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A Little Bit Wicked (The Wickeds

Page 35

by Melissa Foster

  Madigan rolled her eyes. “Like you guys need setting up? You’re always disappearing together. Can you stop ogling her for a second? I need to talk with you and Justin about helping me find a place to live. Do you think you can put the word out that I’m looking for a place to rent? Someplace that does not belong to a Dark Knight?”

  “Why?” Justin asked. “When I was checking on Gramps yesterday, he said Preacher and Mom were happy that you were going to be sticking around their place for a while.”

  She gave him a deadpan look. “And you know what that’s like. I love our parents, but the last two times I came home after midnight, Dad was waiting up for me. He said he was just getting a drink, but the television was on both times, and he gave me the nothing good happens after midnight lecture.”

  “Ouch. I remember that one,” Blaine said.

  “It’s not a fun lecture,” Madigan said. “I’ve traveled across the country without anyone holding my hand. I don’t need to be babysat. I love that Mom wants to make family dinners and do my laundry and all the rest of the motherly things she hasn’t been able to do since I moved out, but I don’t want her touching my thongs.”

  “And I don’t want to know you’re wearing thongs,” Justin said sharply.

  Marly grinned and said, “Then you really don’t want to know what’s in her nightstand.”

  “Enough. We’re not doing this. She’s our little sister,” Justin said as he scrubbed a hand down his face.

  “Hello? I’m also an adult. Will you guys help me?” Madigan asked.

  Blaine folded his arms across his chest and said, “You’re asking for a lot, princess.”

  Madigan glowered at him.

  “I told her she could stay with me, but she refused.” Marly sat in a chair and curled the ends of her dark hair around her finger.

  “Because I’m afraid someone might come creeping out of your bedroom in the morning.” She hiked a thumb at Blaine and pretended to gag.

  Marly looked at Blaine and said, “Would you please tell her that you’ve never spent the night at my place and that we’re just friends? She doesn’t believe me.”

  “Who am I to debunk the myth? Are we going to eat, or should I drag Marly into the supply room for my next meal?” Blaine winked at Marly.

  “Gross! We’re going.” Madigan grabbed Justin’s wrist, tugging him out of his office.

  As they walked through the showroom, Justin said, “I might have a line on a place for you. I’ll let you know Sunday.”

  “You’re a god,” Madigan exclaimed.

  “I bet that’s what Chloe says,” Marly teased as she and Blaine fell into step with them.

  “Nah, she usually says, ‘Is it in yet?’” Blaine cracked up as he put on his shirt.

  Justin punched him in the arm. “Asshole.”

  Marly took Blaine’s arm as they left the showroom and said, “A little bird told me that Maverick has been given quite a descriptive nickname for his junk. Maybe you’re jealous.”

  Blaine scoffed. “Does an anaconda get jealous of a garden snake? I don’t think so. I heard Maverick bought a strap-on just so Chloe wouldn’t leave him.”

  Justin lunged, and Blaine took off, laughing hysterically. “You’re about to hear your head crack open when I slam it against the pavement!”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  CHLOE’S ARM SLID over cold sheets on Justin’s side of the bed Saturday morning. It was her birthday, and the bed might be empty, but her heart was full. Refusing to give in to the morning just yet, she kept her eyes closed and snuggled deeper under the blankets, thinking about last night. She and Justin had cuddled beneath a blanket on a lounge chair on the deck, stargazing and talking. Justin had asked her what her favorite thing about being twenty-nine was, and her answer had come as easily and honestly as the air she breathed. You, she’d said.

  She rolled onto her back and opened her eyes. The ceiling was covered in balloons, their colorful strings dangling above her. One of the strings had a piece of paper hanging from it. She sat up and snagged the note, reading Justin’s handwritten message. Happy 29th, beautiful! Come find me! She squealed and hopped out of bed, taking in the streamers draped across the top of the curtains, the edges of the dressers, and the closet and bathroom doorframes. She plucked Justin’s shirt from the floor and pulled it on.

