Lotus: Dark Lotus Chronicles One

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Lotus: Dark Lotus Chronicles One Page 8

by Nephrys Darkwater

  He brushed some of her hair from her face and traced a finger up her long, pale, slender ears. She was just as beautiful as he remembered, even more so now that she was no longer a shy teenager, but a woman. With one hand behind her head and the other beneath her knees, he scooped her up into his lap and held her close. He rocked back and forth as he thanked the gods for giving him another chance to protect the one he loved. He kissed the top of her head and finally stood.

  “Here, you should cover her with this. Everyone here has been sworn to secrecy and threatened with quite the awful fate should they betray my trust,” the lab director said as he placed a blanket over Revlis. “Your brother has arrived with his own cargo hold full of humans, and you won’t believe who’s been tagging along with him. But first, you must get her aboard your ship. You are safe here, but I cannot guarantee the secrecy of the other crews here. I would like to speak with the two of you after she wakes up, if that’s alright with you.”

  Valdrik nodded his head. “You have some explaining to do, but we will talk later.” He reached the door to the lab and stopped. “And director?”


  “Thank you,” Valdrik said over his shoulder as he exited the lab.

  Once on board the ship, Valdrik placed Revlis on his bed where she belonged. He removed the blanket the director had covered her with and sat on the bed beside her. He brushed his fingers across her jaw, her cheek, and down her neck. All this time he’d spent searching for her and not once had he thought to look on the very planet she had fought to protect. He bent over and placed a kiss on her forehead, thankful to have her near him again. Not wishing to leave her side just yet, he watched her sleep awhile longer.


  “Little brother! How nice it is to see you!” Yasu called out down the hall.

  Valdrik scowled at him. Yasu constantly behaved much younger than he was, making Valdrik feel like the eldest sibling by several years rather than the second oldest by a mere two years. “The lab director informed me he sent you on a collection run about the galaxies as well, Yasu.”

  “Ah, that he did, that he did! And you won’t believe who I’ve found!” Yasu said with a smile as he came upon his brother. They grasped each other’s wrists and hauled the other in for a hug, as was their customary greeting. “But seriously though. We need to talk in private. The person I have with me,” he gestured to the cloaked figure behind him. “He has quite the target on his back. Can we use your room?”

  “No!” Valdrik said with such force he made all of them jump. “Ah, sorry. It’s a bit of a mess. I was looking for something earlier and kind of tore the room apart to find it.”

  “Okay, how about a secure room? That’ll do, right?” Yasu asked and the cloaked figure nodded.

  Valdrik led them to a small conference room and took a seat at the table facing the door. The other two sat across from him and all were silent.

  “Well?” Valdrik prodded.

  “Ah, oh, right! Well, like you I received a communication from the lab that several pings and blips were picked up by their system and was sent on a mission to collect said pings and blips. It wasn’t until I arrived on the first nearby planet that I found out we were collecting humans. Larots was my fourth stop and this guy was protecting the group of humans from the undead that inhabit that planet. Never thought I’d see him again, seeing as how he was proclaimed dead several years ago,” Yasu explained.

  Valdrik’s gaze drifted from his brother to the cloaked figure. He narrowed his eyes and the figure lifted his hands in a peaceful gesture. He removed his hood. A man with long gray hair and lavender colored eyes stared back at him.

  Valdrik could do nothing more than gape at him. The man before him was an old childhood friend who had indeed been proclaimed dead many years ago. Even his beloved had said so. She’d been there, seen it happen and saw his body. She had sent him such a tearful video that his heart had nearly dropped out of his chest. It had been all he could do to not reach into the video and pull her to his chest to comfort her. It wan’t long after that video that he received word that she had disappeared.

  Of course, he shouldn’t be too surprised. King Relik’s notes did mention something about failing to kill someone. He didn’t know he meant Kalis. It seems that after Kalis’ “death”, the notes became more vague, as if the King knew someone were reading his notebook and didn’t want to reveal more than he should. But then why keep the notebook at all? Why not burn it if he knew someone had read it? Did he leave it behind on purpose? Did he want someone to chase him throughout the galaxies to end his horrible reign?

  “How? Tell me just how in the Fates you are still alive? Revlis sent me word that she was with you when you were attacked by a chimera. She defeated it and saw your body torn to shreds. How are you alive?” Valdrik questioned as he banged his fists on the table as his anger built. “How could you leave her all alone like that?” his voice was a mixture of fury and awe.

  Kalis looked down at the table, his voice somber, “I didn’t know she would be targeted as well. When I left, I thought I was protecting her by not being there. I thought the less she knew, the safer she was.” He looked up at Valdrik, taking his anger. “I’m sorry. You have to understand I believed she would be safer without me around. The fact that our father killed our mother and turned her into a chimera then used it to attack me was my proof. I tried to get her to seek safety, but you know how stubborn she can be. I didn’t expect her to kill the chimera on her own. That, in itself, is a highly difficult task, as I’m sure you now know.”

