Understanding Context

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Understanding Context Page 46

by Andrew Hinton

  Lovelace, Ada, Everything, Yet Something, Digital Learning and Agency

  Lowe’s Home Improvement, avoiding confusion about location, Inhabiting Two Worlds at Once

  Ludwig Wittgenstein, The Written Word

  Luna Blue Hotel, Expedia error erasing hotel vacancy, The Porous Nature of Cyberplaces

  Lynch, David, The Materials of Semantic Function

  Lynch, Kevin

  changing city names and fragmentation, Digital Intersections

  on path as element of city, What Makes Places

  The Image of the City, What Humans Make


  Magritte, René, The Treachery of Images (painting), Semantic Function of Simulated Objects


  as instrument of power, Vancouver

  organizational, Vancouver

  places and

  language creating, What Makes Places

  making, What Makes Places

  procedural generation in, Augmented and Blended Places

  territory and, Mapping and Placemaking

  Marx, Groucho, Structure of Speech

  McAfee, John, Modes and Meaning

  McCullough, Malcolm

  Digital Ground, A Conventional Definition of Context, Qualities of Composition

  on shaping context, Something to Walk On

  McGrane, Karen, Action and the Perceptual System

  McLuhan, Marshall, on medium as message, Conversation

  meaning, making room for

  about, Making Room for Making Meaning


  importance of, Arrangement and Substance

  paying attention to definitions in, Qualities of Composition

  qualities of, Composition in Other Disciplines

  materials of semantic function

  elements used as, The Materials of Semantic Function

  labels and ontology, Elements

  organization as medium, Rules and Choreography

  relationships and taxonomy, Relationships and Taxonomy

  rules and choreography, Relationships and Taxonomy

  situations and narratives

  intentions and intersections, People Make Sense Through Stories

  making sense through stories, Narratives and Situations

  situations over goals, The Tales Organizations Tell

  tales of organizations, Intentions and Intersections

  meatspace vs. cyberspace, Identity

  mechanical technology, separating action from effect, Early Disruptions

  medium, as element of environment, Surface, Substance, Medium


  about, Environmental Control

  as muddle, Types of Memory

  design relying on, Environment, and Explicit versus Implicit Memory

  embodied perspective on, Types of Memory

  environment and explicit vs. implicit, Learning and Remembering are Entangled with Environment

  human vs. computer, Digital Learning and Agency

  learning and remembering vs., Learning and Remembering versus Memory

  learning environment and, Environmental Control

  relying on humans for, The Social Environment

  types of, What is Memory?

  wayfinding data and, The Built Environment

  memory reconsolidation, Learning and Remembering versus Memory

  mental-model task analysis, Models and Making

  Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, Umwelts

  metamaps, compasses and, The Map That Makes Itself


  role of, Structure of Speech

  users taking at face value, The Porous Nature of Cyberplaces

  Metaphors We Live By (Lakoff and Johnson), Structure of Speech

  metaphysics, Coda

  methods, looking at, Models and Making

  Microsoft Bing, Facebook profile integrated with, Identity

  The mind’s eye (Popular Science Monthly), Ducks, Rabbits, and Calendars

  Microsoft Windows Phone 8, operating system, Rooms in, The Porous Nature of Cyberplaces

  Minecraft, as procedural generation example, Augmented and Blended Places

  Mitchell, William J.