  As she opened the bathroom door, balloons floated out and up to the ceiling, and another happy sound escaped her. She grabbed a few handfuls of ribbons, pulling the balloons out of the bathroom to make room for herself, and when she stepped inside, she saw Here’s to your best year yet! written in lipstick on the mirror. There was a gift on the counter. She tore open the pretty silver wrapping paper and found a black tank top with pink letters emblazoned across the chest that read BIRTHDAY GIRL and beneath it, also in pink, was 29! She lifted the tank top out of the box, revealing a pair of skimpy black boy shorts that had SWEET CHEEKS printed in pink across the ass.

  Her heart went crazy as she undressed, quickly freshened up, and put on the birthday shirt and shorts. She hurried out the bedroom door to look for Justin and found the hallway decorated with more balloons and streamers. A birthday banner was thumbtacked to the wall, and a funky birthday hat with foam candles sat on the floor. She put on the hat and followed the scent of something sweet toward the kitchen, stopping cold when she got to the living room. Last night she’d given Justin the memory board she’d finally finished making for him, and now it was hanging above the mantel like a piece of art. As she walked closer, she noticed a new picture attached with a tiny metal clip. It was a picture of her sleeping on Justin’s chest. She had no idea when he might have taken it, but it made her all kinds of happy as she read what he’d written across the top in black marker: My girl, my future, my life.

  “I’m not as skilled at that as you are.”

  She turned at the sound of Justin’s voice, emotions clogging her throat. He stood at the entrance to the kitchen wearing nothing but his black boxer briefs and holding a lopsided cake with pink icing and so many lit candles it looked like an inferno. It—he—brought tears to her eyes.

  “I’m also not very adept in the baking department,” he said as he carried the cake to her.

  “It’s the…” Too choked up to get the words out, she cleared her throat to try again. “It’s the most perfect cake I’ve ever seen.”

  “My singing is not so hot, either, but you’re going to have to deal with it, babe, because I’m afraid it’s going to be an annual thing.”

  He sang “Happy Birthday” in his deep, raspy voice. She couldn’t stop smiling as he sang it all the way through, each word more beautiful than the last.

  “Make a wish, sweet thing.”

  Nervous laughter bubbled out as she said, “How can I wish for anything when everything I want is standing right in front of me?”

  “Everybody’s got to make a birthday wish, darlin’.” His eyes turned seductive and he said, “Close your eyes and think long and hard. I’m sure you’ll think of something.”

  She laughed again. “You are a dirty boy.” She closed her eyes and wished for a lifetime of birthdays just like this, and then she blew out the candles. “Thank you. I can’t believe how much you did for me.”

  “You only turn twenty-nine once…a year.” He winked, and she followed him into the kitchen.

  A gigantic vase full of irises sat in the center of the table. There were two plates filled with heart-shaped pancakes and strawberries. Beside one plate was a small gift box with a red bow tied around it. Justin handed it to her and said, “For you, baby.”

  “Justin…This is the best birthday I’ve ever had. You’ve already done too much.”

  He put his arms around her and kissed the tip of her nose. “This is only the beginning, and this gift is for me as much as it is for you.”

  “Now you’ve piqued my interest.” She pulled open the bow and lifted the top off the box. Inside was a key on a key chain with a little house charm dangling from it

  “It’s to this house,” he said, bringing her eyes up to his. “I know how hard you worked to buy your cottage and how much it means to you, so if you’d rather we—”

  She silenced him with a hard press of her lips. “I want the key,” she said breathlessly. “Before we got together, I spent my life ticking off boxes, gathering all the things that I thought would make a happy home and a happy life. But I had the pretty cottage and the nice furniture with matching curtains and walls full of family photos. I had all the things I thought I needed, but I was still searching, using those stupid dating apps, trying to find what was missing. And then your sister asked me to meet her at the Salty Hog, the one place I never wanted to go again. But I would have done anything for the residents of LOCAL. And thank goodness I did, because seeing you walk into the bar that night, bloody and forlorn, was enough to open my heart and my eyes. After a year and a half of running from my feelings, I couldn’t walk away when you were in so much pain. You laid your heart out to me that night, Justin, and you gave me the courage to do the same. And every day since, you’ve shown me how to love without fear or reservation. You made me realize that all those things I collected were just buoys helping me remain afloat in a sea of hopes and dreams. But you are my safe haven, my happy place. You are my island, Justin, and I want to be yours.”

