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Avatar Page 4

by S R Edwards

  “I Sokka take this oath.”

  “As my ancestors before me.”

  “As my ancestors before me.”

  “I will honour them, protect our heritage and our people.”

  “I will honour them, protect our heritage and our people.”

  “I will do what is right for the tribe above all else.”

  “I will do what is right for the tribe above all else.”

  “With the people and ancestors as my witness I pledge my life to the ice.”

  “With the people and ancestors as my witness I pledge my life to the ice.”

  Sokka turns to his people and bows, the hall erupts into applause and Sokka looks down at his father. “Well done my son.” Sokka puts his hand on his father’s shoulder. “I couldn’t have done it without you.” The festivities go on for a few days. The Avatar and his family have to leave for Republic city to see the opening of the new college.

  Chapter 6: Air bender.

  A few months after the ceremony Hakoda passes peacefully in his sleep. Katara travelled alone back to the southern water tribe to say a final farewell to her father. Aang stays on Air Temple Island with Toph, her children and his own. He’s sat in the court watching Kya play with a bucket of water from the fountain when on the Acolytes runs over to him. “Avatar Aang!”


  “I was working the stables and I noticed Appa acting strangely.”

  “What’s wrong with him?”

  “I believe he’s eaten some poison berries, there’s a bush on the slope I’ve been meaning to cut it back but there’s been so much to do… I’m not entirely sure but the symptoms he has are consistent with poisoning. He’s struggling to breathe, you must come quickly!”

  “Toph, can you keep an eye on the children please!” Aang shouts across the courtyard to his friend. “Is that some kind of blind joke twinkle toes?!”

  “Urm…No…sorry…I just….It’s Appa he’s sick!”

  “Oh, yeah sure, sorry Aang, you go I’ll be fine.” She turns to face her eldest daughter. “Lin, Sue can you take the others inside please.”

  “Yes mother.” Her daughters walk off towards the gates to find Bumi. Toph holds Tenzin in her arms. Aang runs to the stables. “I’m here boy.” He walks over to Appa, the old sky bison looks up at his best friend. Aang puts one hand under Appa’s chin and runs the other up and down his muzzle. “Shh Appa, it’s ok, relax boy. Calm, shh.” He kisses Appa’s nose softly. “It’s alright buddy, you’re safe, you’re ok.” Appa lowers his head onto his front paws. “Appa?” Aang watches as the sky bison takes a few staggered breaths. He licks Aang’s knees one last time as he takes his terminal breath and closes his eyes. “Ap..Appa?” Aang sniffs and wipes away his tears. “Goodnight buddy, sleep well.” Aang turns his back on his oldest friend, he walks out into the field and bends a hole for Appa. Using all the strength he can muster he earth bends Appa into the grave. “Goodbye old friend.” He buries his old friend as the other sky bison gather around him, one of the younger bison rubs up against his leg. He pats the young Bison on the head and slowly walks back to the courtyard.

  Toph turns towards Aang. “Aang? What’s wrong?” Aang walks towards his friend and his children. “Children go inside please.” Toph stands and ushers the children inside. “Lin taken Tenzin up to his room.” She turns back to Aang, he paces around the courtyard. “Aang?”

  “It’s Appa.”

  “What about him?” Aang leans over the fountain.

  “He’s dead.” He clenches his fists, the water swirls round for a moment before flying into the air. It rains down over the two friends. “Oh Aang I’m sorry.” Toph puts her hand on his shoulder. “You’ll be alright.”

  “Yeah, I know, I just don’t know how to tell the kids or Katara.” He looks at Toph. “How do I tell them?”

  “You’re asking the wrong person twinkle toes.” She shrugs and he smiles slightly. “Katara should be back soon, I’ll stay with the kids until she comes back if you want.”

  “Please if you would.”

  “Of course I will.” Toph turns and follows the children inside. Aang jumps up onto the roof and watches the horizon for the water tribe ships. Just before sunset the three water tribe ships sail up the gulf towards the Island. Aang stands up as the ships pull into port. Katara walks down the gang plank and along the pier. Aang meets her half way. She wraps her arms around him and hugs him. “Sweetie?”


  “Are you ok?”

  “Not really.” Katara steps back.


  “Appa he urm…he ate some poison berried and he…urm…he passed.” Aang looks down at his feet. “He’s dead.” Katara pulls him into her arms once more and kisses his cheek. “I’m so sorry sweetie.” He hugs her back and sobs into her hair. “We’ll be ok Sweetie.” He lets go and wipes his eyes.

  “I’m sorry Katara you’ve just lost your father and I’m crying…”

  “Hey, Appa was your family.” She smiles and he smiles back.

  “I love you Sweetie.”

  “I love you too.” He nods and the two take a slow walk back to the temple.

  Aang and Katara walk into the temple dining hall together. Toph is sat at the middle table with the children surrounding her. “Aunt Toph?”

  “Yes Kya?”

  “Was daddy brave?”

  “Yes, very brave, he saved the world that day.” Toph smiles as Aang and Katara sit with them. “Thank you Toph.” She puts her hand on Aang’s shoulder.

  “I better get back. Come on girls.” The three stand up and leave the room. Aang and Katara hold hands under the table. “Kids your father and I have something to tell you.”

  “What is it mom?” Bumi leans forward, Katara looks at Aang and then back to their children. “Appa, he urm, he had to go away for a while.”

  “Like Grandpa?”

  “Like grandpa, yes.” She nods. “So daddy is a little upset, so both of you have to be on your best behaviour. Can you do that please?”

  “Yes mom.”

  “Ok mommy.”

  “Good you can both go and play now.”

  “Ok.” They both stand up, bow to their father and run outside.

