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Page 13

by Everly Taylor

  “I don’t know what to think about Jaxon. He’s the warden’s son and for that reason alone he can’t be trusted. Add that it’s well known that he hates magic users, more so those that can’t control it. But then again, he was the one that told me about Eva’s predicament. It was true fear he felt for her. I don’t know what to make of it.” I found myself admitting my thoughts to the professor. I should’ve despised him, yet I felt myself starting to trust him if only because we shared the same goal.

  “I’m not sure either. I know there’s more to Jaxon than he lets on. No one knows why he’s here except his father,” he admitted a tidbit of information I didn’t know. I usually knew everything going on around the school, since many times I would accept a juicy secret for payment. It was my way of staying ahead of the game. The more you knew, the safer you were.

  “Let’s make a deal,” I said, for once not wanting anything selfish in return. What the fuck had come over me?

  He threw his head back and laughed, “I know better than to make a deal with Lucifer’s son.”

  “That may be true, but I think you’ll be prone to agree with this one,” I responded. “We’ll work together to help Eva. We both get something out of it.” I smirked as a surprised look washed over his face. “You help her to learn to control her powers while I’m down here, and help me figure out why I have this effect on her. In return, I’ll protect her from the other inmates and find out what Jaxon’s end game is. No other payments necessary. Just us working together for an equal goal.”

  “No other caveats you’re going to surprise me with?” he questioned. I shook my head and held my hand up in a sign of honor that I had seen some humans do in their rituals. “Alright. But I warn you Calex, I will not hesitate to end you if you hurt her. I don’t care who your father is.” He bowed, which was an odd thing for him to do after the threat he made, and then turned to leave me to my fate.

  He paused again just outside of the door, “I will try to make your time as little as possible. I’m sure I can think of a few things to persuade the headmaster. I suggest you take the time away from Eva to figure out how you feel about her.”

  The door clanged shut with a loud bang and I was left alone with my thoughts. I could still smell her all over my face and I licked my fingers savoring the sweet flavor of her pussy still on them. I immediately had a raging boner. I would be taking care of myself a lot in this dark cell if they didn’t let me shower. Fuck, I didn’t think I would want to even if it were offered. I leaned against the cold rock wall and stroked myself to the searing image of Ice, again coming faster than I ever thought possible.

  Chapter Fourteen

  My mind swam with post orgasmic bliss. Here I was still a virgin, yet I had not just one, but two mind blowing orgasms in one day. And with two different men. Fuck, my life had changed so much in such a short time. I was beginning to think that there was something inherently wrong with me for actually wanting to be in this hellhole.

  “Why is there cum under my bed?” Una startled me from my thoughts. “Oh fuck, never mind,” she shook her head. “I don’t care to know, but you go girl!”

  I giggled, “I still didn’t fuck anyone. But holy hell, Calex is good with his tongue!”

  She shoved her hand in her shirt and came out with a wadded-up napkin, “Here. Since you missed dinner, I smuggled in what I could. It’s a good thing I’ve got big tits.”

  Una held it out to me, and I took it from her as she reached back in and pulled out something else, putting it on the bed next to me. When she reached in again, I couldn’t help myself, “Damn! What did you do, bring me the whole meal?”

  She shrugged, “Not the creamed corn. I wasn’t about to have that shit dripping down my chest. I mean maybe Jet would be happy to lick it off but it’s almost door closing time and I don’t like you that much.” She cackled, sounding evil but I knew it was just her general happy laugh.

  “Shit,” I mumbled with my mouth full of chicken, “What am I going to do? I didn’t check in.”

  She waved off my worry, “Calex took care of it. As soon as Jaxon told him what happened, he ran around giving everyone orders before flying out to save you. That man has it bad for you. As I can tell by the puddle under my bed. Though, if you want my opinion, he has pretty bad aim. I mean that load should have ended up somewhere else,” she wiggled her eyes at me.

  “I’ll clean it up,” I laughed before I fell quiet. “Thank you, Una,” I said seriously. “You’re the first friend I’ve ever had and I appreciate all you’ve done for me.”

  She stared at me for a moment, “I don’t know if that’s the sweetest or the saddest thing I’ve heard in my life. But no problem. I’m just glad I got you as a roomie instead of someone like that Carmen. Ugh. I’d never get any sleep worrying if she would shank me in my sleep.” She shuddered dramatically.

  “She doesn’t seem exactly the nicest, does she?”

  “That’s one way of putting it. Level ten bitch is another,” Una replied.

  “I have no clue what I did to piss her off, but she has it out for me.”

  “It’s your lessons with her little boy toy. She thinks you're trying to take him from her, and it pisses her off. Carmen gets pissed about every new girl he looks at, let alone one he has private time with. Just steer clear of her and it will pass. It always does.”

  “I’ll be more careful from now on, that’s for sure,” I promised.

  “Eh, I doubt you’ll have too much to worry about. Blade is going to be looking out for you while Calex is gone. It was the Dark Prince’s orders.”