  about, Contemplating “Cyberspace”

  bits and flow of information, Networked Publics

  City of Bits, Early Disruptions

  on language and architecture, Semantic Architecture

  on networked objects of urban landscape, Ambient Agents

  mobile phones, Case Study: Facebook Beacon

  (see also smartphones)

  as ready-at-hand objects, Digital Objects

  models and making

  blueprints, Blueprints, Floor Plans, Bubbles, and Blobs

  bottom-up starting point on information architecture problem using blobs, Blueprints, Floor Plans, Bubbles, and Blobs

  bringing several elements together for analysis or information architecture direction, Blueprints, Floor Plans, Bubbles, and Blobs

  bubble diagrams, Blueprints, Floor Plans, Bubbles, and Blobs

  contextual nesting model, Perspectives and Journeys

  floor plans, Blueprints, Floor Plans, Bubbles, and Blobs

  functional modeling, Blueprints, Floor Plans, Bubbles, and Blobs

  looking at methods, Models and Making

  observing context, A Fresh Look at Our Methods

  situation-need-task model, Perspectives and Journeys

  situational search model, Perspectives and Journeys

  SNT (Situation-Need-Task) model, Observing Context

  structures for tacit satisficing, Perspectives and Journeys

  systems perceiving world and humans in in, Perspectives and Journeys

  User Environment Design, Blueprints, Floor Plans, Bubbles, and Blobs

  user journey model, Perspectives and Journeys

  modes, meaning and, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  Montessori classroom, Perspectives and Journeys

  Moog, Robert, Digital Interaction

  Moravec, Hans, Digital Learning and Agency

  Moravec’s Paradox, Digital Learning and Agency

  Morville, Peter

  Ambient Findability, Expansive IA, Augmented and Blended Places

  Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, Architecture + Information

  Intertwingled, Expansive IA

  on hyperlinking of Web, Architecture + Information

  Three circles of information architecture, Visual Information

  MUDs (Multi-User Dungeons), Virtual and Ambient Places, Identity

  Murray, Janet H., Hamlet on the Holodeck, Contemplating “Cyberspace”

  music, composition in, Arrangement and Substance

  My Tiny Life (Dibbell), Of Dungeons and Quakes



  as subsets of labels, Elements

  purpose in information architecture of, The Materials of Semantic Function

  narratives and situations

  intentions and intersections, People Make Sense Through Stories

  making sense through stories, Narratives and Situations

  situations over goals, The Tales Organizations Tell

  tales of organizations, Intentions and Intersections

  natural environment vs. human environments, What Humans Make

  navigation and understanding, Rules and Choreography

  nested relationships, composition as, Composition in Other Disciplines


  digital environments and, Digital Environments and Nesting

  model for contextual, Perspectives and Journeys

  nesting vs. hierarchies, The Principle of Nesting

  principle of, Digital Invariants


  creating video categories, Digital Learning and Agency

  networked publics, The Ontology of Self

  New York and Erie Railroad chart, Organizational Maps

  Nielsen, Jakob, on motivation and learning, What Does All This Mea
n for Design?

  Norman, Don

  head vs. world knowledge, Environment, and Explicit versus Implicit Memory

  on design of doors, Physical and Semantic Confusion

  on remembering, Learning and Remembering are Entangled with Environment

  The Design of Everyday Things, Directly Perceived versus Indirectly Meaningful, What Does All This Mean for Design?, Physical and Semantic Confusion

  visceral, behavioral, and reflective model, A Spectrum of Conscious Attention

  Norman, Donald, Modes and Meaning

  nudging effect, Environmental Control


  Obama (Barack) election campaign, targeting messages, The Ontology of Self


  about, Surface, Substance, Medium

  contextual relationship between place, What Makes Places

  digital, Objects with Agency

  manipulating and sorting, Phenomenology and Objects

  phenomenology and, Objects

  smartphones as ready-at-hand, Digital Objects

  with agency, Phenomenology and Objects

  off-line/on-line experience, An Embodied Perspective on Memory

  offline vs. online selves, “Proxemics” as a Structural Model

  OLPC “XO” laptop, societies adaptation to, Meaning, Culture, and “Product”


  about, Everyday Digital Agents

  in model of information architecture, Elements

  labels and, Labels and Ontology

  of self, Collisions and Fronts

  optical illusions, Ducks, Rabbits, and Calendars

  oral language, The Origins of Writing, What Writing Does

  order and understanding, Perspectives and Journeys

  organization, as medium for understanding, Rules and Choreography, The Organization as Medium

  organizational maps, Vancouver


  semantic layers across sampling of channels, The Tales Organizations Tell

  situations over goals of, The Tales Organizations Tell

  tales of, Intentions and Intersections


  pace layers of information

  about, Starting from the Bottom

  information model modes vs., Starting from the Bottom

  Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Xerox, Contemplating “Cyberspace”

