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by S R Edwards

  Avatar: The legend of Aang.



  Nickelodeon studios 2005-2008


  Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the fire nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them but when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother, Sokka and I discovered the new Avatar, an air bender named Aang. Although his air bending skills were great, he had a lot to learn before he was ready to save anyone. But from the first day I met him, I believed Aang would save the world. And you know what? I was right. With the help of his friends, Aang defeated Fire Lord Ozai and ended the hundred year war. Zuko, Ozai’s son and our ally, became the new Fire Lord. Together with Earth King Kuei, Aang and Zuko promised to return the nations to harmony.

  Aang and I courted for several years after the war. The team split up. Toph was chief of police in the new republic city and travelled round the Earth kingdom teaching poorer communities Earth and metal bending. Sokka returned home to the Southern water tribe and would later become Chief. Zuko was now Fire lord and as for me and Aang we mostly travelled round the world. We first heard about the troubled town while we were staying at a small inn a few miles from Ba Sing Se’s outer wall. That is where this tale will begin.

  Chapter One: Engagement.

  The front door shuts after Katara and Aang enter, the whispers stop and the inn keeper appears in front of them. He bows to the pair. “Avatar Aang, I am blessed you have chosen my small inn for your rest tonight. I will personally show you to your room.” He motions to the stairs and leads the two away. “What was everyone whispering about?” Katara looks back at the other patrons as they make their way up the narrow wooden stair case. “Well they say the forest spirits are angered.” Aang and Katara exchange glances. “The town is cutting down trees to make way for new buildings.” The inn keeper leads them down a long corridor huge wooden doors line the walls. He leads them to the second to last room on the left at the back of the building and opens the door. “I’ll go there tomorrow and see if there is anything I can do.” The inn keeper bows and walks away back down the corridor. Aang and Katara enter the room and throw their bags down. Aang smiles and flops down onto the bed. “No rest for the Avatar.” Aang watches Katara walk over to the window. “Are you ok Sweetie?” Aang props himself up onto his elbow. Katara nods, tucking her hair behind her ear and smiles slightly. “Yes, I’m fine. I just miss Sokka, Toph and my dad.” Aang lifts himself up from the bed and walks over to her. “Take Appa and go home for a few days. I’ll be alright here.” Katara turns round and smiles. “I’ll be ok Aang I just need some rest.” She kisses his cheek and walks over to the bed. Katara takes her shoes off and places them next to her feet. “I’ll go home after this mission.” Aang walks across the room and sits with her. “If you’re sure.” They both undress and settle down for the night.

  Meanwhile in Mù Zhèn Toph and a couple of new recruits walk along the forest path. “We shouldn’t be this exposed at night.” Toph shakes her head. “Especially with the spirits angry.” Toph stops and turns to face her two newest students. She digs her feet into the floor. “Will you two lily livers quit complaining. You’re with Toph Beifong the greatest Earth bender in the world. Nothing bad is going to hap... oh no...” The earth opens up under them and the trio fall into the abyss. Back at the inn Aang wakes with a start. Katara stirs next to him. “Aang?” She rolls over to face him, he puts his hand on hers to comfort her. “Don’t worry sweetie, its ok. I had a bad dream that’s all.” He stands and walks over to the window. Katara sits up and rubs her eyes. “What about?” He turns to face her and smiles softly. “Toph, she fell down a hole.” He sits on the floor. “She’s in trouble, Katara, I just know it.” “So what do we do about Mù Zhèn?” He crosses his legs and looks down at the floor. “I don’t know.” Katara leans forward and puts her hand on his shoulder. She smiles at him. “We can take a detour in the morning and check at the academy.” He nods and lies down. “I’m going to sleep here.” Katara sighs but nods. “Ok sweetie.” She rolls over and goes back to sleep. Aang settles himself down but can’t get back to sleep. He lays and watches Katara sleep. Deep in the forest Toph and her students fall through the trees and land with a thump. “Ow.” Toph stands up. “I can’t see a thing. Where are we?” She puts her hand to the ground and feels at the dirt under their feet. “It looks like the forest.” Toph tries to bend the earth around them but nothing happens. “I can’t bend, we’re in the spirit world. There’s only one person who can save us now.” Her two students look at her then at each other. “The Avatar.” Toph nods. “Yes, Aang, please find us. I’m counting on you twinkle toes.”

