Curse of Night

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Curse of Night Page 9

by T C Galinari

  Giselle presses her lips in a tight line as she fights back a smile, but she's losing the battle. "Luke, while there are times I really want to kick your ass for your attitude, there are others, like this, where I think I might want to keep you around," she tells him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, unable to hold back her laughter any longer.

  With that simple gesture, I see red.

  Be rational.

  "Giselle, step away from Luke, please," Vlad instructs, glancing between them and me.

  "Why?" This from her and Luke simultaneously.

  Why, indeed?

  I have no claim on Giselle, nor have I had a chance to consider asking her out since waking. There was that moment when she entered my dream that could've been something, but that definitely wasn't the time to contemplate dating.

  Luke gives me a questioning look, but I shake off my irritating thoughts and answer his unspoken question.

  "Did you two just have a nonverbal conversation?" Giselle questions.

  "We did, and we're good. Sorry." I wince slightly.

  "So that's what it feels like when Vlad and I have those conversations,” she mumbles, not questioning what the conversation was about. “It's weird––and a bit uncomfortable. Good to know."

  Vlad pinches the bridge of his nose but doesn't say anything. In fact, he twitches his head in a barely visible shake before stepping away from the three of us. Off in the not too far distance, I spot a shape coming our way.

  “Vlad, is that Christopher?” I point toward the figure, and he turns to see what I’m talking about.

  “It is Christopher. Shall we find a spot to sit down so we may eat?” he suggests, and we move toward a cluster of rocks.

  As soon as Christopher gets to us, we pass around the tacos and scarf them down in silence. Finishing my last taco, I toss my trash into one of the bags Christopher carried the food in and get to my feet.

  “I’ll be back,” I announce to the group before walking away from them toward the canyon.

  It’s so peaceful out here, especially now that I’m not sparring with Christopher or getting the verbal training abuse from Vlad, which is actually funny with his accent. But now, seeing this magnificent place without the added distractions calling for my attention, I can take it all in and finally think.

  What is the point of doing all of this if I’m going to remain the same and not experience everything I can? But can I really change? Shouldn’t I want to have a normal human lifespan?

  Looking out at the vastness in front of me, I well and truly consider Vlad’s offer instead of dismissing it and ponder Luke’s thoughts, as well. I’m not sure how long I sit here going over the pros and cons, but I remain here, considering all of my options, until the bright blue sky changes to dusk with purple, pink, and orange highlights. As the sun disappears under the horizon, so do my qualms. With my decision made, I get to my feet, turning to find everyone has gone, and my dad’s vintage World War II motorcycle is waiting for me. This beauty has been passed down from father to son for four generations. My dad always said that taking that first long ride on it was a rite of passage.

  Well, hell. I guess Luke knew I’d need it.

  When I get to the bike, I find my dad’s jacket and helmet, along with my cell, waiting for me on the seat. My phone’s notification light is flashing. Waking the phone and getting into the messaging app, I find three messages. I open Vlad’s text first.

  Vlad: I thought you might want some time to yourself. Take it.

  Next, I open Luke’s.

  Luke: I brought this with me because I thought you might want to take a ride with your dad. He was always there when you had big decisions to make. This might be the biggest one yet. No matter your decision, we will always be your family. Send our love to your parents from all of us.

  Sometimes, my best friend is an asshole, but it’s times like this that prove he’s more my brother than my friend. And damn, he really does know exactly what I need. The last message is from a number I don’t recognize.

  Unknown number: Sebastian, Luke gave me your number. I’m driving him home tonight then heading to the East Coast. I need to get back to school, not to mention renew my hunt for my uncle. Drac––don’t tell him I use that nickname, please––will head home to Romania with Christopher in the next couple of days. While you were off on your own, we decided it would be a good time to let you go explore and experience life while you decide what you want to do. Just keep in touch and stay out of trouble. And don’t worry. We’ve got your back. Giselle

  Saving Giselle’s number to my phone, I exit out of the app and stuff the phone in my back pocket before grabbing my father’s jacket from the handlebars and sliding it on. Next, I put on his helmet and turn the key before straddling the bike. Once I get comfortable, I feed it a little gas, put it in gear, and take that long-awaited ride with my dad on the open road.

