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by Texe Marrs

  We see, then, that while the adversary has a Plan which now appears temporarily to be going smoothly, God has a Greater Plan, the culmination of which will be the victorious coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 19:11-21).

  The ungodly men of The Order have in mind for us a seventh millennium in which a superior race of god-men will take charge and guide the planet into a Golden Age of pleasure, selfishness, immorality, and gross materialism. Of course, according to the insidious but cleverly deceitful doctrine of The Order, only a few will be fit to thrive and rule during this Golden Age. The vast majority are misfits, ignorant and unworthy of divinity. They will be destroyed or else reduced to serf status. They are of a lower caste. Christians and Jews are the two primary groups that have been categorized by The Order as misfits and placed into the serf class.

  What Do The Conspirators Hope to Achieve?

  As I have stated, the vain men who comprise The Order realize that he who controls the world’s money controls the world. Absolute control over all the world’s money yields absolute power, and these men are absolutely corrupt. Being totally corrupt, decadent, and immoral, they will stop at nothing to gain their objectives.

  Currently, their Plan calls for the crushing of America by means of a great economic depression that will dwarf the crash of 1929 and the 30s. Amidst the ensuing financial panic and the wreckage and carnage of this destruction, the elite men who make up The Order intend to issue a world currency. I refer to it in this book simply as the “New Money.”

  Following this takeover of the world’s financial institutions, their goal is the establishment of a One World Political Order and a New Age World Religion. The Supreme Leader of The Order, the new fuhrer, will be at the helm of this colossal new global enterprise. In effect, he will preside over a New Rome and a new Fourth Reich of the super-rich.

  Despisers of America

  The top members of The Order do not love America. Nor are they imbued with the patriotic yearnings and heart stirring motives typical of any good American citizen. No, their loyalty is to themselves... and to The Order. Though many are U.S. citizens and some even occupy political and other offices and positions of great responsibility, they freely violate the public trust for their own greedy interests and to fulfill the work assigned them by The Order.

  Seeing themselves as a superior race, they believe it is their destiny to lead all of humanity lock-step into a global order free of patriotism and nationalistic sentiment. As one of their own leaders describes it, their role is to further the causes of a New Age... for a new breed of exalted, divine human beings—Solar Man.

  Will The Conspiracy Succeed?

  Will The Order succeed in its objectives? Will the Lords of Money be able to establish the New Rome, complete with a modern-day Caesar and a universal religion?

  Before we too hastily say no, concluding that such a scheme by conspirators could never possibly succeed, we should first seek wisdom from God’s Word. The fact is, we know that someday such a conspiracy will succeed. Revelation 13:7-8 describes a day when a small group of blasphemous men ascend to the very threshold of total world power. They will rule “over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations” (Revelation 13:7).

  Moreover, according to God’s Word, the evil man who leads this successful conspiracy will prove so dynamically popular and charismatic that he will win over the masses by widespread, virtually universal acclaim and consensus (Revelation 13:12; Daniel 11:21). And he will get his greedy way about money, too, for in Daniel 11:39-43 we read that “he shall have power over the treasures of silver and gold” and will “divide the land.”

  The frightening truth is that Bible prophecy depicts a coming period when a demonically led conspiracy will so totally control the earth “that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” (Revelation 13:17).

  Who is the “beast?” Revelation 13:18 identifies him as the head of the world conspiracy, a man loved by people everywhere, and a man with a number. That number will be 666.

  So the question is not will there be a conspiracy?, but when will God, in His wisdom and timing, permit a power and money-driven conspiracy to succeed? Clearly, as this book will amply demonstrate, Satan has inspired a unique cartel of evil men who are even now far advanced in their outrageous but astonishingly brilliant scheme to take over this planet.

  It has taken the Adversary thousands of years and many dress rehearsals to get this far, and he has failed many times in the past. For example, we are told in II Thessalonians 2 that even in the days of the early church, the “mystery of iniquity” was already at work but was being hindered by heavenly powers from achieving its ultimate goals. Today, if it be God’s will, the mystery of iniquity will finally achieve its malignant aims. The conspiracy of the super-rich will soon be rewarded for its perseverance and its unrelenting and boundless ambition.

  The Conspiracy That Rages

  The evidence of a conspiracy at large in the world today is so massive and compelling that one would have to be an utter fool not to recognize its existence. One would also have to deny the Word of God.

  How amusing it is when people sometimes challenge me and say, “Come on, Texe... a conspiracy?” “Why, that could never happen,” they say, “surely you are just crying ‘Wolf’.” Well, Jesus is the one who testified in Bible prophecy that there would in the last days come a great conspiracy by the devil and his human subjects (see Matthew 24). God’s Word also reveals that the destruction of the saints will be a prime objective of this worldwide conspiracy: “And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people” (Daniel 8:24).