  “How?” Valdrik growled, tufts of his fur standing on end.

  “A guard happened to be around at the time.” Kalis said with a shrug of his shoulders. “One of father’s little spies. I may not have much magick, but I can do a little. I cast a spell on his body to make him look like me and I like him. Father and his guards appeared shortly after and he looked rather pleased at the sight of me having been torn apart. He didn’t know that Rev was fighting the creature he had sent after me. He was as shocked as anyone when he learned she had defeated it on her own.”

  “So why didn’t you stay? You were disguised as one of his spies. You could have used that to your advantage,” Valdrik said.

  “I had thought about it, but as I said before, my magick is rather lacking. Rev is the one who takes after Mother on that front. She proved it that day,” Kalis replied with a sad smile.

  Valdrik released the breath he’d been holding and ran a hand across his face. “So? What happened after that? Where did you go?”

  “I didn’t want father to find me, to realize he hadn’t actually gotten away with another murder. So mostly, I hopped from planet to planet, switching from one disguise to another, until I wound up on Larots. I figured no one would look for me there. I was right,” Kalis said with a shrug of his shoulders.

  After a few moments of silence, Yasu asked, “So what do we do now? What’s our next move? Are we going after the King? Someone has to make him answer for all that he’s done.”

  “No,” Valdrik said as he rose from his chair.

  “What? Why not? I thought you of all people would be raring to go kick some ass. What’s up?” Yasu asked as he stood.

  “You’ve shown me your secret, now I’ll show you mine,” Valdrik said as he reached the door.

  Kalis donned his hood once more and they followed Valdrik through the corridors. They stopped in front of the captain’s quarters.

  “Your room? But I thought you said it was messy? Why else would you drag us half way through your ship to that small conference room?” Yasu questioned.

  “For the same reason that he hides who he is,” Valdrik answered.

  They walked through the door and Valdrik walked toward the bed, turning on a dim light. He stood back and the other men sucked in a breath. There on the bed lay their missing Princess, Kalis’ younger sister.

  The three exchanged looks and Kalis approached the bed, removing his hood. Tears filled his eyes a
s he gazed down at his sleeping sister. How he had longed to see her. Apologize to her. Upon receiving Valdrik’s approval, he sat upon the bed and brushed his hand over her hair and rested it on her cheek.

  “You little scoundrel,” Yasu said with a smirk.

  “An eye for an eye, bro,” Valdrik returned his smile. “There is one other thing.”

  Valdrik crossed the room to where the bag of books lay and he dumped them onto the table. “I found her on Taniro, and she found these.” He removed the small navy journal and handed it to Yasu. Kalis drew in a breath so sharply it sounded like he was hissing.

  “You recognize it?” Valdrik asked.

  “That belongs to father. The last I saw of it was after I discovered what he had done to mother and planned to do to the impure Elves,” Kalis replied.

  “So, what, this is a notebook of the king’s dastardly plans?” Yasu asked as he scanned a few pages.

  “More or less,” Valdrik said with a shrug. “But more importantly, that, paired with these two,” he gestured toward Kalis and Revlis, “I believe there’s more than enough convicting evidence, correct?”

  “Maybe. It’s definitely a good, strong start,” Yasu replied with a nod of his head as he handed the small book back to his brother.

  “So, what do we do now?” Kalis questioned.

  “I don’t know about you guys, but I think I need a little vacation. My crew as well. I thought we’d head home for a while. Haven’t seen the family in some time, and I’m sure mother would just squeeze the life out of you two when she sees you,” Valdrik chuckled at the thought.

  Yasu grinned. “You know, a little vacation back home sounds perfect. What do you say, Kalis? Shall we go home? We might be able to find some more evidence against the King.”

  Kalis looked at Revlis. “I don’t care what we do, so long as no more harm comes to her.”

  The men nod in agreement. It was settled. A trip home was their next destination.

  Going Home

  Es opened her eyes to a dimly lit room. She found herself lying on a comfy bed big enough to fit four of her side by side. She pushed herself up, trying to blink away the sleep from her mind. She looked around the room to find it rather simple, clean, and organized. End tables sat on either side of the head of the bed, each with a chair next to it.

  Above the small tables were lamps on the wall, one of which was currently lit. Across the room was a small round table that could fit two or three people for a meal. Upon the table lay the bag of books she had found.

  Turning herself about, she crawled to the edge of the bed and as she stood up, she realized she had her old body back. She ran her fingers through her long platinum silver hair, as soft as down feathers. She touched her ears and marveled at how long they were compared to the ones she had before. She looked down at herself and saw how loose her clothes fit now. She raised her eyebrows as she pulled her shirt open and gawked at herself.

  She removed her clothes for a better inspection of herself. Her breasts were twice the size they were in her other form and she couldn’t help but to grab herself. Her stomach was no longer pregnant looking and was as flat as a model’s. Her arms were slim and no longer carried the flabby bits called “wings”. Her hips were just as round as before but not nearly as wide. Her legs were long and slender now, with no cellulite dimples. Her feet were still small, though. If only she could turn herself around to see herself from behind . . .