  Chapter 14


  Months. It’s literally been months since we left Sebastian alone at the Grand Canyon. Right after pulling away, a churning started in my stomach, and it hasn’t stopped. Even with the weekly check-ins, which I’m guessing Luke requested, the feeling of my insides quivering remains. I’d thought by focusing on school and hunting Anthony, it would fade away. Too bad that was wishful thinking.

  Though I have to say, hunting is paying off. I’ve cut down Anthony’s forces by at least half. Vlad’s people here in Charleston are enjoying the spoils of my battles in the most obscure and asinine ways. It seems my cool points have gone up, and I’m no longer just the freak, hunter, or half-breed now. Oh, I’m still all of those just with the added bonus of being bloodthirsty, which the vampires seem to appreciate. Glee fills their eyes now when I come back from a hunt carrying a vampire’s body. Especially a live one.

  My live-in vampire protection, which I still don’t get why I have one, somehow came up with the idea that it would be cool to build a bowling alley in the house––attached to the dungeon, of course. Mind you, these guys bowl every Thursday night on the Air Force base with a couple of vampires they know who are in the service. They decided, however, to up their game and made it a little less family-friendly. Vampires are quite competitive creatures naturally, so on Thursdays, we all head to the base for league night, and on Tuesdays, everyone comes here.

  Why Tuesday? Because I hunt over the weekend, and it gives the guys plenty of time to clean up. And this is where my extra cool points come in and maybe a little bit disturbing if you ask me. My hunts, whether I bring them home alive or dead, become their entertainment. The vampires I don’t kill are gleefully chained to a wall by my protectors and are forced to watch as their friends, the ones I bring home dead, have their heads ripped off and used as the bowling balls. Sometimes, when they get even more competitive and run out of shriveled heads to roll down the lanes, they decide to use the fresh vampires, which becomes an absolute bloody mess.

  I should start screaming, “Off with their heads!” like the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland.

  That’s right, folks. Vlad remains the scary and revered Impaler, and I’ve become the Bowling Ball Queen. I often wonder if that’s a level up or a level down on the ladder of respect in our world. Regardless, I don’t see that title changing anytime soon, so I try to roll with it––pun included.

  And it’s a damn good thing we have excellent soundproofing. Otherwise, everyone on the block would call the cops, which is saying something considering most of the houses around us are vacant part of the time. Not to mention, it would be really bad for tourism here on the Battery. Nothing like the sounds of torture on top of the already crazy sounds of a bowling alley to scare away the humans. Not that these guys will listen to me. No, all they want from me is to study, bring back more “bowling balls,” and watch them bowl. And stay out of their way once I’ve brought back the spoils of my victories. I really don’t get why they insist I watch, but I lovingly do as they ask, diligently studying while they play.

is is why I’m currently sitting here in the dungeon, pouring over my required reading for tomorrow's classes––Chemistry and Math. At least those are my first classes in the morning. The rest of the day, I will actually enjoy. With my long history, I’ve learned to take the good with the bad, and these two classes, while most definitely not my favorites, are just par for the course in that regard. Besides, what else could I have expected when I’m a pre-med student now and planning to become a Medical Examiner once I’ve finished medical school?

  “Whatcha learning tonight, Gigi?” Jeff, one of the younger vampires, asks as he enters the dungeon.

