One Apocalypse (The Dark Side Book 4)

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One Apocalypse (The Dark Side Book 4) Page 5

by Kristy Cunning

  “I’ve not done anything at all to piss her off,” I assure them.

  We all swing our gazes to Kai, who narrows his eyes at us.

  “I’ve given her orgasms. Usually that’s enough to make up for anything any of us have done wrong. I have no idea what she’s pissed about,” Kai growls, dropping to a chair.

  Paca returns, a huge smile on her face and a bag of popcorn that starts immediately popping with spitfire cracks against the heat of hell. Her eyes widen.

  “Look! Hell’s popping it for me! It’s—”

  The bag catches fire, and the popcorn turns to ash almost immediately in the next instant, as she just stares in horror as the embers being whisked off by the soft wind.

  We all give her a tired look.

  She looks more concerned about the fucking popcorn than the torturous match she’s about to face.

  “This really is Hell if it’ll do that to my helpless popcorn right when I need it the most!” Paca groans, whimpering as she tries to lift some of the ash pile. “Grow back,” she commands the ashes as though they’ll listen.

  “Someone talk some fucking sense into her before I strangle her,” I state tightly, barely restraining myself.

  If she didn’t have that slippery phantom form, we could easily overpower her, tie her to a bed somewhere, and keep her out of harm’s way.


  Lamar appears with a tray in his hand and a red bowl of popcorn that isn’t ashy. Paca’s stuttered words cut out, as a new smile blooms across her face.

  I don’t know what to do with her when she’s this unhinged and unfocused.

  “Hell requires specialized products, Paca,” Lamar states on a sigh.

  She snatches the bowl of popcorn, pats him on the head, and drops to Ezekiel’s lap as she starts eating it.

  “So we fight down there?” she asks around a mouthful.

  “Yes. The stands will float above you in a protected ring to keep from unintentionally being obliterated,” Lamar tells her.

  There’s a big crowd. We’re isolated in this section, but you can hear the roars of excitement. It’s a rare treat to be entertained in Hell.

  “It’s time,” Lamar tells her.

  In the next instant, she zaps out of Ezekiel’s lap, the bowl of popcorn left mid-air in her wake. Ezekiel grunts as the bowl lands on his crotch and spills popcorn all over his lap.

  I try to stand, only to realize I…can’t.

  My eyes widen as I struggle to get out of my seat, feeling as though there’s a phantom force locking me in place.

  “You boys must have really pissed her off if she’s punishing you like this.” Lucifer’s voice sends a chill up my spine, as he comes to take a seat on the most obnoxious throne.

  My eyes widen again when I realize he’s shirtless, while wearing an open, cowhide robe that goes all the way to his ankles. His leather pants squeak as he takes a seat, playing with a human skull as he sits down, looking over the top of a pair of aviator sunglasses at us.

  “What?” he asks as he rubs the skull’s head.

  The other hell-spawn move into their seats around us, and Lilith grins as she leans forward, getting way too fucking close to my ear.

  “After your girlfriend is put out of commission for a while, I’m going to enjoy having you four all to myself.”

  “Sit,” Lucifer tells her.

  She drops to a seat as though his command has buckled her into place. Now it makes sense why I’m stuck to this chair as though I’ve been superglued in place.

  If not even one of the Royals can stand, I may as well give up my struggle.

  Paca stands alone below, leaving the four of us helpless up here, as she waits on her first sibling to join in. The wasteland we’re in is set in the tip of Hell’s tail.

  I suppose they’re ensuring the damage is somewhere no one cares about.

  “What if all of the Royals fought Jahl instead of just Paca?” Gage asks, his eyes turning to Lucifer.

  Lucifer snorts in derision.

  “Envy, Pride, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, and Lust would only feed Jahl. Wrath is the only thing that won’t feed him, simply because of Paca’s balance and ownership of Wrath. I tried lying to her once, telling her even Wrath would feed it. She was too smart to believe my lies,” Lucifer tells us. “Honestly, though, you should stop pissing her off. As Wrath, you’ll only ever get tit from tat from her when you piss her off. Surely you’re smart enough to have learned that by now. She’s stronger than you, but at the end of the day, she’s still as much a slave to her core as all of my children.”