  Katara wakes up to their room filled with blue light. “Aang?” She crawls over to him. “Aang.” His tattoos and eyes stop glowing and he looks at her. “What happened?”

  “I heard Toph shout me.” He stands up. “She’s in the spirit world.” He looks at Katara. “She won’t be able to see or bend.” Tears well up in his eyes. “What if I can’t save her?” Katara pulls him close.

  “You will Aang, I know you will.” She smiles and kisses him. “Shall we set off now? We’ll get here quicker.”

  “Yeah, good idea Katara.” He frowns and pulls away from her. “I’ll call Appa.” Once they are in the air and on their way Aang returns to the spirit world, Katara watches over his meditating body. His spirit floats above them and drops down in the forest. “Toph! Hello! Is anyone there? Toph?!” He lands on a branch and watches for any movement. A wolf spirit shifts beneath him. Toph and her students sit huddled in its thick fur. “Toph!”

  “Twinkle toes? Is that you Aang?” She stands up and smiles. “I knew you’d come.” Aang jumps down and lands in front of the wolf spirit. “Aang?”

  “Hang on Toph. Greetings wolf spirit, I am the Avatar….” The wolf steps over him and continues on its path. “Hey! Wait spirit I need to talk to you!” Aang runs after it. “Please wait!”

  “Aang sweetie we’re almost there.” Katara’s voice cuts through the trees, pulling him back to the physical world and away from Toph and the spirit holding her.

  Appa lands just inside the small town. The air is filled with the smell of burning wood. They dismount Appa and Aang looks around at the nearby forest or what is left of it. “Woah.” As Aang and Katara walk through the streets, towards the square, people stop and stare at them. “The Avatar.”

  “Avatar Aang.”

  “We’re saved!” A small, cubby man walks over to the pair. He bows to them. “Welcome Avatar Aang, Master Katara. We are so pleased to see you, our little town needs your help.”

  “We’re glad to help.” Katara smiles at him and looks to Aang. “Who are you?”

  “Oh forgive me. I am Li I am the mayor.” They follow him to a big wooden house at the head of the square. “Is this your home?” Aang shudders and Katara look s around at the grand wooden structure. Aang runs his fingers over the fresh cuts in the wood. “Yes it is, wonderful isn’t it?” He smiles smugly and shows them round. “My wife and I had it built a little over a year ago.”

  “No wonder the spirits are angry.” Aang whispers and looks at Katara. “What?” She shrugs and the pair sit and drink tea with Li and his wife while he tells them of the things that have happened in the last few months. They talk well into the evening and as the sun sets the town’s people lock their windows and doors. Aang and Katara walk back through the town and stand in front of the gates. Soon enough the wolf spirit smashes through the wooden gates and begins its nightly raid. “Great spirit! Please show me the damage done to your home. I beg of you please!” Aang bows to him, the spirit turns and bows back. He nods and lets Aang ride
on his back. “Thank you.” The two disappear into the spirit world. They travel through a broken forest, hanging from the branches of dead trees are huge vines, Aang looks around at the sorry forest. “Toph!” hanging from one of the vines is a cage and in the cage the people who were missing. “Wait. Spirit. My friends, please let them go, I will show them the way and I will come back to help you.” The spirit looks at his captives and keeps on walking. Aang jumps down and sprints over to the cage. “Toph, are you ok?”

  “Yes, better now.” Aang pulls at the bottom of the cage and it opens, the people spill out onto the ground. They get to their feet as the wolf spirit turns around. “Run! This way!” Aang takes Toph’s hand and leads the group away from the spirit and back to the town. The spirit runs after them.

  The towns people lead by Aang and Toph appear from the darkened forest they are closely followed by the spirit. “Katara!”

  “Toph! Aang!” Toph runs to Katara, Aang stands in between the Spirit and the others. "Katara take the town’s people and Toph out of harm’s way! I’ve got this!”

  “Are you sure?!” Katara steps forward to help him.