  My mind flashed to our heated exchange in the hall and my core clenched. “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea. I don’t even know him,” I tried to find an excuse aside from what he did to me, how I wanted him so badly at that moment, even considering I’d just left Sebastian.

  “Calex trusts him more than anyone else. I think you’ll be fine. Blade’s a decent guy. Very aggressive sometimes, being an alpha and all, but I bet he’s like a teddy bear underneath all that. Either way, his loyalty is unwavering and he made a promise. One he won’t take lightly. There will be no shaking him.”

  I swallowed hard. I wasn’t sure if I was more worried about him tailing me, or more worried about my reaction when he did. “Okay,” I squeaked out, making Una smirk.

  “Don’t worry, he has that effect on all of us. You’ll be fine.” She flopped down on her bed as I cleaned up the floor and tossed the paper towels in the trash. It might not be an actual reformatory, but at least they provided us with some basic essentials. Probably because they required us to keep our room spotless. Not that it was hard, considering there was literally nothing allowed in them.

  I climbed on my bunk just as the doors to the hall slammed shut making me jump a bit as they locked us in for the night. I let out a sigh, I might as well get used to it now, there was no telling how long I would be here.

  As I lay back on my bed I felt a bit guilty. While I had no clue how long I was stuck here, I kind of didn’t mind. I had more of a life in this new prison than I had when I lived with my family. And sure, I traded one bully for the other, but even Carmen’s form of bullying was so much less than my sister’s had been.

  I was sure she was living up her new freedom at home, but I couldn’t find it in me to care. If it weren’t for her I wouldn’t have ended up here, so she could have it her way. And I would enjoy every bit I could while I was here.

  My stomach clenched again as my mind wandered to the events of the day. My first orgasm with Sebastian had been new, and amazing. That connection with him only made me want to find out more with him and it made the tie between us even stronger. To the point where when he was near I began to feel him without seeing him.

  When Calex had surprisingly run to my rescue, I knew Sebastian was behind him in the hall before he ever spoke. Even with the two of them in the same space I found myself still wanting both of them equally, which surprised me. I expected to want one of them mo
re than the other but the need to feel them both fully was equally great. My thighs grew damp with Calex’s dick pressed just beneath my ass, and I struggled to remain still as he carried me into my room.

  Calex’s fierce protectiveness of my body had further shocked me. As the son of the devil, I didn’t think he would give two fucks who was naked or not in the hall. But he seemed to care if I was at the mercy of the guards and their sickening, perverted minds.

  I’d never had anyone care so much for me as he had shown today, even to the point of him being punished for saving me. And from what I’d heard, it would be no easy sentence. I had no clue what to make of it as we stood in the middle of my room.

  When he put me down I could see his need and emotional torment over my state as he ran kisses down my body before closing his mouth hotly over my pussy. I wanted to come again for him right then, but he was clearly skilled and knew how to keep me right on that edge as my hands fisted in his hair.

  Finally, he backed me against the bed and I worried about how he was going to fit inside me, but at the same time wanting nothing more. He didn’t though, instead he continued his sucking at my clit as my thighs quivered around his head and he brought us both to climax with his long, sure strokes.

  Even now, remembering it, my core grew heated and damp. I shifted on my thin mattress and the bunk squeaked beneath me. As much as I wanted to feel that pleasure again, I couldn’t touch myself knowing that Una was right under me. I still wasn’t exactly sure what she was and while Calex said I could trust her, I wasn’t sure if she would know or not. And that was a humiliation I knew I would never live down.

  I stared out the small window at the glowing moon that filtered in. I had an early class in the morning. In light of the day’s events I’d been told I was being moved to having two tutoring sessions a day until they saw some sort of improvement.

  One of the dragons passed by and I shut my eyes with thoughts of how amazing it would be to finally be with one of my men as the exhaustion from the day overtook me.

  The next morning I woke just as the sun began to shine through the window and the loud clang of the doors releasing us for the day echoed through the halls. I watched for a moment as the sun made its assent into the sky and smiled to myself. No matter what happened today, it was better than where I came from, and I was going to make the most of it.

  A large shadow passed the window as a dragon made its routine pass down the side of the castle and I pushed from bed, careful to not shake it too much and wake Una. Her words echoed through my mind as I hit the floor. There were some people here that would be able to scent my arousal, and because I still hadn’t showered since my time with Calex, I knew I needed to make another trip to the bathroom.

  I padded across the cold floor and relieved myself in our tiny adjoining toilet room, for it really couldn’t be called anything else, before I crossed to the closet.

  Calex had sacrificed himself for me, all because I had been unable to defend myself. I was going to do everything I could to learn how to control my power so I would never be helpless again or need him to come to my rescue.

  I pulled some clothes from the hangers and made my way to the bathroom as I scanned the hall for anyone else up this early. Other than the patrol that sneered at me, the hall was clear, though I would not be dumb enough to let my guard down this time.

  The bathroom was empty when I entered and instead of leaving my things on the bench, I piled them up just outside the reach of the water. Quickly, I showered and slipped into my clean clothes. So far, so good.

