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Douluo Dalu - Volume 48 - Untitled Volume

Page 9

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Qian Ren Xue startled, “Asura God and Sea God, would it be possible that he could take two Gods’ powers at the same time? No one can do that!”

  When Qian Ren Xue had finished, all of a sudden, Tang San’s body was trembling violently just like he wanted to shake something off his body. As his body flashed, blue light and red light had detached from each other immediately. A blue shadow appeared behind him as his true body had turned into a blood-like red color. A scarlet armament, which was covered with ghostly scripture, appeared on his body.

  That red armor looked bigger than the Sea God Armament, the Rakshasa God Armament, and the Angelic God Armament. The ghostly scripture on the armament looked even more splendid. He was holding a massive hammer with shining dark scripture on its surface. Suddenly, the hammer instantly melted into a fierce red light carrying with it an invincible murderous aura, then burst out furiously. The red light created by the hammer condensed again; a massive sword over two meters long emerged from his palm.

  Tang San’s eyes were all bloodshot. The surface of his armament was fully covered with numerous dazzling-red sharp blades. Blades appeared almost at every corner of his armor. The invincible pressure that she had never encountered before had subdued Qian Ren Xue altogether. She could feel clearly that this Tang San, who was standing in front of her now was much more intimidating than the Sea God.

  However, the blue shadow behind Tang San looked ethereal. It could be seen clearly that the shadow had Tang San’s appearance, wearing the Sea God Armament and holding a blue Sea God Trident. Although it wasn’t the strongest state of the trident, which was the Golden Trident, that blue shadow standing behind the scarlet original body could also release a tremendous pressure.

  “This is…”

  Qian Ren Xue’s voice was trembling.

  The scarlet Tang San, or the Asura God Tang San, to be exact, slowly lifted up his head. He glanced at Qian Ren Xue with a pair of cold red eyes without any positive emotions.

  “Surprised? I’m telling you the answer. This is the fusion of Xiao Wu and I, the God Duo Coexistence.”

  It’s true. When Xiao Wu had completely gotten into Tang San’s body, the power of the Asura Demonic Sword, which had filled Xiao Wu, had merged with the Asura’s divine power in Tang San’s Clear Sky Hammer, then fused with his divine sense, creating a perfect unique spirit fusion.

  If the spirit fusion between Ning Rong Rong and Oscar was the perfect fusion of the Auxiliary system spirit masters, Tang San and Xiao Wu’s fusion, at this critical moment, was the god-ranked fusion.

  In fact, in some aspects, they had to thank Bibi Dong for this fusion. Bibi Dong’s Rakshasa’s divine power had triggered the Asura demonic power in Xiao Wu’s body. Thus, she could fuse with Tang San to create a perfect god-rank spirit fusion. The fusion at this god level, even a God, couldn’t defeat it. That was why Qian Ren Xue’s attack had been washed away.

  Without Bibi Dong’s Rakshasa powers, the Asura Demonic Sword in Xiao Wu’s body couldn’t be stirred up; then, Xiao Wu would have to bear Qian Ren Xue’s attack fully, which could have killed her. It would be hard to tell if her dead body could remain as a whole. Even if she had the powers of a spirit master ranked level ninety-six, it wouldn’t be easy to take the full force attack of a God.

  God Duo Coexistence was a simple phrase, but it was almost impossible to execute. Let alone the Human Realm, it was unique even in the God Realm. The formidable Asura’s demonic power on Tang San’s body was expanding slowly. At this moment, Bibi Dong and Qian Ren Xue couldn’t even see the Auspicious Hill Mountain Pass. What they could see now was just a red space.

  The Asura Demonic Sword was slowly rising up as Tang San’s eyes had lingered on his sword. He understood that the perfect fusion between Xiao Wu and him was something that no one could ever be able to achieve. First, Xiao Wu used to sacrifice herself for him, becoming a part of his body. Then, Tang San had put forth his powers to resurrect her. Since then they had the telepathy from the combination. This was the accurate sign of the ability to have the Spirit Fusion. When the Asura Demonic Sword had entered Xiao Wu’s body, the energy of the demonic sword, together with the energy that Tang San’s great grandpa Tang Chen had spent years to achieve, had totally merged with Xiao Wu’s body. However, Xiao Wu had been able to control this energy since she had never received the approval of the Asura God. That was why she told Tang San that she was just the scabbard of the sword. And, since the Asura Demonic Sword had entered her body, it only considered her as a carriage, where it would be waiting for something else in silence.