  I’m not even going to get into the Gigi nickname. I’m fairly positive Jeff started calling me that nickname just to screw with me. He’s a wicked prankster, though some of the others give him a run for his money. He’s a dark-haired, medium-height man and what I’d loosely call the leader of this undead crew. The other military vamps from the Air Force base, Paul, Bob, and Lucas, follow Jeff into the bowling alley. Jeff is also the most likely culprit that originally came up with the idea of adding the bowling alley to the dungeon. Paul and Bob, both tall and older in age when they were turned, are natural followers and pretty easy-going as far as vampires are concerned. But just like human men, these guys can be pretty cutthroat when it comes to their beloved sports. And this crazy group is one hundred percent committed to their bowling. I’m convinced that when Jeff proposed the idea of the dungeon bowling alley, the conversation would have had Paul and Bob saying something like, “More bowling? We’re in! Let’s take bets on who can bowl a perfect game.” Have I mentioned that vamps are very competitive creatures? Lucas, the fourth pulse-impaired creature in this motley crew, is the one just here to have a little fun. He’s much less competitive than the rest of them, but don’t let that fool you. He’s just as lethal.

  “The best way to kill a man,” I quip, getting back to Jeff’s original question and watching as he blanches a little.

  “Jeff, she’s pre-med, dude. She hasn’t gotten into cutting open a body yet,” one of the other vampires in the room tells him.

  “Besides,” yet another calls out, “she already knows how to kill with precision.”

  I snort at that comment, glancing up from my book to see Lucas holding a drunkle out for me.

  “Cheers,” he adds as I take the offered beer and tap my bottle to his.

  Lifting the bottle to my lips, I suck down a long pull before setting the bottle on the table in front of me

  “Thanks, Lucas. I needed that more than you know,” I admit as he pulls out a chair on the other side of the table.

  “You’re welcome. I thought you might. Finals are coming up soon, aren’t they?” he mentions, and I nod. “Do you really want to hang with us tonight when you should be studying for finals? It’s one thing to have you here with us when you’re just reading and working on stuff for classes. Studying for finals is an entirely different game.”

  “You guys make studying for my morning classes bearable. If the competition gets too rowdy tonight, I’ll head upstairs,” I promise him, picking the bottle back up and leaning it toward Lucas. He taps his bottle to mine again, and we both take a long drink.

  “Gigi, are we adding you tonight?” Jeff questions as he enters names into the computer monitor.

  “I don’t know why you ask her that every damn time,” Paul admonishes, leaving no room for argument. “You know she’s going to say no.” He’s right. I don’t play, but it is fun to watch, even if a bit morbid, and I live to give all of them shit when they miss the pins.

  “No, I’m going to watch and study as usual,” I respond to Jeff, shifting in the hard swiveling plastic chair. “Besides, it’s more fun being the spectator that gets to heckle you when you miss.”

  Yes, the dungeon bowling alley has exactly what you’d find in a regular bowling alley except for one thing––the food here is a hell of a lot better. They start the first game, and I watch for twenty minutes or so before turning my attention back to my books. Over the next hour, I glance up a few times when phrases like son of a bitch, shit, and damn ball are called out.

  I’m only half paying attention until I hear someone yell, "Motherfucker!"

  Chuckling sounds from around the room. "The fact that you thought you'd make that shot is hilarious," Paul ribs, picking up the head he decided to use as his ball this round. "Let me show you how this is done."

  He lines up his shot and launches the head. It rolls down the lane ending in a perfect strike just before it cracks open, spilling brains and other goo all over the pins and the wood rails before the rack comes down to clean the pins, smearing said goo and sending the head through the ball return. The game abruptly comes to a halt. The stench filling the room is unbearable. It’s like something between roadkill and a skunk. Whatever it is, it’s churning my stomach and making me want to yak.

  Gonna have to toughen up if I’m going to spend my days in the morgue.

  “I’m out of here,” I grumble, gathering my books, beer, and phone. “Enjoy cleaning this mess. I’ll be upstairs next to the fire if you need me,” I add before leaving the dungeon.

  My phone buzzes with an incoming text as I weave my way to the formal sitting room. Once inside, I turn on the gas fireplace and spread out on the comfiest sofa I’ve ever been on. Pulling the blanket off the back of the couch, I cover my legs and open my chemistry book to where I need to study. Before I start reading again, I pick up my phone and open the app to the new messages.