  So if we believe God’s Word to be true and have faith in His ability to carry out His will, this fact becomes undeniable and unarguable: there will be a man with an elite circle of accomplices who will ascend to global prominence and leadership. According to Revelation 13:7 he and his small band of schemers will exercise control and power over all people and all nations. Now if that does not constitute a “conspiracy,” perhaps we need to tell the scholars who put together the Webster’s Dictionary to devise a new definition of the word “all.”

  Yes, the astounding truth is that God prophesied the coming of a conspiracy. Why then should we be surprised that as much as ten years ago, the New Age’s Marilyn Ferguson entitled her bestselling guide and “bible” of the New Age The Aquarian Conspiracy? Moreover, some three years ago, Jose Arguelles, organizer of the internationally observed Harmonic Convergence, triumphantly boasted, “We are almost at the completion stage of bringing together all the thousands of New Age groups, organizations, and churches.” 1

  Hidden Power: The Art and Science of Concealment

  Conspirators realize that what they are doing violates the norms of established society. Therefore, they invariably create front organizations to cover up their dirty work. Sometimes a front organization will front for yet another organization, which will be the cover for yet a third organization and so on down the chain. Thus, the real conspirators hide themselves behind a multiple number of layers, so that their operations will go undetected and their plans can succeed unobstructed. Often their existence is unknown even to the front organizations which take the heat when wrongdoing is found out. The real masters, stealthily hidden deep beneath the scene, usually go free and unscathed.

  Freemasonry, for example, is only one of the many fronts and covers for The Order. Operating worldwide through thousands of Masonic groups and lodges, its real leadership works behind closed doors. Manley P. Hall, a 33rd degree Mason, in his book Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, discloses how the masters of Masonry are able to conceal their anonymity and hide their maneuverings:

  Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity—an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect... It is necessary to establish the existence of these two separate yet independent ord
ers, the one visible and the other invisible.

  The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of free and accepted men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcanum acandrum (defined as a secret; a mystery).

  In each generation, only a few are accepted into the inner sanctuary of the Work... The great initiate-philosophers of Freemasonry are masters of that secret doctrine which forms the invisible foundations of every great theological and rational institution. 2

  Michael Howard, a man who has studied secret societies and orders from a secularist view (in other words, he does not have a Christian worldview), has written a thoroughly documented reference book entitled The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies—Their Influence and Power In World History. In this masterful work, Howard shows that the secret societies have deeply penetrated international politics. As the author shares, it is through the extraordinary efforts of the secret societies that “The history of the 29th century has been molded by a hidden power group.” 3

  It is interesting that Howard actually favors the workings of these occult societies and endorses their efforts in building a one world government. According to him, “the hidden hands” of the conspiracy are rarely revealed to general view and when they are, it is “in a shadowy and indistinct form.” 4

  A Conspiracy of Monumental Proportions

  That a conspiracy exists and has served to shape world history is a foreign notion to many of us. It certainly was to me before I researched the truth of this matter. Yet, many years ago British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli noted that “The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”

  Moreover, as A. K. Chesterson writes in The New Unhappy Lords, “The proper study of political mankind is the study of power elites, without which nothing that happens could be understood.” 5

  According to Chesterson, “These elites, preferring to work in private, are rarely found posed for photographers, and their influence upon events has therefore to be deduced from what is known of the agencies they employ.” He continues, “Their goal was to work through such agencies, and financial support received from one or other or all three big American foundations—Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford—provides an infallible means of recognizing them.” 6

  Adding a poignant footnote, Chesterson says that the conspirators invariably find no joy in their work, only a dull sensation and a numbing satisfaction on occasion: “Their doors are shut in the evenings; and they know no songs.”

  The Mainspring of Every Subversive Movement

  Evidently, Winston Churchill, the great Prime Minister of Great Britain who led the English people through the dark days of World War II to victory over the Nazis, recognized the influence of this hidden conspiracy over world events. In the February 8, 1920 Illustrated Sunday Herald of London, he wrote:

  From the days of (Illuminati leader) Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, Bela Kuhn, Rosa Luxembourg, and Emma Goldman, this worldwide conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy has played a definitely recognizable role in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century; and now at last, this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads, and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.

  Churchill also was able to discover through the intelligence services that Adolf Hitler had come to power through the aid of conspiratorial forces. He was no doubt fully aware that Hitler and his henchmen were members of the occultic Thule Society, a secret order which flourished in post-World War I Germany and was aided in its work with money provided by business and industrial interests.