  “Yes I’m sure go!” He runs towards the giant grey wolf. He extends his glider and soars above the tree tops. “Forest spirit! I promise no more of your lands will be demolished, I will teach the people. Please leave this town and it’s people be! They have suffered enough for their crimes. You forest will grow back in time.” Katara and Toph work together to protect the town from the spirit, forming a wall from ice and rock. Katara stands on a roof top watching the Avatar, her true love, battle the mighty spirit. “How’s twinkle toes doing?”

  “Not good.” As she says the fateful words an enormous paw bats Aang out of the sky. He slams into the trunk of a giant Oak tree, shaking the acorns from their branches, Aang falls with them. “Aang!” Katara slides down off the roof and Toph bends the Rock wall away. The two run towards the fallen Avatar. The wolf spirit watches them, he looks at the acorns that surround Aang, he looks at the town and then silently slips back into the forest. Katara turns Aang over. “Aang?” Tears well in her eyes. “Please be ok.”

  “I can barely feel his heart beat Katara, this is bad.”

  “I know where to go, Ba Sing Se.” She stands up and whistles for Appa. “Appa! Can we get some help over here?!” Four men from the town run over. Appa lands next to them. The group lift Aang onto Appa, Katara thanks them and the leave for Iroh’s shop.

  The doors to Iroh’s shop open. “Iroh! We need help.” Toph carries Aang on a slab of earth. “Oh my…yes, yes bring him through.” Iroh drops his teapot and opens the door to the back room. “This way.” Once they are in the back room Katara starts to heal Aang. “Toph I need you to take Appa and get Sokka and Zuko.”

  “Sure send the blind girl.”

  “Appa knows the way. Please Toph, Aang needs his friends here when he wakes up.”

  “If he wakes up, you mean.”

  “No! When!”

  “Fine, I’ll go. Take good care of him.” Toph stands and leaves on Appa. Katara continues to heal Aang until the sun sets. “You should rest my dear. You don’t want to exhaust yourself.” Iroh hands her a cup of tea. “He will be just fine.” He smiles at her. “Thank you Iroh.” Katara drinks her tea and falls asleep next to Aang. A few days pass and despite Katara’s healing sessions Aang still hasn’t woken up, Sokka, Toph and Zuko walk into the tea shop. “Uncle.”

  “He’s in the back. I’ll warn you it’s not good.” Iroh closes the shop and they all go into the back room. “Katara?” Sokka puts his hand on his sister’s shoulder. “Is he..?”

  “I’ve been healing him for two days, nearly three. Nothing, no change.” He kneels down next to her and hugs her. “It’s ok Katara.” She breaks down and cries into his tunic. “Hey don’t worry sis, Aang’s survived worse.” He smiles and pats her shoulder.

  Four more days pass and the group stays by Aang’s side. Katara slumps against Zuko she pushes herself off him. “Oh, Sorry Zuko...I’m just tired.”

  “It’s ok, you’re doing a great job.”

  “Thank you but…”

  “Ka..Katara?” Aang cuts her off, she leans forward and takes his hand in hers. “Aang?” The five gather around him and smile, Katara hugs him. “Oh thank the spirits.” Aang smiles and kisses her cheek, he sits up.

  “I’m ok.”

  “I’m glad, you had us all worried.” Zuko sits back on his heels.

  “Yeah twinkle toes you sacred us.” Aang chuckles and winces.

  “I’m sorry everyone, I’m so glad everyone came but you didn’t have to stop your lives for me.” Katara pulls his shoulders back so his head rests on her lap.

  “Shh, sweetie let me heal you some more.” Aang closes his eyes and nods.

  “Ok.” Sokka and Zuko go outside, they lean on the railing and look out at Ba Sing Se. “I can’t believe all this. All the things that have happened over the years and yet one of us gets hurt and we all drop everything.”

  “Yeah, it’s strange. I can’t believe nine years ago I was trying to kill Aang and now he’s the greatest friend I’ve ever had.” Zuko shuffles on the spot. “I’m so thankful.” Sokka nods and turns to face the tea shop.

  “I think we’ll always be friends. After everything that’s happened we have a special bond, Team Avatar.” He smiles and Zuko smiles back.

