Spring Fling

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Spring Fling Page 31

by Claudia Burgoa

  Connect with Leslie:


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  Nichole Strauss, Insight Editing Services

  Also by Leslie Pike


  The Trouble with Eden

  Wild in Paradise

  The Road to Paradise

  Paradise Boxed Set

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  Destiny Laughs

  Destiny Plays

  Destiny Shines


  The Curve

  Cards of Love: The World

  * * *

  The Beach in Winter


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  About the Author

  Also by Bethany Lopez

  “I’m leaving first thing in the morning, so I’ll probably head to my place for the night. I wish you were coming with me,” Bran said, dropping a kiss on my upturned lips.

  I kissed him back and gave him a sad smile.

  “Me, too,” I said, although that wasn’t really true.

  I was a champion worrier, and I thought it was too soon to go away with Bran, even though I’d always wanted to go to Hawaii.

  We were still too new, and I didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize what we had going. It was really, really good. Plus, Lila and Cade were about to come back from their honeymoon, and we’d need to go over everything she’d missed at work.

  The timing just wasn’t right.

  Still, I didn’t want Bran to know I had reservations about going away with him, so I’d used work as an excuse.

  “I’ll be thinking of you as I drift from one boring meeting to another,” Bran murmured in that sexy, deep voice of his.

  I swear, his voice gave me goose bumps every time he spoke, but especially when his words caressed my lips, as they were now.

  “Mmmmm, and when you’re lounging on the beach with a Mai Tai?” I asked softly, hating that I was making him go alone.

  Bran had some sort of lawyers’ convention in Hawaii. The convention itself was only two days, but he was taking a week’s vacation right after. Since he was going to be in Hawaii already, it made sense. That was why he wanted me to go with him, so we could spend a week in paradise together.

  Bran chuckled.

  “Probably not a Mai Tai. Now, if you’d said Maker’s neat, you’d be right on the money. But, yes, I’ll be thinking of you constantly, no matter what I’m doing.”

  I sighed and cuddled into him.

  We were still in the beginning make people sick with our cuteness stage of the relationship, and I loved it.

  We said our goodbyes and I took a good long look at him.

  Branson Braswell was out of my league. At least, that’s what that doubting inner voice of mine had been trying to tell me since the first time I saw him. Tall, devastatingly handsome with striking blue eyes, the body of a man who watched what he ate and worked out daily, and the voice of a sex phone operator. Well, a male sex phone operator.

  Add to that a kind soul, giving heart, and ability to overcome a rough past, and you had the perfect package.

  At least, my perfect package.

  Our first date had been a disaster. So much so that I’d given up on the idea of Bran that had been building since the first time he taught Lila and me self-defense moves. When Lila had begged me to give him another shot, saying we’d both been so nervous about the date, and unsure of our own worth, that we’d basically sabotaged ourselves, I’d been hesitant.

  But, Lila being Lila, and having the ability to talk me into pretty much anything, had convinced me to give him another shot, and things had been going great ever since.

  Maybe too great.

  I was confident in every other aspect of my life. I was a good person, loved my jobs, and could find the good in almost everyone. I’d had an almost charmed life … except where men were concerned.

  My luck with men was the worst.

  I always seemed to attract losers. Men who couldn’t hold a job, lived with their parents, or thought joggers and a hoodie were appropriate first date attire. I’d begun to give up on my chances of ever finding an actual man who’d want to date me, and then I’d found Bran.

  Now that I had him, I was terrified I would screw everything up.

  I had my own apartment, kept it neat, and decorated it tastefully, if I did say so myself … I also made decent money and could not only live comfortably, but also had a nice little nest egg started. In addition to working with Lila at Horton Investigations, I was an investigative reporter for the Greenwood Gazette, and a blogger.

  I was attractive, with long, caramel hair and nice tanned skin, thanks to my Hispanic heritage.

  On the outside, I seemed like a catch; it was the inside that tilted the scales in the other direction.

  My mind was usually going a mile a minute and I often had a hard time getting words out fast enough in order to keep up. I was OCD, with a dose of ADD, with some anxiety thrown in.

  Then there was the doubt monster, always hiding below the surface, waiting to burst through to let me know how unworthy I was.

  I knew I wasn’t perfect, and although he’s about as close as a person can get, Bran wasn’t either.

  I also knew I was in love with him.

  What I didn’t know was if he loved me back, if my idiosyncrasies were beginning to drive him crazy, or what his plans were for the future. And, I was afraid to bring it up. In fact, just the thought of asking and worrying that doing so would make him feel pressured was almost enough to make me want to call off the whole thing.

  This was an internal battle I had with myself whenever we weren’t together.

  When Bran was with me, touching me, looking at me with that sweet gaze of his, things were great. I felt cherished … wanted. But, when we weren’t, the doubt would creep in.

  Now, he’d be gone for over a week, which was the longest we’d go without seeing each other since we started officially dating, and I knew the doubt monster was waiting with bated breath to tell me all the reasons why I didn’t deserve Bran.

  I needed to figure out a way to beat her back.

