bad. I would’ve felt horrible not drinking what you would’ve brought. Vlad brought me chai. I can’t drink coffee. I’m allergic,” I remark, clearing the air.

  “That has to be awful,” Luke says, grimacing.

  “It was terrible when she was younger; long before we knew what allergies were. It only took her vomiting a few times before we stopped handing her a cup each morning.” Vlad shakes his head, most likely reliving old memories of me hurling all over his castle.

  I chortle at the recollections. “Let’s just say it was not pretty. However, I do love the aroma of certain coffees, but smelling it, and occasionally brewing it, is as far as I get these days.”

  “Is there anything else you’ll drink in the morning besides chai?” Don w

  “Hot chocolate,” I respond, giving him a small smile. “I prefer to make it spicy, but any hot chocolate will do. I’m going to dig into whatever is in this bag. I hope you don’t mind?”

  “Please eat,” Don asserts as I lift out my breakfast English muffin with egg, cheese, and bacon.

  Reclaiming the chair I vacated earlier, I take my first bite. It takes me back to when Vlad would make these for me every morning before I’d begin training, whether that being physical or educational. I always got this for breakfast. As I scarf down my sandwich, Vlad and Don chat about my uncle and the witch sitting in the holding cell back at the police station. In fact, they come to the decision that Vlad will go to the station with Don and have a discussion with her.

  As I’m taking my last bite, Vlad asks Don and Luke the question I wanted to but have been too afraid to voice. “Would Sebastian desire to be turned? I ask this because we do not know exactly what the witch did, and there may not be a way to negate whatever that creature did without turning him completely. Giselle being a half-breed,”––Vlad turns to look at me––“sorry, sweet girl. I know you detest me using that term, but in this context, it is accurate.” He turns back to Don and Luke. “As I was saying, Giselle is unable to turn him, but I can, and will if that is something you think he would consider, and if you would not be opposed.”

  “Honestly, I’m not sure what Ian would want. This is all kinda new to us. I’m going to have questions, and I’d rather have him come back to us human. With that said, can we see what the witch admits to before making this decision?” Luke requests, looking between Sebastian, Vlad, and me.

  I nod in agreement, knowing this decision isn’t one I’d want to have to make for a friend or a family member. Not to mention the fact that I kill vampires that get unruly. If Anthony didn’t know how to hide so well, he’d be dead already, and we wouldn’t be having this conversation. But he’s a slippery devil and keeps finding ways to evade me.

  “If you did not desire to take the time to consider all of the options and receive all of the answers prior to deciding, I would be worried,” Vlad answers as he leans against the wall before taking a sip of his coffee. “The fact that you are willing to wait reveals to me that he would have your support and that your support is quite important to him. If I turn him, the transition will be easier if there are people around that are willing to help him feel more human.”


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