A Little Bit Wicked (The Wickeds

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A Little Bit Wicked (The Wickeds Page 30

by Melissa Foster

  Three words hung on the edge of her tongue, vying for release, but she held them back, not wanting to be the first to say them.

  He guided her mouth to his, kissing her slowly and tenderly, their frantic hearts slamming against their chests. He kissed her until their breathing calmed, and then he touched his forehead to hers, one arm wrapped protectively around her, his other hand cradling her head, keeping her close as he whispered, “You…” His voice trailed off. “I’m falling so hard for you, sweetheart. I never want to let go.”

  “Then don’t” came straight from her heart.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  THE SOUNDS OF barks and cheery conversations filled the air Saturday afternoon at the Wicked Animal Rescue adoption event. The dogs that were rescued from the dogfighting ring were not up for adoption yet, but there were twenty-six other animals eagerly awaiting forever homes. Most of Justin’s and Gunner’s families had shown up to help. They’d spent the morning setting up, and now canopies and animal pens dotted the grounds. Balloons bobbed from strings tied to the registration table where Tori and Steph were handling applications. Dozens of people milled about, playing with the animals. The boards Chloe made for the animals were a big hit. She’d gotten along fabulously with Tori and Evie, and thanks to their efforts, the animals sported adorable blue bow ties and pink ribbons.

  Justin watched Chloe accompanying another family to the registration desk as he walked a ten-year-old black-and-gray mastiff named Sampson. Chloe had been up at the crack of dawn eager to help, and she’d been going nonstop ever since. She’d even worn her dragonfly anklet for luck. She shook the hands of the people she was talking with, then scanned the property. When she saw Justin, she headed his way with an enthusiastic wave and that gorgeous smile that made him all kinds of happy.

  “Come on, Sampson. Let’s go see our girl.”

  The old dog lumbered beside him. Old dogs like Sampson didn’t always get adopted, and more often than not, ended up as one of Gunner’s pets. People were reluctant to bring an older animal into their home for fear of getting attached to a pet who might not have many years left. Those were the animals Justin had always been most drawn to, and this particular dog was one Chloe had fallen in love with the day he’d landed at the rescue earlier in the week.

  “Hi,” Chloe said, leaning in for a kiss. She crouched to love up Sampson and her smile faded. “Still no takers for our big boy?”

  “Actually, a really cool couple is interested in him. They have another dog at home. After they’ve gone through the application process and passed a home visit, they’ll take Sampson home for a trial run.”

  “That’s wonderful. Do you hear that, Sampson? You’re going to get a family and a sibling.” She stood up, petting Sampson’s head as the old dog leaned against her leg. He did that a lot with them, his way of giving hugs. “I’m happy for Sampson and for the family, but I’m going to miss him.”

  “I know you are, babe.” Justin grabbed the belt loop on her pretty blue shorts, gently pulling her in for another kiss.

  “Chloe!” Evie called out as she jogged toward them, her long dark hair flowing over her shoulders. “I saw you at the registration table. Did you get another application?”

  “Yup. That makes nine,” Chloe exclaimed. “They loved Sparky, the chihuahua mix. It’s such a good feeling when you see the families and the animals connecting. How many applications does Baz have?” She and Baz were having a friendly competition over who could get the most applications. Chloe was giving him a run for his money.

  “Ask him yourself.” Evie pointed to Baz and Gunner, who were walking over from the registration table. “Dr. Dimples looks pretty sure of himself.”

  “I have a feeling those dimples open many doors for him,” Chloe said. “Did you see those three girls wearing bikini tops and shorts that flocked to him when he was walking around with one of the kittens?”

  “Oh, please. That’s nothing new. Women have been flocking to him since birth.” Evie reached down to pet Sampson and said, “And the rotten doctor eats it up.”

  “Man, you’re harsh,” Justin teased Evie, as he always did.

  Evie had known Baz all his life, and she knew him as well as any of their siblings did. Baz was a good guy with a great personality, and Evie was right, women had always flocked to him. But Baz wasn’t a pig. He had his fair share of women, but he also had bigger plans for himself than a lifetime of just getting laid. But he was coy about those plans and had never clued Justin in on any of the details.