  He swept her into his arms, kissing her smiling lips, and said, “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. This is the most amazing birthday. My head is spinning. Should I rent my cottage? Sell it? When do you want me to move in? Oh my God, Justin. I’m moving in!” She launched herself into his arms again, and he twirled her around.

  They kissed and laughed, and when he set her on her feet again, he said, “It’s a good thing you want to move in, because if you didn’t, it would make this a little more complicated.” He opened the kitchen door and whistled. In trotted Sampson, with a blue bow tie around his neck.

  Chloe squealed and dropped to her knees, loving Sampson up. He licked her face, and suddenly she was laughing and crying. “He’s ours? What about the cool couple you told me about?”

  “That was us, sweet cheeks.”

  “What about Shadow?”

  “Sid’s been working with them, and they get along really well. He’ll be coming home soon, too.”

  “Oh my God!” She sprang to her feet, trying to wrap her head around all he’d done. “Justin…We have a family. Shadow and Sampson have a family. Thank you for the best birthday ever.”

  “It’s not over yet, sweetheart. There’s something I want to run by you.”

  “Oh my gosh, you’ve done so much alrea—”

  He dropped to one knee, and her heart nearly stopped as he took her hand, gazing up at her with so much love in his eyes it nearly took her to her knees. Sampson licked Justin’s cheek, then sat beside him.

  “I don’t know if fate or dumb luck brought you into my life, but I knew the first time we met that we were meant to be together, and every day since has proven me right.”

  “Justin…?” she whispered shakily.

  “I know this might feel fast, but I waited a year and a half for you to give us a chance, and I meant what I said about that time giving us a solid foundation.” He rose to his feet, gazing deeply into her eyes, and said, “I love you, baby, and I want to spend the rest of my life making every day of yours the best it can be. I want you in my arms at night, and I want to bring you coffee every morning. I want to celebrate your twenty-ninth birthday for the next sixty years, go on long motorcycle rides, and dance under the stars. I want it all with you, baby, and I hope you want it all with me.”

  He reached behind the vase and held up the most gorgeous ring she’d ever seen. A canary diamond lay in a setting of gold flowers with a gold dragonfly across the middle of the stone, its wings spread as if it were caught midflight. Tears spilled down Chloe’s cheeks.

  “My sexy, sweet girl, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?”

  “Yes,” she said just above a whisper. Then louder, “Yes, yes, yes!”

  He slid the ring on her finger, and for the third time that morning, she threw herself into his arms. With their fur baby leaning against their legs and their hearts beating as one, they kissed through salty tears, whispering promises of everlasting love.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  IT HAD BEEN hours since Justin had proposed, and Chloe still couldn’t stop looking at her ring. They’d forgone breakfast and spent the morning making love. After satiating their desire, they’d talked about when Chloe should move in. Neither of them wanted to wait. After getting ready to face the day, Chloe called Serena to share their good news, and Justin called Preacher. One call was all it had taken for Justin’s phone to start vibrating like the Energizer Bunny with congratulatory messages from the Dark Knights and offers to help them move Chloe’s things next weekend. She and Justin took Sampson for a nice long walk, and though Shadow wasn’t home yet, Chloe already felt the unity of family.

  When she drove to meet the girls for her birthday lunch, she once again gushed about her birthday and the proposal to Serena via Bluetooth. “I can’t stop looking at my ring. Did I tell you Justin designed it and his friend Sterling made it for him?”

  “Four times. Not that I’m counting or anything.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m just so excited! Serena, we’re going to have two dogs who really need us, and I’m getting married!” She yelled that last part, and they both cheered. “I can’t wait to tell all the girls.”

  “Gee, I couldn’t tell,” Serena teased. “Oh, shoot! I forgot to tell you that Desiree can’t make it. She’s due next week and really uncomfortable, so I thought we’d stop by after lunch, before we hit the beach.”