  “Thank you sweetie, I didn’t know how to tell them.”

  “It’s ok, death is a difficult thing to explain to children. Where’s Tenzin?”

  “He’s upstairs having a nap, he was awake most of the night, I think he’s coming down with a cold.”

  “Oh, ok.” She smiles and kisses him softly. “Come on maybe seeing your baby son will cheer you up a little.” She pulls at his arm until he stands and follows her upstairs to their son’s bedroom. Katara walks over to his crib and picks him up, Tenzin stirs and opens his eyes. He smiles and giggles as he sees his mother’s face, she smiles back. “Hello my darling boy, did you miss me?” He reaches up towards her. “Yes you did.” She pokes her son’s nose gently. “You’re mummy’s prince Tenzin darling.” Aang watches his wife and youngest son interact from the door way. Katara sits in the rocking chair and cradles her son. She wipes his nose with the corner of his blanket, Tenzin scrunches his face up and sneezes. The pictures on the walls rattle and Tenzin’s mobile spins wildly. Katara looks up at Aang as he stands straight and walks over to them. “Sweetie?”

  “Katara, our son is an Air bender, the first to be born in over one hundred years.” From that moment on Aang somewhat neglected his two older children, favouring young Tenzin and teaching him everything about their ancient culture so that his son could start a new Air nomad culture based on the traditions he knew and loved.

  Final Chapter.

  Katara starts to heal Aang, he tries to pull away but is too weak. “Sweetie stay still.”

  “Katara stop please.”

  “But.” He reaches his hand up and pushes her hand down, the water falls with it soaking his bare torso. “Please.” He takes a sharp breath.

  “But Aang, you’re…”

; “I know but you have to stop. Let me go.” Katara holds his hand, tears well in her eyes. A single tear slides down her left cheek. Aang leans forward and wipes it away. “Do me a favour Sweetie.”


  “Call the white lotus for me, get the team and the kids.” He smiles and lays his head back on the pillow. “I want them here.” Katara nods and kisses his fore head. “Stay with me.” She stands and walks out of the room. A few moments later Kya knocks on the door. “Dad, mum sent me…”

  “I know why your mother sent you Kya. I am fine.” She walks across the room and sits next to him. “Dad.”

  “Don’t worry sweetie.” He smiles. “I’m 166, I know it is my time.” She tries to smile. “Come here.” He pats the bed next to him. “You’re never too old for a hug.” She climbs up and lays next to him.

  “Please don’t die.”

  “I’ll always be with you, I promise.” He holds her close and kisses her hair, she rests her head on his chest. “Aang sweetie? The white lotus representatives are on their way.” Katara walks in and sits on the bed next to him. Aang puts his finger to his lips and points to Kya. His not so little girl sleeps with her head on his chest.

  The following day Aang sits up in bed for the first time in weeks, Katara walks in. “The white lotus.” Four men from the white lotus walk into the room. Katara takes a seat next to her husband. “Welcome my friends. I am sure my wife has told you that I am dying.” He coughs into a cloth and glances down at the blood. “So as the Avatar I will be reincarnated. The next element of the cycle as you know is water. The task I ask of you my dear friends is to find the new Avatar and protect them as they train.”

  “It would be out pleasure Avatar Aang.” The four bow to him and leave the room, Katara shuts the door behind them and just like that the fate of the next avatar had been decided. Katara turns to Aang. “Sweetie.”

  “Fine but just a little.” She smiles and he turns to lay on his front. She puts her hand on the scar on his back. “Do you..?”

  “I remember yes.” She takes her hand away and starts to heal him, he closes his eyes and falls into a deep sleep. Katara finishes healing him and rolls Aang over onto his back, she pulls the covers up and walks to the door. Tenzin followed by Lin, Kya and Bumi enter. “Your father needs to rest.”

  “We’ll be quiet mother.” Tenzin smiles.

  “Please mom let us stay.” She nods.

  “Alright but be quiet. Lin where is your mother?”

  “I don’t know I haven’t spoken to her in three years.” Katara smiles slightly and leaves the room.

  Over the next few days Aang gets weaker and weaker. Katara and Kya continue their daily healing sessions. “Kya could you go and make sure your brothers aren’t fighting please.”

  “Yes mom.” Kya stands up and leaves the room, Katara continues to heal Aang. A few seconds later Kya’s voice penetrates the walls. “Mom! Uncle Sokka’s here! Aunt Toph and Uncle Zuko are with him!” Katara smiles and stops healing him, she puts her hand on his shoulder. “Everyone’s here Aang.” Katara stands as Zuko and Sokka run towards the temple entrance, Toph walks behind them. They hurtle up the stairs to Aang’s chambers. “They’re coming.” Katara squeezes his hand. Tenzin, Kya, Bumi and Lin walk into the room. “Hold on Sweetie, they’re almost here.” Aang closes his eyes and takes a staggered, ruttling breath. Zuko and Sokka push through the doorway together as Aang takes his final breath. Katara places his hand on his chest and turns to her big brother. Tears well in her eyes as Sokka steps towards her. “Oh Katara I’m so sorry.” He wraps his arms around his baby sister, she sobs into his shoulder. “He’s gone Sokka!”

  “I know.”

  “How can he be gone.” The friends take turns in saying good bye.

  Meanwhile in a small hut in the southern water tribe Senna is now coming to the end of her agonising two day labour. With one final push a screaming, chubby baby girl enters the world. Tonraq smiles down at his wife and their beautiful baby girl. “Do you have a name for her Senna?”

  “Yes, Korra. Her name is Korra.”

  Avatar Aang accomplished may things in his lifetime but sadly his time in this world came to an end and like the cycle of the seasons the cycle of the Avatar began anew.

  The end




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