  But with the fall of Hitler, the rise of a prosperous Japan and Europe, and the current chaotic economic situation within the Soviet Union, is the same conspiracy alive and well today? Listen to the words of U.S. Senator Jesse Helms, Republican from North Carolina and the Senator probably most respected by conservative Christians today. Helms startled his colleagues in a speech two years ago on the floor of the United States Senate when he unmasked the invisible hand of the conspiracy by announcing, “These interests are working in concert with the masters of the Kremlin in order to create a New World Order.” 7

  Secrets of The Illuminati

  It was on May 1, 1776 that an Austrian named Adam Weishaupt founded the Order of the Illuminati in Bavaria. This was a highly secretive Masonic group that infamously sought the overthrow of the European monarchies so that it could establish its own leaders in power and accomplish its ultimate goal of one world government. Weishaupt and his conspirator associates’ plans were fouled by the governments of his day, yet a number of writers have maintained that the Illuminati continued its operations around the world and that the same Illuminati is behind many of the major events occurring today which point to a conspiracy for a world order.

  Could the Illuminati be behind today’s conspiracy? This is a question that possibly is irrelevant because, as I have stated, the group of men whom I refer to as The Order have set up thousands of front organizations to cover their illegal operations. Yet, it is fascinating that a number of occult, New Age, and globalist organizations, perhaps in moments of weakness, refer approvingly to the Illuminati and speak eloquently of its goals and work.

  In her book From Bethlehem to Calvary, Alice Bailey, founder of the Lucis Trust, speaks of the occult Messiah who is to come. He is described as “an illumined lightbearer... who can light the way for others.” Moreover, Bailey makes this fascinating assertion:

  The Illuminati have ever led the race forward; the knowers, mystics, and saints have ever revealed to us the height of racial and individual possibilities. 8

  I do not believe that our use of the term Illuminati important. The names of the various organizations created by The Order are designed to cause confusion and conceal what goes on inside The Order. In fact, the thousands of societies, organizations, groups, and churches funded and operated by The Order are all involved in a massive and intricately intertwined network. Many of those who lead these organizations and groups have no idea of the true source of their funding or even how they and their organizations fit into the overall plan. They are given just enough information to insure that their small part is played out with as much perfection and precision as possible.

  Jose Arguelles, head of the Harmonic Convergence, alluded to this when he told an interviewer, “The now loose-knit features of a new world infrastructure will be brought into precision performance, establishing them as a globally cohesive command structure.&rdquo 9

  The Knights Templar and Other Secret Societies

  Meanwhile, writer Gaetan Delaforge, an authority on secret societies who is favorable to their objectives, in his book The Templar Tradition and The Age Of Aquarius suggests that The Order is in reality the old, medieval Knights Templar organization revived in a new and better form. He suggests that its goal is to:

  ...assist our world successfully to pass the present critical phase of its evolution in order that the Consciousness of Unity of All That Is, implanted in the planet by the creator and revitalized by the sanctified Cosmic Christ, can be realized within the allocated cycle. 10

  Actually, all of this is just so much mystical mumbo-jumbo intended to confuse us and get us off track in our investigation of The Order. Meanwhile, the magazine Gnosis, now popular in many occultic and New Age circles, recently published a series of articles showing that there has literally been an explosion of new secret societies and orders in Europe and the United States. Many of these groups are reported to have links with reactionary political and terrorist activities. Some involve themselves with neo-fascist festivals devoted to such mystical writers as J.R.R
. Tolkien; others use celtic (druid/ pagan) crosses as rallying symbols. 11

  The Networking of Light Centers

  Again, I caution the reader to beware of claims that one or another of these secretive societies is the mover-and shaker behind the conspiracy. This is a multi-headed, serpentine monster which hides its evil but smoothly functioning black-hearted body behind a twisting and writhing mass of heads and tongues. The Order very effectively operates and conceals its work through a process called networking. Indeed, one group has even published a large book which contains some 1,526 organizations devoted to New Age goals that they are accomplishing through networking. The very title of this book is Networking.

  Another such reference book is The New Age Directory, which lists 3,700 such groups including the Lucis Trust, Planetary Citizens, Futures Network, Findhorn Foundation, Office on Global Education, Ethics Network, Network of Light, World Federalists Association, World Union, and on and on.

  Among the secret societies and orders, the many groups all working in tandem are referred to as Light Centers. Here is how two authorities describe the usefulness of such Light Centers:

  Light centers have developed into a worldwide network that purposely link up... to serve as... receiving, anchoring, and sending stations. Many such groups exist. 12


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