  I dropped my dirty laundry back in the room and made my way toward Sebastian's classroom. I wasn’t too excited about the idea of having to go through this feeling of helplessness twice a day, but I would do whatever it took to make sure I could protect myself.

  The door to his room was already open and inside I could see him bent over something on his desk. I entered quietly and studied him. His dark features were focused as if he were trying to figure something out, but no matter, he still caused something to stir deep in me, and the fact that he was behind his desk only intensified that feeling. I wanted to cross to him and feel his hard body pressed against mine again, to have him sit me on the desk and have his way with me, but I wasn’t sure it was appropriate considering what I was here for.

  I cleared my throat softly, not wanting to startle him. He looked up and a grin crossed his face instantly, “I wondered when you were going to announce yourself.” When I looked at him curiously he continued, “I can feel when you're close.” He echoed my very same thoughts from the previous day. It gave me an odd sense of belonging, one I hadn’t ever experienced before and had no clue what to do with it.

  I shifted on my feet unsure of what to do or say next. All I could think about was what happened the previous day and my cheeks flushed. He grinned wickedly and I knew he could tell the thoughts that were crossing my mind. “I’m sorry I’m early, but I wanted to see you before Jaxon got here.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  I felt her before I saw her. To say I was surprised would have been an understatement. Her lessons were not due to start for a while, so to find her in the door of my classroom was definitely unexpected. Eva cleared her throat and blushed as she shifted uncomfortably under my heated gaze. I knew she was having a hard time saying whatever it was she needed to talk about, and I didn’t want to make it worse. I was glad she sought me out instead of someone else. The work I was doing, tracking down the pixie dust supplier and how they were smuggling it in, could wait.

  “Of course, you can talk to me about anything. Why don’t we go somewhere where there aren’t any ears around?” I had one place that I knew was out of Headmaster Frost’s reach, but I wasn’t sure Eva was going to love it with the way she had reacted to heights before.

  “That sounds good. I definitely don’t need anyone overhearing this.” She followed me silently as I led her down the hallway to a stairwell that only the druids dared to go up. No guards were ever posted in this hall as it was well known only the druids took this route, and most of them, while assholes to the students, were too chicken shit to even glance sideways at a druid. Even if it wasn’t so early, the students would not have been in this hall because most of them knew exactly where it led.

  The stone staircase spiraled up, seemingly endlessly above us, and magically lit torches were the only light to guide us up to our destination. I was excited to show her my sanctuary, I felt part of me needed to share this with her. I stopped when I heard her almost out of breath, instantly feeling bad that I rushed her. I knew the stairs were a workout in itself, but coupled with the increasing altitude, it was no wonder she was panting. “It’s not much farther,” I assured her.

  “How are you not out of breath?” she huffed as she shot me a glare. “And how do you know we are almost there? It all looks the same to me.”

  “I come up here often. I’m used to the climb,” I chuckled. “Feel that breeze?” Her face scrunched up in concentration as she struggled to feel the faint trickle of breeze that made its way down the staircase. Her brow furrowed together and made me want to kiss those cute little lines away on her forehead. Her eyes lit up and I knew she could feel it. “That breeze means we’re almost there. I promise the view will be worth it.”

  I had a hard time containing my excitement as she nodded and followed me with renewed vigor. I’d never been up here with anyone before, except one person, but that was someone I didn’t want to think about. He was a broken, hurt soul. One that I should have left to the dragons, but I saw something in him that reminded me of my brother and I was unable to help myself.

  I tried to wash away the frown, thankful she couldn’t see it, as I thought about the boy that was still caught in an endless battle that I couldn’t save him from. I could only take peace in the fact that I saved his life once, gave him a second chance, where I had failed my brother.

  I tried to hold onto the hope that he would someday earn his freedom and escape this
place. He had shown me something within him that day, a kindness that he worked so hard to hide from everyone around him, but I knew better. The internal struggle he fought I knew was hard on him, and I hoped he didn’t give in.

  We reached a rickety door at the top of the staircase, the wood barely holding together anymore. I could have fixed it but it reminded me of the strength that held together all my broken pieces. The breeze was stronger here, whistling through the holes where wood had worn away. It was a sound of hope in my mind.

  I turned to Eva and she looked at me with a look of hesitation. “You can’t always judge a book by its cover,” I smiled broadly as excitement thrummed through my body.

  I couldn’t help but watch her expression as I opened the door and revealed the top of the turret, a flat surface that was surrounded in clouds. Small breaks in them allowed a view of the rising sun. The sun had barely crept over the horizon leaving streaks of orange, pink, and pale blue across the sky.

  For the first time I didn’t stand in awe of its beauty. Instead, I watched her reaction to the beauty that was in front of us. “Wow, Sebastian,” she breathed out in awe. “This is like a painting. It’s so much more beautiful than anything I could have ever imagined.” I couldn’t hold myself back any longer and I crossed the small distance to take her in my arms.

  “Its beauty doesn’t hold a candle to yours,” I whispered before kissing her tenderly. Her arms wrapped around my neck and I felt her fingers glide through my hair, her nails scraping my scalp. I moaned and pulled her body closer to mine.


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