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Wintertide Page 19

by Everly Taylor

  I whimpered when he broke off the kiss, “Sorry Ice. I need to get you to breakfast. I’d go crazy if I had to spend so much time away from you again.”

  “It was only a few days,” I laughed as he took my hand.

  “An hour is too long,” he declared and I practically swooned. His wing wrapped around me, the soft obsidian feathers brushing against my face as I was enveloped in the dark scent that was uniquely his. It felt as if we were the only two people in the world and nothing could hurt us as long as we were together.

  All eyes were on us as we entered the cafeteria. The loud chatter that had reached us before we entered fell to a deafening silence as everyone watched us. It was uncomfortable and I was thankful to have his strong presence to keep me from running the other way. They all watched Calex as he sauntered through the aisle, his black wings and commanding presence leaving me just as speechless as the rest of the inmates. It left me feeling a part of something like I had never been before now that he chose to be with me.

  Through the silence, I heard the familiar laugh of Carmen ring out through the room, echoing off the walls. I rolled my eyes knowing that it was her way of getting the attention she so desperately wanted. I blew it off until I heard a giggle that stopped me in my tracks. It was full of evil and malice, one that I had heard my whole life.

  I stopped and spun around, still gripping Calex’s hand, certain that my ears must have been mistaken. All the blood rushed to my head as I identified the person that sat across from the harpy, that familiar smug smile on her face.

  “Alayna,” her name came out as a whisper on my lips. My head spun and I leaned into Calex as she looked at me smugly. Her satisfied grin made my stomach sink as I knew she had seen me caught off guard and weak. I knew better than anyone to not show my weakness in front of her.

  The blood pounded in my ears as I watched my sister stand from her place next to Carmen and my vision started to blacken around the edges in my panic. Calex must have known something was up because he pinched my palm, snapping me out of whatever the fuck I’d been getting ready to do.

  I squeezed his hand gratefully, never taking my eyes off her as she sauntered over to us. “Who is that?” Calex asked.

  “Better question is what the fuck is she doing here?” I muttered as she stopped in front of us and shot me her malicious grin.

  “What, no warm welcome for your dear sister?” she sneered cockily. “I would think you would be excited to see a familiar face. Though from what I heard, you have been getting quite familiar with a lot of faces.” A small murmur washed across the crowd that had gathered at her declaration.

  Rage boiled in me at her words and I fought to maintain my control. Prickles raced across my skin, and I struggled to remember Jaxon’s instructions, though I made an attempt. I took a deep breath and willed the tingles to recede. I wasn’t sure if my magic stopped or if it was Calex’s effect on me. Either way, I was grateful that I wasn’t going to make a scene. After a moment I spoke, deciding to play her little game. “So Mother and Father finally figured you out, didn’t they?”

  For a fleeting moment her smile faltered and that was all I needed to know. I hit that one on the head. It returned quickly though, and anyone who didn’t know her as well as I did would never have noticed. She tilted her head to the side and narrowed her eyes on me. “I think a part of them always knew the truth. You were just so pathetic and easy to blame though, especially after the nanny incident. It was so easy to rile you up and make you lose control,” she laughed maliciously as Carmen stepped next to her.

  “At least I can control my powers. You were such an embarrassment to the family it was simple for them to toss you aside.” Her words stung, but I knew she was just trying to provoke me. Instead of lashing out, I let her rant, hoping like always she would get caught up in herself and I would find out something.

  She confirmed the reason as I stayed quiet and she started talking again. “Once you were gone, I lost my plaything, lost someone to blame it on, so I started having fun with the staff. Jameson told me about the maids rallying together to tell Mother and Father the truth. He was a good fuck, and convenient being the butler, but he wouldn’t do anything to stop them. He was one of them. Apparently they all felt bad you were sent away. So I did something about it instead,” she shrugged as if it were no big deal. “Father didn’t like catching me torturing the maids that wanted to come to your defense,” her shrill laugh raced along my skin. She had no remorse for what she had done. I doubted she ever would. “Oh they screamed so pretty, if I had only had a few more minutes with them,” she trailed off.