  He cuts his eyes toward us, smirking.

  “She may have a personality and the ability to think for herself, but we’re all ruled by something. Emotional outbursts are just par for the course,” he adds, looking back below as Hera comes into view, a smirk on her lips as she stands facing Paca from several yards away.

  I lean up as much as I’m physically allowed, just as Ezekiel, Gage, and Kai all do the same. Bouquets of pink roses start getting thrown to Hera’s side, the crowd cheering and applauding for her entrance.

  “Why didn’t Paca get a shower of roses when she went out there?” Ezekiel asks with a frown.

  Manella snorts from behind us, laughing under his breath. I turn, as Lamar gives him a look.

  “I can’t help myself. They’re so fucking clueless that it can’t be anything but laughable,” he tells Lamar.

  It’s rare to hear Manella speak, so it pisses me off that much more when he uses his words to insult us.

  “Because her harem is the Four Horsemen,” Cain states from behind us, as he sets down an empty jar of liquor next to the other five empty jars he’s apparently gone through during the short time he’s been in attendance.

  Gluttony. Must be a bitch to do everything in excess.

  My attention returns to Paca, as she looks up at us and cups her hands around her mouth like she’s about to yell. “Where the hell are my roses? Did you four buy me roses or did you just sit around sulking the entire time? See? Even she gets better treatment.”

  She points a finger at Hera, who is still getting showered with pink roses. I glare down at Paca, wishing I could throttle her with my own two hands in this moment.

  “Could she take this a little more seriously?” Kai gripes, bristling. “It’s not like we fucking knew you’re supposed to throw roses. I didn’t know roses could even survive in Hell.”

  “Only roses from Eden’s fallen garden,” Lamar states from behind us.

  “You have to spend a big chunk of credits to buy them. Hera’s not worth that from these low-level riffraff, who barely have enough credits to even travel that far,” the twins say in unison. They quickly add, “But we get the most roses.”

  I didn’t realize there was a credit system in Hell, but I keep that to myself. I don’t even care. If I don’t know about it, it’s because we get special privileges from our title and affiliation to Paca.

  My distracted mind comes to an abrupt halt when Hera lifts her crown from her head, spinning it into the air. It circles as it hovers, spinning faster and faster.

  Paca glances up at it, just as I sense the pulse of power crackle through the air with enough static to make our arm hairs raise, even in this protected circle.

  Hands stab out of the ground, grabbing Paca’s ankles, and her eyes widen in surprise as she’s taken down. She cries out like she’s in pain, and I struggle with being confined to my chair once more, fighting to get up.

  “I’ve stifled her phantom form for this evening’s events,” Lucifer says with a sinister grin as he pets the skull’s head. “I wanted to make things more interesting.”

  A collective gasp rattles out of the four of us when Paca cries out again, black marks forming on her skin as the hands keep her pinned down.

  “What the hell is she fucking doing to her?” I snap.

  “Watch your tone. I’m not known for my compassion towards the insolent,” Lucifer drawls, staring d
own at his pet skull and dotingly speaking to it as though it’s alive and needs sweet talk.

  Clearing my throat, doing all I can to rein in my fury, since I’m not a match for the fucking Devil, I try to calmly recite the question with as much ‘respect’ as I can muster.

  It comes out gritted through clenched teeth, which causes his lips to twitch with amusement.

  “There’s an underground tribe that dwells here. Very powerful set of underlings. Also, very territorial, which is another reason we’re floating. Hera controls them when there are breaches in this section. All the spectators cheering on Hera would be dead if the tribe could sense them. Hera just used her power to summon them, and now they’re under her control.”

  Paca’s skin starts graying and crackling as she struggles to breathe, and Ezekiel curses, as he and Gage renew their struggles. She can withstand hellfire but not whatever they’re doing to her. It doesn’t make sense.

