categorization and, What Writing Does
using physical activities to work out, Embodied Cognition: An Alternative View
account, using term, Labels and Ontology
calibration of, Information Pickup
context emerging out of sensemaking and, People Make Sense Through Stories
environment controlling, What Does All This Mean for Design?
environment exerting control over understanding and, Narratives and Situations
perceiving layout with perception and, Layout
perceptual system and physical, Action and the Perceptual System
activity, separating context and, A Conventional Definition of Context
affordance-versus-function separation, Semantic Function
about, Affordance
as value-neutral, Affordance
directly perceived vs. indirectly meaningful and, Affording information is always in a context of other information
existence in environment of, Affordances are value-neutral
human infants and, The Built Environment
information vs. ideas in, Affordances are value-neutral
interfaces approaching physical, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects
invariants and, Compound Invariants
language and reciprocal, Tools for Understanding
laws for events and, Events
learning, Affording information is always in a context of other information
semantic, Semantic Function
single, Affordances exist in the environment whether they are perceived or not
agent environment, in working definition of, A New, Working Definition of Context
agent, as element of context, A Conventional Definition of Context, A Conventional Definition of Context
airport scenario, Birds in Trees, Words in Books, A New, Working Definition of Context, Umwelts, Environmental Control, Language and “Sensemaking”, About Definitions, Perspectives and Journeys
Alexander, Christopher, A city is not a tree (Architectural Form), Perspectives and Journeys
algorithms, website contexts defined by algorithm, The Map That Makes Itself
Altair 8800b computer, Ontologies
altgenres, Digital Learning and Agency
Amazon, accounts embedded into, Identity
Ambient Findability (Morville), Expansive IA, Augmented and Blended Places
America Online (AOL), Alto email platform, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects
American Museum of Natural History (New York City), Hall of Biodiversity at, The Porous Nature of Cyberplaces
American Pragmatism, Information of a Different Sort
Animoog application, simulation of controls on, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects
anthropological space, What Makes Places
AOL (America Online), Alto email platform, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects
API (Application Programming Interface), Digital Interaction
AR capability, Augmented and Blended Places
Arango, Jorge, Networked Publics
architectural models, Observing Context
composition in, Composition in Other Disciplines
language and, Semantic Architecture
architectures of information, works on, Contemplating “Cyberspace”, Architecture + Information
(see also information architectures)
arguments, composition making, Qualities of Composition
arrangement and substance, composition in
importance of, Arrangement and Substance
paying attention to definitions in, Qualities of Composition
qualities of, Composition in Other Disciplines
Arthur, Paul, Wayfinding, The Built Environment
artificial intelligence, Perspectives and Journeys
Asch Conformity Experiments (1950s), The Social Environment
asymmetrical following, Social Architectures
Atlanta (GA), in illustration of language and place, What Makes Places
attached objects, Surface, Substance, Medium
attention, spectrum of conscious, Attention, Control, and Learning
augmented and blended places
about, The Porous Nature of Cyberplaces
digital displays of narrative content as, The Porous Nature of Cyberplaces
merging digital dimension with physical., Augmented and Blended Places
metamaps and compasses, The Map That Makes Itself
simulated wall-of-objects as, Augmented and Blended Places
smartphone turning environment into, Augmented and Blended Places
Avocado application, as place, The Porous Nature of Cyberplaces
Babbage, Charles, Digital Learning and Agency
back-stage vs. front-stage selves, Identity
bad information, A New, Working Definition of Context
Barack Obama election campaign, targeting messages, The Ontology of Self
Barrett, Louise
Beyond the Brain, Embodied Cognition: An Alternative View, Types of Memory
on operation of cognitive process, Soft Assembly
Bates, Marcia
on taking action with information, Contemplating “Cyberspace”
quadrant model for information seeking, A Spectrum of Conscious Attention
The design of browsing and berrypicking...(Online Review), Foraging for Information
Toward an Integrated Model of Information..., keynote address, Foraging for Information
BBC, program ontologies, Ontologies
Beacon, Facebook (case study), The Role of the Web, A Spectrum of Conscious Attention, Environmental Control, What Does All This Mean for Design?