  “You’re fucking crazy,” I said in disbelief. By now, I should have expected this from her, but to torture the maids because they wanted to stand up for what was right? It was beyond what even I knew she was capable of. I thought her maliciousness only extended to me. It seemed I was wrong.

  “Crazy? You haven’t even begun to see crazy yet,” she stated darkly as she turned on her heels and sauntered off.

  I stood staring after her, angry and astonished. Angry at myself for yet again allowing her to get the better of me, allowing myself to fear her. Anger at my parents for putting me through hell my entire life only for them to finally figure it out after they threw me in this place. And why would they put her in Shadow Isle knowing that she hated me and I was right all along?

  “I can feel your anger, Ice. And as much as I love the taste, I don’t like to see you this way.” Calex’s wing shivered against my back, “Want to get out of here and talk about it?”

  I straightened my shoulders, “Not until after we eat.” I refused to do anything my sister would consider a weakness. If I were to survive being here with her, I would need to be strong no matter what. And considering how she was all over Carmen, I had a feeling those two were plotting something. I’d need to watch my back now more than ever.

  “Six, three, five,” I told Henry at the counter, Calex and Blade both stood behind me, keeping their eyes on the newcomer. I knew with them here I had nothing to worry about, but they couldn’t always be around to protect me, could they? I moved to the table keeping Alayna in my line of vision without letting her know until we got to our spot and I had to turn my back on her to sit.

  “I’ll watch her,” Blade grunted. “Eat.”

  “Are we back to caveman talk,” I teased as I tried to lighten the mood. “And here I thought we made so much progress with you pissing on me and everything.”

  Calex whipped around to face me, “Excuse me?” His voice had that deadly sexy tone that did things to my lady bits.

  Blade decided to finally use his words, “She was in danger so I marked her with my scent. The little mermaid over here decided it would be funny to tell Eva I peed on her.” He pointed to Una, turning to glare at her when he was finished speaking.

  She cackled and slapped him on the back, earning a very scary sounding growl from Blade. “Oh hush kitty. You deserved that one for marking my friend without telling her.”

  He grunted and turned back to stare in the direction of my sister's table while I shoved food around my tray.

  “You need to eat, Ice,” Calex said, noting my lack of interest in my plate.

  I lifted the plastic spoon to my mouth and took a bite, the normally tasteless food being even more revolting than normal. “Not really feeling it today, if you know what I mean,” I murmured. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  “Una, are you okay if I- you know?” I asked as I cleared my throat. She grinned from ear to ear, and that was all the answer I needed as I stood and lifted my tray. Calex slipped it from my hand and carried it to the window before wrapping his hand around my waist and we left from the cafeteria.

  At the door I made the mistake of looking back at Alayna and her malicious glare told me this was not over yet. I pointedly looked away and hoped that I would figure out how to handle her before it was too late.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  I led the guys down the hall
as Una had shown me, though neither of them seemed a bit surprised by where we were headed. Blade I could understand because he had just been stuck outside that same door but my curiosity piqued at how Calex knew.

  I thought about how I would explain everything to Calex, keep him from not only being upset that Blade had marked me, but that I had bonded, even unknowingly with Sebastian. I had just gotten him back and I didn’t want to lose him again.

  We pushed through the door, warning us that no students were allowed and I stopped in front of the brick wall. I had no clue how she opened it, but I was determined to figure it out. Maybe talking some of this out with them would help me figure out what to do.

  Calex reached over my shoulder and depressed a brick with ease, making the wall slide back and expose the hidden room. “How did you-?” I started, but he quickly ushered me in, and Blade followed.

  Calex pushed the brick inside to close the room and quickly we were hidden behind the brick wall. My shoulders sagged in relief, knowing that even for a moment we didn’t have to worry about listening ears. That I wouldn’t have to worry about my sister ruining things in my life yet again.