  “This is even sadder and more pathetic than I thought it would be,” the twins state in unison.

  “Oh, you cheap replica of my dearly departed, bitch sister,” Hera chides as she gloats and polishes her nails.

  Her crown continues spinning in the air, the power pulsing as more and more roses get thrown to the ground behind her, offerings for the lust spawn.

  “There won’t be anything left of her by the time it’s my turn. I want to go next,” Cain tells Lucifer, patting his shoulder. “Can I go next? Please, please, please,” he whines like a child.

  Paca gets flipped back, her entire body almost stiff from the gray substance.

  “This tribe paralyzes their victims. Paca is going to be upset if they drag her under and end this fight prematurely. She’ll be even angrier when she sees what they want from a girl,” Lucifer states with very little concern.

  This is why you don’t ever trust anyone from Hell you don’t have a bond with. If it’s for their amusement, they don’t particularly care what happens.

  “I thought you cared a little more about your favorite child,” I bite out. “Release me. Let me—”

  “Paca is disillusioned into believing she’s powerful enough to fight Jahl and win. It’s better for her if she’s bested by my weakest combatant, and learns her new place before she deploys her trigger and dies for good this time,” he says, cutting his eyes toward me. “I’m a man who believes the ends justify the means. Clearly, I’m the motherfucking Devil. Don’t hold me to any righteous idealization you have in your naïve, simple mind, boy. And watch your tone. Last warning.”

  A chill slithers up my spine as my jaw grinds. If I could kill the son of a bitch, I’d already be punting his severed head across the stadium right now.

  He doesn’t love her. I foolishly thought the Devil could love, simply because of his affections toward her.

  I’ve never felt dumber than in this helpless moment. I genuinely thought he wouldn’t be able to endure seeing his child be put through this, especially after getting so upset during Rafael’s first test on her.

  Paca suddenly starts laughing from the ground, her cries of anguish cutting out to make room for the hysterics. My head whips back around, and I stiffen, wondering if she’s gone mad from the suffering and pain.

  The hands suddenly burst as though they’ve been overcooked in a microwave, and the stands rattle with a pulse of power. Gray goop sprays all over Hera, who immediately drops to the ground, her body going stiffer and stiffer.

  Lucifer stops rubbing his pet skull, going motionless, as his eyes widen in surprise.

  “She’s not deceptive. She couldn’t have been feigning those screams of pain,” he says as Paca’s skin slowly burns away the gray residue that is now causing Hera some issues.

  A hushed silence falls over the crowd, as Paca’s eyes go solid black, her laughter getting louder and louder.

  “Sorry. That’s all I could take. I was starting to get a little imbalanced,” Paca says in a tone that echoes around as though she’s saying the words over and over, though her lips only moved once.

  “What…the…hell?” Gage asks on a stunned whisper.

  “I take it back. I’ll stay farther back in the lineup,” Cain says, patting Lucifer’s shoulder again, as even the Devil continues to stare on in surprise.

  Paca smirks, and Hera is suddenly launched into stands, shattering some piece of a barrier there. Hera’s body is frozen from the paralyzing goop that has sprayed all over her.

  Hands grapple her, pulling her to them, as a fight breaks out, pulling Hera in all directions as every male on that side tries to verbally claim her as his own.

  Paca cracks her neck to the side.

  “She’s still training to take a fucking hit?” Kai growls like he’s now ready to throttle her, since she’s no longer writhing in agony and breaking us with her screams.

  As the royal guards fight the crowd to retrieve Hera, Paca looks up at us, winking as she squashes a fresh hand that pokes up through the scorched soil.

  More guards race out to start picking up the bouquets of roses, as Paca skips around in a circle, the last of the gray poison burning away from her body like it was never there.

  She could have done that all along.

  Groaning, I run a hand over my face, shaking my head at the same time, as I stare down at the most vicious woman we ever could have attached ourselves to.

  “What’d you four do to piss her off this time?” Manella drawls from behind us, as though this is all our fault.

  I don’t plan on answering.

  Ezekiel, however, mumbles, “We don’t fucking know.”