conscious attention, Attention, Control, and Learning
consciousness, A Spectrum of Conscious Attention, People Make Sense Through Stories
decision fatigue, A Spectrum of Conscious Attention
Explicit and Tacit models, A Spectrum of Conscious Attention, Language and “Sensemaking”
nudging effect, Environmental Control
quadrant model for information seeking, A Spectrum of Conscious Attention
satisficing, Soft Assembly, The Superpowers of Symbols
System 1 and System, What It Is and How to Think About It, Attention, Control, and Learning
umwelts, Umwelts
visceral, behavioral, and reflective model, A Spectrum of Conscious Attention
Berners-Lee, Tim, describing World Wide Web, Blueprints, Floor Plans, Bubbles, and Blobs
berrypicking, Foraging for Information
Beyer, Hugh
Contextual Design, Blueprints, Floor Plans, Bubbles, and Blobs
contextual design development, Observing Context
Beyond the Brain (Barrett), Embodied Cognition: An Alternative View, Types of Memory
Big Chicken restaurant (Marietta, GA), as semantic artifact, Atlanta
Bilbao Guggenheim Museum (Spain), Meaning, Culture, and “Product”
Bing, Facebook profile integrated with, Identity
biosemiotics, Umwelts
black box dimension, of digital agency, Ambient Agents
Blake, William, Perception, Cognition, and Affordance
blended and augmented places
about, The Porous Nature of Cyberplaces
digital displays of narrative content as, The Porous Nature of Cyberplaces
merging digital dimension with physical., Augmented and Blended Places
metamaps and compasses, The Map That Makes Itself
simulated wall-of-objects as, Augmented and Blended Places
smartphone turning environment into, Augmented and Blended Places
blobs, bottom-up starting point on information architecture problem using, Blueprints, Floor Plans, Bubbles, and Blobs
Blogspot, login, Identity
ueprints, Blueprints, Floor Plans, Bubbles, and Blobs
Bollnow, Otto Friedrich, on anthropological space, What Makes Places
boyd, danah (her capitalization)
properties of networked publics, Networked Publics
Taken Out of Context, Networked Publics
as central processing unit, A Mainstream View of Cognition, Structure of Speech
generating experience, An Embodied Perspective on Memory
in wayfinding and environmental learning, The Built Environment
schema of, Environmental Control
Broca’s Area, Language as Infrastructure
Brown, John Seely, Meaning, Culture, and “Product”
bubble diagrams, Blueprints, Floor Plans, Bubbles, and Blobs
built environment, What Humans Make, The Organization as Medium
Burgess, Anthony, Virtual and Ambient Places
Bush, Vannevar, Contemplating “Cyberspace”
Buzz (Google), roll out of, Ontologies, Something to Walk On
calibration of action, Information Pickup
card sorts, Models and Making
Card, Stuart, Foraging for Information
Carroll, Lewis, The Materials of Semantic Function
as subsets of labels, Elements
as symbolic mode, Symbols
purpose in information architecture of, The Materials of Semantic Function
categorization, writing and, What Writing Does
checklists, What Writing Does
Chomsky, Noam, The Role of Metaphor
in model of information architecture, Elements
rules and, Rules and Choreography, Situations over Goals
Circles interface (Google Plus), Something to Walk On
circumstances, as element of context, A Conventional Definition of Context, A Conventional Definition of Context
City of Bits (Mitchell), Early Disruptions
cityscape of systems, Ambient Agents
Clark, Andy
on labels as new realm of perceptible objects., Elements
on labels in language, Semantic Function, What Writing Does
on labels modifying environment, What Makes Places
on self-engineering, Semantic Architecture
Supersizing the Mind, Soft Assembly
classes, as subsets of labels, Elements
Clay Shirky
Here Comes Everybody, Social Architectures
on communication changing society, Social Architectures
cloud computing, using term, Labels and Ontology
clutter, Layout
Code/Space (Kitchin and Dodge), The Role of the Web, Digital Learning and Agency, Ambient Agents
about, Perception, Cognition, and Affordance
acting upon information, Directly Perceived versus Indirectly Meaningful
agency and digital
every digital agents, Digital Learning and Agency
learning and agency, Digital Learning and Agency
ontologies, Everyday Digital Agents
Shannon’s logic, Digital Cognition and Agency
embodied, A Mainstream View of Cognition
emergence of human, Digital Learning and Agency
in built environment, What Humans Make
mainstream view of, Information of a Different Sort
cognitive map
about, The Built Environment
culture and, Vancouver
cognitively-active vs. cognitively-passive way-finders, The Built Environment
company organizational charts, Organizational Maps
compasses, metamaps and, The Map That Makes Itself
complexity of thought, writing and, What Writing Does
importance of, Arrangement and Substance
paying attention to definitions in, Qualities of Composition
qualities of, Composition in Other Disciplines
compound invariants, Examples of Invariants, Physical and Semantic Confusion
computer-like way of understanding cognition, A Mainstream View of Cognition
automating, Digital Learning and Agency
embodied learning of, Digital Learning and Agency
interfaces and humans, Digital Interaction
memory of, Digital Learning and Agency
processing fuzzy ecological and semantic information inputs, Digital Learning and Agency
simulation interaction on
approaching physical affordances, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects
design of interactions, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects
interfaces and, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects
range of information, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects
teaching inputs to process, Ontologies
teaching use of robotic body, Digital Learning and Agency
writing vs. spoken word for, Digital Learning and Agency
Computers as Theatre (Laurel), Contemplating “Cyberspace”
concepts, as symbolic mode, The Superpowers of Symbols
conditional actions, purpose in information architecture of, The Materials of Semantic Function
conscious attention, spectrum of, Attention, Control, and Learning
conscious reflection, Embodied Cognition: An Alternative View
consciousness, A Spectrum of Conscious Attention, People Make Sense Through Stories
consistency, internal and external, Something to Walk On
constructivist approach, Structures for Tacit Satisficing
about, Foreword, Everything, Yet Something
definition of
conventional, A Wall and a Field
working, A New, Working Definition of Context
information architecture and, About Definitions
observing, A Fresh Look at Our Methods
contextual design, Observing Context
Contextual Design (Beyer and Holtzblatt), Blueprints, Floor Plans, Bubbles, and Blobs
contextual nesting model, Perspectives and Journeys
contextual structures, challenges of sorting through, Birds in Trees, Words in Books
contextual, language as, Signification Conflation
contractual agreements, use of word term in, Rules and Choreography
environmental, A Spectrum of Conscious Attention
privacy, Collisions and Fronts
conversations, The Social Map
Conway, Melvin, Rules and Choreography
Conway’s Law, Rules and Choreography
counterpublics, Networked Publics
Covert, Abby, How to Make Sense of Any Mess, The Organization as Medium, Blueprints, Floor Plans, Bubbles, and Blobs
creating infrastructure, Semantic Function
cultural meaning, sorting out vagaries of, Breaking It Down
cognitive map and, Vancouver
meaning and product, Meaning, Culture, and “Product”
cuneiform tablet, What Writing Does
Understanding Context Page 43