  “Well, Ice,” Calex started. “Care to explain?”

  I swallowed hard and I felt the blood drain from my face. I knew he would have to find out, but I didn’t want it to be like this. I took a deep breath and looked at him, hoping for understanding. “Look, I don’t know how it happened. We were just on the roof and one thing led to another. I wish I could say I’m sorry it happened, but I’m not. I’m just sorry I didn’t tell you right away, and I’m sorry if it hurt you,” I blurted out.

  Blade busted out in laughter, his deep laugh echoing through the room and even in the less than ideal situation I found myself responding to him. “Glad you think it’s funny,” I scoffed.

  I turned back to Calex and noticed that he was smiling too, “What exactly are you talking about, Ice?”

  “You’re going to make me say it?” I asked quietly. Frowning when he nodded. “Okay, Sebastian and I had sex while you were in solitary. And I think- I think we’re bonded. There it is, out in the open. Hate me or not, but I’m not sorry.”

  They both laughed again making me scowl in confusion. “Care to explain what’s so funny?”

  “Ice,” he came over to me and stroked his hands down my arms sending heated chills racing along my skin. He stopped and held one of my hands in his own and lifted the other to my chin, raising it so I looked at him. “I already knew before I came to see you. I saw the professor and could smell you all over him,” he explained. “Not to mention I would have known the moment I saw you since a binding like that is rare and very hard to miss when you are connected to the person,” his words contracted his voice, there was only affection there, no hatred as I had expected.

  “You’re not mad?” I asked surprised.

  “Mad? Hell no. If I am going to share you with anyone I’m glad it’s him. We came to an understanding when he put me in solitary, one where we are putting your safety above all else. Still, I’m surprised that's for sure. I didn’t think the professor had it in him,” he chuckled good-humoredly. “As long as he treated you right, and it appears he did, then I am not mad.” He tugged me close and took my lips in his as he wrapped his arms around my waist. His dick pressed against me, and as he pulled back I glanced down, curious if it was as big as it felt.

  My tongue darted out subconsciously across my lips and my blood heated as I could still taste him. He took my hand and led it to the bulge against his pants, resting my hand against his hardness. “I’m really not mad, Ice. I feel something completely different,” he told me huskily.

  “I see,” I said throatily as I swallowed. “I think I’m feeling the same thing.”

  “Do you want to?” he asked, moving my hand to his waistline. I answered by flicking it open, the pressure of his cock pushing the zipper open as it sprung free. I looked down eagerly at him, my eyes going wide not only at the size of him but also when I noticed the small glint of metal at the tip.

  “Like that?” he chuckled.

  “I didn’t think people actually did it,” I laughed back as I gingerly touched his piercing. Calex shuddered out a breath as I stroked the length of him and teased the metal before moving back down his shaft. A small bead of moisture escaped into my palm and I bit my bottom lip. I wondered what it tasted like, what it would feel like in my mouth.

  I felt Blade come up behind me and he ran his hand up my back, before leaning over and kissing my neck. “On your knees kitten,” he growled.

  I looked over my shoulder at him curiously, “What?” I managed to stammer as my heart began to race. It surprised me that I had forgotten he was in the room, more so that he came over to get involved. I loved this dominant side of Blade though and part of me wanted to test him, but a larger part of me wanted to obey.

  “I can tell you want to taste him, and you're going to do exactly that.” His hand fisted in my hair as he leaned closer and whispered in my ear. “On your knees,” he demanded, making me shudder out a breath.

  I looked to Calex and with hooded eyes, he nodded his approval. Excitement thrummed through me knowing that I wanted this and he was okay with it.

  I did as Blade told me and lowered myself to my knees. The hard floor bit into my flesh, but I didn’t care. I was eager to feel Calex finally, to taste him as he had me.

  Calex stepped forward and I reached between us and stroked him again, the small tremor that ran through his body giving me courage. My mouth opened hungrily and I gripped the base of his cock as he slid between my lips.