  Indeed, one person could only inherit one god’s powers. However, with Xiao Wu’s body, Tang San’s Clear Sky Hammer could become the key to control the Asura’s divine powers while Xiao Wu was the carriage of the Demonic Sword. That was how the God Duo Coexistence happened.

  The arrival of the Asura God at this moment was much different from the Spirit Fusion of Ning Rong Rong and Oscar. This is the real Asura God. Tang San was also a God; if he wanted to use Asura God’s power, he just needed his approval. Moreover, this state didn’t have a time limit. However, Xiao Wu could only stay in Tang San body within the time of their fusion, which Tang San could dismiss at any minute. This is truly the perfect fusion. A god-ranked ability without any side effects.

  Light was flashing as Tang San pointed the Asura Demonic Sword forward; his face was as cold as ice. Scarlet ghostly scripture bloomed instantly.

  Bibi Dong and Qian Ren Xue exchanged looks. They both were extremely scared now. Especially Bibi Dong, since her aura was totally subdued. The Rakshasa God was shivering in fear facing the Asura God. Let alone Tang San who now had the two gods’ powers, only the Asura God could oppress her altogether that she couldn’t even be able to think of going against him.

  “We should risk our lives. He wouldn’t spare us.”

  Qian Ren Xue shouted, and the Angelic Sword was pointed toward the sky. Her Angelic God’s power burst out just in a blink with the furious Solar Pure Flame. This tremendous pressure had helped her break through another level. Her whole body was completely merged with the Solar Pure Flame; now she didn’t need to explode her armament to perform the Solar Angel. She could use her own energy to create the Solar Angel. A furious red-gold light struck towards Tang San.

  Qian Ren Xue’s mind was clear and calm now. She even forgot death, living, winning or losing. Under such circumstances, her Angelic Sacred Sword and the Solar Angel created by her true body had reached the highest compatible level that she had never achieved before. That red-gold Angel just took a flash to reach the Asura God Tang San.

  Bibi Dong had finally reacted having heard Qian Ren Xue’s shout. Her daughter was right. They didn’t know how strong Tang San was now. But no matter what happened, they knew that he wouldn’t spare their lives. If they risked their life, might be they would have a chance. Anyway, no one knows how tremendous his God Duo status was.

  The green flame exploded again. The Rakshasa Demonic Scythe and Bibi Dong’s body was dashing towards Qian Ren Xue, leaving behind numerous fading shadows. With her impressive divine power, she had reached Qian Ren Xue just in a blink. They were attacking Tang San from both sides. At this moment, they didn’t release their energy but withdrew all of the forces in an attempt to burst out the most powerful god-ranked attacks.

  “Haven’t you woken up yet?”

  Facing the attack of the Rakshasa God and the Angelic God, Tang San’s look was like he didn’t see them; his face didn’t change either. The Asura Demonic Sword in his hand had turned into a blood-like red color instantly. A calm, scarlet light exploded.


  That scarlet light had collided with the Angelic Sword. In just a short moment, the divine power was all retrieved. Moreover, it made Qian Ren Xue, who was attacking him, felt like she got electrocuted. The red-gold light on her Solar Angel was blown out altogether. Her body was shot out like a gold meteor.

  Just with the energy attack, he could push away Qian
Ren Xue, who was in her strongest state. How tremendous is his divine power? Being one of the Five Supreme Gods of the God Realm, the Asura God was really intimidating.

  At this moment, Bibi Dong’s Rakshasa Scythe had arrived above Tang San’s head with a chain of green flames descending from the sky, aiming for his head.

  Tang San coldly snorted, swaying and putting the Asura Demonic Sword over his head. The scarlet light soared up immediately. After it had blown Qian Ren Xue away, it could gently stop the Rakshasa Scythe of the Rakshasa God Bibi Dong.

  The furious scarlet halo, which was full of earth-shaking murderous aura, burst out instantly, breaking the grudging aura in Bibi Dong’s body. The green flame on her Rakshasa Demonic Scythe was dimmer. When the green flame on the demonic scythe had come in contact with the scarlet light on the Asura Demonic Sword, it was as if there were thousands of crying souls screeching in the air. Bibi Dong was soaked in a scarlet light.