  “Harsh?” Evie put her hands on her hips and said, “He’s a bigger flirt than Gunner. He just does it nonverbally.”

  “All right, you’ve got me there,” he said as Baz and Gunner joined them. He’d witnessed Baz getting women’s phone numbers by doing nothing more than sharing glances across a crowded bar.

  “That makes ten applications, thank you very much,” Baz said, draping an arm around Evie. “Tori said Chloe has nine. Guess that makes me the master once again.”

  “The day is not over.” Chloe looked around. “Aha! I see a family that looks like they need some help. I wouldn’t get used to that master title if I were you, Dimples.” She jogged toward a family looking over the dogs.

  Evie grinned and said, “I really like her, Maverick.”

  “That makes two of us,” Justin said, watching Chloe dazzle another couple.

  “Three of us,” Gunner chimed in. “Chloe’s hired for every event from now on. She’s killin’ it, dude. And those boards she made are getting all sorts of attention.”

  “I’m sure she’d love to help out again.” Justin scratched Sampson’s head and said, “Have you guys seen Zan? I need to talk with him about something.”

  “No, but I’m sure he’s coming to the Hog later.” Baz crooked his arm tighter around Evie’s neck, pulling her closer. “You’re coming with me tonight, right, Eves?”

  “Yup. Tank will be there, so you know I’ll be there.” Evie loved hanging out with Tank, which drove Baz crazy. She was one of the only people who could get Tank to say more than a few words.

  Baz grumbled something that Justin couldn’t hear, but whatever it was made Evie roll her eyes.

  “Mav, are you and Chloe coming tonight?” Baz asked.

  “Yeah. We’re having dinner with Serena and Drake, and then we’ll meet you guys in the bar.” Serena and Drake had stopped by earlier with Emery and Dean. Emery and Dean had filled out an application for one of the dogs, but Serena and Drake had passed this time around. “Gunner, I think your old lady needs you.” He nodded toward Steph, who was heading their way with Snowflake.

  “Cut the shit. She’s not my old lady.” Gunner reached a hand toward Steph and said, “What’s up, babe?” Gunner and Steph had always been close, but they’d become even closer since Ashley’s suicide.

  Steph handed Gunner the kitten and said, “She’s missing her daddy.”

  Gunner nuzzled the kitten’s fur and said, “Did Mommy take good care of you?”

  Steph rolled her eyes.

  “Oh, don’t tell me…” Evie said.

  Justin followed her gaze to a dozen or so twentysomething females strutting up from the parking lot wearing bathing suits and beach cover-ups.

  Evie glared at Gunner. “Did you put your posters up at the beaches again?”

  Gunner had made posters for the last event featuring shirtless pictures of himself holding puppies with WICKED ANIMAL RESCUE ADOPTION EVENT HOSTED BY GUNNER WICKED written across the top and PETTING ENCOURAGED written just above his knees. He’d put them up at several local beaches.

  Gunner feigned innocence with a thoughtful expression and said, “Every animal needs a home. The more people that show up, the better.” He high-fived Baz and said, “Looks like you’re up, bro. Good luck.”

  “Don’t you mean the more half-naked girls that show up the better for you guys?” Evie crossed her arms and said, “Maybe next time we’ll get pictures of Steph, Tori, Sid, and me in bikinis holding kit
tens with the caption Come Make Our Pussies Purr and we’ll put them up at beaches, gyms, and the surf shops.”

  “I’m in!” Steph said, flashing a take that look at Gunner and earning a glowering stare in return.

  “Over my dead body,” Baz said. At the same time, Justin and Gunner said, “No fucking way.”

  Evie rolled her eyes. “Y’all are ridiculous.”

  “Just protecting our girls. Wish me luck, Eves.” Baz rubbed his hands together and said, “Your woman’s going down, Justin.”

  “Only if I’m lucky,” Justin said with a smirk. “Either way, she’s going to slay your ass in this competition, bro.”

  “We’ll see about that.” Baz set his eyes on Evie and said, “Where’s my luck, darlin’?”

  “I’m rooting for Chloe,” Evie said.

  Baz walked away, flashing his puppy-dog eyes over his shoulder.

  Evie hollered, “That doesn’t work on me!”