  The cool taste of metal from his ring hit my tongue first and the sensation of it along with the heat of his cock sliding into my mouth spurred me forward. My pussy clenched in anticipation, wanting to feel him the way I had Sebastian, but first I wanted this.

  He was too large to take fully in my mouth but I glided down until he hit the back of my throat, his moan above me telling me everything I needed to know. I shifted on my knees so I could watch him as his breath came out ragged above me and he fisted his hand in my hair for control. Again and again I took him into my mouth, pulling back to lick the tip before moving back down.

  I felt Blade shift behind me as he slid his hand down my stomach and down to my skirt. I stopped for a second and looked at him. “Don’t stop, kitten,” he growled. “Take it.” Blade pulled my skirt up my thigh and pressed his hand against the outside of my panties, gently prodding a finger against the thin fabric as he found me already aroused. “Oh you like this, don’t you?” He whispered against my neck.

  Wordlessly I nodded my head as he guided my head back to Calex. “More kitten.”

  My hand gripped the base of Calex’s cock as I took him in my mouth again, stroking my hand up to meet my mouth every time I came down on him. His taste was amazing, something I had never known I would crave so much before but now that I had him, I didn’t want to stop.

  Blade slid a finger between my folds and stroked me, quickly adding another and building my pleasure as he thrust in time with my motions. I moaned around Calex’s dick as I laved my tongue over him, sucking and licking as I bobbed my head up and down eagerly. I felt him tense above me and his hand fisted a little tighter in my hair making me moan again. I moved faster and as I did Blade did as well, the dual sensations making my body pulse with need.

  Blade slid his hand out to play with my sensitive clit and my body began to tremble with the building pleasure. “Not yet, kitten,” he growled out against my shoulder, making me moan against Calex as my grip grew a bit tighter around him.

  I sucked harder, more desperate now to feel my climax as Blade mixed his attention between rubbing my clit and slipping inside me. The bliss was so great it was almost painful as he thrust his fingers inside me, gripping my hips to make me take it. “Cum for us, kitten,” he demanded as I let out a small whimper around Calex’s dick. I breathed out heavily as my orgasm washed over me and helplessly I shifted back from Calex
and leaned against Blade as he made me ride out my pleasure against his hand.

  “Fuck Ice, I need you now,” Calex breathed out as he reached down and pulled me to my feet. I looked back at Blade who watched hungrily. For a moment I was self-conscious about him watching, but the desire in his eyes quickly erased it. It seemed these two brought out a side of me I would have never considered.

  Calex dragged me against him and captured my mouth, devouring every inch of my soul it seemed. His hand ran under my skirt and yanked my panties, the fabric tearing easily with his strength. I started to let out a sound of protest but he didn’t give me time as he lifted me and wrapped my legs around his waist.

  His wings brushed against my thighs, the soft contrast of them against his hard muscles turned me on even more. Made me desperate to have him fill me. He spun us around and backed me into the brick wall. The coarse surface clung to my shirt, but I didn’t care as he shifted me, his muscled arms bunching beneath my grip as he eased into me.

  He paused for a moment and tucked his head against my shoulder, “Fuck, Ice,” he muttered heatedly. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself much longer.” My pussy clenched around him as I adjusted to his size and the idea of me making him lose control.

  Over his shoulder I spotted Blade leaning against the crates, watching intently as he pulled his cock from its confines. He slowly stroked the length of himself and his action made me eager to have him watch while Calex fucked me against the wall.

  Brazenly I lifted a hand to Calex’s wing and trailed my fingers across the obsidian surface. A tremor raced through him as I arched my back against the wall and took him deeper. “Take me Calex,” I murmured.

  It was like my words unleashed the demon within him as he gripped my hips hard and thrust into me. He was no longer gentle as I grasped his shoulders until my nails dug into him and he relentlessly pounded into me again and again.


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