  Tang San didn’t stop there, pointing the Asura Demonic Sword downward, a cold voice came out from his mouth.

  “Asura, Justice and Trial”

  It’s true that only the Law Executor Asura God could have the capacity of giving justice and applying trials on other Gods. The Rakshasa God wasn’t an exception. There were six godly lights that bloomed like six petals of a flower.

  In the terrifying screeches, Bibi Dong was completely covered with a red layer of lightning. She had put all of her powers in using the Rakshasa Demonic Scythe to stop the Asura Demonic Sword. However, she couldn’t stop the red light on the sword. She was terrified, seeing the red light had immersed her body entirely.

  “Tang San, I’ll risk my life with you.”

  Gold light was coming again. Six wings on Qian Ren Xue’s back opened at once, radiating vehement red-gold light, furiously pushing away the Asura God’s power on her body. At the same time, she concentrated her god power, making herself dart to Tang San like a rocket. A mouthful of blood spat on the Angelic Sword from Qian Ren Xue’s mouth, bursting out its aureole. The dazzling Solar Pure Flame had instantly covered Qian Ren Xue. Qian Ren Xue had burned up her vitality to make this strike.

  Seeing Bibi Dong constantly struggling inside the Asura Sword’s light, Qian Ren Xue felt her heart was in pain like someone had tied it tightly. She didn’t consider the result, recklessly struck out that attack. Facing such attack, even Tang San was now the Asura God, he couldn’t help but pale.

  The Asura Demonic Sword in his hands shivered, pushing Bibi Dong away. Red light and blue light flashed, and he had switched back to his Sea God’s appearance.

  Yeah, even if he and Xiao Wu could make the spirit fusion, he couldn’t make Sea God and Asura God attack at the same time. The God Duo Coexistence meant he could control both Gods’ powers, but one at a time. However, it was still an intimidating existence. Asura was much stronger than the Angelic God and the Rakshasa God; he could totally oppress them. And, Tang San could switch between the two Gods. When one God had consumed too much of his divine power, he would immediately switch to the other God and let him rest to recover the power. It could be said that he couldn’t let two Gods attack at the same time, but he had the powers of the two Gods. Moreover, when he had to face Bibi Dong and Qian Ren Xue at the same time, one on two, he could totally defeat them.

  If the Sea God had taken action first, Bibi Dong and Qian Ren Xue could have had some chances, since the Sea God’s power wasn’t enough to subdue them. However, the divine power of the Asura God was really intimidating. Only one strike was enough to make this mother and daughter God Duo feel helpless.

  Bibi Dong was struck away. The battle now was only between the Angelic God Qian Ren Xue versus Tang San, who was currently the Sea God, the Sea God at his peak state.

  Blue light expanded instantly, spreading everywhere. That blue light then turned into a gold color. Facing the attack of Qian Ren Xue, a gold circle burst out from the Sea God Trident. It was another Unfixed Storm, facing the life-risking attack of Qian Ren Xue.

  BANG— Qian Ren Xue had collided with that gold circle violently. Qian Ren Xue was crying ear-splittingly. She had put all of her power into this strike. It was also her last strike. Even if the Sea God Tang San had recovered to his best condition, it would still be very hard for him to confront it.

  The Angelic Sword in Qian Ren Xue’s hands had blown Tang San backward. Some small cracks also appeared on his Golden Trident. The Solar Pure Flame seemed like it wanted to burn up the Sea God.

  Right when Qian Ren Xue lifted up her head to look at Tang San, she realized that his face was still calm, didn’t change a bit.

  “You should die! You should die!”

  Qian Ren Xue screamed crazily, pouring more Solar Pure Flame, burning all of her divine soul, divine sense and even her vitality at the same time. The Golden Trident started to be melted under such crazy heat. The Sea God Armament on his body had the same melting situation.

  This was the power of a god risking her life to strike out. Qian Ren Xue was now insane. The crown on her head, presenting her god title had broken. The mark of the six-winged angel also turned into numerous gold light dots, entering the Angelic Sword in her hand.

  After this strike, whether it would work or not, she couldn’t be the Angelic God anymore. She had paid with her god title to perform an attack that had surpassed her real competence. It was like Tang San was now facing the whole Sun, receiving the violent Solar Pure Flame struck deep onto his body.