  Baz turned around and lifted his shirt, flexing his abs with an arrogant grin.

  Evie scoffed. “In your dreams!”

  “Way to break a dude’s heart,” Justin teased.

  “Please…those eyes do not do for me what they do for other women,” Evie said flatly.

  “Baz reeled you in as his best friend using those puppy-dog eyes,” Gunner reminded her.

  Evie crouched by Sampson and loved him up as she said, “Biggest mistake of my life. That man is nothing but trouble, right, Sampson?” Sampson licked her face. “I should definitely stick to dogs.”

  LATER THAT EVENING at the Salty Hog, Chloe licked hot fudge from her dessert spoon, hoping Justin had caught her seductive intent—and Drake and Serena hadn’t. She and Justin had been riding high after their fantastic afternoon, and though they’d gotten frisky in the shower before dinner, it had barely dimmed their desire. They’d been taunting each other throughout dinner, and Chloe was enjoying every second of it. Justin’s hand was resting on her thigh. Her pulse quickened as his fingertips found their way to the hot spot between her legs. She stole a glance across the table at Serena and Drake, but they were busy making googly eyes at each other.

  Chloe tried to concentrate on finishing her story about the day’s events. “I beat Baz by three applications, but you know, it was all in good”—Justin applied pressure between her legs, and her thoughts stumbled—“um…”

  “Fun?” Justin said coyly.

  “Very” came out before Chloe could stop it. Shootshootshoot! She squeezed her legs together and quickly added, “I’m thrilled to have found potential homes for so many animals.”

  Serena laughed and said, “It is thrilling, isn’t it?”

  Gulp! Had Serena known what Justin was doing the whole time? Chloe had never had that type of camaraderie with Serena, and she felt her cheeks heating. Thankfully, before she could stumble any further, Justin removed his hand from between her legs and put his arm around her.

  He kissed her temple and said, “Everything is thrilling with Chloe.”

  “It’s that Mallery blood.” Drake looked hungrily at Serena and said, “They’re thrilling, determined, fiery.”

  “Damn right,” Serena said.

  Justin flagged down the waitress and said something to her that Chloe couldn’t hear. After she walked away, he said, “I think Baz learned his lesson about going head-to-head with Chloe. My girl doesn’t give up.”

  “Like someone else I know, Mr. Year and a Half.” Chloe pressed her lips to his, thanking her lucky stars he’d never given up on them.

  “I’d have waited even longer.” He slid a hand to the nape of her neck and kissed her.

  “I think we’d better get our check before you two light the table on fire,” Serena teased.

  “The check is already taken care of,” Justin said, rising to his feet and bringing Chloe up beside him. He rolled his shoulders back, looking hot in his leather vest.

  Chloe knew exactly when that vest with the Dark Knights’ patches had gone from being a little scary to something she loved seeing him in. It was that night on the beach when he’d told her the truth of who they were and what they’d done for him. Now she was proud to be a part of that world with him.

  Drake reached for Serena’s hand and said, “Dude, we were going to treat tonight.”

  “Guess you’ll have to catch it next time,” Justin said as they made their way toward the stairs.

  Next time. Chloe loved the sound of that.

  Justin kept his arm around her as they headed upstairs. He lowered his voice and said, “Are you doing okay? Do you have any bad feelings about being here?”

  “I’m better than okay, but thank you for worrying,” she said, grateful he remembered that she hadn’t wanted Serena to know about what had happened in the parking lot all those years ago. “Did I tell you that I’ve never gone on a double date with Serena before?”

  He flashed a wolfish grin. “You mean I popped your sister-double-date cherry?” He held her close as they stepped into the loud, crowded bar.

  “They have a band and dancing!” Serena said over the loud music. “Chloe, why haven’t we come here before?”

  Justin said, “Because she wasn’t with me, and she didn’t want guys drooling over you two without Colton there to shut things down if they got out of hand.”

  There he went again, protecting her in a way she truly appreciated.

  “You told him about your deal with Colton?” Serena asked.

  Chloe had mentioned it during one of their long evening talks. “He has a way of getting all sorts of things out of me.”

  “And into you,” Serena said with a laugh.

  “No more drinks for you, Supergirl,” Drake said, pulling her into his arms.