  It’s time to call my girls and plan a ladies’ night.

  “I’m so happy you’re back! Tell me everything … How was the trip? Did you stay in hotel rooms? Hostels? Only big mansions? Did you ride on the back of the bike the whole time? Where’s the craziest place you had sex? Best food?”

  I paused to take a breath.

  Remember when I said I sometimes had a hard time having my mouth keep up with my thoughts? The problem was, I still tried, which meant I often had a bad case of diarrhea of the mouth.

  Not the most pleasant analogy, I know, but wholly accurate.

  Lila just laughed at my assault of questions.

  This is one of the reasons I love her enough to take a bullet for her.

  “It was amazing,” she replied, pulling her long red hair off of her neck. “I never imagined I’d get to go to Europe. Each place was different from the last, but beautiful in its own right. I swear, I gained twenty pounds in Italy alone.”

  “I’m so happy for you guys,” I gushed as I sat down across from Lila at her dining room table.

  We were about to go over everything that had happened in Horton Investigations while she was gone, and what was on the calendar. Normally we’d hold meetings in her office, but since there was a fresh half-dozen cupcakes courtesy of Amy May in the center of said table, Lila had decided it was best if we talked business over coffee and cupcakes.

  Who was I to argue with a great idea like that?

  Lila pulled out
a chocolate cupcake with a salted pretzel crumble on top and licked her lips.

  “Mmmm, Amy May is such a genius … what were your other questions?” she asked absently as she unwrapped that cupcake with as much glee as she would unwrap Cade, her hot, badass, now-husband. “Oh, right. No, we stayed in rental houses of some of Cade’s old football buddies. Yes, we took the motorcycle for the most part, but used public transport in the cities.”

  She paused to take a bite and I grabbed a strawberry crème cupcake.

  “Craziest place we had sex? Probably the park by the Eiffel Tower … that was a gorgeous experience, in more ways than one,” Lila said with a wink. “And, the best food? Uh, that’s a toughy. The paella in Barcelona was to die for, and the macarons in France melted in my mouth, but the carbonara pasta in Venice made my eyes roll back in my head.”

  I sighed.

  “Wow, I’d love to have fresh pasta in Italy, and have sex in front of the Eiffel Tower.”

  “Maybe you can talk Bran into a trip,” Lila suggested.

  I averted my eyes and focused on my cupcake.

  “What?” she asked.

  Nothing got past Delilah Horton.

  “Oh, nothing,” I muttered, opening the folder I had in front of me and pulling out documents. “So, things were pretty slow while you were gone, but I did have an interesting cheating case.”

  “Oh, yeah?” she asked, taking the detailed report I offered.

  I watched as Lila read it over, biting my lip anxiously.

  It was the first case I’d handled on my own, and I really wanted to prove to her that she made the right choice by bringing me onto her team.

  “The husband was sleeping with the client’s stepmother. Ugh, can you believe it? I almost tossed my cookies while I captured the shots,” I told her, gagging at the memory.

  It wasn’t that either of them were unattractive, or that the stepmom was that much older than the husband, it was the principal of the thing that made me sick to my stomach. What kind of people did that?

  “Yeah, I’ve had a couple puke-worthy moments in my day. Keeps the job fun,” Lila joked. “Wow, you really outlined every detail.”

  “I know, sorry, I hope it’s not too much, I just wanted to make sure I didn’t leave out anything important.”

  “Nothing to apologize for, Carmen, it’s great that you’re so detail-oriented. It makes my job easier.”

  “Good,” I said, flushing with pleasure at her praise.

  It felt good to be appreciated. Especially when I wanted the job so badly.

  “Your hair looks great,” Lila said, eyeing me as she popped the last bit of cupcake in her mouth. “I mean, it always does, but it looks especially soft and silky. Did you do something new?”

  “I picked up a new hot oil treatment from Lush, it’s called Shine So Bright.”

  “Hmmm, let me know next time you’re going, I’ll tag along.”

  “Will do,” I replied.

  After we’d gone over the rest of the calendar, I remembered the group text I’d sent out.

  “Hey, I know you just got back and probably have to unpack and spend time with Elin and Lena, but I put out a call on messenger for a ladies night. Both Amy May and Bea are available tonight, so we’re meeting up. Can you make it?” I asked, thinking she might want to spend time with her kids.

  Lila chuckled throatily.

  “I already told Cade not to wait up,” she said with a grin. “I’ve missed you guys. We were still taxiing on the runway when I saw your message. Cade’s at the cabin now with the twins and his parents, who fly back to Hawaii tomorrow. By the time I get back from dinner and drinks with you guys, they’ll be here. I’ll see Elin and Lena then.”

  “Perfect,” I said, happy that she was able to join us. But, at the mention of Hawaii, my stomach dipped, and I remembered the reason I’d called the night out in the first place.

  Because right now I could be in Hawaii with Bran; instead, I was left in Greenswood, worrying that I was ruining the best thing that had ever happened to me.

  I bounded into Tapas, our favorite hangout in The Heights, eager to see my friends and unload some of this anxiety.