  Luke: Have you heard from Ian lately? I haven’t. We were hoping he might come by for Christmas, reads the first text.

  Since Sebastian’s departure, I’ve been receiving weekly texts from Luke or other members of his family. It’s been surprisingly nice, and something I never realized I’d been missing. They’ve become something like a family to me in a weird sort of way. On my extremely stressful weeks, I usually call Vlad then I call one of them depending on what I’m needing at the moment.

  I quickly type out a response.

  Me: I have not. He might be out of range. Didn’t he say he wanted to hit as many national parks as he could? I think he might be at Glacier, Yellowstone, or Yosemite, though I could be wrong. The Rockies were mentioned too. If I hear anything, I’ll let you know.

  I exit out of that message and move onto the next.

  Drac: I know you have finals in a few weeks, but I am planning to head to the States in a few days. I was planning to stay with you through the holidays. I wanted to give you ample notice this time.

  Chuckling, I send my response to Vlad as well.

  Me: Finals are in two weeks. I’ll make sure your room is ready. I hope you like bowling. It seems to be the favorite pastime around here, especially on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

  With Vlad’s message sent, I move on to the last messages that came in.

  Sebastian: Just checking in. Cell service is spotty at best. Did run into some trouble, but nothing bad. I was able to get out of it.

  Sebastian: I’ve heard rumblings even out in the middle of nowhere about you. Not that you need the warning, but watch your back. I’d like to know you’re still out here with me when, or if, I need you.

  The churning in my stomach eases just a tad as I reread Sebastian’s texts. It’s times like this, I wish I could initiate a dream walk, but unlike when he’d been bitten, none of my mother’s spells allow me to enter his normal dreams. At least none that I’ve read, though learning more about my mother’s magic, and mine for that matter, has been pushed to the back burner as I hunt for Anthony and work on my education.

  With one last read through, I reply.

  Me: You're alive! Everyone's been a bit worried about you since we haven't heard from you in a while. When you can, text or call Luke. He messaged me today, asking if I'd heard from you. Also, no pressure, but you may want to make a trip home to see the family.

  Me: Glad to hear some of Drac’s training paid off. Thanks for the warning, I’m shocked my recent hunting e
scapade stories have reached you. I think I have Anthony on the run again, so be careful yourself. I need to get back to studying. I have finals coming up. Talk soon.

  Tossing my phone to the other side of the couch, I focus all of my attention on my books and try to push Sebastian out of my thoughts.

  Chapter 15


  While I didn't go home for the holidays, as Giselle suggested, I did, however, get to see Luke and his family. They came out to the Rockies and spent a few days with me. Our time together reminded me of all the Christmas Eves our families spent with each other in the past. This was the first time in months that I’d felt I needed my people. And Luke and his family are definitely my people.

  During my road trip, I’ve had a lot of time to do some soul-searching while also saying my goodbyes to my parents for the first time. Even though they've been gone for a few years, I hadn't actually let them go, which I hadn't realized until this trip. I don't know if I just needed the ride, or if having all my father's gear was the key. Either way, now I feel at peace with their loss––or as close to at peace as I can be. But I will always miss them.

  That’s why, as we head into March and the beginning of spring, I'm ready to take the next step. Not only do I know what I want to do with the rest of my life, but I’m also at the point where I feel comfortable honestly discussing whether to stay as I am or giving Vlad permission to fully turn me. Packing up my things, I load the bike before leaning against it to compose a couple of texts.

  Me: I’ll be driving through in a couple of days.

  Luke: You staying long?

  Me: Long enough to have dinner and grab a few things from the house. I’m heading for Charleston to see Giselle.

  Luke: It’s about damn time.

  Me: Screw you.

  Luke: Just get your ass on the bike and come home. I’ll let Mom and Dad know you’re coming.


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