  “I hope you’re right Sokka.” Zuko pats Sokka’s shoulder, Aang staggers to the door and leans on the door frame. “Sokka can I talk to you?”

  “Sure Aang, where’s Katara?”

  “She’s sleeping. Could you..?” He holds his hand out, Sokka takes it and leads him to the closest table. “Thank you.” Sokka sits down opposite Aang.

  “What is it?”

  “Well.” Aang rubs his head. “Well.”

  “Spit it out man!”

  “I want to marry your sister I guess I’m asking for your blessing.”

  “Aang, I…Urm…sure I’d be glad to call you my brother.” He grins and Aang sighs. “Few.” He bites his lip and nods. “Thank you.” He stands and staggers back to the back room. He sits and watches Katara sleep for a while. He smiles and leans forward. He takes her necklace from round her neck and kisses her cheek. Katara stirs but settles down again, Aang spends the next hour carving the Air Nomad symbol into the back of the pendant. He blows off the dust and places it in Katara’s hand face down. He curls her fingers round it and lays down next to her.

  The bright winter sun bursts through the small cracks in the shutters. Katara rolls over and slowly opens her eyes. She frowns at her necklace grasped tightly in her hand. Aang stirs next to her. Katara looks at him and back at her hand. She cautiously opens her clenched fist, it takes her a few moments to realise what the symbol means. She gasps and puts her hand to her lips. She turns to face Aang, who is still sleeping next to her and leans towards his ear, she whispers. “Yes.” Katara puts her necklace back on and stands up. There’s a light tap at the door and Sokka opens it. “Katara?” She puts her finger to her lips and then points to Aang. She steps over him and walks out of the room to talk to her brother. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes I did.” Sokka glances at her neck. Did you know?” Sokka nods and leans on the wall. “He asked for my blessing yesterday.” Sokka and Katara exchange a hug. “Sweetie?” Aang stands in the door way, Katara turns to look at him.

  “Yes Aang, yes I will.” She smiles and hugs him. They share a passionate kiss as Sokka grimaces. “Ew.” He walks away from them.

  Chapter 2: Marriage.

  The group travel to the Southern Water Tribe, Mai and Suki meet them there. “Suki!” Sokka jumps down from Appa, they embrace each other in a long awaited hug. Aang and Zuko help Toph and Katara down from Appa’s saddle onto the wooden dock. “Toph you’ll need shoes on or your feet will freeze out here.”

  “No way I’m not wearing shoes!”

  “ok, then at least let me carry you inside.” Aang smiles. “It saves your f
eet.” Toph sighs and nods. “Ok.” He picks her up into his arms and holds her close to his chest. Katara walks beside him, followed by Sokka, Suki, Mai and Zuko. Hakoda meets them in his hut. “My daughter getting married?” He hugs Katara as Aang sets Toph down and turns to Hakoda. “Chief.” Hakoda smiles and walks over to Aang. “I am so glad you finally asked her.”

  “I am too Chief Hakoda your daughter makes me very happy.”

  “And I know you make her happy, I haven’t seen her smile like this in years.” Katara starts to blush, she turns away and smiles to herself. The group split up and to their own huts. Katara pushes the Polar bear-dog fur aside and steps in the small hut. Aang is sat near a small fire meditating. She kneels behind him and puts her arms over his bare shoulders. She kisses his neck gently. “Sweetie?” Katara brings her hands over his shoulders and traces his tattoo delicately with her fingers, she stops at his scar and puts her right palm against it. Aang shudders and turns to look over his right shoulder. “Katara are you alright?” She nods, he turns round fully to face her. “Are you sure?”

  “I just miss my mom.” She shrugs, he hugs her and kisses her nose.

  “I know you do sweetie.”

  “I wish she was here.” Aang gives her a sympathetic smile and pulls her close to him. “I know.” He holds her close, she sniffles trying not to cry. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” The pair embrace each other for a while then Katara pulls away. “I’m sorry I interrupted your session.”

  “It’s alright sweetie.” He stands up. “I need to talk to Zuko and Sokka anyway, we need to discuss the united republic of nations, the capital still needs a name.” Katara holds onto his hand.


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