  PARC (Palo Alto Research Center), Xerox, Contemplating “Cyberspace”

  Passini, Romedi, Wayfinding, The Built Environment

  pattern-recognition algorithms, Digital Learning and Agency

  Peak and End Rule, People Make Sense Through Stories

  perceiver and environment, relationship between, A Spectrum of Conscious Attention


  action loop, Embodied Cognition: An Alternative View, Action and the Perceptual System

  affordances and, Affordance

  definition of, Information of a Different Sort

  from first-person perspective, Embodied Cognition: An Alternative View

  indirectly meaningful vs. direct, Affording information is always in a context of other information

  information pickup and, Action and the Perceptual System

  invariants and, Invariants

  perceiving layout with action and, Layout

  perception-action loop, Explicit and Tacit spectrum, Language and “Sensemaking”

  perceptual system, Action and the Perceptual System

  persistence, as property of networked publics, Networked Publics

  Pervasive Information Architecture (Resmini and Rosati), Expansive IA, What Makes Places

  phenomenology, objects and, Objects

  phishing scams, Physical and Semantic Confusion

  phone books, social infrastructure and, Identity

  phonetic writing, The Written Word

  phonetics, in linguistic structure, Looking at Language

  photocopiers, adding complexity to social environment, Meaning, Culture, and “Product”

  photographic memory, What is Memory?

  photography, composition in, Composition in Other Disciplines

  Photos Of button, in Flickr, Collisions and Fronts

  physical action, perceptual system and, Action and the Perceptual System

  physical activity, using to work out design problems, Embodied Cognition: An Alternative View

  physical environment, semantic information disconnecting language from, Physical and Semantic Confusion

  physical information, Modes of Information

  (see also Physical mode, in information model)

  about, The Roots of Context, Affordance

  affordances (see affordances)

  human infants and, The Built Environment

  interfaces approaching physical, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  invariants and, Compound Invariants

  language and reciprocal, Tools for Understanding

  laws for events and, Events

  semantic, Semantic Function

  as value-neutral, Affordance

  attention, spectrum of conscious, Attention, Control, and Learning


  about, Perception, Cognition, and Affordance

  acting upon information, Directly Perceived versus Indirectly Meaningful

  embodied, A Mainstream View of Cognition

  in built environment, What Humans Make

  mainstream view of, Information of a Different Sort

  control, environmental, A Spectrum of Conscious Attention

  directly perceived vs. indirectly meaningful and, Affording information is always in a context of other information

  ecological psychology and, Information of a Different Sort

  elements of environment

  events, Events

  invariants, The Elements of the Environment

  layout, Layout

  medium, Surface, Substance, Medium

  nesting principle, Digital Invariants

  objects, Surface, Substance, Medium

  places, Events and Time

  substances, Digital Environments and Nesting

  surfaces, Digital Environments and Nesting

  existence in environment of, Affordances are value-neutral


  built environment, What Humans Make

  culture, meaning and product, Meaning, Culture, and “Product”

  emergence of cognition, Digital Learning and Agency

  experience of information environments, Contemplating “Cyberspace”

  interfaces and (see interfaces, humans and)

  social environment, The Built Environment

  information vs. ideas in, Affordances are value-neutral

  language as, Looking at Language

  learning, Affording information is always in a context of other information

  environment and, Learning and Remembering versus Memory

  explicit vs. implicit memory and, Learning and Remembering are Entangled with Environment

  hierarchy of categories, Digital Environments and Nesting

  memory vs. remembering and, Learning and Remembering versus Memory


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