  Es shrugged and redressed, happy to be in her original body again. She walked over to the table and opened the bag but it was too dark on that side of the room, so she carried it to the bed. One by one, she pulled the books out, remembering what each spell book was and glad to see that all of the books she had hidden in the abandoned village on Taniro were all accounted for.

  She ran her fingers across the note Valdrik had written to her in the druid spell book he had found and confiscated on one of his missions. She smiled at the memory of how he once looked and the man he had become. His current self put his past self to shame, really. She laughed at remembering his small, lanky form and how full of energy he had been the last time they had seen each other. Now, he was twice the size of his former self, but despite all his strength, his eyes looked defeated. He looked so tired now.

  A soft sound had her lifting her head. Valdrik was standing in the doorway, a faint smile on his lips. He closed the door and walked over to her. Placing his hands on either side of her face, he leaned down and placed his forehead to hers. She grabbed his hands and let him stay like that for a while.

  He kissed the top of her head and then her cheek before nuzzling into her neck, breathing in her scent. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his around her. She wanted to stay like this forever. She wanted them both to be safe and happy and in each other’s arms for as long as they lived. He made her happy. She loved him, and no matter what her father may think of him, he was good to her. That was all she wanted.

  She gently pushed him away enough to turn her head and kiss his cheek. He pulled away then also and sat down beside her on the bed. Wrapping one arm around her waist, he pulled her into him and rested his head on hers. She sighed at how safe and comfortable she was here, with him. She felt his lips on the top of her head before she pulled away further, wanting to look at him.

  When she did, a swirl of emotions reflected in his eyes. “Oh, Val,” she whispered with a smile as she placed a hand on his cheek. He turned his face into it and placed his hand over hers.

  “I never gave up looking for you,” he said. “Although, I am sad to say that I’m not as smart as I thought I was. Not once did I think to look for you on Terra.”

  Revlis smiled, “That is what I was going for. I wanted to tell you, but I knew you would either follow me or stop me. I had to get away, to hide. I couldn’t risk being found. Not after what I had discovered.”

  “If you are speaking of your father’s journal, I’ve read it and it took a lot of strength to not rip it to shreds and burn it,” he growled.

  She laughed. “When did you find time to read it? Is that why you’re so tired?”

  Valdrik nuzzled her cheek as he spoke, “I’m tired because I have spent nearly half of my life looking for my missing beloved, and after having finally found her, I could not help but watch her sleep.” He pulled away to look her in the eyes, “I went through the books after we found you on Taniro. Your father - what the King has planned, what he has done, is unforgivable.”

  She nodded, “I agree. As much as I loved him growing up, he’s turned out to be different than the man I knew back then. For him to be responsible for the death of so many of my loved ones, the annihilation of several species and planets, and to have sent both you and Zanan away simply because he did not believe you suitable for his children,” she shook her head.

  “What do you want to do, Love?” he asked tenderly.

  “I want to confront my father and make him answer for everything he’s done. He may be my father, but what he has done and plans to do outweighs my feelings for him and he needs to pay for his crimes,” she said, her voice wavering under her mixed emotions towards her father.

  Valdrik nodded his agreement. “I will help you do that, as well as many others.”

  She looked at him questioningly. He smiled and said, “You have many friends aboard this ship, Princess, who do not yet know you are here in my bed.”

  She raised her eyebrows at this surprising statement. “I have friends? But, the only friends I remember having besides you and my family, are Zanan and your family.”

  He chuckled and replied, “Trédü’s son, Draconis, is a part of my crew. He was always suspicious about his father’s death and now knows the truth. Not a single member of my crew is a follower of your father. Each one is loyal to me and to you. They have helped me in my search for you and helped me not lose hope in finding you. They wish to see you reign over our people, Princess.”

  “Really? I don’t know how long I’ve been gone, but I’m
glad that there are people out there who are looking forward to seeing me for reasons other than to see me dead. But, before that, we have some catching up to do,” she said with a smile. “For starters, how did you get this?” she asked as she rubbed her thumb across the nick on his chin.

  He smiled and kissed her palm. “Many of my scars are from one battle or other, and if you wish to hear all the sad and gory details, I can put you to sleep with my stories.”

  She laughed at his answer. “Alright then, I will have you explain each and every one to me later,” she said with a smile. “I know you are practically dying of curiosity as to what happened to me, so I’ll try to take it slow and start from the beginning.”

  He smiled and remained silent. She continued, “After I sent you that video explaining how I lost Kalis, I felt so alone. Father made sure to keep you busy and far away from me.” Valdrik gave her a squeeze and she went on. “I decided to drown myself in my magick lessons. I went through every book mother had. I worked every spell until it was perfect. I didn’t think I would remember every single spell, since there were hundreds of them, so I used the small Memcry trinkets you had given me over the years to save my memories of each one. The last time I saw them, I had hidden them away in my room.”


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