  “Poor thing. Wait! Change of plans! Let’s meet at Summer House for lunch. We’ll order pizza. Desiree shouldn’t miss out just because she’s pregnant. Vi and Andre are supposed to come home sometime this morning. It would be great to see them, too.”

  “I’m sure Des is resting,” Serena said.

  “No way. She’s baking or something—you know how she is. Even if she is resting, she won’t mind if we come over.” Chloe made a U-turn and said, “I’m going there. I’ll call Tegan and Harper and let them know. Will you call Daph and Emery?”

  “Wait! We can’t do that,” Serena insisted. “Desiree and Rick might be going at it. You know how she is with all those hormones running wild.”

  “That’s doubtful with Vi and Andre coming home. She’s way too modest to risk being caught. What is up with you, anyway?”

  “We have plans to meet at the restaurant, Chloe. You can’t change our plans.”

  “Sure I can. It’s my birthday. What’s wrong? Can’t keep up with your spontaneous sister?”

  “It’s not that! It’s….”

  “It’s nothing! I’m going to call Tegan. Meet you there!” She ended the call and quickly got in touch with Tegan and Harper. She was bursting at the seams to tell them her news, but she waited, wanting to tell them in person.

  She rolled down her windows and cranked the radio, singing to every song that came on. When she got to Summer House, she stepped from her car feeling like she was walking on air and hurried across the lawn. Serena flew into the driveway as Chloe opened the kitchen door. She waved to Serena and headed inside. The sweet aroma of fresh-baked goods tickled her senses. She’d been right about Desiree baking. The counters were covered with cooling racks full of cookies, cupcakes, and baking paraphernalia. Cosmos scampered into the kitchen, going paws-up on Chloe’s leg. She scooped up the fluffy pup and he licked her face. “Hey, there. Where’s your mama?”

  Cosmos wiggled out of her hands and darted down the hall, barking.

  She followed him, calling out, “Des?” She glanced up the stairs, hoping Serena had been wrong and Desiree and Rick weren’t going at it. She peered into the dining room and said, “Desiree?” She heard something in the living room, and as she crossed the hall, she heard the kitc
hen door open.

  “Chloe?” Serena hollered.

  “In the living room,” Chloe called out.

  Cosmos was barking and running around the couch. Serena ran into the room and said, “There you are. We should go.” She grabbed Chloe’s hand, dragging her toward the hallway.

  “Why? Desiree is probably in the office or out back relaxing,” Chloe said over Cosmos’s barks.

  “Come on. We shouldn’t be in here.” Serena tugged her toward the hall again.

  Chloe yanked her hand free. “What is wrong with you?”

  Cosmos stood between the edge of the couch and the wall, growling.

  “And what is wrong with him? Come on, Cosmos,” Chloe coaxed as she walked toward him, but he lunged behind the couch in a flurry of barks and growls. “Cosmos!” Chloe ran around the couch just as a sea of red balloons rose to the ceiling, sending Cosmos into a leaping, barking frenzy. And there behind the couch sat Tank, Drake, and Ginger.

  Ginger wiggled her fingers. “Hi, sugar.”

  For a second Chloe thought she was in the wrong house, and her jumbled mind couldn’t make sense of seeing those three people sitting on the floor behind Desiree’s couch.

  As Tank, Drake, and Ginger pushed to their feet, Cosmos barked furiously.

  Tank jerked toward Cosmos and said, “Boo!” sending the little dog scurrying away.

  Chloe heard the front door open, and footsteps thundered down the hall. “What is going on?” she asked as Harper, Daphne, Emery, and Tegan ran into the room.

  “Oh no!” Daphne exclaimed.

  The back door flew open and Zeke and Justin walked in. Justin was leading Sampson on a leash.

  “The canopy is all set—” Justin stilled, meeting Chloe’s confused gaze. Cosmos ran to Justin, and Sampson pushed his big nose against the little barking dog, shoving him halfway across the floor.

  Serena ran over and said, “I tried to stop her, but you’ve created a spontaneous monster. She wouldn’t listen. I’m sorry.”


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