  The melting speed of the Golden Trident was faster. The Sea God Armament on Tang San’s body had turned into a blazing red hue. Then, the large pair of wings on his back, which were formed by his original eight wings, opened and flapped forward, hitting Qian Ren Xue directly. Although the wings got burned when touching Qian Ren Xue, at the same time, a large amount of the Solar Pure Flame was absorbed by this pair of wings.


  A large part of Tang San’s Sea God Armament had been peeled off. However, they had taken with them half of the amount of the Solar Pure Flame and vanished into the air.

  Blinding light radiated from the Sea God Trident’s Mark on his forehead, shining on the Sea God Trident. At the same time, the lozenge gemstone on the chest of his Armament shot out a massive gold tornado. The Golden Trident appeared again, recovered its peak status. Both of Tang San’s hands clutched on the Golden Trident. The weight of one million jin burst out. The last beams of Qian Ren Xue’s Solar Pure Flame had vanished, as his body was struck away. At the same time, the Sea God Armament on Tang San’s body had turned into numerous pieces, scattered then died out in mid-air.

  It was enough for Qian Ren Xue to be proud of being able to push the Sea God to that circumstance. However, she wasn’t the Angelic God anymore.

  Blue halo and red halo flashed again. When Tang San’s body was glowing with the formidable scarlet aureole, the Asura Demonic Sword had turned into an earth-shaking blood-like red light chasing after Qian Ren Xue. She was still conscious now although she had lost the Solar Pure Flame as well as her Angelic God Armament. Now, she could only helplessly look at the red light zooming into her sight.

  Chapter 336: The Grand Finale – The Last Requirement

  Qian Ren Xue didn’t show a beam of hopelessness on her face. Quite the contrary, she looked peaceful.

  She had used up her forces, even smashing the god’s title to pump the power for her last strike. She finally found peace and quiet now. Bibi Dong, you’ve given me my life, I’ve just repaid my life for you. I don’t owe you anything now.

  The Scarlet Asura Demonic Sword was like an Ancient God of Slaughter; let alone the fact that Qian Ren Xue wasn’t a God now, even if she was still the Angelic God, she couldn’t stop that earth-shaking strike of the Asura God.

  Tang San, let me die in the hands of the man I’ve loved the most in this life. Perhaps it’s the best end of mine. Qian Ren Xue could even taste death now. She closed her eyes. Tears were rolling down quietly on her face.

  However, Qian Ren Xue d
idn’t feel painful when her body was pierced through, nor feel her soul was being dragged out of her body. She quickly opened her eyes to see the Asura Demonic Sword stabbed forward but it didn’t pierce through her as there was a purple figure had stopped its way.

  Dazzling red lightning was expanding on that purple body. Her dark purple god armament had broken into numerous pieces then disappeared.


  Qian Ren Xue screamed with all her strength. No one knew where she took the last drop of power to stretch her arms, grabbing the one who had just taken the sword for her.

  Bibi Dong turned to see Qian Ren Xue; a tender halo was released on her shaking hands, lifting Qian Ren Xue with her. They then descended slowly to the front of the Auspicious Hill Mountain Pass.

  Tang San didn’t chase after them because it wasn’t necessary anymore.

  Qian Ren Xue had completely lost her divine power. She wasn’t the Angelic God anymore. Right when the Asura Demonic Sword stabbed forward, Bibi Dong had shielded that deadly sword for her.

  If it had been the Sea God Trident, Bibi Dong might have reluctantly used her Undying Body to take it. However, this time, her real body got hurt. The Asura Demonic Sword could totally subdue the Rakshasa God’s god power. Moreover, the sword was filled with the murderous aura of the Asura God, how could she resist it?

  Seeing her mother was about to fall on the ground, Qian Ren Xue’s eyes showed a hopeless light. Tang San reluctantly felt a little bit merciful. Thus, he didn’t chase after them. He then followed them to descend to the ground.

  On the top of the Auspicious Hill Mountain Pass, when Grandmaster saw Bibi Dong being pierced through by Tang San’s Asura Demonic Sword, his face paled. The deeper the love was, the bigger the hatred would be. No matter what Bibi Dong had done, in his heart, she was always the first woman that he had ever loved. Even the one he had loved the most in his whole life.


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