  I always thought of myself as being a positive and happy person at my core, only really having self-doubt when men were involved. I guess that’s why I was in my thirties and still single.

  I’d rather be alone and happy, than in a relationship and plagued with insecurities.

  My maxi skirt swished around my ankles as I hurried toward the half-moon booth in the corner, where I saw Amy May and Cynthia were already seated and in deep conversation.

  “Hi,” I called, leaning in to give Amy May a kiss on the cheek before turning to Cynthia and saying, “Hey, Cynthia, I’m so glad you came. We really need to add you to the group chat. I didn’t even think about the fact that you weren’t in there when I sent out the message. I’m sorry.”

  “No worries, sweetheart. Amy May mentioned it when she dropped off some pastries for the bookstore. I’m excited to be here.”

  Cynthia was new to our girl gang.

  Lila was the center of our group. She and Amy May had grown up together and had been friends with Bea for years when I came along. I’d originally approached Lila about doing a story on her for the paper, and I’d been lucky enough to be taken into the fold. Lila had met Cynthia when she caught a teenager robbing the bookstore, and she’d fit naturally into the group.

  I was grateful for these women and felt blessed to have them in my life.

  “Did you guys order drinks yet? Anyone else here? Have you talked to Lila since she got back?”

  Amy May smiled fondly at me, used to my quick-fire questions by now.

  “We’re the first ones and no one’s come by to take our order yet. I talked to her earlier today.”

  “I haven’t spoken to her yet. Did they have the best time?” Cynthia asked.

  “I’m sure their honeymoon was a fantasy come to life. How could it not be with such a sexy, virile man like Cade. I’m not letting her leave until she gives us all the juicy details,” Amy May said with a glint in her eyes.

  “I heard that, ya perv,” Lila said as she slid in next to me.

  “Can I start you ladies off with some drinks?” Our server asked.

  “We have one more coming. Does anyone know if Bea is bringing Shannon?” Shannon was Bea’s wife.

  Lila shook her head.

  “Shannon’s working late, so Bea is coming on her own,” Lila told me, then looked back to the server and added, “But we’ll still order drinks.”

  “I’ll have sangria,” Amy May said.

  “Ohhh,” Cynthia cooed, “That sounds yummy. I’ll have the same.”

  “I’ll have whatever IPA you have on draft.”

  “And, I’ll have a dirty martini, and a glass of Pinot Noir for our friend,” Lila added.

  “Coming right up,” our server said with a friendly smile, then turned to place our order.

  “Hey, sorry I’m late, I wanted to run home and change out of my uniform since I plan to have some wine tonight,” Bea said as she joined the group. She was the smallest of us, with short dark hair, but she was one badass cop.

  “I already put your order in,” Lila assured her.

  “Thanks, babe,” Bea said, leaning over to give Lila a hug. “Welcome back to the States.”

  “Yeah, how was your trip?” Cynthia asked.

  “It was amazing. Magical. Better than I could even imagine,” Lila said with a large grin. “But, before Amy May demands details of every sexual encounter Cade and I had…” Lila put her hand over the side of her mouth like she was telling a secret and whispered, “Fifty,” then dropped her hand and kept saying, “Let’s see why Carmen wanted us here in the first place. Twenty bucks says it has to do with Bran being in Hawaii without her.”

  But, I was stuck on a number. “Fifty?” I asked, incredulous. “That’s an average of two point four times a day.”

  “Did you just figure
that out in your head?” Lila asked.

  “I knew Cade had it in him,” Amy May said, her tone proud.

  Bea just chuckled and shook her head.

  “Here you are, ladies,” the server said, passing out our drinks. “Have you had a chance to look at the menu?”

  “Oh, no, I haven’t even opened mine,” Cynthia said apologetically.

  “It’s best if you bring another round of drinks, then take our order,” Bea informed him. “We just started what is sure to be an in-depth conversation, so we’ll be a while.”

  “No problem. Take your time.”

  “Now,” Bea said, looking at me. “Spill.”

  I shook my head once more at Lila, then took in the women surrounding me and breathed deeply.

  “So, you know Bran invited me to go with him to Hawaii and I said, no.”

  “What? Why?” Amy May asked.

  “Okay, maybe you didn’t know…” I let out a nervous giggle. “Anywho, he has a convention this weekend, then added on a week for vacation and wanted me to be there for that week.”

  “Why did you say no?” Bea asked softly.

  “Because … we’re still early in the relationship. I mean, sure, we’ve had sex,” I whispered that part. “And, we’ve slept over at each other’s places, but we haven’t spent a weekend together, or said I love you, or anything like that. What if being together alone for that long brought out flaws in our relationship, or my incessant talking got on his nerves or something? Plus, I have work. With Lila just getting back…”

  “Oh, no,” Lila said, holding up her hand to stop my ramble. “Don’t use me, or the job as an excuse. You just covered while I was on my honeymoon, you know I’d do the same for you.”

  I frowned, feeling a stab of guilt, because I did know that.


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