  “We should have bought roses,” Kai says on a frustrated sigh.

  “The damn roses have nothing to do with it. She was pissed about something before this,” Gage snaps.

  “She’s been keeping secrets. That means she thinks we’re keeping secrets,” I state flatly, eyes leveling Paca.

  I feel the rest of my quad’s stares fall on me as though they think I’m supposed to have more information instead of an educated guess.

  Manella siphons below before anyone can say more, and a sword attached to a chain appears in his hand.

  Lamar stands and twirls his hand. A portal opens behind Manella, and roses start pouring out of it, landing on the ground behind him.

  “Great. Even he knew to bring roses. Paca’s only going to be more pissed by the time this thing ends,” Kai groans, palming his face.

  I’m grateful only our lower bodies seem to be stuck in place.

  “Could you take this a little more seriously?” I growl, glaring over at him.

  When I turn back around, Paca is staring at the roses. She puts her hands on her hips and cuts a glare toward the four of us, arching an eyebrow as if to say, “You guys are the worst boyfriends ever.”

  I swear…the things she gets hung up on…

  Manella looks bored as he examines his nails.

  “Hit me,” Paca says when the boring battle never begins.

  “I’ll pass,” Manella calls back around a yawn as he stretches.

  Paca narrows her eyes. “Make a move, Sloth.”

  “Too much trouble,” he murmurs as he lies down on the ground, getting comfortable as he puts the chained sword on his stomach.

  “Are you going to bore me to death to win?” Paca asks as she studies her unimpressive sibling.

  “My strategy has been unveiled. Whatever will I do now?” Manella fires back in a dry, uninterested tone.

  “Suit yourself,” she says as she smirks.

  There’s a visible ripple in the air, and a steady static hums somewhere below us, as flames shoot free from her body, racing toward Manella.

  Time seems to slow, and we watch in confusion as the flames inch toward Manella, whose eyes are closed.

  The chain on the sword comes to life, stabbing into the ground. It pops up under one of the flames, just as four more chains shoot up from the ground under the other flames. As soon as the chains begin spinning as though they’re creating a cyclone,
it sucks in the flames and extinguishes them.

  Time resumes, and Paca stumbles forward a step, eyes wide.

  “What was that?” I ask Lucifer.

  “Manella has the ability to slow down time, because Sloth takes things at a slower pace,” he states on a sigh. “He could be one of my most powerful children…if he wasn’t so lazy.”

  He pats the skull’s head, even as his eyes stay trained on Paca.

  Paca hurls more flames, and just like before, time slows, the chain stabs into the ground and seemingly multiply when several strands pop back out. Once again, they suck the fire into small cyclones.

  After that, Manella yawns, reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a small white flag that he waves.

  “I concede. You win,” he tells her.

  Her eyes widen, but he siphons out. I turn around just as he lands back in his seat, leaning his head over on Lamar’s shoulder.

  “Wake me if it gets interesting,” he tells Lamar, who pats his head like he’s done something special.

  “He really should have been made with more pride,” one of the twins says as he wrinkles his nose in disappointment.

  “Get your ass back down here and fight me, Manella!” Paca shouts.

  “No thanks. Too tired,” Manella murmurs sleepily…before he starts snoring.


  As the roses get cleaned up, Lilith appears below, smirking as she holds up her fingernails like she’s trying to show off her purple polish.

  Paca sucks in an indignant breath. “Purple is my color,” our psychotic girlfriend says in a very angry tone…because her priorities are such a pain in the ass.

  “She wonders why I’m so pissed all the time,” I say on a frustrated groan as I lay my head over on my arms. “I don’t know if I can watch this one if she’s going to be this reckless the whole time.”

  My knees bounce as I listen to the first crackle of power, refusing to look. I really wish I knew what fucking bug crawled up her ass to make her think we deserve this torture.

  Chapter 8


  This is the worst fucking day we’ve had in Hell…at least in this lifetime.

  Paca’s really pissed about the absurd volume of roses that Lilith gets showered with…from what seems like over half the audience.


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