  “Aw, come on. My sister finally has a man in her life she’s crazy about. Look how happy they are.” Serena waved toward them. “When you’re that happy, you need to be teased. It’s a rite of passage.”

  Chloe couldn’t stop smiling and not only because Justin had just whispered something dirty in her ear, but also because she’d never had this with Serena before, and it did feel like a rite of passage. One she was proud to endure with Justin.

  “There she is. The woman of the hour,” Reba said as she and Mads came through the crowd. Reba and Rob had been at the adoption event for most of the afternoon, but Madigan had missed it because of a puppeteering job. Reba hugged Chloe and said, “You’re the talk of the Hog tonight, sweetheart.”

  “Me?” Chloe glanced at Justin, who looked as surprised as she was.

  “Yes you,” Reba said.

  Madigan said, “No one has ever gotten more applications than Baz.”

  “Nobody dangles a challenge in front of my sister and wins,” Serena said. “Chloe might look like the poised, professional type, but she’s got the fangs of a viper and the claws of a wolverine, and she knows when to use them.”

  Reba laughed and said, “Your sister?”

  “Yes,” Chloe said, realizing she’d forgotten to introduce them. “Reba this is my younger sister, Serena. Serena, this is Justin’s mom, Reba.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Serena said.

  Reba hugged her and said, “Aren’t you a sweet one. We’re going to have to watch our boys around you.”

  “I’ve got that covered.” Drake stepped forward and extended his hand. “I’m Drake Savage, Serena’s husband. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “You sure do have it covered, you handsome thing. Put that hand away before you get yourself in trouble.” Reba embraced him and said, “The pleasure is all mine.”

  “Stop hogging the hugs. It’s so good to see you again, Serena.” Madigan hugged her and then said to Drake, “I’m Mads, Maverick’s sister, and you’re getting a hug, too.”

  As she hugged Drake, Justin said, “Mads is a little pushy.”

  “So is my wife. It’s all good.” Drake clapped a hand on Justin’s shoulder and said, “Sounds like I need to get used to hearing your road name around here.”
  “That and probably a whole lot of other names that are not as nice,” Justin said.

  “He’s joking. Why don’t you kids go sit down and enjoy yourselves? I need to catch up with Ginger.” Reba pointed to a long table by the windows where Steph, Marly, Tori, Sid, Evie, and Justin’s cousins and brothers were sitting with Mike—which surprised Chloe—Rob, Conroy, and a handful of other guys wearing vests with Dark Knights’ patches. “I’ll send one of the girls over to take your drink orders.”

  They followed Madigan to the table. Rob, Conroy, and Mike pushed to their feet and came around to greet them.

  Madigan held her hands up and said, “Eyes over here boys and girls. I’m doing this introduction once and once only. Y’all know Chloe, Maverick’s old lady, and I’m sure some of you know her sister. But for those who don’t, this is Serena and her husband, Drake Savage.”

  There was a round of hellos and waves. After Rob, Conroy, and Mike had a chance to shake Drake’s hand and embrace Serena, they settled back into their seats.

  As the rest of them found chairs, Gunner stole a fry off Steph’s plate and said, “Chloe, your drinks are on me tonight.”

  Baz winked at Chloe, then said, “What the hell, dude? I never got free drinks.”

  “If you were as hot as Chloe, maybe that’d be different.” Gunner laughed, along with most of the guys, and he reached for another fry.

  Steph smacked his hand and said, “No more fries for you. Baz is every bit as hot as Chloe.”

  Gunner turned to Sid, sitting on his other side eating a burger and fries. She covered her plate and said, “Sister solidarity, sorry.”

  Gunner grumbled, “Traitors.”

  Baz blew kisses to Steph and Sid, and Gunner sneered at him. That started a litany of hilarious remarks. Chloe was laughing along with everyone else as Leah approached the table. Her mass of brownish-red corkscrew curls hung around her heavily freckled face like a lion’s mane. Her skin was the color of sweet cream, and she had a slightly flat nose and full lips.

  “Can I get y’all something?” Leah asked with a slight Southern drawl. As she moved around the table jotting down orders, her eyes moved warily beneath her thick auburn brows.


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